View Full Version : Happy thanksgiving

11-21-2012, 10:39 PM
Happy turkey day to all! :turkey:

Count your blessings!


11-21-2012, 10:42 PM
U 2:beer: Hope all you folks have a safe One:)
Keep Tom A. his Mom, and Paul Casey in your thoughts as you enjoy the day........

11-21-2012, 11:26 PM
Happy Thanksgiving guys. Eat tons of food and forget diets and be safe

11-22-2012, 12:14 AM
Bring on the prime rib, and spirits!!!!!!!!!

11-22-2012, 01:59 AM
Happy Turkey Day to all you turkeys in Marauder land.

11-22-2012, 04:15 AM
Hope all my MM.net brothers and sisters have a full Turkey Day. Sit back and reflect on everything we are thankful for after you un-stuff the turkey and stuff yourself.

11-22-2012, 04:20 AM
U 2:beer: Hope all you folks have a safe One:)
Keep Tom A. his Mom, and Paul Casey in your thoughts as you enjoy the day........

Be thankful for what you have and who you have in your life.

Happy Thanksgiving

11-22-2012, 05:14 AM
Happy Thanksgiving to MM.net and families!

11-22-2012, 05:16 AM
Stuffing & beer my fav part of today :) be safe to all tonight and if you can stay at home today do it there is alot of drunk drivers on the road tonight . god bless

11-22-2012, 05:55 AM
:turkey: HAPPY THANKSGIVING !! :turkey:

Will be watching the Macy's parade on TV this morning. Headed over to my youngest son's house for dinner this afternoon. Should be about 18-20 people there. Two turkeys ... one deep fried, one traditional and all the trimmings plus. Football on the projection TV .... Life is good.

11-22-2012, 06:07 AM
Happy thankgiving to all,gobble gobble,no diets allowed,and enjoy family and friends.

11-22-2012, 06:48 AM
The best holiday there is. I have my girlfriend and my Dad in town.

My girl is making monkey bread for breakfast, followed by Bloody Mary's.
when Football starts I have salami, crackers, cheese spread, and chilli dip with chips
For Dinner
We have Turkey, stuffing, the absolute best mash potatoes. My girl makes them with sour cream, cream cheese, whipping cream and whipped butter. Green bean casserole, cranberry sauce, rolls
Caymus red wine, pumpkin pie followed with a port from a local winery

Then we are watching Planes, Trains, and Automobiles.

I can't think of a better day.

I do want to say I'm thankful to all the troops for affording me the opportunity for this day.
I'd also like to say to all those Walmart idiots that want to strike today, to be thankful you have a job and STFU

Happy Thanksgiving everyone

The Ice Bucket Approves of this message

11-22-2012, 07:00 AM
Happy Thanksgiving to all and your families!


11-22-2012, 07:11 AM
Happy Thanksgiving to All...Thanksgiving will be delayed for me as my mother fell the other week and has a compression fracture in her L1 vertabrae and is still in the rehab center, but in a few days she comes home and will have 24/7 home care until she can be fully mobile again as she gains strength and mobility thru therapy. It's suppposed to be 60 and sunny here so I need to work on my daily driver and go visit mom as well.

william s
11-22-2012, 07:19 AM
Happy Thanksgiving!

11-22-2012, 07:27 AM
Have peace and a whole lot of turkey grease enjoy the fam and eat till you pass out!!! Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!!

11-22-2012, 07:33 AM
Happy Thanksgiving to one and all at the MM site.

Time for fellowship, family, and giving thanks and blessings for all we have.

Peace and health to all.

11-22-2012, 07:48 AM
Happy Thanksgiving to THE MARAUDER.NET FAMILY and FRIENDS// We are part of an Elite Crew to own the Timeless Classic ... God Bless the Marauder Family!!!!

Ms. Denmark
11-22-2012, 08:09 AM
Eric and I wish all of our mm.net members and friends a very happy Thanksgiving! We are keeping those members with health and other concerns in our thoughts.

