View Full Version : OMG how old am I?

Mr. Man
12-06-2012, 01:21 PM
So I'm speaking over the phone with the girl at the doctor's office about following up on a paperwork issue and she says she can call my doctor and get the information directly. So I say let me see if I have the doctors' number handy then I blerk out "Oh I suppose you have all the doctor's numbers there on your desktop Rolodex" :eek: OMG I'm ancient :lol:

12-06-2012, 01:31 PM
Geezers rule!!! :geezer:


12-06-2012, 02:02 PM
At the last IDPA shoot during shooter orientation the S.O. said "we will have results and photos on the facebook later" The facebook, LOL

12-06-2012, 02:43 PM
Right there with you Eric... I have pulled out the old "Rolodex" term a couple of times recently.

I would like to share a similar "old man" experience. I stopped by my sons' favorite skateboard shop and asked if they had a particular "video" in stock. They looked at me with a blank stare for about 10 seconds, and then I realized they had no clue what I was talking about. I substituted "DVD" and then the kids face returned to normal and told me they were currently out of stock...

I thanked them as I headed out the door to catch the street car...:geezer:

12-06-2012, 03:33 PM
Heck, I still call that thing that keeps my beer cold an "Ice Box". I still make copies on a "Xerox" regardless of who makes it. On weekends, I usually wear "Dungarees" since I prefer them to jeans. Seems that I always have to convert Liters to Cubic Inches to get a feel for the engine displacement --- still can't think in liters.

Lately, alot of people at work have been calling me "Sir". Either I have become suddenly important or the amount of gray hair is now in excess of 90%.

12-06-2012, 03:34 PM
So I'm speaking over the phone with the girl at the doctor's office about following up on a paperwork issue and she says she can call my doctor and get the information directly. So I say let me see if I have the doctors' number handy then I blerk out "Oh I suppose you have all the doctor's numbers there on your desktop Rolodex" :eek: OMG I'm ancient :lol:

Clearly..... you drive a Gran Marquis.

Mr. Man
12-06-2012, 03:39 PM
Clearly..... you drive a Gran Marquis.
That's a Black Marquis to you Sir :P:D

12-06-2012, 03:40 PM
That's a SLOW Black Marquis to you Sir :P:D

Fixed it for you...........:D

Mr. Man
12-06-2012, 03:44 PM
Fixed it for you...........:D
Old, low and slow that's me but in a Black MM it's all good :cool:

12-06-2012, 05:21 PM
Rolodex's rule. I still use mine too. The new I-4 phone is sick. Some of us remember when you had to remember and dial numbers.

12-06-2012, 05:30 PM
I still have a personal phone book I write numbers, addy's and email info in. Too old to change, too young to give a ....

12-06-2012, 05:45 PM
That's a Black SKID Marquis to you Sir :P:D

Double fixed

12-06-2012, 05:48 PM
How many of you actually had a "party line" phone before???

12-06-2012, 06:05 PM
I'm not that old, but my first stereo was an 8 track, moved up to vinyl (what's that?) and we only had one television in the house growing up, and it required walking to it to change the channel. We were in high cotton when we got our first VCR. I still get a kick out of the expressions I get when I talk about my first cell phone, that weighed about 8lbs, and texting wasn't around yet. I totally confuse them when I mention an 8in floppy, and learning the new world of Internet on Windows 95, with only 512mb of memory.

Sent from my SR-71 using Tapatalk

12-06-2012, 06:08 PM
How many of you actually had a "party line" phone before???
Our first phone had a party line. We got it in about 1955. I still remember the phone number and it started with TU (Tuxedo). If someone was already on the phone, it was OK to ask if they were gonna be long. Still don't know who those people were or where they lived.

12-06-2012, 06:38 PM
Wtf are these things all you old farts are talking about? Rolodex sounds like a Rolex to me almost

Mr. Man
12-06-2012, 07:05 PM
Wtf are these things all you old farts are talking about? Rolodex sounds like a Rolex to me almost
You just wait junior till your kids look at you like your from Pluto when you start getting nostalgic about your Apple tunes thingy :P

12-06-2012, 07:07 PM
Our first phone had a party line. We got it in about 1955. I still remember the phone number and it started with TU (Tuxedo). If someone was already on the phone, it was OK to ask if they were gonna be long. Still don't know who those people were or where they lived.
Yep, same here. ED4 was our prefix. They still had party lines when I moved out here to the boonies in 82. Beep's family had one when we started going out, and that was in 1988. :rolleyes:

12-06-2012, 07:09 PM
You just wait junior till your kids look at you like your from Pluto when you start getting nostalgic about your Apple tunes thingy :P

We had a new recruit that had never seen a typewriter. We kept it in case the computers went down and we had to do the paperwork the old fashioned way. Ooops, the Cuse is back on. :D

12-06-2012, 07:11 PM
I grew up in rural east Texas and we were on an 8 party line. You always had to pick up the phone and listen to see if you had people talking or a dial tone before dialing.

