View Full Version : Immigrant Drivers License Law Passes in Illinois

1 Bad Merc
12-05-2012, 08:38 AM
Just read this -as many as 250,000 undocumented immigrants who have lived in Illinois for 1 year will be eligible to receive temporary visitor dl's that would last for 3 years!

Of course no one sees this as a reward for undocumented (Illegal) immigrants but just a way to keep our roads safer.


I must be an idiot but doesnt the law say we should be deporting these undocumented immigrants?

I wonder if I go to Canada illegally if I can get a dl's their? :eek: hmmmmmmmm........

12-05-2012, 08:49 AM
"I wonder if I go to Canada illegally if I can get a dl's their? :eek: hmmmmmmmm........ "

^^^ Hahaha...most definately could here.

12-05-2012, 08:59 AM
Just another hole in the bucket of what used to be America...let me get this straight, we have an illegal immigrant problem, that problem is we can't find them, so now we offer an "undocumented" driver's license...but we issue the license and don't deport the illegal immigrant??? Can anyone tell me how this makes any sense at all? I mean honestly I don't care what side your on how can anyone say this makes any sense at all...


12-05-2012, 09:06 AM
Let them all get licenses...... then deport them all!

1 Bad Merc
12-05-2012, 09:06 AM
I am sure down the line that Illinois will want to raise our taxes again so we can hire more people to process these dl requests because I can guarantee you it will end up being way more then their lowball number of 250,000.

I guess the State and the Insurance companies will be the big winners here! Mo' Money, Mo' Money and Mo' Money!

12-05-2012, 09:12 AM
See the difference up here (in the province of Ontario anyway); is that no polititian will do anything about the immigrats here, because of fear they will be looked upon as racist. And risk their re-election. That's how Ontario works!!

12-05-2012, 09:13 AM
Maryland voters approved to give illegal immigrants in state tuition to our public schools and colleges. Maryland is also a safe haven for illegals. Except for Frederick County, thank you Sheriff Jenkins....Jenkins for Governor.

12-05-2012, 09:14 AM
New Jersey tried this a few years back and it did not fly. The reason beening that once they (the illegal's) are documented the Feds can grab 'em.

So it never went anywhere past the news shows.


Ozark Marauder
12-05-2012, 09:17 AM
Why wouldn't you expect this? They are all just playing to their base.


12-05-2012, 09:28 AM
Enter Mexico illegally and see what happens to you. I fail to see how licensing people will make the roads any safer. Are they going with bilingual signage?

12-05-2012, 09:32 AM
Haggis when we start our country there will me no DL given to people that can't prove they belong there.

1 Bad Merc
12-05-2012, 09:52 AM
Why wouldn't you expect this? They are all just playing to their base.


I would agree with you but it passed our senate by a 44-12 or 44-10 vote. All the rural Republicans voted for it too! No one wants to be seen as a racist!

Which is the big problem in America -disagree with a minority group and you are automatically branded a racist!

12-05-2012, 09:54 AM
I would agree with you but it passed our senate by a 44-12 or 44-10 vote. All the rural Republicans voted for it too! No one wants to be seen as a racist!

Which is the big problem in America -disagree with a minority group and you are automatically branded a racist!

See post #6 also. Its the same throughout North America. :alone:

Ozark Marauder
12-05-2012, 10:49 AM
I would agree with you but it passed our senate by a 44-12 or 44-10 vote. All the rural Republicans voted for it too! No one wants to be seen as a racist!

Which is the big problem in America -disagree with a minority group and you are automatically branded a racist!

I've searched and read a few articles now on this subject. I see a quote from an interesting individual, which appears in most of the articles...see for yourself>

Vicente Del Real, a 30-year-old illegal immigrant from the Chicago suburbs, said he was relieved at the Senate's support. He has been driving without a license for several years, something he says he has to do to get to work and school. He hopes the measure becomes a law. "It would make me feel more safe," he said.

Proponents of the plan include Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Gov. Pat Quinn, who has said he'll sign it if it arrives at his desk.

And as for the politicians. see for yourself>

The Illinois Safer Families Coalition, an organization that opposes giving drivers' licenses to illegal immigrants, ran an ad this week saying Illinois politicians cannot be trusted to administer such a program.

Coalition spokesman Bill Kelly cited Ricardo Guzman, a truck driver who illegally obtained a driver's license in Illinois and was involved in a 1994 crash that killed six people. It was later discovered that Guzman had bribed an Illinois state official to get the driver's license.

I find this ironic, they quote an illegal. Let's see he has broken immigration laws, employment laws, resident laws, and probably a few others. What makes you so sure they won't violate insurance laws?

As for Vicente Del Real, I'm really glad he feels safer now, taking the place of a person who want to come here legally, who is patiently waiting in line, in their home country.

