View Full Version : Entitled people of Washington State

08-22-2012, 10:04 AM
I've been a lot of places, I've lived in all 4 corners of the US, but never have I dealt with such sense of entitlement as I see here in Washington.

I get flipped off, honked at, or have brights flashed at me on a nearly daily basis. While I tend to be a more assertive driver, I am by no means an aggressive driver. I'm usually that guy who lets people in, the guy who gets over for those who want to drive faster than me, etc. However, I usually end up being the guy driving faster than everyone else.

What made me post this is the short experience that happened today. It happens on a very regular basis, I just felt like putting something up about it today.

I was driving along home from work on a 4 lane divided highway (2 lanes each side) and after merging on, I get over to the inside lane to pass a group of cars. I am doing 55 in a 50 to pass these cars, and the one at the rear of the pack is a blue Mini Cooper. As I pass the car, the female driver has her middle finger in the window motioning it as if flagging me forward and saying "Go! Go!". In other words, she was expressing her opinion about me passing the group. Previous to the passing, I had zero interaction with this vehicle. I used my signal to move into the left lane, she was already ahead of me when I entered the highway.

So, being the curious fellow that I am, I slow down to pace her for a while. She follows with another finger and another more lewd gesture. Not once did she look over after I passed her then slowed down to pace. I paced her for about a quarter mile then went on about my drive home.

I also get these reactions a lot for trailing someone who sits in the left lane. I don't like passing in the right, it's not safe. My solution is to stay behind them and stagger my car so the headlights are in their mirror. They aren't terribly bright, so it isn't blinding them, but it's enough to be an annoyance until they get over. Many times I will be flipped off or have brights flashed at me for inconveniencing them.

Things like this don't really make me mad. It's more entertaining than anything, and it totally blows me away that people here have such a sense of entitlement. I always think, "I'm glad they did this to me, and not someone else." Road rage is pretty commonplace these days, people should be careful, you never know who you're going to piss off.

I'm sorry for driving on your road. :(

08-22-2012, 10:09 AM
Years ago while driving with an older friend he said relax or you wiLl die young from sickness. Turn up the stereo, tune in to the music and tune out the aholes.

Dr Caleb
08-22-2012, 10:12 AM
I also get these reactions a lot for trailing someone who sits in the left lane. I don't like passing in the right, it's not safe. My solution is to stay behind them and stagger my car so the headlights are in their mirror. They aren't terribly bright, so it isn't blinding them, but it's enough to be an annoyance until they get over. Many times I will be flipped off or have brights flashed at me for inconveniencing them.

Things like this don't really make me mad. It's more entertaining than anything, and it totally blows me away that people here have such a sense of entitlement. I always think, "I'm glad they did this to me, and not someone else." Road rage is pretty commonplace these days, people should be careful, you never know who you're going to piss off.

I'm sorry for driving on your road. :(

People usually get mad at people for breaking the 'rules' of driving that they made up themselves. It's the law! No passing on the right, and you MUST yield the left lane to passing vehicles.

My favourite are the ones who won't get out of the left lane because they hate people who can't 'choose' a lane and stick to it. Which law was that again? lol

Comin' in Hot
08-22-2012, 10:14 AM
Ive been to Washington state twice and they are by far the slowest drivers in the US.

08-22-2012, 10:53 AM
Someone flipped me off the other day. I had passed them (2 lane each way) -as they going slower than the rest but they left their finger up way to long, so I paced right beside them. It was the boyfirend of the girl driving. Then at the next light I got out and knocked hard on the glass of his passenger window. Guy had a look of horror on his face and didn't say anything. This technique can work wonders...

08-22-2012, 11:04 AM
Change the badges on your Marauder so that they say "Prius XL" and I bet your problem goes away. :rolleyes:

08-22-2012, 11:08 AM
I hate most people.

We should fill in pot holes with them.

Sent from my iPhone
Eaton Swap + 4.10's = Wreeeeeeeeeedom!!

08-22-2012, 11:13 AM
Be careful...Still have that warrant out for me..... whenever I told that "Person" that they must of gotten their DL from a Crackerjacks box as they sure didnt know how to drive (their actions were reckless endangerment level of STUPID) local leos sided with the 25 yr old redhead...I guess a fat man ,in shorts and a t-shirt,in wallyworlds parking lot can be intimidating....:censor:

08-22-2012, 11:18 AM
Must be something in the water over there, I've found most people in WA are less likely to do such things than in many of the places I've traveled.

