View Full Version : The 3rd Annual New Hampshre Meet: Were YOU There???
Ms. Denmark
08-20-2012, 12:56 PM
Awesome turnout this year in New Hampshire. We got our own class at the car show (Class 29) and there were 6 trophies awarded to Marauders over the 2 days!! Congratulations to our winners!!
The Official Attendance List
Beantownmm Mark
Burt Ragio Kurt
Billboard Bill
CourtMarshall Court (at least that's what I call him!)
Doom Jake & Amanda
DWSTANG67 Dean ~ 3rd place trophy Sunday
Haggis Gordon ~ 3rd place trophy Saturday
Ladyhawke Chris ~ 1st place trophy Sunday
Larry Durham Larry~ 1st place trophy Sat.
Mainiac Rich
MM03MOK Mary
Mr. Man Eric aka"Erica"(thanks Gordon):D
Ms. Denmark Paula aka "Paul" (again^^^):P
NavySeabee Pete & Wendy
nhmuscle Ken
P71 George & Paula 2nd place trophy Sat.
PRCARGUY John & boys Joseph & Daniel
RacerX Bill & Tracy
vtwoodsman John & Marianne
Wb1dgp Jim~ 2nd place trophy Sun.
PS. RFOverlord, Comin'in Hot and Odinson...we missed you guys!:cool:
Ms. Denmark
08-20-2012, 01:05 PM
By the day: Wed, August 16. Eric and I come up to Concord a day early.
Ms. Denmark
08-20-2012, 01:48 PM
Official event kickoff day, Thursday, August 16th:
Eric and I left the Hampton Inn Thursday AM to take a dry run around Lake Winnipesaukee to check out the route, then stopped by the Speedway to talk with Susan Colby about the weekend. We kept an eye on the weather, but it was beautiful and dry. When we pulled back into the hotel around 4 pm, we met NavySeabee and his wife Wendy for the first time. After 3 minutes, we felt we'd known them forever. So much fun! (Plus they love cats and have adorable grandchildren!) We are so happy we got to know you guys! Definitely keepers! LOL
DWSTANG67 and Wb1dgp (now MarauderJim) also arrived. We'd met Dean before, but really enjoyed getting to know him better. A great guy and a nice sense of humor!! Our only DBP owner, Jim, was new to us but not for long! What an interesting guy, and he made a great addition to our group! (He really helped me stay on schedule);) Both of these guys are keepers, too!
MM03MOK (Bunny) arrived from the Cape and was a sight for sore eyes! We always enjoy Bunny's company! Thanks, Mary & for picking up the cost of admission to The Wright Museum for our group!
PRCARGUY brought his boys Joseph and Daniel over to the hotel before he took them out for pizza. Fortunately we get to see them fairly often at our local meets but are so glad they came up to this one! John is great and we love his boys!
At some point, NavySeabee and Wendy left for an earlier dinner and the rest of us eventually headed (locally) to The Common Man where we relaxed and enjoyed each others company. (We decided not to make the hour long trip up to Ella Coya since Gordon wasn't there to join us) Haggis & Ladyhawke ( who had been visiting Gordon's dad in Keene) and P71 & Paula (all the way from Kentucky) also showed up. We always love seeing them every chance we get! Such good peeps!!
We spent the rest of the evening sitting in the lobby chit chatting over a little wine and some cookies....good times. Ordered a wake-up call for tomorrow at 7 am then off to bed.
08-20-2012, 02:09 PM
Awesome turnout this year in New Hampshire. We got our own class at the car show (Class 29) and there were 6 trophies awarded to Marauders over the 2 days!! Congratulations to our winners!!
Looked to be a really great time .... I'll have to work hard at making the trip to New Hampshire next year.
Congrats to all the attendees for a great showing at NHMS. Way to represent the MM.Net gang. :up:
Congrats to all the :trophy: winners on both Saturday and Sunday's events.
Thanks to Ms. Denmark and Mr. Man for taking the "point" and doing the legwork to organize and coordinate a regional event that now ranks among the best attended events.
