View Full Version : The Force goes on....

10-31-2012, 09:50 AM

Let the mickey mouse jokes begin......

10-31-2012, 10:16 AM
Does this mean that Darth Vader will now be required to wear Mickey Mouse ears on his helmet?

10-31-2012, 10:26 AM
Well good for Georgy.
Now he'll have enough to retire on.
(4 billion dollars) :shake:

10-31-2012, 11:36 AM
Makes sense to me... Now the greatest example of an Evil Empire (Disney) will be more than able to expand the influence of the Dark Side....

On a side note, with the family friendly Disney making the new films, the chances of seeing Princess Leia's nipples again went from slim to none...:D

(garbage compactor reference for the Star Wars challenged)

Baaad GN
10-31-2012, 12:10 PM
Hmmm never even thought about nipples, cheeseheadbob your bad! LOL

10-31-2012, 01:02 PM
Mickey Mouse as Luke, Donald Duck as Darth Vader.
Minnie Mouse as Princes Leah.

10-31-2012, 04:28 PM
On a side note, with the family friendly Disney making the new films, the chances of seeing Princess Leia's nipples again went from slim to none...:D

(garbage compactor reference for the Star Wars challenged)

As I suspected .... you were about 11-12 years old when Star Wars was released. That's a very impressionable age for first nipple views. Here ya go Bob ... just to bring back some memories. Skip ahead to 2:54 and 4:52 if you just can't wait.


11-01-2012, 01:12 PM
Just cut bait and search for Carrie Fisher pictures.

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