We are busy getting our home ready for the holiday and are having 6 for dinner, including my mom from California, my cousins from NYC and a friend from PA. Can't wait to see them all! Our menu essentially is the same each year because if it varies, I get the third degree. ;) :D

Assorted Appetizers (but not too many because Dinner is the Main event!)
Carrot Mint Soup topped with sour cream and paprika
17 lb.Turkey done on the grill over charcoal ~ Eric's in charge
Chestnut Stuffing with Giblets, pecans and dried Cranberries
Cranberry Jello Mold~crushed pineapple, oranges and pecans (I'm from Iowa and you gotta have a Jello course :o)
Homemade Cranberry Sauce with Orange Zest
Roasted Sweet Potatoes glazed in a Cinnamon-brown sugar Orange sauce
Mashed Potatoes and Turkey Gravy ~ Mom's in charge
The Green Bean Casserole~ Yup!:D
Mixed Spring Greens Salad with Goat Cheese, glazed walnuts and a light balsamic vinaigrette
Assorted Dinner Rolls & Butter
A Selection of Wines and Sparkling Ciders~my favorite is a nice Red Zinfandel
Gingered Apple~Cranberry Pie a la Mode
Pumpkin Custard Pie with Freshly Whipped Cream
Coffee & Tea

Mom and I started the soup, roasted the sweet potatoes and made the Jello Mold last night. Got a lot more cooking and baking to do... (which I love!) so I better get cracking!

So from our home to yours, we are thankful for the many great times and friendships we enjoy with our fellow Marauderers...Happy Thanksgiving All!

11-22-2012, 08:30 AM
:turkey:Happy Thanksgiving:turkey: to everyone in the MM.net family. :beer:

11-22-2012, 08:34 AM
Happy Thanksgiving everybody

11-22-2012, 08:35 AM
Here's to a 15 pound weight gain today! Happy thanksgiving!!

11-22-2012, 08:51 AM
Eric and I wish all of our mm.net members and friends a very happy Thanksgiving! We are keeping those members with health and other concerns in our thoughts.

We are busy getting our home ready for the holiday and are having 6 for dinner, including my mom from California, my cousins from NYC and a friend from PA. Can't wait to see them all! Our menu essentially is the same each year because if it varies, I get the third degree. ;) :D

Assorted Appetizers (but not too many because Dinner is the Main event!)
Carrot Mint Soup topped with sour cream and paprika
17 lb.Turkey done on the grill over charcoal ~ Eric's in charge
Chestnut Stuffing with Giblets, pecans and dried Cranberries
Cranberry Jello Mold~crushed pineapple, oranges and pecans (I'm from Iowa and you gotta have a Jello course :o)
Homemade Cranberry Sauce with Orange Zest
Roasted Sweet Potatoes glazed in a Cinnamon-brown sugar Orange sauce
Mashed Potatoes and Turkey Gravy ~ Mom's in charge
The Green Bean Casserole~ Yup!:D
Mixed Spring Greens Salad with Goat Cheese, glazed walnuts and a light balsamic vinaigrette
Assorted Dinner Rolls & Butter
A Selection of Wines and Sparkling Ciders~my favorite is a nice Red Zinfandel
Gingered Apple~Cranberry Pie a la Mode
Pumpkin Custard Pie with Freshly Whipped Cream
Coffee & Tea

Mom and I started the soup, roasted the sweet potatoes and made the Jello Mold last night. Got a lot more cooking and baking to do... (which I love!) so I better get cracking!

So from our home to yours, we are thankful for the many great times and friendships we enjoy with our fellow Marauderers...Happy Thanksgiving All!

What, no chittlins :eek:

Unfortunately me either :(

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!:beer:

11-22-2012, 09:32 AM
What, no chittlins :eek:

Unfortunately me either :(

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!:beer:What chu no about chitterlings??? LOL

11-22-2012, 09:35 AM
Happy Thanksgiving! Remember today is about being thankful for what we are have.