08-22-2012, 12:21 PM
People in Europe will "kill themselves" trying to get out of your way. As will I. (Keep right except to pass?) Most people do not have the concept of "other people" and will sit in the left lane doing 60 in a 65 zone which makes me want to pit maneuver them.

08-22-2012, 12:22 PM
Whenever they flip me the Bird I reply with the Peace Sign, the decent folk apologize by giving me the peace sign back, the others just get madder!:D

Ms. Denmark
08-22-2012, 12:40 PM
It's all in your approach...you CAN control how most people respond to you on the road. I become immediately annoyed by tailgaters, people zooming up behind me or making constant lane changes, all of which I translate into one word.....which starts with A *******.

Disclaimer: IF you are driving a Marauder I welcome all of the above (and you can even cut me off) all of which I translate into one word.....which also starts with A, Awesome!

08-22-2012, 12:54 PM
I'm usually a pretty considerate driver ie. let people merge in front of me, move to the right when not passing, don't get heated when people do stupid things. I haven't had any kind of ticket or accident for about 10 years. One time I was driving with my brother in-law in my Mustang, which is pretty loud I admit. I don't show my ass constantly though, like some do. I was just turning left along with another car (dual left turn lane) and this lady started going ballistic. She looked like she was screaming at me, and all I could do was laugh at how ridiculous she was being. I was driving about 3/4 of a car in front of her to the left and she kept pacing me, then caught up and forcefully pulled her cell phone out and acted like she was punching the buttons, hard. She was mouthing "9!!!! 1!!!! 1!!!!" and had this insanely angry look on her face. I was driving totally normally, hadn't cut her off or anything, wasn't speeding, etc.

All I could think about was how miserable this lady's life must be that she gets so worked up over a loud car driving normally, and how everyone in her life has to deal with her

Mr. Man
08-22-2012, 01:32 PM
I was driving along home from work on a 4 lane divided highway (2 lanes each side) and after merging on, I get over to the inside lane to pass a group of cars. I am doing 55 in a 50 to pass these cars, and the one at the rear of the pack is a blue Mini Cooper. As I pass the car, the female driver has her middle finger in the window motioning it as if flagging me forward and saying "Go! Go!". In other words, she was expressing her opinion about me passing the group. Previous to the passing, I had zero interaction with this vehicle. I used my signal to move into the left lane, she was already ahead of me when I entered the highway.

So, being the curious fellow that I am, I slow down to pace her for a while. She follows with another finger and another more lewd gesture. Not once did she look over after I passed her then slowed down to pace. I paced her for about a quarter mile then went on about my drive home.

As I recall your a single guy so you should have given her the faux fellatio move back:eek: Perhaps your evening may have ended more happily.:banana::D

08-22-2012, 02:01 PM
Someone flipped me off the other day. I had passed them (2 lane each way) -as they going slower than the rest but they left their finger up way to long, so I paced right beside them. It was the boyfirend of the girl driving. Then at the next light I got out and knocked hard on the glass of his passenger window. Guy had a look of horror on his face and didn't say anything. This technique can work wonders...

It can also get you SHOT!!!!

08-22-2012, 03:36 PM
In over 50 years of driving I've noticed that anyone driving faster than me is a maniac and driving slower is an idiot.

Ms. Denmark
08-22-2012, 03:49 PM
in over 50 years of driving i've noticed that anyone driving faster than me is a maniac and driving slower is an idiot.

08-22-2012, 04:06 PM
In over 50 years of driving I've noticed that anyone driving faster than me is a maniac and driving slower is an idiot.

Here, here, I have the exact same observation. If only others would do as we do there would be no maniac or idiot drivers!

Lead, get out of the way or follow!

08-22-2012, 04:11 PM
Get a motorcycle and see how much fun it is in Washington... :argue:

08-22-2012, 04:16 PM
Change the badges on your Marauder so that they say "Prius XL" and I bet your problem goes away. :rolleyes:

This just might do the trick...lol :burnout:

08-22-2012, 04:50 PM
Whenever they flip me the Bird I reply with the Peace Sign, the decent folk apologize by giving me the peace sign back, the others just get madder!:D

The "thumbs up" really gets them jacked up. Or blow them a kiss, works even better if they are the same gender as yourself.:D

08-22-2012, 06:16 PM
The problem is 2-fold. Drivers ED is no longer taught (properly) and the DMV passes everyone no matter how bad they actually fail the roadtest.