I will still sometimes pick up my iphone and listen for a dial tone. It's not as bad now as it used to be with a phone with buttons on it.

Mr. Man
12-06-2012, 07:17 PM
I grew up in rural east Texas and we were on an 8 party line. You always had to pick up the phone and listen to see if you had people talking or a dial tone before dialing.

I will still sometimes pick up my iphone and listen for a dial tone. It's not as bad now as it used to be with a phone with buttons on it.
We had a party line when I was a kid. I can't remember the prefix(there's a surprise)

Phones with buttons were a Godsend over the rotory style.

12-06-2012, 07:23 PM

I was required to purchase this state of the art machine as an incoming freshman at Drexel way back in 1984... No RAM, 64K with a couple of 4" ROM disks you had to plug in and out.

This was the computer Bluerauder used as a freshman at Socrates Community College...


12-06-2012, 08:11 PM
I have an old pizza box with more numbers than my rolodex would of ever held,and i'm so stubborn i dont put them in my smart phone.

12-06-2012, 08:49 PM
HA215 was our party line. I remember my first VCR player was $800.00 That was mor more than the TV. My day had a Black and White TV, my brother and I was the remote. 4 tracks and 8 tracks. .25 cents a gallon gas.
VCR movie cameras came with a VCR recorder attached.
My I phone does all those things and more. What will they think of next? Chips planted in out heads. Oh they thought of that already.

12-06-2012, 08:56 PM
I see black and white tv's and think uh oh this is going to be boring. Unless its Svenghoolie. Its corny but thats what makes it funny. Seeing what you old farts used to think was funny:)

12-06-2012, 09:03 PM
Phones with buttons were a Godsend over the rotory style.

Buttons? How about rotary with a seperate ear and mouth piece on the main box. My Dad and Granpa's garage had one when I was a kid. War surplus Jeep for snow plowing and a 1957 Chev pickup tow truck, hand crank. Flying -A- Gas

SC Cheesehead
12-06-2012, 09:48 PM

;) -----------> :D

FWIW, I've never upgraded to a smart phone, still carry my old Palm PDA around.

12-06-2012, 09:52 PM
I'm not that old, but my first stereo was an 8 track, moved up to vinyl (what's that?) and we only had one television in the house growing up, and it required walking to it to change the channel. We were in high cotton when we got our first VCR. I still get a kick out of the expressions I get when I talk about my first cell phone, that weighed about 8lbs, and texting wasn't around yet. I totally confuse them when I mention an 8in floppy, and learning the new world of Internet on Windows 95, with only 512mb of memory.

Sent from my SR-71 using Tapatalk
if I talked about my 8" floppy, I'd be arrested.....LOL :)

12-06-2012, 10:02 PM
How many of you actually had a "party line" phone before???
my parents had a 2 party line when I was growing up.....the family across the alley (you do know what an alley is?) had the other line....their daughter was a hottie and I used to eavesdrop on her conversations with her boyfriend.....needlessly to say, I learned quite a lot about :censor:.....those were the days!

SC Cheesehead
12-06-2012, 10:35 PM
I'm not that old, but my first stereo was an 8 track, moved up to vinyl (what's that?) and we only had one television in the house growing up, and it required walking to it to change the channel. We were in high cotton when we got our first VCR. I still get a kick out of the expressions I get when I talk about my first cell phone, that weighed about 8lbs, and texting wasn't around yet. I totally confuse them when I mention an 8in floppy, and learning the new world of Internet on Windows 95, with only 512mb of memory.

Sent from my SR-71 using Tapatalk

I remember computer shopping a (ahem) few years back and having the salesdude try to convince me to buy a memory upgrade for a couple hundred bucks that would give me a full meg. I recall saying, "why on earth would I need that much memory in a computer?" :cool:

90% of the files I now use are bigger than that... :o

Mr. Man
12-06-2012, 11:17 PM

I was required to purchase this state of the art machine as an incoming freshman at Drexel way back in 1984... No RAM, 64K with a couple of 4" ROM disks you had to plug in and out.

This was the computer Bluerauder used as a freshman at Socrates Community College...

http://gwydir.demon.co.uk/jo/numbers/machine/abacus.jpgYou laugh Bob but I bet the abacus was faster;)

1 Bad Merc
12-07-2012, 01:35 AM
I remember growing up and having no air conditioning in our 1969 Chevy Impala with roll down window cranks. I used to cut my grandma's grass with an old push mower that she had. We did not have central air conditioning until 1973. We were the first in our neighborhood to get cable TV in 1982 and the first movie I saw was Heavy Metal! I stayed up over 24 hours watching that dam thing :)

I saw Star Wars when it first came out in 1977 at the Drive In! My parents took us and it was a double header with the Poseidon Adventure.

Rex -I too had one of those computers and we were taught in High School -1983 how to write programs for it in Basic Computer language using 0's and 1's. We would save our work to the big floppy disks that we had. I remember getting an external modem and thought I was the man back then! Those old CRT monitors were industructable and weighed a ton!