Ms. Denmark
08-20-2012, 03:22 PM
Looked to be a really great time .... I'll have to work hard at making the trip to New Hampshire next year.
Yes, Charlie! You and Bernie will be MOST welcome!!:)
Friday, August 17th Events:
Eric and I woke up at 7 AM but didn't manage to stumble down to breakfast until almost 8. Looked out in our parking area. Some of the guys already had their cars wiped down and looking great. Met most of the gang who were staying in the hotel, in the breakfast area. Where's the coffee!! PRCARGUY and the boys showed up to convoy with us. (They were staying elsewhere this trip.) Shortly before we were set to roll out, Doom (aka Aftermidnite) and Amanda rolled in. They had driven all night to get here in time to join us. It was great to see them and to meet Amanda for the first time. All I can say is that Marauder men have great taste in women! ;) Thanks guys for making the trip, even tho it would not turn out exactly as we had planned! You both handled that situation so well and we enjoyed your company for as long as we had you. Thanks to some help from Jim, we were on our way out the hotel driveway only about 5 minutes behind schedule for our car cruise around the lake with stops at Castle in the Clouds and The Wright Museum.
We arrived at Castle in the Clouds about 10:45 AM and convoyed up the narrow one-way road up the mountain and through the woods to our first stop to walk the 200 yards to a waterfall. Parking was a bit tight, so we parked 2 deep. Had quite a few people come over to ask about the cars and many seemed amazed that there were license plates from so many states among our group!
The weather was still really rain this AM! Whew! In fact when we got to the next stop up the mountain at an overlook, the views were stunning! There were hawks soaring high overhead but as soon as Gordon started talking to them (in their language), we suddenly had lots of hawks circling quite close.:eek: Life is never dull with Gordon around. More on that later!
We made the last leg of the trip up to the main parking area and proceeded to the Carriage House and Cafe which had a large terrace dining area with spectacular views across Lake Winnipesaukee. It was 11:30 am and we decided to have lunch. The sun was shining and the food and company were good! We sat under big umbrellas, relaxed and enjoyed ourselves.
After eating, we took the trolley up to the tippy top of the mountain to The Castle. WOW! Talk about feeling on top of the world! A very nice lady gave us a introductory talk about the house and it's original owner, a multimillionaire, 5 ft. tall , womanizing women's shoes mogul. (who left his first wife for younger and outdoorsier "Olive" who was 6 feet tall.):D What a guy! But what a home he built on top of the mountain. Jake pointed out that there were several busts of Napoleon scattered about. It was quite interesting and was fully decorated for the period. (about 1914) The grounds were beautiful too. I could definitely see me and Mr. Man happily living there and figure we would only need a cook, butler, groundskeeper, housemaid(make that 2, there were a zillion bathrooms) a chauffeur and a mechanic and prolly someone to walk the Weiner dogs and Buddy. We are taking applications!:D
Upon finishing our tour, some of us chose to walk back down the trail to the carriage house rather than wuss out and ride the trolley. I walked down with Amanda and we talked the whole way about her very interesting job. We met the rest of the gang and got a video of all the cars leaving, thanks to Jim's idea and camera, and Gordon who was the camera man! We were running a little late, but we made it down to The Wright Museum with an hour to spare.
The museum was nicely done and had an extensive and very interesting collection of WWII memorabilia. Young Joseph got himself a Sherman tank in the gift shop. Thanks to Mary & for picking up the cost of our admission!
08-20-2012, 03:48 PM
You know if I knew Mr Man was driving his marauder I would have showed up :lol:
I hope next year, so close yet so far away:alone:
Ms. Denmark
08-20-2012, 03:50 PM
You know if I knew Mr Man was driving his marauder I would have showed up :lol:
I hope next year, so close yet so far away:alone:
Yup! It turned over 20,000 on the trip! Please do come next year, Jim!
Ms. Denmark
08-20-2012, 05:22 PM
Friday August 17, events cont.
Unfortunately I didn't get any pics at the Castle (my camera battery died):(.
