View Full Version : Ford's ad for the "kick" open tailgate

Mike Poore
10-28-2012, 07:58 PM
Ever have one of those HUH? moments? Ford has an ad showing a cool thing that by kicking under your new Escape's bumper when your hands are full, the tailgate will open. Wouldn't you have to unlock it first? I mean if you already need the key, wouldn't you just unlock it? Reminds me of why they have bralle buttons at the drive up window at my bank. Just say'in....y'know?:dunno:

10-28-2012, 08:09 PM
They have the system now that the key only needs to be near the vehicle to start or unlock doors. You just leave the key in your pocket and push button to start and I think it auto unlocks the doors when you get close.

10-28-2012, 09:58 PM
Yes thats right. As long as you have the key on your person just wave your foot under the rear bumper and it opens up for you.

Mike Poore
10-29-2012, 02:22 PM
:o You guys are right, it's that key that talks to your car thingey. It knows you and will start at the push of a button and allow access to who/what has the key nearby. I never thought about Ford using the technology, although one of my pals has a new Volvo with it, and Hundi also has something like it, a guy showed me....fail!. Of course none of this explains the braille buttons at the drive up ATM at my bank. :D

Mr. Man
10-29-2012, 02:40 PM
Hi Mike:wave:

I had the kick open tailgate on my GMC back in the '90's. Every once and awhile it would jam so climb in and kick it open.:lol:
I see a lot of these convenience options on today's cars and minivans and I just wonder how long they go before they need expensive replacement. Bet they are designed to fail right after the warranty expires. :help:

10-30-2012, 05:49 PM
Yeah thats what I was thinking because new Harleys have the key fobs that "deactivate" the alarm when near the bike. Get a foot or 2 away with the fob and the alarms back activated