One of my first jobs was working at the railroad and we did not have fax machines we used tele-types to run and trace railcars as well as to send messages to other rail offices. We also used an old mimeograph machine to run extra copies of bill of ladings because US customs would not accept them without the blue ink!

Remember making popcorn in a pan with crisco oil? I remember Jiffy Pop Popcorn coming out and thinking that was so cool! I also remember my dad getting one of those gray brick cell phones and thinking how great was that! Wait to you see the original car phone my dad still has in the GN. Its' an original 1987 car phone with the stand and everything mounted in the car. My dad and I have been getting it running and we just look at it and laugh!

When I look back at it now it's so hard to imagine all the changes that took place from the 70's/80's all the way to now.

12-07-2012, 04:59 AM
This was the computer Bluerauder used as a freshman at Socrates Community College...

I did use a Slide Rule. Remember those??

How about computer programming on punchcards and later on punched tape and "Time Share" computer time using dial-up modems??

Was a big deal when our school's engineering department upgraded to it own PDP-11 computer with magnetic tape storage on 10" reels. Programming in BASIC and FORTRAN IV.

12-07-2012, 06:31 AM
What the heck are you guys talking about?

12-07-2012, 06:35 AM
I'm 38.

Sent from my iPhone 4S

DTR + 4.10's + Eaton swap = Wreeeeeeeeeeeeeeedom

12-07-2012, 06:55 AM
OK, try these on for age. This will even challenge Pops."The Gillette Cavalcade of Sports is on The Air.Clyde LaveletteJersey JoeCar HopsTransistor Radios and the Shadow

1 Bad Merc
12-07-2012, 07:12 AM
Because the SHADOW Knows!!!!!!!!!

12-07-2012, 07:19 AM
Actually, "The nose knows" Whose quote is that?

12-07-2012, 07:22 AM
I would still be happy with a simple cell phone for emergencies and travel only. Ooops, wait, thats what I have. :D I just can not seem to force myself to part with $200 a month for something I won't use, disdain greatly and not to mention they do not work where I live. Too many tall hills, too few towers.

12-07-2012, 07:39 AM
Actually, "The nose knows" Whose quote is that?

^^^^ Jimmy Durante.

How 'bout "The Friday Night Fights"??

Gillette "Sharpie" the Parrot ... "Look Sharp, Feel Sharp, Be Sharp"


12-07-2012, 07:45 AM
Back in the 50's, my folk's apartment had no central heat; dad carried cans of heating oil up three flights of stairs. Rent, $24 per month.

We had a party line.

Ice truck came by and we'd buy ice to keep food cool. Then, we got a refridgerator.

Another horse drawn wagon would come by with fruits/vegetables, and another one with a guy who sharpened knives/scissors.

First TV, a 14" Admiral, b/w.

First car that I can remember, dad's1930/something Nash, three speed floor shift.

Our regular doctor made housecalls.

As a kid, I'd open the windows in the summer (no A/C or fan), and listen to the music coming from a miniature golf course down the block (that new fangled music, rock & roll, which, we all knew back then, would never last).

And, we did not live in a rural area. We lived in Hudson County, NJ, right on top of the Palisades Cliffs, one short city block away from a fantastic view of the Manhatten skyline.

12-07-2012, 11:11 AM
ok Charlie......He said that she said that he had halatosis. She said its true of some girls too. Buy Listerine, try listerine, keep breath fresh and clean with listerine. Good nite Miss Kaabash wherever you are. YES SIR

12-07-2012, 11:14 AM
Now this has turned into a ride down memory lane:burnout:

Enjoy the ride folks:)

Ozark Marauder
12-07-2012, 11:27 AM
= (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=)56tsVh7hMCA=

There ya go Sherman! :lol:


Paul T. Casey
12-07-2012, 11:31 AM
The correct answer to your question is "Not old enough!"

12-07-2012, 08:52 PM
for all the senior citizen members out there, (no offense, that includes me) in the Chicago area on Saturdays there is a radio show called "Those Were The Days". They play all old radio shows...How about: Fibber Magee and Molly...Jack Benny...Our Miss Brooks...The Whistler...The Lone Ranger...The Green Hornet...Inner Sanctum...Bob Hope...etc...I think it's on 90.5 FM from about noon to 4 o'clock....OMG am I old!!!!!

12-07-2012, 08:57 PM
I think it's on 90.5 FM
:lol: you old fart :lol:

Sent from my iPhone 4S

DTR + 4.10's + Eaton swap = Wreeeeeeeeeeeeeeedom

12-07-2012, 09:09 PM
:lol: you old fart :lol:

Sent from my iPhone 4S

DTR + 4.10's + Eaton swap = Wreeeeeeeeeeeeeeedom
yuuuup!!! that's me............:):)

12-07-2012, 09:42 PM
Actually, "The nose knows" Whose quote is that?

Jimmy Durante

SC Cheesehead
12-07-2012, 09:47 PM
Oh goody, we're gonna play nostalgia! :bounce:

"One of these days, Alice, BOOM, right to the moon!"