After leaving the Wright Museum to return to our cars, Doom's car would not start. Talk about crappy luck! And it was threatening to pour rain!Everyone offered their opinion and tried to help in any way they could. Jake was able to speak with RacerX (Bill) by phone. He suggested trying a fuel pressure sensor from another car so Mr. Man swapped his out to try in Doom's car. No luck. Amanda got on the phone to AAA to arrange for the car to be flat bedded back to the Ford dealer in Concord only to be told it would be at least 3 hours before the truck would arrive. Both Jake and Amanda wanted to stay with the car, so while the rest of us reluctantly left for the hour trip back to Concord, Mary and PRCARGUY remained with them. And then it started to rain and it poured cats and dogs. Just before our convoy got back to town, Mary text-ed that the flatbed was picking up the car already and they were heading back! I think it was also about the time that Gordon suddenly lapsed into a Chinese dialect on the radios. It became catching as George (P71) joined in. We almost split our sides laughing!! A little comedy was most welcome by that point and the two of them were funny! :D This became a running gag for the duration....
We had group reservations for dinner, and a surprise birthday cake for Mary, at the Red Blazer for 7:30 pm. As we rushed to freshen up and get over to the restaurant it continued to rain. Pulling into the parking lot we noticed a SB Marauder already parked. Who could this be? It turned out to be Mainiac (Rich) from Maine, who had just purchased his car about 2 weeks ago! I think it took guts to drive over to join a bunch of people you have never met and haven't even interacted with much on line. We could have been a bunch of axe murderers for all he knew! But of course we aren't...and we liked Rich immediately! Hey, he drives .... a Silver Birch...what's not to like! Thank you for taking a chance on us, Rich! Glad to have you aboard! (he's a keeper, too):)
At the conclusion of our meal, Paula (Mrs. P71) gave me the high sign. I casually glanced over and saw the waitress holding the special cake I'd ordered for Mary. (See pic) Someone launched into "Happy Birthday" and as we all joined in, Mary looked around to see whose birthday it might be. The look on her face when the cake was set down in front of her was priceless. I think she was really surprised!
Cake was served and enjoyed, then we headed back to the hotel. I called it an early night (about 10:30 pm) as I was fading fast and we had another early wake up for Saturday! We all agreed to roll at 8:30 AM for the NHMS Car Show...
08-20-2012, 06:17 PM
We arrived home not long after you, about 1am. Yes, we ended up taking one of my famous detours, what Gordon likes to call them. But, it was a safe and enjoyable ride home even if a little long.
Gordon had me laughing so hard when he was speaking in that Chinese accent that I could not breath.
Thank you again Paula and Eric for arranging the meet. We had a great time and look foward to next year.
Ms. Denmark
08-20-2012, 07:22 PM
Saturday, August 18: The Car Show!
Well the big day dawned and it was not raining! We had breakfast with Jim, George and Paula (I love that there's another Paula),and Mary and Vtwoodsman and Marianne had arrived! It was great to see John & Marianne! They had gotten up at 1 am to make the trip from Vermont. Most of the guys had the cars wiped down but some were heading off to the car wash. As I was walking back from our parking area a woman stopped me and asked "What's going on here with all those cars? Are you the escort for Pres. Obama?" He just happened to be up here in New Hampshire, too! Great way to start the day. LOL! Then just as we were ready to roll another guy insisted on asking a million questions and then asked to hear Jim's engine. We could hardly extricate ourselves from him, but finally we managed to get going! We were on the road to Loudon and our first Marauder Class at the Speedway! The sun was shining and it was a beautiful day!
Upon reaching the track, we went in to pick up our paperwork and were so proud to see Marauder Class 29 on the sheet! Those of us that had traveled up together were the first to arrive at our designated parking area on the grass. (Vt.woodsman, DWSTANG67, P71, MM03MOK, NavySeabee, PRCARGUY & Boys and MarauderJim. It was prime real estate... right across from the live band, the loo and the trophy tables! Turns out the band (ONE GUY) played nothing but dreary ballads and we wanted to strangle him after an hour. :rolleyes: Haggis, vtwoodsman and NavySeabee brought canopies and we erected Camp Marauder! Very spacious and very welcome shade! Thanks guys!! But there was no time to enjoy it right away because there were cars to detail and judges breathing down our necks!
