View Full Version : Tornado Engine Thingy

02-29-2004, 06:22 PM
Hey-I just saw a commercial for the tornado on the Speed Channel. Ain't no way I'm gonna pay for one of those, but I had a thought; You suppose making one out of a Bud can or a Miller can would give me better results?

02-29-2004, 06:30 PM
They are a waste of $'s. :down:

02-29-2004, 07:19 PM
keep drinking the buds and millers or switch to a better beer. and dont buy the crapnado :banana:

02-29-2004, 07:28 PM
My preference is Killians but I've never seen it in a can. Ya know, if this deal works out I may have to drink a lot of beer :lol:

02-29-2004, 09:03 PM
would a Newcastle Brown bottle work ??

03-01-2004, 06:32 AM
Hey-I just saw a commercial for the tornado on the Speed Channel. Ain't no way I'm gonna pay for one of those, but I had a thought; You suppose making one out of a Bud can or a Miller can would give me better results? Hay guys I hate to bust your bubble but I had one in my 2004 Mercury Grand Marq. and My 2003 Chevy Pick up and it made a difference in gas mileage and when I put the peddle to the floor. A small difference, but a difference. I took the one out of the Grand Marq. and put it in the Marauder ,I didn't notice much of a difference in the Marauder but I left it in thinking it can't hurt.

03-01-2004, 07:43 AM
I volunteer to help drink as many cans of beer as it takes for you to think you see an improvement. After the first case, we should be WELL on our way!



O's Fan Rich
03-01-2004, 08:12 AM
My preference is Killians but I've never seen it in a can. Ya know, if this deal works out I may have to drink a lot of beer :lol:

Yes, you can get Killians in a can... been there done that, a few times.

03-01-2004, 10:43 AM
I volunteer to help drink as many cans of beer as it takes for you to think you see an improvement. After the first case, we should be WELL on our way!


john I tested it ,you didn't, so drink as many cans of Beer as you need too, maybe your car will go faster that way !

03-01-2004, 11:10 AM
Cobra25, this is all in fun! I never try to drink and drive but I sure will put down a few for the cause!

Maybe you did see an improvement. If so, that is fine! Remember, the only person you have to make happy is yourself, and if you are satisfied than it should be considered, "mission accomplished."

Personally, I'll wait for the dyno results and continue with the Miller Lite.



03-01-2004, 11:26 AM
Ok, just so everyone knows, this dyno was NOT for a Marauder, but the guy did do the tests correctly.

Here's what I found on the dyno. The data is uncorrected and smoothed (to avoid getting too many unbalancing peaks) to S=3 on dynojet's software. I made six passes on the dyno. Two with the Tornado unit installed followed by a 20 minute cooldown (with the engine idling) and two runs without the Tornado installed. Following yet another 20 minute cooldown with the engine idling I proceeded to make two more runs with the Tornado unit installed.

Run #1 w/Tornado: 145.1 HP, 147.3 lb-ft Run #2 w/Tornado: 145.3 HP, 146.7 lb-ft

Run #3 noTornado: 148.0 HP, 149.8 lb-ft Run #4 noTornado: 146.8 HP, 149.3 lb-ft

Run #5 w/Tornado: 145.6 HP, 148.8 lb-ft Run #6 w/Tornado: 146.3 HP, 148.4 lb-ft

As you can see from the above numbers, coming in "hot" from the street produced the lowest numbers. I did allow for about a 10-15 minute cooldown before hitting the dyno the first Time. So perhaps the second run wasn't surprising, with the car probably being a bit cooler. The third set of runs is what put the nail in the coffin when it comes to the Tornado. Although the third set was a bit improved over the first set, it was still visibly lower than the second of runs. (thanks to JTT)

Yet another snake oil automotive product.


I agree. If the thing would add any milage or performance gain, don't you think the automakers would have one on every car? They don't because there is nothing to it. If you have one and decide it doesn't work, they make nice desk paperweights!


03-01-2004, 12:28 PM
[QUOTE=Cobra25]Hay guys I hate to bust your bubble but I had one in my 2004 Mercury Grand Marq. and My 2003 Chevy Pick up and it made a difference in gas mileage and when I put the peddle to the floor. A small difference, but a difference. I took the one out of the Grand Marq. and put it in the Marauder ,I didn't notice much of a difference in the Marauder but I left it in thinking it can't hurt.[/QUOTE

Possibly the improvement was more noticed in another car because the MM has a very GOOD air flow path Stock, It is Your money and Your Car so if it feels good to YOU go for it. I will not spend the money but THAT is my money and My Marauder. :beer: :beer:
Would love to Drink a few Cans of Fosters and discuss the benefits.