Mr. Man
12-07-2012, 11:36 PM
for all the senior citizen members out there, (no offense, that includes me) in the Chicago area on Saturdays there is a radio show called "Those Were The Days". They play all old radio shows...How about: Fibber Magee and Molly...Jack Benny...Our Miss Brooks...The Whistler...The Lone Ranger...The Green Hornet...Inner Sanctum...Bob Hope...etc...I think it's on 90.5 FM from about noon to 4 o'clock....OMG am I old!!!!!That's public radio but at least it's not AM radio ;)

Sirius has a station that plays all the old radio shows.

I can remember back when I was a tween (late 70's) my mom getting exited as the radio was going to repeat all the shows she used to listen to as a kid. We all sat around the radio listening to the 'Shadow" and some mystery show and I was like 'can I please go take a bath this is killing me" :lol:

SC Cheesehead
12-08-2012, 12:04 AM
That's public radio but at least it's not AM radio ;)

Sirius has a station that plays all the old radio shows.

I can remember back when I was a tween (late 70's) my mom getting exited as the radio was going to repeat all the shows she used to listen to as a kid. We all sat around the radio listening to the 'Shadow" and some mystery show and I was like 'can I please go take a bath this is killing me" :lol:

AM Radio was king in the '60s and '70s; FM radio was primarily talk radio back then, or college stations playing classical music.

12-08-2012, 01:30 AM
Oh goody, we're gonna play nostalgia! :bounce:

"One of these days, Alice, BOOM, right to the moon!"
Ralph Kramden.

No more JustBob socks, thanks.

12-08-2012, 01:45 AM
Well im 20 and im having a hard time following this. One question I do have though is who here farts dust ? Just curious no judgement haha you guys got to see the marauder come out when I was only 10-12. I wish I would have known that it existed. I may have owned ome before the factory warranty expired.

12-08-2012, 06:29 AM
Remember this .... Dinah Shore and "See the USA in your Chevrolet". This one is from 1952. Why can't I remember any Ford commercials from the 1950's era??


Here \/\/\/\/\/ are some vintage FORD Truck commercials starting in 1959. Also includes the introduction of the Econoline ('61), Bronco ('66), Aerostar ('86), and Explorer ('91). Looks like the "Have you driven a FORD lately?" theme wasn't introduced until the mid '80s.


From 1984 ---- Have You Driven a FORD, Lately??


12-08-2012, 07:33 AM
Anyone catch the 69 Marauder that sold a few days ago on Mecum/Kansas City?

A beauty.

12-08-2012, 07:42 AM
Ralph Kramden.

No more JustBob socks, thanks.

AKA, Jackie Gleason, The Great One. He did the show off the cuff, never a rehersal for him.

Now who was Ed Norton and where did he work? I know.

12-08-2012, 08:12 AM
AKA, Jackie Gleason, The Great One. He did the show off the cuff, never a rehersal for him.

Now who was Ed Norton and where did he work? I know.

Art Carney played Ed Norton. Norton worked in the sewers. Ralph was a bus driver.

Ozark Marauder
12-08-2012, 08:20 AM
Anyone catch the 69 Marauder that sold a few days ago on Mecum/Kansas City?

A beauty.

You are correct Sir......

I wish I was there, I would have bought it for
$ 5750.00



12-08-2012, 08:24 AM
When I was a kid my Dad got stationed in Germany; we flew over on a MATS Super Constellation from McGuire AFB and had to land in the Azores for gas. Also, alot of downtown Frankfurt and Darmstadt were still big piles of bricks, courtesy of the US Army Air Corps. I lived there when they built the Berlin Wall!

12-08-2012, 10:02 AM
When I was a kid my Dad got stationed in Germany; we flew over on a MATS Super Constellation from McGuire AFB and had to land in the Azores for gas. Also, alot of downtown Frankfurt and Darmstadt were still big piles of bricks, courtesy of the US Army Air Corps. I lived there when they built the Berlin Wall!

And I was there when it came down. In fact, the movers were packing me up in November 1989 to come back to the states.

12-08-2012, 11:32 AM
You are correct Sir......

I wish I was there, I would have bought it for
$ 5750.00



seems like too much for a non x100. i would possibly kill for a 70 x100 red/black with all options!!!:burnout: they are so rare i love them.

12-08-2012, 05:03 PM
Art Carney played Ed Norton. Norton worked in the sewers. Ralph was a bus driver.

You would be correct sir. Alice and Trixie?

12-08-2012, 05:17 PM
What did Dick Van Dyke do for a living?

Anybody remember "I Remember Mama?" Nels, Dagmar, Larse?

Ricky Nelson as a kid, and then he grew into a teenage heart throb?

Oh, Cisco, Oh Pancho!

Roy's horse's name? Gene's horse's name?

The name of the jeep that Pat Butram drove?

Snookie Lansen, Gisselle McKenzie? What show?

The Big M? What show?