The rest of the morning and into the early afternoon a total of 18 Marauders took the field. It was a beautiful sight and I was like a kid in a candy store getting to meet in person all the members I had only met online. I was not disappointed! They all exceeded expectations! All keepers! (Burt Ragio, beantownmm, CourtMarshall, nhmuscle, and RacerX & Tracy.) Billboard was there. Bill had been with us last year and took a second place trophy in his class for 2011.(American cars 70's to present). We were all so proud of him! It was great to have you back again this year, Bill! Some of his family joined him this time. (Yup, another keeper). Then came Larry Durham! He has one gorgeous DTR! Larry is just the best. He took first place in our class! Thank you so much for coming back this year, Larry! (Uh huh, keeper for sure). Unfortunately, Doom and Amanda could not be here for judging as the car was in the shop at Ford. Later in the afternoon Bill and Ken (RacerX & nhmuscle) left the show to drive to Concord and help out with the car. It's nice to have friends like that, but that's! You are 2 standup guys for sure!
Then it was 2:30 pm and time for trophies to be awarded. The cars were professionally judged today.
We had a great day and celebrated with our trophy winners! Two were DTRs!!!
1st Place Larry Durham
2nd Place P71 (George)
3rd Place Haggis (Gordon)
Congratulations to you all!!!!!!:banana2:
Ms. Denmark
08-20-2012, 07:38 PM
08-20-2012, 07:42 PM
That was a lot of fun and next year Tracy and I are in on the whole enchilada! Great write-ups by the way Paula! I'm glad Ken got to join in, it meant a lot to me actually that he's been a part of the group. I know why he was so eager to drive to save Jake's car. Jake's car #1 (to see and hear it), #2... I think Ken was getting about 5 miles to the gallon on the way there!!! :D Bo and Luke Duke style baby! All we needed was Roscoe P. Coltrain hot on our tail!!!! :beer:
Ms. Denmark
08-20-2012, 07:45 PM
08-20-2012, 07:47 PM
Geese. Looks like such a fun time. Nice pictures and some familiar faces I see. The birthday cake looked amazing too!
Sent from my iPhone
Eaton Swap + 4.10's = Wreeeeeeeeeedom!!
08-21-2012, 05:09 AM
Me, no undastand why you say I get 3rd place Sataday and Quis (Chris) get 1st place on Sunday??? Same ca...r, Same ca..r!!!!!
Why no I get 1st place Sunday and Quis get 3rd place Sataday!!!!!
Cannot stop speakie Chinese accent.
Ms. Denmark
08-21-2012, 05:51 AM
Me, no undastand why you say I get 3rd place Sataday and Quis (Chris) get 1st place on Sunday??? Same ca...r, Same ca..r!!!!!
Why no I get 1st place Sunday and Quis get 3rd place Sataday!!!!!
Cannot stop speakie Chinese accent. LOLOLOLOLOL
I like Quis better????? :dunno: J/K I love you both!!!!:D Seriously, I don't know....prolly still half asleep. :sleepy: Work it out between the 2 of you. Ask her nicely in Chinese and I'm sure she'll let you have the 1st place trophy.:P
Ms. Denmark
08-21-2012, 07:20 AM
Saturday Afternoon & Evening, August 18 ~Laps and Dinner!
Sometime after trophies were awarded, Larry Durham took his DTR and headed home and MarauderJim took his DBP and headed back to the hotel (he would be back for dinner later) .... and Doom and Amanda, and RacerX & nhmuscle returned from having Doom's car fixed at Ford in Concord. Jake's car sounded great and Jake was sporting his famous grin! Such relief!! We all learned everything there is to know about fuel pressure sensors and the importance of having friends who know all about fuel pressure sensors....and have a spare laying around! RacerX to the rescue. While Bill and Ken were off with Jake in Concord, Eric and I had a chance to talk with Bill's wife, Tracy. (Again, another example of these guys with Marauders also having wives/GFs as special as their cars! Every single wife/GF we met on this trip, starting with Wendy, are just amazing) Anyway, Tracy knows a lot about things to see and do in New Hampshire and she gave us some great ideas for next years meet! It was so nice to meet her! Thanks, I'll be talking with you again, Tracy!!