Joe Clancy

03-01-2004, 01:59 PM
It was nice of you to do a Dyno on the Tornado, And I hope your pleased with your results, and if it made you happy, that's a good thing. Every car is different and some things work on some car's well and not on others . WE could argue back and forth about this what good would it do. I bought the Tornado for My 2004 Mercury Grand Marq.and it worked well in it,sold that car , bought a Marauder , it fit so I put it in. The air flow in the Marauder is different, Thats all ,no hard feeling's.

03-01-2004, 02:49 PM
I've got the plan-once daily activities are over at MVII, we'll all sit around with our favorite beer, shoot the breeze and make ourselves some tornados out of the empty cans. I can see it now-MVII Beer Garden and Performance Corner.

Killians in a can?!-I gotta get to the store tonight!

jfclancy-you got me thinkin' again; a Fosters oil can might be the best to use because it has the largest diameter-probably a better match for our intakes. I'll do some quick flow calculations.

03-01-2004, 06:53 PM
It was nice of you to do a Dyno on the Tornado, And I hope your pleased with your results, and if it made you happy, that's a good thing.
Your "tornado," is a spring shower.

Every car is different and some things work on some car's well and not on others.
Yes sir, I agree. I agree when we're talking about water pumps, oil pans, headers, manifolds, starters, fuses, and lots of other things that should be compatabile from Ford to Ford. This "tornado" is BS, you got suckered, just deal with it. There isn't one of us here that hasn't fallen for a sales pitch on something somewhere, from superchargers to diodes, we all bit on something, yes?

We could argue back and forth about this what good would it do.
No, we can not, and we will not. We won't argue back and forth because your "tornado" dosen't do *****. It's not an argument when one side of the argument has no merit. "Is nitrous N/A, or, not?" is an argument we can and have entertained, because nitrous has merit on it's own. Your "tornado" has no standing, period. It's a joke on consumers everywhere, and this should be the last post in this thread, K?

Thats all, no hard feeling's.
Not at all, my friend...Right?

03-01-2004, 07:03 PM
Yes sir, I agree. I agree when we're talking about water pumps, oil pans, headers, manifolds, starters, fuses, and lots of other things that should be compatabile from Ford to Ford. This "tornado" is BS, you got suckered, just deal with it. There isn't one of us here that hasn't fallen for a sales pitch on something somewhere, from superchargers to diodes, we all bit on something, yes?

Hey-I don't think I fall for any sort of sales pitch. Now where did I put that clapper?

Well, this thread was meant in good fun, but it imploded. Just have to try again later.

Some of you better be putting some beer away with me at MVII though :)


03-01-2004, 07:13 PM
Sorry, Mac but I have to disagree on a point. There are some circumstances where the tornado could have an indirect effect on performance. Not for to the normal reasons we consider but think about this. The MAF functions can vary based on whether the air flowing through it is laminar or turbulent. This can be affected by obstructions both before and after the MAF sensor. Adding this obstruction before the MAF sensor could cause a false reading which could then be interpreted by the PCM to adjust the fuel. Just a thought.

03-01-2004, 07:51 PM
Sorry, Mac but I have to disagree on a point. There are some circumstances where the tornado could have an indirect effect on performance. Not for to the normal reasons we consider but think about this. The MAF functions can vary based on whether the air flowing through it is laminar or turbulent. This can be affected by obstructions both before and after the MAF sensor. Adding this obstruction before the MAF sensor could cause a false reading which could then be interpreted by the PCM to adjust the fuel. Just a thought.
Nahaa...But, thanks for the invite.

Y A W N s t r e t c h hafta go now. You'll figure it all out, I'm sure...Someday.

03-01-2004, 08:49 PM
See...you boys were "tusslin" in here while I was having some grins with the kiddies in the deleted thread....:nono:

03-01-2004, 08:52 PM
Yeah Todd, but this one hasn't almost come to fisticuffs. :)

03-01-2004, 08:54 PM
Yeah Todd, but this one hasn't almost come to fisticuffs. :)
Well...neither did that one...it's against the law for me to strike minors....

03-01-2004, 08:55 PM
The MAF functions can vary based on whether the air flowing through it is laminar or turbulent. This can be affected by obstructions both before and after the MAF sensor.

This IS true, by the way. On the LS1 as installed in the f-body, the MAF screens actually serve to 'straighten' out the air over the MAF wires. On the Vette it's not there...

The Vette's intake path is straight. The F-body's is not (less straight on the LT1, still a slight curve on the LS1). Removing the screens actually causes the MAF to misread, leaning out the mixture to a varying degree (depending on model year, due to calibration differences). More power, but not only through increased air flow.

Now, whether the Tornado can help in this regard... I still don't like sticking anything in the intake path unless it's a filter. And I already got one...

Would be fun to see a back-to-back test...