William Bendix in ++++++++++?

The hottest Mouseketeer?

Flash Gordon in b/w? Played by?

The actor that played "The Thing"?

Ah, you guys are "youths".

Sure, you can do a search and answer most of the above, but can you answer them without googling?

12-08-2012, 05:24 PM
What did Dick Van Dyke do for a living?

Anybody remember "I Remember Mama?" Nels, Dagmar, Larse?

Ricky Nelson as a kid, and then he grew into a teenage heart throb?

Oh, Cisco, Oh Pancho!

Roy's horse's name? Gene's horse's name?

The name of the jeep that Pat Butram drove?

Snookie Lansen, Gisselle McKenzie? What show?

The Big M? What show?

William Bendix in ++++++++++?

The hottest Mouseketeer?

Flash Gordon in b/w? Played by?

The actor that played "The Thing"?

Ah, you guys are "youths".

Sure, you can do a search and answer most of the above, but can you answer them without googling?

I know some of the answers, but not all. Didn't Annette F. pass away?

12-08-2012, 06:32 PM
I know some of the answers, but not all. Didn't Annette F. pass away?

Annette is still alive, last I heard.

12-08-2012, 06:45 PM
Annette is still alive, last I heard.

Thats good, I thought the hottest Mouseketeer had passed.

12-08-2012, 08:09 PM
What did Dick Van Dyke do for a living? Head Comedy Writer for the ficticious "Alan Brady Show"

Anybody remember "I Remember Mama?" Nels, Dagmar, Larse? TV show and the movie with Irene Dunne and Barbara Bel Geddes, too. Papa, Mama, Nels, Dagmar and Katrin.

Ricky Nelson as a kid, and then he grew into a teenage heart throb? The Ozzie and Harriett Show.

Oh, Cisco, Oh Pancho! The Cisco Kid

Roy's horse's name? Trigger Gene's horse's name? Champion

The name of the jeep that Pat Butram drove? Nellybelle

Snookie Lansen, Gisselle McKenzie? What show? Your Hit Parade

The Big M? What show? Dial "M" for Murder with Grace Kelly, Ray Milland, and Bob Cummings

William Bendix in ++++++++++? The Life of Riley, He also played "The Babe" in the Babe Ruth Story.

The hottest Mouseketeer? You are probably thinking about Annette Funicello. I was kinda partial to Sharon and Darlene. :D

Flash Gordon in b/w? Played by? Buster Crabbe

The actor that played "The Thing"? James Arness. Later he was Marshall Dillon on "Gunsmoke".

Ah, you guys are "youths".

Sure, you can do a search and answer most of the above, but can you answer them without googling?

My answers in Red. Only "googled" the Hit Parade answer. I only remember Gisele McKenzie on the variety show. I watch alot of Turner Classic Movies (TCM).

12-08-2012, 08:18 PM
My answers in Red. Only "googled" the Hit Parade answer. I only remember Gisele McKenzie on the variety show.

Wrong on the"Big M".

I thought for sure one of you older guys would get this one.

This is what Mercury was called when Mercury sponsored the Ed Sullivan Show in the late 50's. (Pretty sure it was 1956 model year, when Mercury had a big M hood ornament.)

As Ed would say, "brought to you by Mercury, the big "M".

12-08-2012, 08:31 PM
Effram Zimbalist JR, 77 Sunset Strip, turned 90+ recently.

Who was the show's female star (also a pop singer) and the other male star?

What popular comedian did Texaco sponsor?

Who was the foreign popular pro wrestler that bounced around in the ring like nobody else and, I'm pretty sure, wrestled barefooted.

12-08-2012, 08:48 PM
When Anette dies they will keep her boobs for all us young guys that watched Mickey just to see her. We all can take another trip down memory lane. The Hot Rods were cool too.

12-09-2012, 06:15 AM
When Anette dies they will keep her boobs for all us young guys that watched Mickey just to see her. We all can take another trip down memory lane. The Hot Rods were cool too.

Amen to that

12-09-2012, 06:50 AM
This is what Mercury was called when Mercury sponsored the Ed Sullivan Show in the late 50's. (Pretty sure it was 1956 model year, when Mercury had a big M hood ornament.)

As Ed would say, "brought to you by Mercury, the big "M".

MERCMAN has one of those "M"'s on his trunk. Looks like -===M===-. Its all chrome and about 14" to 16" wide with a 2.5" to 3" "M".

The Jack Benny Show was sponsored by Texaco

Ed "Kookie" Byrnes was on 77 Sunset Strip. "Kookie, Kookie, Lend me your Comb"

The only wrestler that I can remember from the 50s and 60s was Bruno Sammartino (Italian). Others were Gorilla Monsoon, BoBo Brazil, and Killer Kowalski.

12-09-2012, 08:24 AM
MERCMAN has one of those "M"'s on his trunk. Looks like -===M===-. Its all chrome and about 14" to 16" wide with a 2.5" to 3" "M".