Sorry 1 Bad Merc, your state is going socialist


12-05-2012, 10:57 AM
I feel safer already in Illinois
Now we just have to get those pesky guns

Ozark Marauder
12-05-2012, 11:06 AM
I feel safer already in Illinois
Now we just have to get those pesky guns

That's next...here it comes

Governor Quinn and his band of anti-gun Chicago politicians would like to see their vicious attack on the Second Amendment play out across Illinois, even as Chicago—with the state’s most restrictive gun laws—is on track to tally more than 500 murders this year.



12-05-2012, 11:14 AM
It is a complicated issue, but BigDogJim has it correct. The reality of it is that you probably won't see a significant influx of illegals going to the DMV to provide their personal information. The Fed's won't be "grabbing" them, but you can bet that fear is rampant among the illegals.

They are here driving illegally anyway. Not providing a license or opportunity for insurance would be like telling teens to just not have sex as a solution to early preganacy and std problems. It might make you feel good to tow a hard line, but sex education is a more realistic way of dealing with the problem.

Baaad GN
12-05-2012, 11:26 AM
I'm not sure what other states do but in ILL Illegals vote and they came out big time for Obama, like the blacks it was like in the high 90's. So this is there payback. Like Gays in Chicago, if you are not a major supporter the Mayor stated "get out" of Chicago because he is!

12-05-2012, 11:27 AM
Tell me what's wrong... Maybe I miss something besides the BS....... In the favorite words of Rodney King " Can we all get along"....


1 Bad Merc
12-05-2012, 11:28 AM
It is a complicated issue, but BigDogJim has it correct. The reality of it is that you probably won't see a significant influx of illegals going to the DMV to provide their personal information. The Fed's won't be "grabbing" them, but you can bet that fear is rampant among the illegals.

They are here driving illegally anyway. Not providing a license or opportunity for insurance would be like telling teens to just not have sex as a solution to early preganacy and std problems. It might make you feel good to tow a hard line, but sex education is a more realistic way of dealing with the problem.

The reality up here in Chicago and the surrounding suburbs is the Illegal immigrants have no fear because they know they wont be turned over by the local police. It is many suburbs policy and Chicago policy not to give the info to the Feds. Unless they murder someone or get caught with 32 bales of marijuana they are not going to get reported or deported. That is just how it works up here.

The problem I have is if you keep legitimizing the rights of these illegal immigrants where does it stop?

If it is more realistic then why dont we just let all the ones here become citizens and put a guest program together to let all the new immigrants in also. You are not going to stop them and you are not going to deport them then why waste the money? Just let them all come in and when the system collapses we will be no better off then a third world country.

Mexico would never ever do this for you. In fact it's been documented that certain Mexican states take the illegal immigrants from the south (who are trying to get to America) and they put them into farming and forced labor camps for 6 months to a year on their first offense.

I guess that is why we are so much better people err Suckers!!!

12-05-2012, 11:30 AM
I see a lot of miss use of the word immigrant. Immigrants come here to become law abiding, tax paying citizens.

They are illegal aliens.

And should be rounded up when they come in for their so called drivers license, shot in both ankles and knees and tossed back over the boarder. Then they will think twice about coming here illegally.

Sent from my iPhone 4S

DTR + 4.10's + Eaton swap = Wreeeeeeeeeeeeeeedom

1 Bad Merc
12-05-2012, 11:35 AM
I see a lot of miss use of the word immigrant. Immigrants come here to become law abiding, tax paying citizens.

They are illegal aliens.

And should be rounded up when they come in for their so called drivers license, shot in both ankles and knees and tossed back over the boarder. Then they will think twice about coming here illegally.

Sent from my iPhone 4S

DTR + 4.10's + Eaton swap = Wreeeeeeeeeeeeeeedom

I guessed you missed it -the new Buzzword is "Undocumented Immigrant".

You are no longer allowed to use the word Illegal Alien. Dont be a hater!

Ozark Marauder
12-05-2012, 11:36 AM
It is a complicated issue, but BigDogJim has it correct. The reality of it is that you probably won't see a significant influx of illegals going to the DMV to provide their personal information. The Fed's won't be "grabbing" them, but you can bet that fear is rampant among the illegals.

They are here driving illegally anyway. Not providing a license or opportunity for insurance would be like telling teens to just not have sex as a solution to early pregnancy and std problems. It might make you feel good to tow a hard line, but sex education is a more realistic way of dealing with the problem.

You're right... Laws were made to be broken, sorry for my feeling of towing a hard line, and being unrealistic.....


12-05-2012, 11:39 AM
I guessed you missed it -the new Buzzword is "Undocumented Immigrant".

You are no longer allowed to use the word Illegal Alien. Dont be a hater!

Illegal alien. Illegal alien. Illegal alien. Illegal alien. Illegal alien. Illegal alien. Illegal alien. Illegal alien. Illegal alien. Illegal alien. Illegal alien. Illegal alien. Illegal alien. Illegal alien. Illegal alien. Illegal alien. Illegal alien. Illegal alien. Illegal alien. Illegal alien. Illegal alien. Illegal alien. Illegal alien. Illegal alien. Illegal alien. Illegal alien. Illegal alien. Illegal alien. Illegal alien. Illegal alien. Illegal alien. Illegal alien. Illegal alien. Illegal alien. Illegal alien. Illegal alien.


