View Full Version : High octane beer

10-25-2012, 08:16 PM
OH HAGGIS, Lookie HERE....


:beer: :beer:

10-26-2012, 04:33 AM
Yea, Rex beat you to it and already posted it. I have two bottles on order, should be here in time for the Autumn Brewery Tour in Nov.

SC Cheesehead
10-26-2012, 04:36 AM
Yea, Rex beat you to it and already posted it. I have several cases on order and plan to give them to him in KY for being such a great guy!

Fixed! :D


10-26-2012, 05:03 AM
Fixed! :D


I wanted to taste it first before I gave you any. To make sure it meets with my high standards. :beer:

SC Cheesehead
10-26-2012, 06:22 AM
I wanted to taste it first before I gave you any. To make sure it meets with my high standards. :beer:

You oughta know by now that I've got the Will Rogers philosophy when it comes to beer: "I never met one I didn't like..." ;) -----> :beer:

10-26-2012, 06:23 AM
You already ordered it?

Sent from my handheld Zack Morris iShoe 4S.

10-26-2012, 06:27 AM
130 Proof Beer??? I thought you left the beer universe and transitioned to wine when the alcohol content reached 10% then went into spirits class above 20% ABV. I guess technically it IS beer by manufacturing process; but 130 Proof is nearly that of the "High Wine" clear distilled product put into the oak barrels down in Kentucky.

I do like the name "Armageddon". :up: 12 ounce "beer" = 12-19 shots + of 80 Proof Bourbon. Good Luck with that. ;)

10-26-2012, 06:29 AM
I do like the name "Armageddon". :up:
It's an apt name considering thats probably what most people will feel like the next morning

Sent from my handheld Zack Morris iShoe 4S.

10-26-2012, 06:34 AM
It's an apt name considering thats probably what most people will feel like the next morning.

That's assuming that they actually wake up and did not succumb to alcohol poisoning or choke to death in the own vomit. :puke:

10-26-2012, 06:37 AM
John Bonham

Sent from my handheld Zack Morris iShoe 4S.

SC Cheesehead
10-26-2012, 06:56 AM
130 Proof Beer??? I thought you left the beer universe and transitioned to wine when the alcohol content reached 10% then went into spirits class above 20% ABV. I guess technically it IS beer by manufacturing process; but 130 Proof is nearly that of the "High Wine" clear distilled product put into the oak barrels down in Kentucky.

I do like the name "Armageddon". :up: 12 ounce "beer" = 12-19 shots + of 80 Proof Bourbon. Good Luck with that. ;)

http://rlv.zcache.com/orange_whats_not_2_love_poster _postcard-p239820491231524191b8ali_210.j pg

;) --------------> :D

10-26-2012, 07:08 AM
You oughta know by now that I've got the Will Rogers philosophy when it comes to beer: "I never met one I didn't like..." ;) -----> :beer:
Come up in Nov. for the Autumn Brewery Tour and taste it for yourself.

You already ordered it?
Sent from my handheld Zack Morris iShoe 4S.
Yep, two bottles on order. Hopefully it will be here before the ABT. They said two weeks for delivery.

130 Proof Beer??? I thought you left the beer universe and transitioned to wine when the alcohol content reached 10% then went into spirits class above 20% ABV. I guess technically it IS beer by manufacturing process; but 130 Proof is nearly that of the "High Wine" clear distilled product put into the oak barrels down in Kentucky.

I do like the name "Armageddon". :up: 12 ounce "beer" = 12-19 shots + of 80 Proof Bourbon. Good Luck with that. ;)
It's all in the ingredents and how it is brewed.

It's an apt name considering thats probably what most people will feel like the next morning

Sent from my handheld Zack Morris iShoe 4S.

You will let me know on the morning of Nov.18th. :up: