View Full Version : Carl Long loses car, but not sense of humor.

Long Live #3
02-22-2004, 06:25 PM

A horrific accident cost him his only race car, but he remained good-natured about the incident. "Next thing I knew, I saw the people on the backstretch in the bleachers up there eatin' chicken," he said.

02-23-2004, 08:06 AM
I saw his quotes in the paper this morning too and I hought that was pretty cool. The poor guy was an innocent victim of a Nascar regular's mistake, looses his only car, and can joke about it. I like that....He has proven to be a pretty good driver too as eveidenced by his Bucsh qualifying effort last Friday. He did win over $50K for his 40th or so finish so maybe he can get a deal on someone else's "used" car.


02-23-2004, 10:24 AM
NASCAR needs more drivers like that!!

Great story.

Hope some Company pick's up his ride!:)

02-23-2004, 02:39 PM
I felt so bad for him when I saw his wild crash while watching the race on TV. But, within a matter of minutes, he was out and being interviewed live. This tells me that:

1. Carl Long keeps an amazingly good attitude under extreme adversity.

2. These cars are built to be amazingly safe!

I agree with Bigdog: He deserves a sponsor.

