View Full Version : Oops! Russian ships on big DNC screen???

09-12-2012, 02:48 PM
Not too bright...


"In left to right order:

A generic Kresta I-class destroyer,
the Udaloy I-class destroyer Vice Admiral Kulakov,
a generic Kashin-class destoryer,
and the Kara-class cruiser Kerch.

These ships are being overflown by the Czechoslovak-made L-39 Albatros trainer jets which were common throughout the Warsaw Pact."


09-12-2012, 03:34 PM
I bet the presentation was outsourced to India to get done. I can see how things get overlooked but you would think someone would go through that presentation with a fine toothed comb.

09-12-2012, 03:40 PM
I bet the presentation was outsourced to India to get done. I can see how things get overlooked but you would think someone would go through that presentation with a fine toughed comb.

Those pics were sent by an outside vendor, you know one of those that "didn't build" his/her business.

09-12-2012, 04:20 PM
I'm on this industry and this was probably a last second add from an aid who didn't know better, love how you guys take the opportunity though to blame the Pres

And no offense meant here, but I'm really frustrated with the I didn't need help to build my business being misconstrued. Unmm yeah you did need help

Someone taught you to add and subtract
Someone taught you how to behave and be professional
Someone gave you that first small business loan
Someone gave you advice when times got tough

We all get through life with some help, and yes that includes government help

The Ice Bucket Approves of this message

09-12-2012, 04:52 PM
There are no Nations and there are Open Borders!

09-12-2012, 05:05 PM
haha wow, fail.

09-12-2012, 05:26 PM
"love how you guys take the opportunity though to blame the Pres"
The DNC Approves of this message

Nothing against you, nothing said against the pres. I just put it out there as an "Oops!" and a "Not too bright!"
I am, however, very against Socialism. JMO.

09-12-2012, 05:42 PM
I'm on this industry and this was probably a last second add from an aid who didn't know better, love how you guys take the opportunity though to blame the Pres

So am I and I see way too much going to India et al. That's my only point, even if this didn't get outsourced offshore, sadly, it was most likely as you said done by an overworked underpaid intern being billed out at a huge margin. I'm not blaming the press and really I would not be able to tell the difference either. I'm not in the Navy, but you would think someone would be in charge of making sure content was correct - that is what content experts do.

I can't tell you how many government bid opportunities I went to in order to hear the details on how to bid and how the proposals get weighted. I won't even get into it, I just don't waste my time anymore!

09-12-2012, 05:47 PM
Nothing against you, nothing said against the pres. I just put it out there as an "Oops!" and a "Not too bright!"
I am, however, very against Socialism. JMO.

clearly by saying that you blamed the pres. what are you blind!? ;)

09-12-2012, 06:27 PM
While on a BIG STAGE, who hasn't performed a MAJOR F-Up?

09-12-2012, 06:27 PM
I'm on this industry and this was probably a last second add from an aid who didn't know better, love how you guys take the opportunity though to blame the Pres

And no offense meant here, but I'm really frustrated with the I didn't need help to build my business being misconstrued. Unmm yeah you did need help

Someone taught you to add and subtract
Someone taught you how to behave and be professional
Someone gave you that first small business loan
Someone gave you advice when times got tough

We all get through life with some help, and yes that includes government help

The Ice Bucket Approves of this message

The question comes down to the intent behind the "you didn't build it" speech:

Was it more of a "we're in this together" kind of message, or more of a "you are only allowed to succeed by our whim and fancy" kind of message?

Personally, I inferred the latter of the two when I heard it, that's just the general impression I get from this administration.

And while I respect the fact that without infrastructure, we couldn't possibly grow to the economic level we have now, I also know that without ambitious entrepreneurs, all the infrastructure in the world wouldn't matter much anyways...

09-12-2012, 06:35 PM
The question comes down to the intent behind the "you didn't build it" speech:

Was it more of a "we're in this together" kind of message, or more of a "you are only allowed to succeed by our whim and fancy" kind of message?

Personally, I inferred the latter of the two when I heard it, that's just the general impression I get from this administration.

And while I respect the fact that without infrastructure, we couldn't possibly grow to the economic level we have now, I also know that without ambitious entrepreneurs, all the infrastructure in the world wouldn't matter much anyways...


09-12-2012, 06:47 PM
Gov't can't do anything with out first taking something from someone.

Gov't requires the use of money to facilitate the taking.

