View Full Version : Traveling to NH

08-11-2012, 05:27 PM
New Yorkers, how is it traveling over the GW Bridge and taking the Cross Bronx Expressway to the Bruckner Expressway and up I-95 to Connecticut? Any speed traps or road hazards we would need to know about?

Ms. Denmark
08-11-2012, 06:32 PM
Eric says to avoid that whole stretch of road. It's a disaster!! Instead take rte 81 N to 78 E to 287 N (in NJ) then take 87 North =the NY through way (in the Mahwah area) to 84 E at Newburgh. It's a nice drive and much cheaper!

08-11-2012, 06:36 PM
We will be leaving from Baltimore that morning and heading up the NJTP and that seemed the quickest way.

08-11-2012, 07:20 PM
Yeah, I just made a round trip to NYC from RI today. Traffic, traffic and more traffic...NY and Connecticut. I95 sucks in that area.

08-11-2012, 07:38 PM
I was looking at the map and this may work for me also i avoid the city
NJTP up to 80 then to 87 and over the tappen zee bridge then catch saw mill parkway to 684 then catch 84 all the way up to 290 495 293 and 93 up to hotel .

it says its a longer route 346 miles 6 hours and 31 min

I think i can shave some time off and aviod the city

08-11-2012, 08:16 PM
As a CT resident with more than just the occasional road trip to/from NJ and the Mid Atlantic for work I 100% endorse Eric's route...do not take I-95 through CT when you can go 287 / I-84...


08-11-2012, 08:55 PM
I was looking at the map and this may work for me also i avoid the city
NJTP up to 80 then to 87 and over the tappen zee bridge then catch saw mill parkway to 684 then catch 84 all the way up to 290 495 293 and 93 up to hotel .

it says its a longer route 346 miles 6 hours and 31 min

I think i can shave some time off and aviod the city

I would take a route very similar to this when driving to/from the Boston area to NC when I was stationed there for four years...I made the mistake of staying on I-95 thru Conn once....and only once...almost missed my son's first b-day, but managed to make it to the base by 10pm...

08-12-2012, 05:45 AM
As a CT resident with more than just the occasional road trip to/from NJ and the Mid Atlantic for work I 100% endorse Eric's route...do not take I-95 through CT when you can go 287 / I-84...


+1 on this^^^^!

08-12-2012, 05:15 PM
Ok, taking Eric's route. Thank you everyone, Eric gets a big hug when I see him on Thursday. ;)

Ms. Denmark
08-12-2012, 05:19 PM
Ok, taking Eric's route. Thank you everyone, Eric gets a big hug when I see him on Thursday. ;) Eric can't wait!! :D

Larry Durham
08-12-2012, 05:46 PM
I don't want to step on anyone toes but I drove to central NJ 4--5 time a year and the best route I found was 287n in NJ to 87n inNY to 684n to 84e in Ct to 90e MA Pike to 290e through Worcester Ma. to 495n to Rt 3 north in Lowell Ma. to Concord NH. Time from Worsester is 3.30 hrs. to Three Brideges NJ.Time from Worcester to Concord is 1.4 hrs. If you go 84e over the Newburg Bridge you'll add aprox. 1 hr. to your trip due to the loop 84n takes through NY.

Hope this helps.

Ms. Denmark
08-12-2012, 05:52 PM
I don't want to step on anyone toes but I drove to central NJ 4--5 time a year and the best route I found was 287n in NJ to 87n inNY to 684n to 84e in Ct to 90e MA Pike to 290e through Worcester Ma. to 495n to Rt 3 north in Lowell Ma. to Concord NH. Time from Worsester is 3.30 hrs. to Three Brideges NJ.Time from Worcester to Concord is 1.4 hrs. If you go 84e over the Newburg Bridge you'll add aprox. 1 hr. to your trip due to the loop 84n takes through NY.

Hope this helps. To each is own, Larry.:D (We don't like stretches of 684 due to road condition. But it may be a bit shorter.);) As long as everyone arrives safely we are happy!

Larry Durham
08-12-2012, 06:03 PM
If you go 87n over th Tappen Zee bridge you have to bear right to the Sawmill Parkway to get to 684n