The Jack Benny Show was sponsored by Texaco

Ed "Kookie" Byrnes was on 77 Sunset Strip. "Kookie, Kookie, Lend me your Comb"

The only wrestler that I can remember from the 50s and 60s was Bruno Sammartino (Italian). Others were Gorilla Monsoon, BoBo Brazil, and Killer Kowalski.

I was thinking Milton Berle, but you are right, they did sponsor Jack Benny also.

Actress/singer, Connie Stevens

Wrestler, Antonino Rocko

(That guy would bounce around like an acrobat.)

12-09-2012, 11:05 AM
We had a party line for a while, then it got upgraded.

We watched shows on a RCA black and white "vacuum tube" TV

We had a MAGNAVOX stereo "Console", it was considered a piece of furniture

Kid shows:

Sky King
Sally Star
Fireball XL FIVE
Johnny Quest

Other shows:

Sunday night Walt Disney
Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea
Cimarron Strip
The Man for U.N.C.L.E

Air conditioning in the house, meant that the windows were open...

12-09-2012, 12:20 PM
We had a party line for a while, then it got upgraded.

We watched shows on a RCA black and white "vacuum tube" TV

We had a MAGNAVOX stereo "Console", it was considered a piece of furniture

Kid shows:

Sky King
Sally Star
Fireball XL FIVE
Johnny Quest
Other shows:

Sunday night Walt Disney
Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea
Cimarron Strip
The Man for U.N.C.L.E
Air conditioning in the house, meant that the windows were open...

Do you remember that you could take the vacuum tubes to the a local (drug) store and test them on a machine if you thought they had gone bad? Buy the replacement tubes right there too. I remember the machine having multiple sockets for the various tubes. Then buy some $0.05 cent candy. :D

12-09-2012, 03:38 PM
Do you remember (I know that you do) dropping off film at the drug store/supermarket/etc. and hoping that you would get your own pictures back?

My kids have no idea what it's like to wait for pictures.

Or having to look for pay phones.

12-09-2012, 04:00 PM
We had a party line for a while, then it got upgraded.

We watched shows on a RCA black and white "vacuum tube" TV

We had a MAGNAVOX stereo "Console", it was considered a piece of furniture

Kid shows:

Sky King
Sally Star
Fireball XL FIVE
Johnny Quest
Other shows:

Sunday night Walt Disney
Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea
Cimarron Strip
The Man for U.N.C.L.E

Air conditioning in the house, meant that the windows were open...

Remember them all.

How about Hopalong Cassidy?

Correct on the A/C.

In our apartment, as a kid, mom would drench a towel in some kind of liquid (I don't think it was plain water), and wrap it around my feet when I went to sleep to keep things cool.

My folks never had central A/C. Even when they finally could afford their only house in 1962, it was one bedroom window A/C unit. I slept upstairs. No window unit.

I suggest that this forum might have a little more meaning if we posted our ages.

69, going on 70 in Jan, 2013.

Glad to have made it this far. Many friends/relatives of mine didn't (RIP).

12-09-2012, 04:01 PM
I remember yesterday.

Sent from my iPhone 4S

DTR + 4.10's + Eaton swap = Wreeeeeeeeeeeeeeedom

12-09-2012, 04:04 PM
I remember yesterday.

DTR + 4.10's + Eaton swap = Wreeeeeeeeeeeeeeedom

Consider yourself lucky.

12-09-2012, 04:20 PM
Consider yourself lucky.

Yea, I have a tough time with that one sometimes. ;)

12-09-2012, 04:31 PM
When Anette dies they will keep her boobs for all us young guys that watched Mickey just to see her. We all can take another trip down memory lane. The Hot Rods were cool too.
if you're waiting to see Annette's boobs, they should be hangin' down by her ankles by now

12-09-2012, 04:34 PM
for all the senior citizen members out there, (no offense, that includes me) in the Chicago area on Saturdays there is a radio show called "Those Were The Days". They play all old radio shows...How about: Fibber Magee and Molly...Jack Benny...Our Miss Brooks...The Whistler...The Lone Ranger...The Green Hornet...Inner Sanctum...Bob Hope...etc...I think it's on 90.5 FM from about noon to 4 o'clock....OMG am I old!!!!!
made a mistake...radio station is 90.9 FM

12-09-2012, 05:32 PM
if you're waiting to see Annette's boobs, they should be hangin' down by her ankles by now

Ain't nothin a good sturgeon can't fix and make look young and attractive. :D

12-09-2012, 05:34 PM
if you're waiting to see Annette's boobs, they should be hangin' down by her ankles by now
Yeah, if she just could have stayed young forever.....like we all did.

But, as we guys got older in the late 50's, Annette did get replaced by a blonde named Justine on American Bandstand.

12-09-2012, 05:53 PM
Yeah, if she just could have stayed young forever.....like we all did.

But, as we guys got older in the late 50's, Annette did get replaced by a blonde named Justine on American Bandstand.