Currently total Gov't spending is 42% of GDP. Total Gov't spending is $58,100 per private sector worker or $22,000 per person.

At current Growth Fed spending will equal 100% of GDP in ~20 years.

1 out of 7 workers work for Gov't.

There are over 300,000 Federal Laws. In January of this year over 40,000 bew State laws took effect.

Under Obamacare the definition of a full time employee is 18 pages long.

We have become SLAVES to Gov't.

The first step to enslavement is to divide into groups. The second step is to give some groups more rights than other groups. The third step is to disarm.

President Obama - "If you’ve got a business – you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen."

Study Obama's mentors - Davis, Ayers, Wright and Bell.

09-12-2012, 06:55 PM
Gov't can't do anything with out first taking something from someone.

Gov't requires the use of money to facilitate the taking.

Currently total Gov't spending is 42% of GDP. Total Gov't spending is $58,100 per private sector worker or $22,000 per person.

At current Growth Fed spending will equal 100% of GDP in ~20 years.

1 out of 7 workers work for Gov't.

There are over 300,000 Federal Laws. In January of this year over 40,000 bew State laws took effect.

Under Obamacare the definition of a full time employee is 18 pages long.

We have become SLAVES to Gov't.

And the point is?????

The Ice Bucket Approves of this message

09-12-2012, 07:00 PM
The question comes down to the intent behind the "you didn't build it" speech:

Was it more of a "we're in this together" kind of message, or more of a "you are only allowed to succeed by our whim and fancy" kind of message?

Personally, I inferred the latter of the two when I heard it, that's just the general impression I get from this administration.

And while I respect the fact that without infrastructure, we couldn't possibly grow to the economic level we have now, I also know that without ambitious entrepreneurs, all the infrastructure in the world wouldn't matter much anyways...

I agree with what you said Blu, and you always speak your point respectfully. The only thing I would say is it is not so much intent, as it is perception.
Email is a lot like this, we read words and never truly know the intent, but rather it is all in how we interpret it.

The Ice Bucket Approves of this message

09-12-2012, 07:11 PM
If you want to stretch the facts and allow the argument that government helped small business by creating roads well I'll stretch it even further.... government did build roads...the roads that go from city to city were there way before government...people traveled from town to town such as Indians and colonial settlers before government based on least restrictive path through nature, all government did was take peoples tax money and pave them, make them wider..... they didn't build them earlry entrepreneurs did seeking trade. As for your teachers and mentors argument, well that's not government now is it.... that;s private citizens and we all know Obama through that in there as a smoke show.... he means government especially being he's expanded it beyond belief and still thinks it isn't big enough.

09-12-2012, 07:15 PM
The "POINT" is Gov't is not helping it is hurting.

I have seen it over the years in the industry I currently have my business in.

In the past the regualtor would issue an advisory working in conjunction with industry.

Then the regulator started issuing directives.

Now the regulator pushes through legislation that expands the regulator and increases their revenue.

For issues that benefit no one but the regulator. Gov't has gotten so big it no longer serves the PEOPLE. The PEOPLE are serving Gov't.

This costs gets passed on, expending capital in a non-productive way

09-12-2012, 07:25 PM
If you want to stretch the facts and allow the argument that government helped small business by creating roads well I'll stretch it even further.... government did build roads...the roads that go from city to city were there way before government...people traveled from town to town such as Indians and colonial settlers before government based on least restrictive path through nature, all government did was take peoples tax money and pave them, make them wider..... they didn't build them earlry entrepreneurs did seeking trade. As for your teachers and mentors argument, well that's not government now is it.... that;s private citizens and we all know Obama through that in there as a smoke show.... he means government especially being he's expanded it beyond belief and still thinks it isn't big enough.

So government had nothing to do with progress in this country?

If you want to go back to the times of Indians, why not go back to caveman times when we clubbed women over the head and dragged them back to the cave, it's called progress.

Society evolves, a country without government is called anarchy.

Is government to big? Probably, can we survive without it? No chance.

The big problem I have with Republicans, or to put in terms this board can understand, the Christian right morons, is they want government to be just big enough to fit in my bedroom.
Who is the Republican party to tell me I should only have sex when I want to procreate?
Who ate Republicans to tell me, that when a drug addled homeless street whore gets pregnant, she should carry that baby to term?
Who are the Republicans to tell me that when a man loves a man or a woman loves a woman, they can't be married?
Who are the Republicans that determine what legitimate rape is?