About 5pm we all fired up the Marauders and headed for the laps staging area. Supercharged in the front. There were a handful of other vehicles also waiting to take laps. A quick chat with Susan Colby and I confirmed that the Marauders would be on the track sans the riff raff.:D The rules were to be strictly adhered to: NO BURNOUTS, NO HANGING BACK TOO FAR (except on the front stretch) NO PASSING EACH OTHER & NO PASSING THE PACE CAR) Simple enough.:rolleyes: Susan wanted to talk to all our drivers about this but I assured her that none of my crowd needed a lecture.
The "assorted other vehichles" group was to go out first. We all lined up and went thru the tunnel entrance to the track and pulled in to wait our turn. The track was configured for the road course, which some of us had driven the previous 2 years. Off went the group with the jeeps, GN and pick-up truck. Oops! Was that a burnout we saw and heard???? Why yes, it was! Not once, not twice, but 3 times.:eek: Right across the front stretch.....:shake: Oh Boy! Was Susan Colby hopping up and down. :mad2: She made a bee line over to where I was standing to watch the first group. "Paula, we need to talk to all your people before you can take your laps. This cannot happen and I want them to know that!" Once again I reassured Susan that it wasn't necessary because all us Marauder drivers understood plain English, knew we were guests on the track and would drive accordingly. I swore on my heart and hoped to die. (Plus I already had Doom's word that he would forgo the smoke show ;)) So now it was our turn! But thanks to the infractions by the previous group, we had the Pace driver stuck in first gear AND a chase car to keep us in line! Oh Boy!
There are several vids of the 3 laps so take a look at those. Vtwoodsman got the worst position right behind the pace car. John said when he tried to hang back to get a run, the pace car would actually slow waaaaay down until he caught up again. Eric and I were last in line, right behind PRCARGUY, and although we had that pick-up with the flashing lights in our rear view, Eric managed some really good runs and pretty good speeds! Wheeeeee! Good thing there was no audio in our car....everybody would have said "I'll have what she's having!!" :D LOL All in all it was fun! The cars looked and sounded great on the track, and several track officials came over later to say so! Way to represent, guys!
Now for some dinner! Some of us made a pit stop up the road at the Shell Station. Suddenly while Eric was pumping gas and I was sitting in the car minding my own business, ZOOM! ZOOM! followed by ZOOM! Three Marauders streaked past going like bats outta Hell! Everybody's head snapped, including mine! LOL I'm pretty sure I caught a glimpse of Gordon and Dean then George.......;)
We all found a place to park at Makris and Jim had rejoined us. Our group filled 2 tables in the back room and we had 2 1/2 waitresses. (one was a pint sized waitress in training) It was during dinner that Gordon made his famous "Paul and Erica" speech. :P Fortunately for Gordon, Eric is quite secure in his manly man-ness (plus he likes his pal Barney) so there was no bloodshed. But if it had come to blows, Gordon had Dean, Jim and George at his table.....but I think we could have taken them because we had John and Bill at our table, plus I think PRCARGUY & his boys at the next table would have sided with Eric. (they all like chocolate chip cookies!);)
Then it was back to the hotel and to bed! Mary went up to her room never to be seen again. She needed to rest up for all that outlet shopping on Sunday! Those going back for Day 2 at the Car Show decided to roll out at 8:30 am. 7 am wake up call comes so soon!
Ms. Denmark
08-21-2012, 07:29 AM
08-21-2012, 07:45 AM
Good thing there was no audio in our car....everybody would have said [B]"I'll have what she's having!!" :D LOL
That good huh ??? Paul and Erica, Harry and Sally, who else??