Because of this the majority of drivers out there are clueless as to the definition of "merge" or "yield" and are clueless that there are even rules governing lane useage. :shake:

08-22-2012, 07:05 PM
Someone flipped me off the other day. I had passed them (2 lane each way) -as they going slower than the rest but they left their finger up way to long, so I paced right beside them. It was the boyfirend of the girl driving. Then at the next light I got out and knocked hard on the glass of his passenger window. Guy had a look of horror on his face and didn't say anything. This technique can work wonders...

You took a big chance. That person could have been a nutcase.

And, you were the aggressor when you got out and knocked on the window.

08-22-2012, 07:46 PM
As I recall your a single guy so you should have given her the faux fellatio move back:eek: Perhaps your evening may have ended more happily.:banana::D

That's my move, also works wonders, just sayin

Look at the end of the day, every state has stupid people. Take a look at the crap we see in Atlanta every day, it would make your head spin.

There is no underestimating the stupidity of the average person. Sit back, enjoy the ride and arrive safely.

If your driving a Marauder(and I know you are juice) wave as you pass them with the hammer down

The Ice Bucket Approves of this message

SC Cheesehead
08-22-2012, 11:54 PM
That's my move, also works wonders, just sayin

Look at the end of the day, every state has stupid people. Take a look at the crap we see in Atlanta every day, it would make your head spin.

There is no underestimating the stupidity of the average person. Sit back, enjoy the ride and arrive safely.

If your driving a Marauder(and I know you are juice) wave as you pass them with the hammer down

The Ice Bucket Approves of this message

Yeah, but I swear the highest concentration of the dumbest ones have GA plates on their cars, and the largest percentage of those are from ATL... ;) ------>:D

08-23-2012, 12:59 AM
. .

08-23-2012, 04:21 AM
Yeah, but I swear the highest concentration of the dumbest ones have GA plates on their cars, and the largest percentage of those are from ATL... ;) ------>:D

That's just because people in Wisconsin don't ever leave Lambeau Field 😜

The Ice Bucket Approves of this message

SC Cheesehead
08-23-2012, 08:40 AM
That's just because people in Wisconsin don't ever leave Lambeau Field ��

The Ice Bucket Approves of this message

Good reason for that, why leave heaven on earth? ;)

08-23-2012, 08:57 AM
Good reason for that, why leave heaven on earth? ;)

Thanks Rex, my monitor needed cleaning. :rofl:

Ozark Marauder
08-23-2012, 09:14 AM
What I've noticed here in God's country is about 80% of the crazy drivers have out-of-state plates. About 10% have in-state plates, but out-of-state dealer stickers, license plate frames, etc. The other 10% is our "gotta love 'em" local yokels.....:D


08-23-2012, 09:48 AM
You took a big chance. That person could have been a nutcase.

And, you were the aggressor when you got out and knocked on the window.

Nah, in this instance I was the nutcase and they took a big chance..

08-23-2012, 11:22 AM
Thank you, George Carlin.


In over 50 years of driving I've noticed that anyone driving faster than me is a maniac and driving slower is an idiot.

08-24-2012, 07:03 AM
:) reminds me of "Foamy"the squirrells "hammers & Floodlights"

08-24-2012, 10:34 AM

08-25-2012, 12:24 AM
I do what I can to follow the rules of the road: use the left lane for passing, stay out of the diamond lane when unaccompanied, yield when necessary, signal lane changes, and all that other good stuff... except for freeway speed limits.
I rarely get passed, even when the lane to my left is free. I pass so many cars on any given trip, I couldn't possibly tell you what they were doing as I passed any of them. That is, unless I turn my head to give them a dirty look, which is pretty much only for left-lane hogs who force me to pass on the right (while generally unsafe, I feel less at risk knowing the car I'm passing is not going to leave their lane any time soon. Also, passing on the right may be illegal in Europe, but is merely discouraged here).
I honk at cell-phone users - not necessarily for the drivers sake, but so whoever they're talking to will hear the horn and hopefully end the call and spare their friend a ticket or fender bender. I always honk at people making illegal turns, even if I'm not behind them. I think it's courteous to try to save them a hefty fine should a cop be waiting around the corner.
I might curse about other motorists from time to time, but I don't let them get me worked up one bit. Life's to short to slow down for people who want to take their time.