Mr. Man
11-22-2012, 09:41 AM
Happy turkey day to all! :turkey:

Count your blessings!

:beer:Will be praying you get the Presidential pardon today what with you being the biggest turkey I know :D:P ;)

Happy Thanksgiving to our extended Marauder family :)

11-22-2012, 09:46 AM
God Bless all :flag:

11-22-2012, 10:20 AM
What chu no about chitterlings??? LOL

:D I know they have to be done exactly and i mean exactly right, or you've wasted a lot of time and effort and upset a lot of people. They were a Thanksgiving staple courtesy of moms time in the kitchen.

Better the second day pan fried and layed between two pieces of bread with onions and mustard.

11-22-2012, 10:36 AM
Happy Thanksgiving. It's a great day to share and enjoy.


11-22-2012, 11:12 AM
:D I know they have to be done exactly and i mean exactly right, or you've wasted a lot of time and effort and upset a lot of people. They were a Thanksgiving staple courtesy of moms time in the kitchen.

Better the second day pan fried and layed between two pieces of bread with onions and mustard.

YES SIR !! /// Thats how we do it down in Irvington VA. :beer:

11-22-2012, 11:23 AM
:beer::beer: Next day turkey sandwiches ROCK!

11-22-2012, 11:31 AM
Happy Thanksgiving!

11-22-2012, 11:58 AM
Happy Thanksgiving! Remember today is about being thankful for what we are have.

That's right, tomorrow is for going out and trampling your fellow man to buy what you want!

11-22-2012, 01:11 PM
:beer::beer: Next day turkey sandwiches ROCK!

correct except their called sammiches

Sent from my handheld Zack Morris iShoe 4S.

11-22-2012, 01:17 PM
Hope yall enjoyed it so far....I get to start enjoying mine at 3 when I get off work....

sucks for me...but somebody has to work I guess...

At least I get to catch the rest of the football games.

11-22-2012, 02:59 PM
Hope yall enjoyed it so far....I get to start enjoying mine at 3 when I get off work....

sucks for me...but somebody has to work I guess...

At least I get to catch the rest of the football games.

Sorry your working, I know you're pain.
This is the only holiday I don't have to work!

Hope you enjoy it when you get home.

11-22-2012, 03:42 PM
I hope all of you have a great Thanksgiving. My wife did an amazing job this year, and the kids cleaned with my over site. Everything went perfect. DefyantExWife just pick up the younglings and my oldest is practicing his acoustic guitar. Only bad thing is the Mrs works in retail and has to be at the store at 11:30pm tonight I hope she is in dream land by now.

11-22-2012, 06:03 PM
Hope all are recovering in your favorite chair, from all the over eating!. Have you started round two yet?

We had turkey and all the fixings here at the house, Denise growing up on a NE ranch just doesn't know how to cook small. We had nine at the table today. We also had homemade pumpkin and pecan pies here. Oh,...did I mention Denise also made homemade pumpkin ice cream and then continued by making homemade cinnamon ice cream,....UM UM GOOD!

I weighed 120 lbs before I met her.... :D

11-22-2012, 09:45 PM
Happy Thanksgiving to all off to the Turkey run in Daytona tomorrow.

11-22-2012, 10:15 PM
Black Friday lines suck :/ Big time

11-23-2012, 06:06 AM
I thought that the turkey was all gone by 8-9 PM.

Then, I watched the Jets play football, and, the word "turkey" took on a new meaning...........

SC Cheesehead
11-23-2012, 06:57 AM
My duaghter insisted no computer time for me yesterday, so this is my first post-up since Wednesday (talk about withdrawl...).

Had a great Thanksgiving with family and friends, lotsa food and football, and lots to give thanks for.

Best wishes to all and as GAMike posted up, thoughts prayers and blessings to those among us with challenges.

11-23-2012, 12:06 PM
Hope everyone had a great & safe Thanksgiven, iam a little slow today :)