Sent from my iPhone 4S

DTR + 4.10's + Eaton swap = Wreeeeeeeeeeeeeeedom

12-05-2012, 11:53 AM
They are here driving illegally anyway. Not providing a license or opportunity for insurance would be like telling teens to just not have sex as a solution to early preganacy and std problems. It might make you feel good to tow a hard line, but sex education is a more realistic way of dealing with the problem.

I agree completely!!!
Sex IS a much better way to solve problems! :P

12-05-2012, 11:54 AM
I understand a lot of peoples frustrations, but just getting really really mad and trying to cut a gray issue into black or white doesn't fix the problem.

Streamlining the citizenship process so they can pay taxes would be a good step. Then again, they would probably just work 6 months, collect unemployment the other 6 months, work side jobs and end up claiming only 1/2 of their true income - like real Americans!

P.S. Don't forget about the countless "legals" who also are driving with no license or insurance. Just being American doesn't immediately make you more upstanding.

1 Bad Merc
12-05-2012, 11:57 AM
Illegal alien. Illegal alien. Illegal alien. Illegal alien. Illegal alien. Illegal alien. Illegal alien. Illegal alien. Illegal alien. Illegal alien. Illegal alien. Illegal alien. Illegal alien. Illegal alien. Illegal alien. Illegal alien. Illegal alien. Illegal alien. Illegal alien. Illegal alien. Illegal alien. Illegal alien. Illegal alien. Illegal alien. Illegal alien. Illegal alien. Illegal alien. Illegal alien. Illegal alien. Illegal alien. Illegal alien. Illegal alien. Illegal alien. Illegal alien. Illegal alien. Illegal alien.


Sent from my iPhone 4S

DTR + 4.10's + Eaton swap = Wreeeeeeeeeeeeeeedom

You are just Incorrigible :D!!!!!!!!!!

I havent laughed that hard in awhile-sounded like an old SNL skit with Farley!

12-05-2012, 12:04 PM
I understand a lot of peoples frustrations, but just getting really really mad and trying to cut a gray issue into black or white doesn't fix the problem.

Streamlining the citizenship process so they can pay taxes would be a good step. Then again, they would probably just work 6 months, collect unemployment the other 6 months, work side jobs and end up claiming only 1/2 of their true income - like real Americans!

P.S. Don't forget about the countless "legals" who also are driving with no license or insurance. Just being American doesn't immediately make you more upstanding.

Your right. I've been in favor of stream lining the process to become a citizen. But god damn it. Make these illegals earn it.

But it's the biggest slap in the face, punch in the nuts, kick in the groin to people who worked their asses off to become a citizen.

Sent from my iPhone 4S

DTR + 4.10's + Eaton swap = Wreeeeeeeeeeeeeeedom

1 Bad Merc
12-05-2012, 12:07 PM
I understand a lot of peoples frustrations, but just getting really really mad and trying to cut a gray issue into black or white doesn't fix the problem.

Streamlining the citizenship process so they can pay taxes would be a good step. Then again, they would probably just work 6 months, collect unemployment the other 6 months, work side jobs and end up claiming only 1/2 of their true income - like real Americans!

P.S. Don't forget about the countless "legals" who also are driving with no license or insurance. Just being American doesn't immediately make you more upstanding.

That's the problem -to many American's see a Black and White issue and think it's a gray issue.

For me it's not but then again I had relatives (who were stuck in a UK refugee camp for almost a year after they received their visas) for approval to come to the U.S. -legally.

They followed the rules .........

Mr. Man
12-05-2012, 12:27 PM
Your anger should be aimed at the people who continually vote the bastards into office. Unfortunately the people always feel it the other representatives who are doing a bad job so the same idiots keep getting re-elected. Most of Washington's messes can be directly linked to the public's disdain for the other guy not their guy and to apathy by those who can't be bothered to get off their couches and go vote the bastards out.


12-05-2012, 12:40 PM
My politically incorrect way of saying.....

1 Bad Merc
12-05-2012, 12:56 PM
I am not angry at anyone-just more or less dumbfounded at the way things are going. I dont even want to get into it about our so called Politicians......I have never seen a more craven bunch who only care about getting re-elected -not doing the right thing by and for Americans.

What really bothers me is what Micahdogg said -that immigration is a gray issue. (I am not picking on Micahdogg here so I am making that clear -I appreciate his' opinion).

There was a time when things were black and white -good and evil-right and wrong and now we somehow have changed that dynamic to shades of gray.

To being okay if you can get away with it and you dont see it hurt someone else. It could cost some American their job in another State but if you dont see it and it doesnt effect you then it's okay. This is were we as a people have changed and it bothers the crap out of me.

