View Full Version : Turbo Audi Discovery

Paul T. Casey
09-01-2012, 07:03 PM
Some poor sap headed for the casino found out that his Audi Turbo won't pull a certian "Grandpa mobile." Even if he is given the drop. Not sure of the model, looks like their mid or full size offering.

09-01-2012, 07:09 PM
Love it! :banana2:

Granddaddy Marq
09-01-2012, 07:15 PM
You shouldn't mess with the "Mighty Casey"! Ask me how I know.

09-01-2012, 08:15 PM
Yep..... Paul is not to be messed with:burnout::bows:

09-01-2012, 08:39 PM
Shame on you! Now he will go trade it in Monday for something he thinks is faster and still get the same results:)

Nice going:up: (on the run)