This is a zero-calorie post.

08-25-2012, 01:11 AM
You need to remember that most of the other drivers auto are usally lighter than your marauder? I my book easy win:) And Mark I really, really like the prius XL and the other little ***** boxes, I swear one day the rubberband is going to snap while they are trying to keep with my V-8...........................

08-26-2012, 12:21 PM
As I pass the car, the female driver has her middle finger in the window motioning it as if flagging me forward and saying "Go! Go!". In other words, she was expressing her opinion about me passing the group.

So, being the curious fellow that I am, I slow down to pace her for a while. She follows with another finger and another more lewd gesture. Not once did she look over after I passed her then slowed down to pace. I paced her for about a quarter mile then went on about my drive home.(

Was this her ??? Very cute !!!

http://www.mercurymarauder.net/gallery/data/500/The_Finger.jpg (http://www.mercurymarauder.net/gallery/showphoto.php/photo/21697)

08-27-2012, 05:01 AM
Was this her ??? Very cute !!!

http://www.mercurymarauder.net/gallery/data/500/The_Finger.jpg (http://www.mercurymarauder.net/gallery/showphoto.php/photo/21697)

That looks like the Redhat lady that flipped me off one day, for doing the speed limit.

08-27-2012, 06:02 AM
My only complaint with Bikers is if they are really loud and stink badly (fumes) :D


RF Overlord
08-27-2012, 07:31 AM
Sorry to burst all your bubbles, but nowhere...I repeat: NOWHERE...are drivers worse than on Cape Cod in the summer. Reason? They're from out of state, they're on vacation, or they're retired, so they all think they're immune.

SC Cheesehead
08-27-2012, 07:37 AM
Sorry to burst all your bubbles, but nowhere...I repeat: NOWHERE...are drivers worse than Illinois drivers in Wisconsin during the summer. Reason? They're from out of state, they're on vacation, or they're retired, so they all think they're immune. Basically, they're FIBs...

Fixed it for you, Bob... :D

08-27-2012, 07:47 AM
Hey "Juice" you sure some of those licence plates weren't BC Canada plates? I drive in Bellingham WA weekly for gas/grocerys and I find the "WORST" drivers and parker's are consistantly BC drivers. Arrogant, oblivious and out right stupid..... BC drivers make me sick. It must be a "West Coast" thing because I just drove accross a good chunk of eastern Canada (Ontario to New Brunswick) and I can't say I saw nearly the numbers of entitled moron's I normally see behind the wheel in BC and Washington State (even Toronto & Quebec driver's wern't as terrible). I take pride in my driving (just like 99% of the drivers on this site) and I am a professional driver by trade.... so its glaringly obvious when people like "some" WA and BC residents act like its their right to drive like complete idiots and put us all at risk.

08-27-2012, 07:54 AM
could be worse we could be driving here:


08-27-2012, 08:00 AM
"There is knowing the rules of the road, and there is obeying the rules of the road."

2010 GMAC Insurance Driver's Test Results

(Ranked in order of worst drivers by state to best drivers by state)
Scoring is from 1 to 100 on a 20 question test.

1. (WORST) New York - 70.0
2. New Jersey - 70.5
3. Dist. of Columbia - 71.9
4. California - 73.3
5. Rhode Island - 73.8
6. Louisiana - 74.1
7. West Virginia - 74.8
7. Hawaii - 74.8
9. New Hampshire - 74.9
9. Kentucky - 74.9
11. Florida - 75.2
12. Mississippi - 75.6
13. Pennsylvania - 75.8
13. Massachusetts - 75.8
15. North Carolina - 75.9
15. Arkansas - 75.9
17. Texas - 76.0
18. Connecticut - 76.3
19. Illinois - 76.6
20. Georgia - 76.7
21. Alabama - 77.1
22. South Carolina - 77.2
23. New Mexico - 77.3
24. Virginia - 77.5
24. Ohio - 77.5
26. Maine - 77.6
26. Delaware - 77.6
28. Colorado - 77.8
29. Utah- 77.9
30. Vermont - 78.1
30. Nevada - 78.1
32. Maryland - 78.2
33. Tennessee - 78.3
34. Wyoming - 78.4
35. Arizona - 78.5
36. Missouri - 78.8
37. Michigan - 79.0
38. North Dakota - 79.1
39. Oklahoma - 79.3
40. Wisconsin - 79.4
40. Washington - 79.4
42. Alaska - 79.8
43. Montana - 80.0
44. Idaho - 80.1
45. Indiana - 80.4
46. Nebraska - 80.5
47. Iowa - 80.8
48. Minnesota - 81.1
49. South Dakota - 81.2
50. Oregon - 82.1
51. (BEST) Kansas 82.3

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++
We (the insurance industry) compiled data from three sources: the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (driving fatalities), the American Motorists Association (which states hand out the most tickets), and MADD (drunk drivers).