To me it's just a very sad day indeed.

1 Bad Merc
12-05-2012, 01:04 PM
My politically incorrect way of saying.....

That was hilarious :beer: I forgot about that song!!!!!

1 Bad Merc
12-05-2012, 01:06 PM
Now let's get back to what's really important ........Marauders!!!!!!!!

12-05-2012, 01:46 PM
That's the problem -to many American's see a Black and White issue and think it's a gray issue.

If you think about it a little more, you might see the gray. A good example is speed limits. If a 30-mph speed limit is posted, then everyone doing 31 or higher should be ticketed right? But we know this doesn't happen. It can't happen either. If an officer tried to tow a hard line like this he/she would inevitably pull over someone of influence, prompting a call to the police chief, then be reassigned. That is assuming they could survive the firestorm of an angry community.

And in America you have companies who pick up illegals, bring them to this country and put them to work for cheap wages. Excel Corp in Beardstown is a great example. And you know these big corporations have lobbyists and are engaged in the political process. For one reason or another we kind of rely upon illegals - especially during a somewhat fragile economic climate. Could you imagine the outcry from the countless small business owners out there who rely on illegal subcontracting in order to make ends meet?

And then you have the sticky situation like one of my friends is in. His story is quite the norm. Parents are illegal, came to the US to build a better family, low education, they know 2+2 but not much else but are good people - yet my friend was born here and is legal. He went to school, got a degree in civil engineering, works for municipality and contributes to America. It's never a good time to send half the family back to Mexico.

P.S. I don't think things were ever black/white, good/evil. I think it's always been pretty complicated, but we just become more aware as we get older.

12-05-2012, 02:05 PM
Gotta be honest here, I don't care. If your illegal GET OUT. I was born here, raised here...I don't get any free rides. I pay taxes, taxes, taxes...did I mention taxes? Me and the wife are D.I.N.K.S., we get NOTHING from our government, no food stamps, no free insurance, no free health care, no free phones, no free internet, no help with our housing, no help with our car repairs, NOTHING comes back. These people are smart enough to figure out how to get here, smart enough how to stay under the radar, smart enough to know how to get all the freebies and not get thrown out...I DO NOT "feel" for them...GET OUT... PERIOD! See, it really is Black and White. There is no argument, legal or illegal, its very simple to me.

12-05-2012, 02:26 PM
Gotta be honest here, I don't care. If your illegal GET OUT. I was born here, raised here...I don't get any free rides. I pay taxes, taxes, taxes...did I mention taxes? Me and the wife are D.I.N.K.S., we get NOTHING from our government, no food stamps, no free insurance, no free health care, no free phones, no free internet, no help with our housing, no help with our car repairs, NOTHING comes back. These people are smart enough to figure out how to get here, smart enough how to stay under the radar, smart enough to know how to get all the freebies and not get thrown out...I DO NOT "feel" for them...GET OUT... PERIOD! See, it really is Black and White. There is no argument, legal or illegal, its very simple to me.

I don't get involved with these types of threads!

But Chris I agree with you 100%!!! :agree:

Deport em all back to where they came from!!! :banned:

12-05-2012, 02:37 PM
I pay taxes, taxes, taxes...we get NOTHING from our government

You get to not go to jail...and that's worth something! You could totally get food stamps and a super cool circa 2000 cell phone with prepaid minutes if you stopped making so much money though. The good life awaits!

12-05-2012, 02:40 PM
Doomie just patches on em. Why even bother to have immigration laws if we are not going to enforce them equally on all groups? I've said this other places, I'll say it here. We did this to ourselves and we will get what we deserve... May God help us.

12-05-2012, 02:40 PM
70% of illegal immigrants stay on welfare for their entire life.

On the Federal College Aide application the 5 "ethnic groups" are Black, Asian, Native American, White and Hispanic.

Like many I grew up hearing a language other than English. Yet there is no blank for me to fill in my ethnic group! There should be all rthnic groups or no ethnic groups.

12-05-2012, 03:23 PM
I wonder if you illegally enter Mexico if they give you a driver's license, put you on welfare and don't alert the federales...


-- Illegal entry into the country is equivalent to a felony punishable by two years' imprisonment. Document fraud is subject to fine and imprisonment; so is alien marriage fraud. Evading deportation is a serious crime; illegal re-entry after deportation is punishable by ten years' imprisonment. Foreigners may be kicked out of the country without due process and the endless bites at the litigation apple that illegal aliens are afforded in our country (see, for example, President Obama's illegal alien aunt -- a fugitive from deportation for eight years who is awaiting a second decision on her previously rejected asylum claim).

-- Law enforcement officials at all levels -- by national mandate -- must cooperate to enforce immigration laws, including illegal alien arrests and deportations. The Mexican military is also required to assist in immigration enforcement operations. Native-born Mexicans are empowered to make citizens' arrests of illegal aliens and turn them in to authorities.

