View Full Version : Grand Theft Auto V Trailer

11-19-2012, 03:15 PM

11-19-2012, 03:22 PM
I've played them all.

GTA4 was disappointing.

Hope this one will be better.

11-19-2012, 04:24 PM
I cant WAIT for this game! This is the second trailer they've released, a YEAR after the first one. Wont be out till spring, and thats probably not even the pc version, which I want. This one is going to be so much better than gta 4. the map is bigger than red dead redemption, gta san andreas, AND gta 4 COMBINED! :eek:

11-19-2012, 06:29 PM
I can't wait at all. I actually liked GTA4 but I think my all time favorite was San Andreas just because the variety of terrain. I mean desert city Las Vegas forest suburbs it was just awesome. I'm hoping they do that with this one. I heard that you're going to be 3 characters and can jump between them which I don't really like. It'd be something I could see Saints Row having because its more of a "fantasy" feeling game then GTA. Don't get me wrong I love GTA and SR but GTA was always the more realistic one for me. And I heard in 5 they're going to have an underwater world to explore so that should be sweet and possibly being able to use substances that affect how your gameplay is. I liked that Saints Row 2 had where you could drink or smoke a joint and it'd make the screen weird it was funny and realistic and I felt it belonged in the games because it is a criminal kind of thing.

/excited for GTA5 ramblings

11-19-2012, 07:29 PM
Can't wait for this game, GTA4 was great especially with multi-player.
And for LEOs here, if you have it on PC, you can get the first response mod, basically turns the game into you being a cop with calls, traffic stops, and even police chases its sick. There's tons of crown vics to download and replace the fake cars too.

11-20-2012, 05:09 AM
Cant wait! I finished every version of GTA since it first came out for PS1. I even went out and bought a PSP just to play china wars and vice city stories, and have GTA3 downloaded on my phone.

11-21-2012, 10:59 AM
Looks sweet GTA has come a long way from the 2d 1st gta lol