View Full Version : Hurricane Isaac

08-29-2012, 06:50 PM
22 hours with no power and every thing is good.

The temps in the house have ranged from 76*-78*, quite comfortable.
One thing that is evident is modern houses being tite keep the humidity out.

Will probably have power in 24 hours.

Flourescent lanterns and LED flash lites are so superior to the "old style".

As a break I let the Children watch a movie in the car with a lap top while charging the cell and a lap top.

Gas stoves are great.

Will budget for a gas auto whole house generator.

The only worry is that the sewer will back up from a lack of power to lift stations, so far it has not happened. Eventually the cell towers will run out of battery.

08-29-2012, 06:58 PM
Good deal Billy,
Glad you are OK.
Big generator is a must if you live where hurricanes frequent.
We went for 6 weeks on generator and trucked in water after hurricane Georges.
Gas stoves rule

08-29-2012, 08:33 PM
Hang in there! Glad to here your OK so far!

SC Cheesehead
08-30-2012, 04:23 AM
I see lower Plaquemines parish got hit hard, those folks can't catch a break.

You and Barry have been in my thoughts the past couple of days, Billy; hang in there and keep us posted.

09-02-2012, 05:35 PM
I am alive and well. Family was all over the USA. Wife and oldest daughter and 4 grands in Milwaukee. Youngest with three in Atlanta.Middle with me in Metairie. Never lost power. Had vacation in Gulf Shores, AL planned. There for three days. Have a few more days here. Billy you should have come. Big house on beach. Weather here great. No damage to my house. Some damage to the new Bakery.
Hope all in the hurricanes way are ok.
Thanks to my MM friends that called and texted me.