Oh, hrm...

12-05-2012, 04:01 PM
If you think about it a little more, you might see the gray. A good example is speed limits. If a 30-mph speed limit is posted, then everyone doing 31 or higher should be ticketed right? But we know this doesn't happen. It can't happen either. If an officer tried to tow a hard line like this he/she would inevitably pull over someone of influence, prompting a call to the police chief, then be reassigned. That is assuming they could survive the firestorm of an angry community.

Vehicle speedometers usually have a margin of error, however small they might be. Also, unless you use cruise control always, your speed could fluctuate slightly, enough to possibly go the one mph over the posted speed limit you're tossing out here. There is some level of intent here, or specifically a lack thereof. You have to be pretty negligent of operating a car to go 5 or 10 or more mph over the speed limit, but it's quite possible you aren't being negligent if you slide 1mph over. You don't accidentally enter a country illegally and build a life there for years, you willfully choose to not go through the necessary channels to do it legitimately.

tl;dr: your comparison is invalid.

And in America you have companies who pick up illegals, bring them to this country and put them to work for cheap wages. Excel Corp in Beardstown is a great example. And you know these big corporations have lobbyists and are engaged in the political process. For one reason or another we kind of rely upon illegals - especially during a somewhat fragile economic climate. Could you imagine the outcry from the countless small business owners out there who rely on illegal subcontracting in order to make ends meet?

What you're saying here is "well, since we already started doing something a shady way, we might as well keep being shady instead of owning up and doing it the right way, 'cause that's just too darn hard on us." Weak.

And then you have the sticky situation like one of my friends is in. His story is quite the norm. Parents are illegal, came to the US to build a better family, low education, they know 2+2 but not much else but are good people - yet my friend was born here and is legal. He went to school, got a degree in civil engineering, works for municipality and contributes to America. It's never a good time to send half the family back to Mexico.

Same as above; you're justifying their presence because no one caught them earlier, "it's just too unpleasant to buckle down and stop being shady, so let's make the shady way OK to do."

A side thought from all this, since I saw mention of it earlier in the thread: political correctness is this era's slavery for this nation (and apparently some others as well.) We've become intellectually shackled, and the saddest part is we weren't even over-powered at the start of it, we just let it slide and here we are...

12-05-2012, 05:07 PM
70% of illegal immigrants stay on welfare for their entire life.

On the Federal College Aide application the 5 "ethnic groups" are Black, Asian, Native American, White and Hispanic.

Like many I grew up hearing a language other than English. Yet there is no blank for me to fill in my ethnic group! There should be all rthnic groups or no ethnic groups.

There you are! Had me worried! :D

12-05-2012, 05:10 PM
[QUOTE=MrBluGruv;1242526]Vehicle speedometers usually have a margin of error, however small they might be. Also, unless you use cruise control always, your speed could fluctuate slightly, enough to possibly go the one mph over the posted speed limit you're tossing out here. There is some level of intent here, or specifically a lack thereof. You have to be pretty negligent of operating a car to go 5 or 10 or more mph over the speed limit, but it's quite possible you aren't being negligent if you slide 1mph over. You don't accidentally enter a country illegally and build a life there for years, you willfully choose to not go through the necessary channels to do it legitimately.

I was trained to give speedo error as much as 5mph. Most agencies are fairly generous and there is no written policy, at least not here.

1 Bad Merc
12-05-2012, 05:25 PM
Here's another pet peeve of mine.......just had a lady that works with my wife tell her that we are CRAZY for being married with kids. She tells my wife that she has 3 kids, lives with the dad (basically a family), is not married and gets subsidized by the goverment for child daycare, breakfast and hot lunch at school (costs her .30 cents -for all 3 per day), gets a linc card, section 8 housing money, etc., etc.

Her significant other is a electrician so he makes good money (but does alot of side jobs for cash), they have a brand new Cadillac Escalade, just bought a nice house and are living a dam good life. They just got back from two weeks at Disney World.

She then tells my wife that we are pretty dumb as we could be getting all of these free benefits if we just worked the system. She tells her that this is how her family and friends all do it.

No wonder the marriage rates have dropped astronomically the past 10 years for all the ethnic groups. Why get married and not get all of the free benefits!!!!! This is what pisses me off!!!!

Another shade of Gray -it must be alright if everyone is doing it.

12-05-2012, 05:33 PM
Here's another pet peeve of mine.......just had a lady that works with my wife tell her that we are CRAZY for being married with kids. She tells my wife that she has 3 kids, lives with the dad (basically a family), is not married and gets subsidized by the goverment for child daycare, breakfast and hot lunch at school (costs her .30 cents -for all 3 per day), gets a linc card, section 8 housing money, etc., etc.

Her significant other is a electrician so he makes good money (but does alot of side jobs for cash), they have a brand new Cadillac Escalade, just bought a nice house and are living a dam good life. They just got back from two weeks at Disney World.