Oh I know that's only what one dip said in Missouri, but as long as they are steered by the Christian right that aids in covering up the priest molestation scandal, I can't support them.

I'm fiscally conservative and socially liberal

The Ice Bucket Approves of this message

09-12-2012, 07:48 PM
I'm fiscally conservative and socially liberal

making your stand in NO-MANS LAND!

09-12-2012, 07:48 PM
can I say AMEN! ^ oops to PonyUps post - but yjmuds makes sense too

09-12-2012, 07:52 PM
I'm fiscally conservative and socially liberal

making your stand in NO-MANS LAND!

A Republican by day and a Democrat by night.:D

I have a tie that has elephants on one side and a babe in a bikini on the other side. The ladies love it!

09-13-2012, 05:28 AM
Obama's "You didn't build that - you had some help" is spot-on, but he's got it backwards. He's trying to say that individuals didn't build their bidnesses without help from the government.

What he should be saying is that all those schools and roads and bridges that were built were not built without OUR help - the help of taxpaying citizens and corporations. Government CANNOT do anything without the help of willing taxpayers.

Ozark Marauder
09-13-2012, 05:50 AM
So government had nothing to do with progress in this country?

If you want to go back to the times of Indians, why not go back to caveman times when we clubbed women over the head and dragged them back to the cave, it's called progress.

Society evolves, a country without government is called anarchy.

Is government to big? Probably, can we survive without it? No chance.

The big problem I have with Republicans, or to put in terms this board can understand, the Christian right morons, is they want government to be just big enough to fit in my bedroom.
Who is the Republican party to tell me I should only have sex when I want to procreate?
Who ate Republicans to tell me, that when a drug addled homeless street whore gets pregnant, she should carry that baby to term?
Who are the Republicans to tell me that when a man loves a man or a woman loves a woman, they can't be married?
Who are the Republicans that determine what legitimate rape is?

Oh I know that's only what one dip said in Missouri, but as long as they are steered by the Christian right that aids in covering up the priest molestation scandal, I can't support them.

I'm fiscally conservative and socially liberal

The Ice Bucket Approves of this message

Hey Buddy, there are dips**** everywhere, not just here in Missouri......:beer:


09-13-2012, 06:09 AM
Not too bright...


"In left to right order:

A generic Kresta I-class destroyer,
the Udaloy I-class destroyer Vice Admiral Kulakov,
a generic Kashin-class destoryer,
and the Kara-class cruiser Kerch.

These ships are being overflown by the Czechoslovak-made L-39 Albatros trainer jets which were common throughout the Warsaw Pact."


haha. Idiots, glad the Dems are so patriotic and in touch with our military.

09-13-2012, 06:40 AM
What the Fiscal Conservatives in the House passed was capping Fed spending at 19.9% of GDP, the 1948-2008 average.
When Fed spending exceeds 19.9% for 2 or more years, regardless of the wether the GDP grows or shrinks, unemployment increases a min of 50% and stays there until Fed spending drops to 19.9% of GDP or less.

All of Obama's Budgets are 22+% of GDP. He Budgeted for unemployment.
Reid will no longer allow Budgets to be voted on in the Senate.

I want Democrats to throw the Communist and Anarchist out of their Party. I want to throw the Democrats out of my toilet, out of my shower, out of my refrigerator, out of my back yard, out of my pocket book, out of my mouth, out of my bank, out of the schools, out of marriage* and out of my business.

300,000 Federal Laws regulating every facet of our daily lives and all we hear from Democrats is more Federal Laws is the answer.

We have reached the point where it is more efficient for Gov't to tell us what to do instead of what not to do.

*Gov't started licenseing marrriage after the Civil War. Gov't did so to control who could get married. Get Gov't out of marriage. Why should I have to get permission and apply to Gov't to get married? A Civil contract can be recorded, for a fee, just like a mortgage/will/lien.

09-13-2012, 06:41 AM
As are a lot of Republicans. You may want to consider picking up a smaller brush to paint your picture...;)

I am a registered Libertarian, so I get to bash both corrupt parties, and their bought and paid for "representatives" over the head frequently! :bop:

I'm fiscally conservative and socially liberal

The Ice Bucket Approves of this message

09-13-2012, 06:44 AM
Presentation probably prepared by some youngster using stock photos off the internet. Pretty sorry I must admit.

09-13-2012, 06:52 AM
Politics. Politics. Politics.

Take these discussions to another site.