03-01-2004, 09:13 PM
This IS true, by the way. On the LS1 as installed in the f-body, the MAF screens actually serve to 'straighten' out the air over the MAF wires. On the Vette it's not there...

The Vette's intake path is straight. The F-body's is not (less straight on the LT1, still a slight curve on the LS1). Removing the screens actually causes the MAF to misread, leaning out the mixture to a varying degree (depending on model year, due to calibration differences). More power, but not only through increased air flow.

Now, whether the Tornado can help in this regard... I still don't like sticking anything in the intake path unless it's a filter. And I already got one...

Would be fun to see a back-to-back test...
And both tests would need to be done with AFR sensor.

03-01-2004, 09:15 PM
See...you boys were "tusslin" in here while I was having some grins with the kiddies in the deleted thread....:nono:
Yeah, I reckon I missed the fun. What was that all about anyway? E-mail me.

03-01-2004, 09:29 PM
would a Newcastle Brown bottle work ??
yes, with newcastle you can do anything :beer:

03-02-2004, 10:51 AM
Nahaa...But, thanks for the invite.

Y A W N s t r e t c h hafta go now. You'll figure it all out, I'm sure...Someday. Hay SergntMac you know you remind me of my first wife in a way ,your always right and know everything right! Now if you read what I wrote before , I said I put it in my 2004 Mercury Grand Marq. and it made a difference. It did. Now since you weren't in that car you could not now if it did or didn't , so you have no right passing judgement on me or what I stated. The bottom line is very simple if you don't like ,then don't buy it.

03-02-2004, 10:57 AM
Judas priest...I've got to bust this thing out two days in a row now...

O's Fan Rich
03-02-2004, 11:08 AM
Killians in a can?!-I gotta get to the store tonight!

Just to show that I'm not kidding:

Notice the Killian's listing!

03-02-2004, 02:14 PM
Hay SergntMac you know you remind me of my first wife in a way ,your always right and know everything right!
Well, so much for hard feelings, eh?

I don't believe I know everything, and I am not always right. I've lost count of my apologies and corrections here. However, if you count up the threads and posts as a whole, there is a lot more going on here that I do not reply to, because I don't know an answer, or, enough of the correct answer to be of any help in problem solving. So, in a sense, you could be correct, because you're not going to hear much out of me unless I am right, and the answer contributes to resolving the issue. If this reminds you of someone, that's a problem I cannot address.

I didn't think your "no hard feelings" was in ernest, so, here I am, right again.

Moreover, I did read your post and carefully too. Let me remind you of my perspective here. New boards are created every day on the 'net, and they usually exist so people can share a common interest. This is the Mercury Marauder niche of the web. I welcome everyone to come and play, but I'm sometimes rather narrow minded too. If something posted here is unrelated to the Marauder, I really have no interest in it, and I won't bother getting involved. However, when it's a technical discussion which may affect a Marauder owner, I will be listening, and I like to see things get straight answers. In this case, the mod in question, is unquestionably a fraud. In your case, whatever you have done to your GM and why, is of little concern to me. If you're pleased with your mod, bully for you.

Why is it, when I say something doesn't work on a Marauder, I'm a bad guy? I'm out of line? Why is it you can have your opinion, but I cannot present mine? You don't like my response to your post, don't post. Now I'm going to sound like your first wife again.

What ever...

03-02-2004, 02:22 PM
Mac, you're sounding a little like my first wife! I won't hold her against you, near you or even in the same zip code as you. :D You can't possibly have as many quirks as she did. [hehe]

Anyway, time to open a "Snake Oil" thread on the forum.



03-02-2004, 02:27 PM
All I know is...I like the thread name.:o

Anything thread name with the word tornado and thingy in the same sentence gets my attention. :up:

Although, as we speak, grandpa is probably on HSN scooping up a case for next christmas' stocking stuffers.:nono:

03-02-2004, 06:03 PM
Killians in a can?!-I gotta get to the store tonight!

Just to show that I'm not kidding:

Notice the Killian's listing![/QUOTE]

I belived you-I've just never seen it before. I really need to find me a case :beer:

03-02-2004, 06:15 PM
Mac. Look we all have a little fun here, it is a great site, And I do give you your do, you are a smart guy and know alot about the Mercury Marauder, But I really think you missed the point, the Tornado in my 2004 Mercury Grand Marquis worked, Would I purchase it and put it in my 2003 Marauder most likely not, but I already had it so I put it in. Now in you reply the other day you were a bit of a smart A--.! Now you being a Supporting Vendor on this site I would think it would be smart of you to be nice to the members of this site seeing we buy your stuff, if you get my drift $$$. Now if you seen the Movie Rambo , Just remember "I didn't draw first blood!" Now maybe next time we talk to each we can be a little nicer to each other, I'll do my part .