She then tells my wife that we are pretty dumb as we could be getting all of these free benefits if we just worked the system. She tells her that this is how her family and friends all do it.

No wonder the marriage rates have dropped astronomically the past 10 years for all the ethnic groups. Why get married and not get all of the free benefits!!!!! This is what pisses me off!!!!

Another shade of Gray -it must be alright if everyone is doing it.

I turn that b$tch in! Fk them.

Sent from my iPhone 4S

DTR + 4.10's + Eaton swap = Wreeeeeeeeeeeeeeedom

12-05-2012, 05:39 PM
I turn that b$tch in! Fk them.

Sent from my iPhone 4S

DTR + 4.10's + Eaton swap = Wreeeeeeeeeeeeeeedom

AMEN TO THAT! Whats her name and where does she work, I'll call her in myself!

12-05-2012, 05:39 PM
plain and simple they are criminals dont reward them punish them!!!!!Bring back chain gangs!

12-05-2012, 05:52 PM
Automated sentry guns at the boarder every 100ft. Problem solved. If it moves, it dies.

12-05-2012, 05:55 PM
Automated sentry guns at the boarder every 100ft. Problem solved. If it moves, it dies.

Heavy penalties to anyone who pays them money for services rendered.

No money=no illegals.

12-05-2012, 06:04 PM
Heavy penalties to anyone who pays them money for services rendered.

No money=no illegals.
Agree'd. Also money that LEAVES this country even its charity or money order should be taxed.

12-05-2012, 07:09 PM
She then tells my wife that we are pretty dumb as we could be getting all of these free benefits if we just worked the system. She tells her that this is how her family and friends all do it.

Well at least they are "working" something. :rolleyes: That is the problem with the current system .... it is just so easy to game the flawed system since few controls are in place to detect the fraud and abuse. I guess these upstanding folks just don't see how this is impacting people who really need the system to get them over shortterm problems. Not sure how they face themselves in the mirror every morning .... but I guess if your objective is to just FLAUNT your money, it doesn't matter a whole H3LL of alot HOW you get it or WHO has to pay. :mad2:

12-05-2012, 07:48 PM
Here's another pet peeve of mine.......just had a lady that works with my wife tell her that we are CRAZY for being married with kids. She tells my wife that she has 3 kids, lives with the dad (basically a family), is not married and gets subsidized by the goverment for child daycare, breakfast and hot lunch at school (costs her .30 cents -for all 3 per day), gets a linc card, section 8 housing money, etc., etc.

Her significant other is a electrician so he makes good money (but does alot of side jobs for cash), they have a brand new Cadillac Escalade, just bought a nice house and are living a dam good life. They just got back from two weeks at Disney World.

She then tells my wife that we are pretty dumb as we could be getting all of these free benefits if we just worked the system. She tells her that this is how her family and friends all do it.

No wonder the marriage rates have dropped astronomically the past 10 years for all the ethnic groups. Why get married and not get all of the free benefits!!!!! This is what pisses me off!!!!

Another shade of Gray -it must be alright if everyone is doing it.

And a relative's child goes to private university for next to free being eligible for grants and paid to study all paid for by the taxpayer because she claims she lives with her Dad. Who has a low salary and also makes money being paid in cash. The insult he works for a non tax paying entity.
If I leave my family the day before my child signs the Fed Financial Aide application they go to private university for free! FREE, FREE, FREE.

The first 3 steps to TYRANNY are 1) divide into Groups, 2) give some Groups more rights than others and 3) Disarm the populace.
We are well into to step 2!

12-05-2012, 07:53 PM
Well at least they are "working" something. :rolleyes: That is the problem with the current system .... it is just so easy to game the flawed system since few controls are in place to detect the fraud and abuse. I guess these upstanding folks just don't see how this is impacting people who really need the system to get them over shortterm problems. Not sure how they face themselves in the mirror every morning .... but I guess if your objective is to just FLAUNT your money, it doesn't matter a whole H3LL of alot HOW you get it or WHO has to pay. :mad2:
I don't blame them in the least. It is our corrupt politicians who buy votes by giving away other people's stuff while becoming RICH! :mad2:

cat in the hat
12-05-2012, 08:38 PM
Illegals need driver's licenses for ID so they can vote. Seems obvious.

12-05-2012, 09:20 PM
And the State gets the fee from issuing the DL plus greater representation in the Legislature and money. Representation is based on the number of people not the number of citizens!

12-05-2012, 09:30 PM
Vehicle speedometers usually have a margin of error, however small they might be. Also, unless you use cruise control always, your speed could fluctuate slightly, enough to possibly go the one mph over the posted speed limit you're tossing out here. There is some level of intent here, or specifically a lack thereof. You have to be pretty negligent of operating a car to go 5 or 10 or more mph over the speed limit, but it's quite possible you aren't being negligent if you slide 1mph over. You don't accidentally enter a country illegally and build a life there for years, you willfully choose to not go through the necessary channels to do it legitimately.

tl;dr: your comparison is invalid.