Then we translated all of this information into rankings: the higher the ranking, the worse the states were. For example, the state with the most tickets, Florida, got a 50 on the scale. Then we added up the numbers to give each state a score; the higher the score, the worse the drivers. If you find yourself in one of these states, expect your state car insurance to be higher than other states! One can save on car insurance by taking the time to use our ZIP code search! We will help you find cheap car insurance for whatever state you live in!

The numbers surprised us. Here are the top 10, in descending order:

The Ten States With the Worst Drivers

#10) South Carolina
South Carolinians are not careless drivers: according to our data, they’re the third most careful drivers in the Union. But somehow, that doesn’t apply to stop signs or turn signals: they also pulled a miserable 45 for obeying the signs on the road. We’re pretty sure that’s why they pulled an abysmal 48 on the fatality rankings, locking them squarely in number 10. At number 10, South Carolina car insurance won’t be as high as some of the other states!

#9) Alabama
Alabama residents are pretty careful too: they got a 7 in our rankings. But not careful enough: they got a 41 in disobeying traffic laws and a whopping 46 for tickets and awful 42 for fatalities. So if you’re going to a Crimson Tide game, drive carefully. There might be some crazy traffic laws in Alabama, but that doesn’t mean one can disobey them

#8) Montana
Good news: Montana had the highest ranking in tickets! Bad news: they had the lowest ranking in fatalities, the second lowest in drunk driving, and pulled a nasty 40 on carelessness. Maybe they should start ticketing more. Montana drivers should start being safer or else their tickets will rise their Montana car insurance!

#7) Kentucky
We’ll leave it to Kentucky to tell us which is worse: driving drunk or driving carelessly. They’ve got enough experience dealing with both to make an informed decision: they ranked 42 and 48, respectively. That means they’re the seventh worst state for fatalities…and, not coincidentally, seventh on the list. Maybe if drivers within Kentucky stopped breaking DUI laws, the statistics would be lower!

#6) Arizona
Arizona is out of the bottom twenty in only one place; carelessness, where it pulls a 29. No wonder it’s sixth on the list. Wonder how much Arizona car insurance is for being sixth on the “Worst Drivers” list? Compare car insurance and find out!

#5) Oklahoma
Oklahoma actually has one thing to be proud of: next to Florida, it has the best ranking out of the bottom ten for drunk driving. It sits at 25. The same isn’t true of fatalities or paying attention to signals, which is why it rounds out the bottom five. Drivers who have Oklahoma car insurance could help their state out by driving safely!

#4) Florida
Florida has at least one thing to be proud of: it’s in the top ten for drunken driving, at number 7. Unfortunately, it sits at the very bottom for tickets, and one away from the bottom slot for carelessness. All that puts it squarely in the bottom four, and makes Florida car insurance in the running for the highest state insurance!

#3) Texas
Texas is in the bottom twenty for every measure we had on this test, but it only gets in the bottom ten for one area: tickets. Unfortunately, its scores are so mediocre otherwise that it gets dragged down to number three. Which means Texas car insurance can be higher than most states!

#2) Missouri
Missouri drivers get lots of tickets: Missouri scored a 45 on our rankings. Unfortunately, that doesn’t seem to teach Missouri drivers any lessons. Missouri is in the top ten for carelessness and drunken driving, and despite a decent score, 19, for obeying traffic laws, Missouri still wins the tarnished silver as the second worst state to drive in. Hopefully Missouri car insurance isn’t as high as their “Worst Drivers” ranking!

#1) Louisiana
Residents of the Bayou may object, but the numbers don’t lie: it’s in the bottom ten in all categories except one, failure to obey. It’s number eighteen there, but it’s so bad elsewhere that it beats Missouri by twelve points. With all of these “Worst Driver” factors, we hope Louisiana drivers are saving some money on their Louisiana car insurance.

Here are some surprising trends you can pull from the data:

The Further South You Get, the Worse It Is