View Full Version : Isaac Widespread Looting in New Orleans

09-04-2012, 08:26 PM
New Orleans police report widespread looting during Hurricane Isaac, but little violence

Published: Tuesday, September 04, 2012, 7:50 PM Updated: Tuesday, September 04, 2012, 7:50 PM

By Naomi Martin, The Times-Picayune

While dozens of looters and armed robbers took to the streets of New Orleans during Hurricane Isaac, police reported no killings and virtually no gunfire, resulting in one of the least violent weeks in a city notorious for its sky-high murder rate.

DAVID GRUNFELD / THE TIMES-PICAYUNE The Louisiana Nation Guard patrols the French Quarter after New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu issued a curfew for the city as Hurricane Isaac lashed the city on the seven-year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina's destructive arrival Wednesday August 29, 2012. The curfew was issued to prevent looting.

"Maybe people recognized that surviving the storm was more important than petty differences," New Orleans Police Superintendent Ronal Serpas said Tuesday.

Serpas attributed the drop in violence to a mandated dusk-to-dawn curfew and heightened street patrols. For the last week, about 600 police officers and 200 National Guardsmen patrolled the streets at any given time, he said.

Even with the beefed-up patrols, the widespread lack of electricity seemed to embolden opportunistic criminals. At least 12 armed robberies and three carjackings were reported. Officials anticipate hundreds of residential and business burglaries will be reported when all the records are compiled.

In one incident, a masked gunman walked into Hi-Ho Lounge at 2239 St. Claude Ave. about 10:35 p.m. Saturday and ordered all the bar's patrons onto the floor, according to police reports. The robber threw a bag to the bartender, demanding money from the cash register. The bartender complied, although police did not say how much the robber snatched.

In a separate incident, five juveniles armed with a gun carjacked a 22-year-old woman as she sat in her car in the 4700 block of Wilson Avenue about 2:20 a.m. on Sunday, according to police reports.

All told, police arrested 41 people for looting, Serpas said. Most of them targeted convenience stores, stealing food, alcohol and cigarettes.

Looting during a declared state of emergency carries a minimum sentence of three years in prison.

Orleans Parish District Attorney Leon Cannizzaro made a point of seeking stiff bond amounts for looters, as he personally presided over sessions in magistrate court on Tuesday. In some cases, magistrate commissioners set bonds for alleged looters as high as $100,000.

Police picked up two accused looters Thursday as they walked on Claiborne Avenue near Frenchmen Street, rolling a garbage can filled with boxes of sneakers. The sneakers were stolen from nearby Milano Urban Wear, according to arrest reports.

Also on Thursday, two men were booked on counts of attempted looting after they were caught trying to pry open the drive-through window at McDonald's on St. Charles Avenue near Louisiana Avenue.

In other incidents:

-- Police discovered two men Wednesday who were stuffing bottles of Jack Daniels and Absolut Vodka in bags inside Club S & S at 2600 Martin Luther King Drive. One of them tried to hide in the women's bathroom, according to police reports.

-- A 37-year-old woman and two 17-year-olds were booked on counts of looting and contributing to delinquency of a juvenile after being caught rummaging through a store's food shelves with a 13-year-old boy. When caught inside Selena and Serena Sweet Shop at 8135 Oleander Street, the woman "apologized and stated they were hungry," according to a police report.

"When you have five or six days with no electricity at night, it makes it very difficult to police," Serpas said. "We got a lot of phone calls from citizens. That was very important."


Naomi Martin can be reached at nmartin@timespicayune.com or 504.826.3452.

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09-05-2012, 04:37 AM
Looting during a declared state of emergency carries a minimum sentence of three years in prison.

Orleans Parish District Attorney Leon Cannizzaro made a point of seeking stiff bond amounts for looters, as he personally presided over sessions in magistrate court on Tuesday. In some cases, magistrate commissioners set bonds for alleged looters as high as $100,000.

I thought looters where allowed to be shot on site, I must be watching to much TV.

09-05-2012, 05:28 AM
Still looting, but less deaths! No there is something to ease your mind..

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

SC Cheesehead
09-05-2012, 05:39 AM
While dozens of looters and armed robbers took to the streets of New Orleans during Hurricane Isaac, police reported no killings and virtually no gunfire, resulting in one of the least violent weeks in a city notorious for its sky-high murder rate..."Maybe people recognized that surviving the storm was more important than petty differences," New Orleans Police Superintendent Ronal Serpas said Tuesday.

Iff'n I hadn'ta read this with my own eyes, I wouldn'ta believed it... :shake:

09-05-2012, 05:54 AM
Three years for looting in an emergency?!

Three years in a LA prison for some shoes or whatever?

This still isn't enough to stop the looters!?


09-05-2012, 06:19 AM
I have yet to see "Gun Free" symbols posted on businesses, homes, vehicles or people.:mad:

If only people would display their convictions!

I really want the criminals to know where to go and whom to prey on.:D

This way I will know where not to go.

09-05-2012, 06:22 AM
Three years for looting in an emergency?!

Three years in a LA prison for some shoes or whatever?

This still isn't enough to stop the looters!?


Whatever happened to Swamp Justice, ie...Deliverance, Southern Comfort and Nevada Smith?

09-05-2012, 07:23 AM
And why is anybody surprized at this :shake:

09-05-2012, 07:40 AM
New Orleans police report widespread looting during Hurricane Isaac, but little violence....

Other than that, Mrs Kennedy, how was the trip to Dallas?

09-05-2012, 08:59 AM
Whatever happened to Swamp Justice, ie...Deliverance, Southern Comfort and Nevada Smith?
New orleans is Third World IS having been ruled for 30 years by the same political elites that have rule Detroit and Chicago.
ACORN was founded in New Orleans.

09-05-2012, 02:56 PM
.... Jack Daniels, Absolut Vodka, cigarettes and sneakers. Life's little necessities. ;)

09-05-2012, 03:07 PM
Let it flood like Atlantis.

Sent from my iPhone

4.10's + Eaton swap = Wreeeeeeeeeeeeeeedom

09-05-2012, 03:25 PM
What no cig lighters and shot glasses. The feds put the three year sentence into action during Katrina and any national emergency.
If you are hungry it is different. What do you need 30 pairs of tennis shoes for?
During Katrina it was a shoot order from Sheriff Harry lee. He said to drop them and tag them. They would pick them up later. A shot gun with buck shot was the weapon of choice.
I would like to get the looter that took my back fence...And passed up a Black Marauder.