I used traffic safety to show why things aren't merely "legal" and "illegal." You helped drive this point home.

If you want to talk about invalid - in every vehicle code in the 50 states, the vehicle operator is responsible for ensuring the proper calibration of the speedometer. Even if you just bought the vehicle brand new. Even if it's not your vehicle. Otherwise everyone would just say the speedo was off and get out of tickets. If you are a cop and you calibrate the laser gun then you are the law. Everything 31 and higher is a violation. You can try to enforce the law this way and it won't work.

This is why you can't just send illegals home, it is much too complicated. You could try it, but it won't work. Would you send illegals home and knowingly put America into another recession (stock market at 4000 kinda recession) - I doubt it. Some things you have to deal with. Another example - we learned through prohibition that alcohol is here to stay. If you tow a hard line and outlaw it, everything goes underground and gets deregulated. This literally hurt everyone except a handful of enforcement agents, which is why it was repealed.

FTR, I'm not endorsing illegal immigration. But people want to come to America and we need to deal with it. Building a bigger fence, shooting anything that moves, and rapid deportation isn't going to work.

P.S. I need to make it to one of these meets and have a brew with you folks.

12-05-2012, 09:33 PM
Illegals need driver's licenses for ID so they can vote. Seems obvious.

Most likely the true hidden reason behind such political filth.

Sent from my iPhone 4S

DTR + 4.10's + Eaton swap = Wreeeeeeeeeeeeeeedom

Mustang man
12-05-2012, 09:34 PM
Yes, and in Cook county vote early .....vote often.

Another fine example how out of touch politicians and especially Illinois politicians are. I'm sure this will somehow fix the financial status of the state also. Worst state in the country and follows the fine example of the Federal government as far as spending money we dont have.

I cant wait till I retire and can get out of this God forsaken state. Eventually people like myself will continue to leave this state. As the cycle continues, more of the people that work, pay taxes and obey the laws chose to leave this state it will only get worse.

By the way, many municipal police departments in Illinois have policies prohibiting officers from asking subjects their citizenship status.

12-06-2012, 12:32 AM
plain and simple they are criminals dont reward them punish them!!!!!Bring back chain gangs!

That's one of the reasons why I love Arizona. I hope I never do stuff stupid enough to end up in Joe Arpaio's chain gang :o

1 Bad Merc
12-06-2012, 01:13 AM
plain and simple they are criminals dont reward them punish them!!!!!Bring back chain gangs!

We couldnt do that because then the UN would accuse us of being bad people!!!! We should not follow Mexico's example :bandit:

12-06-2012, 04:38 AM
Shaking my head!!!! Never in my life heard so much BS!!!!!:(... The new age racism :( Are there any Mexican on this site.. If so Stand the **** against this MTFBS.!!!


12-06-2012, 04:54 AM
Shaking my head!!!! Never in my life heard so much BS!!!!!:(... The new age racism :( Are there any Mexican on this site.. If so Stand the **** against this MTFBS.!!!


The discussion is not about racism, it's about illegal aliens and the lack of protecting our borders.

12-06-2012, 05:14 AM
Shaking my head!!!! Never in my life heard so much BS!!!!!:(... The new age racism :( Are there any Mexican on this site.. If so Stand the **** against this MTFBS.!!!

This ^^^^^ is the most racist statement in this entire thread. Why did YOU single out a particular ethnic group? Illegal immigrants come in all types and nationalities. Whether they are from Asia, Africa, South America, Mexico, Europe, or Antarctica ..... Illegal is Illegal. Law breakers should not get benefits accorded to its citizens. No other country does it. Makes NO DIFFERENCE where they came from.

12-06-2012, 05:42 AM
Shaking my head!!!! Never in my life heard so much BS!!!!!:(... The new age racism :( Are there any Mexican on this site.. If so Stand the **** against this MTFBS.!!!


You do realize an illegal alien comes from many different ethnic groups? Discussion has nothing to do with just one or two ethnic groups. People here illegally should only get one benefit. And that's a short jailing followed by being deported.

Now if said illegals showed and proved that they are actively trying to become tax paying US citizens, I'm all for it.

Sent from my iPhone 4S

DTR + 4.10's + Eaton swap = Wreeeeeeeeeeeeeeedom

12-06-2012, 06:32 AM
Yes, and in Cook county vote early .....vote often.

Another fine example how out of touch politicians and especially Illinois politicians are. I'm sure this will somehow fix the financial status of the state also. Worst state in the country and follows the fine example of the Federal government as far as spending money we dont have.

I cant wait till I retire and can get out of this God forsaken state. Eventually people like myself will continue to leave this state. As the cycle continues, more of the people that work, pay taxes and obey the laws chose to leave this state it will only get worse.

By the way, many municipal police departments in Illinois have policies prohibiting officers from asking subjects their citizenship status.