What about Marilyn and Jane? Now thats a set of blondes. :eek:

12-09-2012, 05:56 PM
What about Marilyn and Jane? Now thats a set of blondes. :eek:

Yeah, but we could hop in the car and drive down to Phillie to see Justine in person. The other blondes? Not so much.

This video brings back memories for us senior, senior citizens:


Mr. Man
12-10-2012, 12:13 AM
I remember when the "New Mickey Mouse Club" came on, I want to say mid 70's? We all thought it was going to be Disney cartoons. What a let down. I think we all watched it the first day and then never again. Pick-up ball game was more fun.

12-10-2012, 12:30 AM
My answers in Red. Only "googled" the Hit Parade answer. I only remember Gisele McKenzie on the variety show. I watch alot of Turner Classic Movies (TCM).
alright, lets really go back....does anybody remember Dagmar from the Jerry Lester tv show....it's been said she was the inspiration for the front bumper of a '56 Cadillac....I hope I don't have to explain that ! OK, I will: she had BIG BIG BOOBS !!!!!! :eek:

SC Cheesehead
12-10-2012, 04:42 AM
Soupy Sales and White Fang?

or how's about:

"Faster than a speeding bullet.
More powerful than a locomotive.
Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound.

Look! Up in the sky!
It's a bird. It's a plane. It's..."

12-10-2012, 05:00 AM
alright, lets really go back....does anybody remember Dagmar from the Jerry Lester tv show....it's been said she was the inspiration for the front bumper of a '56 Cadillac....I hope I don't have to explain that ! OK, I will: she had BIG BIG BOOBS !!!!!! :eek:

42"-23"-39". Can't say that I recall Jerry Lester or Dagmar at all. Don't think we got our first TV set before 1954. Guess I was TOO young to appreciate her talent. ;)

Dagmar >>>>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dagmar_(American_actress)

12-10-2012, 08:26 AM
Soupy Sales and White Fang?

or how's about:

"Faster than a speeding bullet.
More powerful than a locomotive.
Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound.

Look! Up in the sky!
It's a bird. It's a plane. It's..."

Super Rex after eating in gutter...

12-10-2012, 08:34 AM
Yes, I remember Dagmar, but not Jerry Lester.

(Just goes to show what became important as we got older.)

SC Cheesehead
12-10-2012, 08:35 AM
Super Rex after eating in gutter...


12-15-2012, 10:51 AM
hear is some of my memories...I am 48 btw. I remember sitting on the front steps with my older sister waiting for the milk man, that was in the late 60's. I remember the day's before cable tv, I think my dad and a neighbor were having a competition with each other trying to have the best roof top antenna's as they were switching them out and going higher with them...we only got about eight channels...lol. I remember watching hawaii 5-0 with my dad all the time...remember the phone jack lord had in his black merc? well when I started out working on cars for a living it was in a chevy dealer and we had a 77' c30 wrecker that had one of thoes old cell phones...funny stuff. speaking of phones my older sister and my 12 year old neice came up from fla. for a visit and my neice spotted my rotary dial phone in my basement and was amazed at it, she figured it out and had to call one of her friends with it to tell her friend she was using a antique phone! any one remember photo-mat? also to the younger people here, can you tell me what a flash cube is???

12-15-2012, 02:25 PM
hear is some of my memories...I am 48 btw. I remember sitting on the front steps with my older sister waiting for the milk man, that was in the late 60's. I remember the day's before cable tv, I think my dad and a neighbor were having a competition with each other trying to have the best roof top antenna's as they were switching them out and going higher with them...we only got about eight channels...lol. I remember watching hawaii 5-0 with my dad all the time...remember the phone jack lord had in his black merc? well when I started out working on cars for a living it was in a chevy dealer and we had a 77' c30 wrecker that had one of thoes old cell phones...funny stuff. speaking of phones my older sister and my 12 year old neice came up from fla. for a visit and my neice spotted my rotary dial phone in my basement and was amazed at it, she figured it out and had to call one of her friends with it to tell her friend she was using a antique phone! any one remember photo-mat? also to the younger people here, can you tell me what a flash cube is???

HaHa--we still have an old rotary phone in the basement.

and yes, flash cube on top of the camera and rotated for 4 flash pics (am I correct on that? (My old brain has trouble remembering sometimes....)

12-15-2012, 02:43 PM
HaHa--we still have an old rotary phone in the basement.

and yes, flash cube on top of the camera and rotated for 4 flash pics (am I correct on that? (My old brain has trouble remembering sometimes....)
yeah the flash cube was just that, rotated on top of the camera, and some had the flash stik's which were more modern. the photo mat's around massachusets were in the parking lots of supermarkets, just a small booth where you could drop of film and a few days later pick up the pic's. that was before 60 minute photo!

