View Full Version : Holiday Safety

12-03-2012, 01:49 PM
I've been tasked to give my squadron a briefing on staying safe during their "holiday leave." My target group is the young Airmen 18-24 and my main topics will be flying, driving (inclement weather, staying awake, etc) excessive drinking and family. Do any of you have any insight on reptitive behavior you have seen during the holiday season that would be worth noting? Any type of info is appreciated. Thanks and stay safe.

12-03-2012, 01:56 PM
"When on an extended bender, do not visit an Armed Forces Recruiting Station and join the Marines" :D

All kidding aside, I know these kids think they are invincible. The #1 thing to stress is, DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE!!! Take a cab, stay over, even call Mom and Dad if you have to, but do not put your life and the lives of others in jeopardy because you are impaired.
I've been tasked to give my squadron a briefing on staying safe during their "holiday leave." My target group is the young Airmen 18-24 and my main topics will be flying, driving (inclement weather, staying awake, etc) excessive drinking and family. Do any of you have any insight on reptitive behavior you have seen during the holiday season that would be worth noting? Any type of info is appreciated. Thanks and stay safe.

12-03-2012, 02:35 PM
"Avoid the clap." ---Jimmy Dugan

Thats good advice!

12-03-2012, 03:25 PM
Drugs are bad

12-03-2012, 04:43 PM
my regimental commander always told us before we do something we are not sure about picture ourselves with our mom or dad on one side and him on the other would you still do what you where thinking of doing, now if the answer is no then ya probably shouldn't do it.

12-03-2012, 04:45 PM
Some topics for Holiday Leave, if you think it fits.

Electrical safety
- do not overload outlets with holiday lighting (like Chevy Chase)
- Use outdoor rated extension cords for exterior lighting (with no splices) and protect with a GFIC (ground fault interrupt circuit device)
- Live trees keep watered to prevent drying out and possible fire from lights

Heating Safety
- inspect furnace/boiler clean out at base of chimney and remove any debri to insure no restrictions
- get a Carbon monoxide detector, each year you hear of tragedies from the odorless gas

When driving long distance gas up at 1/2 tank, bring extra warm clothes and blankets in case of breakdown, keep cell phone charged

Like Cheeseheadbob said "I know these kids think they are invincible". You want them to have a great holiday, and you want them all to come back whole.

12-03-2012, 05:05 PM
My former Brigade Commander "Not one damn good thing happens between 12am and 4am, so if you are out after 12, you are wrong. Oh ya, before I forget, No Sex, you will die."

12-03-2012, 07:34 PM
Remind them not to get drunk and point a pistol at a cop. A yorng Marine did that to my partner and I hit him with a Mossburg, .12 gauge barrel. It was the 18" barrel attached to my LEO shot gun. I respected his military attachment and did not shoot him or his partner. He was just out of boot. The MP's made love to him after that.

12-03-2012, 07:52 PM
# 1 don't drink and driver