Great state with an Achilles heel: CHICAGO and SPRINGFIELD.

12-06-2012, 06:34 AM
Shaking my head!!!! Never in my life heard so much BS!!!!!:(... The new age racism :( Are there any Mexican on this site.. If so Stand the **** against this MTFBS.!!!


When the facts aren't on your side, the opposers always falls back on the old race card. So predictable, sad and pathetic.

Read the article posted in post #41 and tell me who the racists are. I anxiously await your reply.

12-06-2012, 07:11 AM
you said something I don't like you are a racist

12-06-2012, 07:11 AM
That's one of the reasons why I love Arizona. I hope I never do stuff stupid enough to end up in Joe Arpaio's chain gang :o
AMEN to that! Joe for president!

12-06-2012, 07:15 AM
Shaking my head!!!! Never in my life heard so much BS!!!!!:(... The new age racism :( Are there any Mexican on this site.. If so Stand the **** against this MTFBS.!!!


Seriously right now? You pulled out the race card? Nuff said...:bs::shake:

12-06-2012, 07:23 AM
Hey I'm illegal just don't tell anyone.OK? Thnaks guys:)

12-06-2012, 07:24 AM
That's one of the reasons why I love Arizona. I hope I never do stuff stupid enough to end up in Joe Arpaio's chain gang :o
So your saying that you would not look good in "pink" underware?:P

12-06-2012, 07:36 AM
So your saying that you would not look good in "pink" underware?:P

O.K. Jim, thanks for that mental image....:lol:

12-06-2012, 08:58 AM
Shaking my head!!!! Never in my life heard so much BS!!!!!:(... The new age racism :( Are there any Mexican on this site.. If so Stand the **** against this MTFBS.!!!


Illegal Alien is not a race, nor is buttered popcorn. Mexican is not a race. Mexicans make up 60% of the illegal alien population.

Whats wrong with Mexico? It is a country with vast natural resources and an industrious population.

Why would Mexicans at great risk to themsleves and their families break into the USA?

Answer Mexicans, Mexicans who are corrupt and Mexcians who tolerate corruption.

The corrupt Mexican Govt's economic policy is to send their citizens to work in the USA illegally via issuing fake IDs and providing pamphlets on how to work illegally in the USA.

20% of the Population of Mexico is in the USA illegally.

Secure our Borders and enforce our laws. Mexicans will return to Mexico and with no outlet for the corrupt Mexican Gov't these Mexicans who returned will over throw their corrupt Gov't, which will break the cycle of poverty.

Employ illegals and you are continuing the cycle of poverty by supporting the corrupt Mexican Gov't.

Granting illegals amnesty and you are condeming many of them to a life of poverty. With amnesty their labor advantage evaporates resulting in a mostly unskilled and illiterate labor pool to compete for jobs.

12-06-2012, 09:22 AM
NYS has a illegal alien problem and I'm pretty certain they are not from south of the border. The BP is actually pretty active here. Smuggling in people from Canada is a significant problem. If we came across a undocumented person who for whatever reason drew our suspicion, the BP was contacted. They usually arrived in short order and took the person into custody. FWIW, NOT one was from Mexico.

12-06-2012, 10:18 AM
NYS has a illegal alien problem and I'm pretty certain they are not from south of the border. The BP is actually pretty active here. Smuggling in people from Canada is a significant problem. If we came across a undocumented person who for whatever reason drew our suspicion, the BP was contacted. They usually arrived in short order and took the person into custody. FWIW, NOT one was from Mexico.

Was one of them kernie or ArenJ?

12-06-2012, 10:43 AM
Attention, attention - Antoine is opening his arms, his home, his car and his wallet to all illegal aliens, come one come all. He will take care of you and be responsible for all your actions as a sponsor.

eric jones
12-06-2012, 11:41 AM
Call it what it is... racist! Now... Let's talk about something we all agree on the MARAUDER:banana:
The discussion is not about racism, it's about illegal aliens and the lack of protecting our borders.

1 Bad Merc
12-06-2012, 12:09 PM
Call it what it is... racist! Now... Let's talk about something we all agree on the MARAUDER:banana:

Wow -you brought the 800 lb. elephant into the room :eek:

Being against Undocumented Immigrants is not racist imho.

12-06-2012, 12:39 PM
being against undocumented immigrants is not racist imho.

huge +1.....

12-06-2012, 12:42 PM
Call it what it is... racist! Now... Let's talk about something we all agree on the MARAUDER:banana:

Attention, attention - eric jones is opening his arms, his home, his car and his wallet to all illegal aliens, come one come all. He will take care of you and be responsible for all your actions as a sponsor.

MARAUDER with a banana is highly racist! MARAUDERS preyed on the weak and unarmed. Black Marauders are racist. The letters of the alphabet are racist and so are ............................!

12-06-2012, 01:28 PM
This has more than ran it's course...