12-16-2012, 04:13 PM
I was born the year after Lindberg flew the Atlantic Ocean solo and the Great Depression started the next year. I remember:
FDR , the New Deal, WPA, CCC, CMTC (my brothers were in these programs)
Helping my Mom with her paperwork as she took the 1940 Census
Hearing a live radio broadcast of the attack on Pearl Harbor
Watching my 3 brothers leave to serve in the military
Getting grounded for buzzing my home town in a Piper Cub on V-J Day
Listening for hours to returning G.I.s tell of their adventures.
Being turned down for Medical School because I was 19 years old---too many returning G.I.s were applying .
Going thru the Aviation Cadet Program when Randolph Field Texas was "The West Point of the Air"
Flying at 46,000 ft and at Mach .72 in a 4-engined jet bomber that could out-climb, out-run and out-maneuver an F-86 in 1950(North American RB-45C)
Participating in the first jet recon penetration of European Russia.
Marrying the love of my life--my red-headed Ginny who gave me 4 wonderful, beautiful babies
Flying the P-51 Mustang in the KY Air National Guard
Flying the Convair 240 for American Airlines in 1956
Building Heathkit color TV sets from a kit.
Flying back-up aircraft for President Kennedy
Eye witness of the "Challenger" Disaster--60 miles away at 39,000 feet
Retiring from American Airlines in 1988.
Celebrating my 60th Wedding Anniversary with 1st. Lt. Mildred "Ginny" Disque-Seitz USAFNC Ret
The rest is recent history.

I have had a VERY wonderful life and I don't believe there will be another "Golden Generation"----we had a chance to do it ALL an live to tell about it.

I hope all of you young folks can get your act together and have another "Great Generation"--it's up to you.

With my sincere wish for a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Old Man Cruzer

12-16-2012, 04:19 PM
Maury -

Your stories never cease to give me chills.

You have been there, done that.


12-16-2012, 05:35 PM
I can remember wearing a suit when taking a plane trip.

And, when stewardeses were hot.

("Air Jamaica" had an in flight fashion show performed by the stewardesses.)

12-16-2012, 08:50 PM
I was born the year after Lindberg flew the Atlantic Ocean solo and the Great Depression started the next year. I remember:
FDR , the New Deal, WPA, CCC, CMTC (my brothers were in these programs)
Helping my Mom with her paperwork as she took the 1940 Census
Hearing a live radio broadcast of the attack on Pearl Harbor
Watching my 3 brothers leave to serve in the military
Getting grounded for buzzing my home town in a Piper Cub on V-J Day
Listening for hours to returning G.I.s tell of their adventures.
Being turned down for Medical School because I was 19 years old---too many returning G.I.s were applying .
Going thru the Aviation Cadet Program when Randolph Field Texas was "The West Point of the Air"
Flying at 46,000 ft and at Mach .72 in a 4-engined jet bomber that could out-climb, out-run and out-maneuver an F-86 in 1950(North American RB-45C)
Participating in the first jet recon penetration of European Russia.
Marrying the love of my life--my red-headed Ginny who gave me 4 wonderful, beautiful babies
Flying the P-51 Mustang in the KY Air National Guard
Flying the Convair 240 for American Airlines in 1956
Building Heathkit color TV sets from a kit.
Flying back-up aircraft for President Kennedy
Eye witness of the "Challenger" Disaster--60 miles away at 39,000 feet
Retiring from American Airlines in 1988.
Celebrating my 60th Wedding Anniversary with 1st. Lt. Mildred "Ginny" Disque-Seitz USAFNC Ret
The rest is recent history.

I have had a VERY wonderful life and I don't believe there will be another "Golden Generation"----we had a chance to do it ALL an live to tell about it.

I hope all of you young folks can get your act together and have another "Great Generation"--it's up to you.

With my sincere wish for a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Old Man Cruzer


Sent from my iPhone 4S

DTR + 4.10's + Eaton swap = Wreeeeeeeeeeeeeeedom

12-16-2012, 09:59 PM
I can remember wearing a suit when taking a plane trip.

And, when stewardeses were hot.

("Air Jamaica" had an in flight fashion show performed by the stewardesses.)

With all the turmoil in the airline imdustry, it is comforting to know that people appreciated the respect and care we had for our passengers--it tears my heart out to see MY American Airlines listed as the most hated airline in the U.S. Remember ,we were the Worlds' Leading Airline BEFORE DEREGULATION. Oh yes, I definitely remember the Stewardesses !!!! the greatest group of women I have ever been associated with--and a helluva lot of fun memories. Oh, for the Good Old Days;) . Maury

12-17-2012, 08:09 AM
With all the turmoil in the airline imdustry, it is comforting to know that people appreciated the respect and care we had for our passengers--it tears my heart out to see MY American Airlines listed as the most hated airline in the U.S. Remember ,we were the Worlds' Leading Airline BEFORE DEREGULATION. Oh yes, I definitely remember the Stewardesses !!!! the greatest group of women I have ever been associated with--and a helluva lot of fun memories. Oh, for the Good Old Days;) . Maury

You must have enjoyed the very short run TV show, Pan Am?

I can also remember when airline food wasn't half bad, and, if you flew first class (I racked up a LOT of miles and free upgrades while traveling over my work life), they wouldn't let your glass get empty....