View Full Version : Virus Alert !!

02-26-2004, 08:50 AM
Just received this email on my mail server. I found it kind of odd that Logan would send me an email like this and therefore run my Virus scan prior to opening it.

Turns out there is a virus in the attachment.

Do not open the attachment !!

any idea how this could have happened?


Peter aka MMM2003

Macon Marauder
02-26-2004, 09:02 AM
Probably one of those dreaded email worms spoofing Logan's address.

02-26-2004, 09:24 AM
We got one at the office a couple of days ago. It came from a client's email address so one of the secretaries opened it. BAM! Knocked out a ton of stuff off of our network. Thankfully, everything is backed up nightly, so our computer guy could restore just about everything.

02-26-2004, 09:45 AM
I got something similar from SGTMAC.

02-26-2004, 09:51 AM
Ladyhawke sent this to me at work yesterday I did not have time to post it then. Hope this helps.

Please stay alert as another variaition of mydoom is spreading only this time it deletes files on drives C:-Z:. below are some notes about the virus to read.

Contains a destructive payload. MyDoom.F deletes a seemingly random selection of Word documents, image, audio and video files, and Excel spreadsheets. Specifically, it searches for files with the extensions .mdb, .doc, .xls, .sav, .jpg, .avi, and .bmp on the %System% folder on drives C to Z, whether the drive is a hard disk, remote drive, or RAM drive. It deletes some of the files; one source described it as "randomly deletes," another claimed, "40 percent of the time."

Disguises its file type. Though MyDoom.F most commonly arrives as a ZIP attachment, its icon looks like a text file. This is sure to fool some of your users, who feel confident that text files are harmless. Some iterations of MyDoom.F use double extensions. What the users sees appears as a harmless file type (such as .txt or .html), but after the first benign-looking file type, the name can contain 40 to 159 spaces before ending in its real (malicious) file type (such as .exe, .pif, or .scr).