08-21-2012, 07:46 AM
Now for some dinner! Some of us made a pit stop up the road at the Shell Station. Suddenly while Eric was pumping gas and I was sitting in the car minding my own business, ZOOM! ZOOM! followed by ZOOM! Three Marauders streaked past going like bats outta Hell! Everybody's head snapped, including mine! LOL I'm pretty sure I caught a glimpse of Gordon and George...who was the other?
I was the second zoom right behind Gordon as he says in Chinese
" u u stick like glue to my bumper "
Ms. Denmark
08-21-2012, 08:05 AM
I was the second zoom right behind Gordon as he says in Chinese
" u u stick like glue to my bumper "
Oh that's right, Dean! You blew by so fast it was all just a big, LOUD blur!! :D
I'll get back to finish up the Events and pics on Sunday,(and what a great day we had!) but I need a break. So stay tuned! This is hard work......and I'm no Bluerauder! LOL
08-21-2012, 08:52 AM
I say; "Paula and Erica", I no no who dis Paul guy you speaka about.
Yes it was Dean behind me, he so cwose to weaw bumpa we look likea one ca...
Like the pic of tunnel, this year there was no lady wagging her finger at me as I came through screeching tires.
Ms. Denmark
08-21-2012, 10:37 AM
You're killing me, Gordon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
08-21-2012, 02:00 PM
Me, no undastand why you say I get 3rd place Sataday and Quis (Chris) get 1st place on Sunday??? Same ca...r, Same ca..r!!!!!
Why no I get 1st place Sunday and Quis get 3rd place Sataday!!!!!
Cannot stop speakie Chinese accent.
LOL, I'm freekin' dyin' here! :laugh:
Ms. Denmark
08-21-2012, 04:01 PM
Well, I've rested up, we drove out to PA to pick up Buddy, Belle & Violet from the sitter and now I will tackle the last chapter of our memorable weekend in New year I'm assigning you guys a day a piece!:)
Day 2 at the Car Show~ Sunday, August 19
The day started very early at about 1:30 AM when out of a dead sleep Eric and I sat up in bed. "That's Jake's car leaving!" Who could mistake that exhaust note? We felt bad that he and Amanda had driven all the way up to this New Hampshire meet but due to circumstances beyond their control, they couldn't really enjoy it. Both of them seemed to take everything in stride and remained pleasant throughout. Thanks Jake, for making the effort to come and please come back next year! We did manage to fall right back to sleep until the wake-up call jolted me awake at 7 am.
Down to breakfast with MarauderJim, George and Paula and John and Marianne. Dean may have been there too. Didn't see Mary again to say goodbye but she had mentioned Outlet shopping! Chris and Gordon were sleeping in. Out in the Marauder parking area, George was packing up for the trip home to Kentucky. Pete and Wendy were also heading out to shop for the grand kids before heading home. We said our goodbyes and Eric and I remarked how amazing it is that a car made it possible to meet such great people. Safe travels, guys and we thank you for coming. Can't wait for next time!
There would be a total of 5 Marauders at the show today. Dean, Jim and Eric and I convoyed up to Loudon and pulled into the registration office. I went in to check on how our peer judging was going to be handled since Class 29 WAS NOT ON THE BALLOT!! :eek: I was assured that Susan Colby would be immediately notified and it would be taken care of. We drove over to our assigned parking area. It was a bit smaller than Saturday, but we all had front row exposure. They parked the motorcycles on our corner and the big trucks next to us. We had some Corvettes, an Opal Manta and a Road Runner parked behind us. The weather was glorious... Blue skies with a few high fluffy clouds and a nice little breeze! Chris and Gordon showed up awhile later, followed by John & Marianne. Fortunately they both had canopies and soon Camp Marauder was up and running. We detailed the cars then sat back to enjoy a pretty good little rock band up from MA. What a huge improvement over Saturday! There were 4-5 guys and they played some ZZ Top, AC/DC, Led Zepp, some Jimmi and lots of other toe tapping tunes. We were happy little campers! In another positive move, the Smoke Shack food vendor had moved right near us! Pretty sweet!
Soon enough, the event officials showed up with paper ballots listing our class and began to hand them out to the public. Marianne became our spokes- model and really worked the crowd, encouraging everyone who passed by to stop and fill out their Marauder ballot! I was really out there pimping for Eric's car (a stock '03) but in spite of doing everything short of "giving it away" a trophy eluded him. :o He informed me that next year I will be replaced by our 3 gorgeous co-ed nieces in string thong bikinis. OK, so I'm a little hurt, but I'll take one for the team.....:D Anyway, just wanted to give you all fair warning that Eric intends to sweep 1st, 2nd AND 3rd place in 2013!:beatnik: LOL
That brings me to our well deserving winners this year!
1st place Chris & Gordon!
2nd place MarauderJim!
3rd place DWSTANG67 Dean!
Congratulations to all of you!!
In addition to getting a nice trophy, all the first place winners got tickets to the NASCAR Sylvania 300 in September! BTW Gordon, just in case you received more than 2 tickets, Eric has asked me to remind you how very much he likes and admires you, your car, house, wife, dogs, cats, barn, Black Death, those deer on your property....and he isn't doing a thing that weekend! ;) :D
Well, it was a very nice day all in all! Chris has some great ideas for some goodies we may be able to pull together for all of you who attend next year. Yup, we're already making plans! Eric and I will post up the date as soon as it is set and we hope that every single one of you who came this year will come back next year! We promise to do everything we can to make it worth your time! So until we meet again...
Eric and I want to thank you for making THE THIRD ANNUAL NEW HAMPSHIRE MEET such a success!!!!!
08-21-2012, 05:39 PM
Great day,great bunch of people and some wicked nice cars,I understand why i was 17 out of 17 but i'm not complaining,lol,I'll be there next year for sure , but no one will recognise my SB.
Ms. Denmark
08-21-2012, 06:08 PM
As I said before, Rich, we are so glad you took a chance on coming to join us. It was great to meet you and I look forward to seeing your SB (and you) next year.
08-21-2012, 06:16 PM
Great day,great bunch of people and some wicked nice cars,I understand why i was 17 out of 17 but i'm not complaining,lol,I'll be there next year for sure , but no one will recognise my SB.
You have a SB, I thought your car was black?
Ms. Denmark
08-21-2012, 06:18 PM
You have a SB, I thought your car was black?
Remember when we pulled into The Red Blazer on Friday night and saw the SB parked there? That was Mainiacs.:)
08-21-2012, 06:37 PM
Great day,great bunch of people and some wicked nice cars,I understand why i was 17 out of 17 but i'm not complaining,lol,I'll be there next year for sure , but no one will recognise my SB.
I'll be waiting to see what you do with your SB. :D
08-21-2012, 07:29 PM
You have a SB, I thought your car was black?
Remember when we pulled into The Red Blazer on Friday hite and saw the SB parked there? That was Mainiacs.:)
^^ Gordon posting under my log in AGAIN!! I remember Rich and his SB.
It was great spending the weekend with our Marauder friends!! We had a wonderful time. Look forward to next year!
Thanks again Paula, Eric, Mary, and
Ms. Denmark
08-22-2012, 08:28 AM
^^ Gordon posting under my log in AGAIN!! I remember Rich and his SB.
It was great spending the weekend with our Marauder friends!! We had a wonderful time. Look forward to next year!
Thanks again Paula, Eric, Mary, and
Chris, we are so glad you and Gordon came along again this year! We always enjoy your company and friendship. :beer:
Comin' in Hot
08-22-2012, 10:49 AM
I'm bummed I didnt make it after looking at the pictures, and on top of it I didn't get to see the last marauder:(
Ms. Denmark
08-22-2012, 12:13 PM
I'm bummed I didnt make it after looking at the pictures, and on top of it I didn't get to see the last marauder:(
Well, Derek, there's a simple fix for this...COME NEXT YEAR!!!!!!!!!:D
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