View Full Version : Parking Habits

12-16-2012, 03:43 PM
At car shows, Marauder meets, and car gatherings, I fully understand why we "back in" to parking spaces. The MMs are generally on display at these types of events -- whether formally or informally. Hoods are opened and the newest additions are Ooooo'd and Aaaaah'd. Backing in makes sense.

Over the past several years, I have noticed more and more people backing in to parking spaces at the parking garage at work, at church, at the mall, at the Food store. Nearly everywhere, about 50% or more of the people are taking the time to back into spaces when just head in parking is faster and more convenient.

Some of these "backers" really are not skilled enough to be backing a vehicle without a ground guide. I watched one person hold up traffic for a full 3 minutes as multiple maneuvers were executed unsuccessfully. I suspect that always Backing In to spaces places lots of other cars at risk due to the amount of unskilled drivers who hoodwinked the MVA into giving them a license.

Backing In all the time to me says "Quick Getaway" leaving work or anywhere else.

I won't even get into parallel On-Street Parking. ;) This is pretty much of a lost art. I learned on a '62 Chevy station wagon without power steering. Piece of cake now. :D

What is your preferred parking method?

I'd be interested in hearing why it is preferred.

12-16-2012, 03:57 PM
Backing in lets you leave easier and its also better so that we can see the mean face of the marauder. Also ive noticed its easier to get attention when people see marader in the rear bumper. Id rather blend in while out without being near the car.

Mr. Man
12-16-2012, 04:04 PM
At the supermarket or where I can I usually pull through so it looks like I backed in. I do it 'cause the T is long and if I'm parked next to a van or something it can be hard to see to back out.

If I'm a Wallyworld I park head in on at island but I usually park out a ways as I can use the exercise.

So like in life the answer for me is "it depends where" :)

12-16-2012, 04:10 PM
Voted back in but mostly pull through - WAAAAAAAAYYYYY OUT THERE. And, up against an island.

To stay away from the crazies/non-thinkers and carts as well as to get a good long look at the car as I approach. Oh yeah, and the exercise, I guess, is a +.

Isn't backing in a MM.net rule?

12-16-2012, 04:21 PM
I park far away from anbody, whether its backing on or just pulling in. Dont need door dings, just as the person suspected of dinging doesnt need flat tires

12-16-2012, 04:32 PM
i voted for mixing it up. it all depends where im at if its daytime out in the open i park a good bit away from other cars are parked also ill back it in if there a curb or park bumper stop thingy so most of the car is out of traffic ex the rear of our cars are higher so it can go over park bumpers. if its at night or in a deserted area ill try to park up front but away from parked cars as best i can or also in a lighted area

12-16-2012, 04:34 PM
i voted for mixing it up. it all depends where im at if its daytime out in the open i park a good bit away from other cars are parked also ill back it in if there a curb or park bumper stop thingy. if its at night or in a deserted area ill try to park up front but away from parked cars as best i can or also in a lighted area

Lighted area - Close when necessary but far enough away to be safe.

Ms. Denmark
12-16-2012, 06:15 PM

12-16-2012, 06:50 PM
Normally all the way in the back where no body parks then double parked!

If I absolutely have to park in with the crowd... I'll find the Mercedes or Cadillacs and park in between them. Hoping the owners of the more expensive cars will pay more attention to opening their doors.

12-16-2012, 06:52 PM
Normally all the way in the back where no body parks then double parked!

If I absolutely have to park in with the crowd... I'll find the Mercedes or Cadillacs and park in between them. Hoping the owners of the more expensive cars will pay more attention to opening their doors.

Good point. I'd rather park next to the nice car

12-16-2012, 07:44 PM
Back in, 99% of the time. Easier to get out.

12-16-2012, 08:07 PM
I ALWAYS back in. It is easier to leave, you do see better when pulling out. I just prefer to back in.

SC Cheesehead
12-16-2012, 11:14 PM
Charlie, I usually just try to find a spot somewhere away from everyone else, and will try to pull through if I can.

12-16-2012, 11:29 PM


If I can pull through thru, facing out, I will. I love to parallel and I'm very good at it. At church, I back in because everyone is leaving at the same time and it's easier to see and be seen. The rest of the time, I pull straight in. I am picky about the size of the space and the proximity and angle of the cars on either side of the space. I'd rather walk further from a less congested area of the parking lot. I do opt to park next to an island when I can, so I only have one car beside me.

SC Cheesehead
12-17-2012, 12:30 AM


If I can pull through thru, facing out, I will. I love to parallel and I'm very good at it. At church, I back in because everyone is leaving at the same time and it's easier to see and be seen. The rest of the time, I pull straight in. I am picky about the size of the space and the proximity and angle of the cars on either side of the space. I'd rather walk further from a less congested area of the parking lot. I do opt to park next to an island when I can, so I only have one car beside me.

^^^^^ What she said! :up:

12-17-2012, 04:43 AM
Only take the Marauder to shows, so backing in is the "norm", of course, driving a DTR, leaving 2 days before and event just so I can get there in time is the "norm" too.:lol:

12-17-2012, 04:48 AM


If I can pull through thru, facing out, I will. I love to parallel and I'm very good at it. At church, I back in because everyone is leaving at the same time and it's easier to see and be seen. The rest of the time, I pull straight in. I am picky about the size of the space and the proximity and angle of the cars on either side of the space. I'd rather walk further from a less congested area of the parking lot. I do opt to park next to an island when I can, so I only have one car beside me.

I could have written ^^^^^ word for word. Maybe I should have said mix it up too. :D

12-17-2012, 05:32 AM
Back in, 99% of the time. Easier to get out.

Always back in--parking lots are PITA what with people driving too fast in the lanes.

12-17-2012, 06:48 AM
Work: back in (preferably away from the grass because of the lawn cutting *********s)
home: face in or get towed
anywhere else: depends on what is available.

12-17-2012, 07:46 AM
Park only in HandiCap areas. Big place to park, lots of room.
It don't always work.

Ozark Marauder
12-17-2012, 09:43 AM
As far away from everybody else as I can get! Usually, head in and pull through for a quick getaway


12-17-2012, 09:54 AM
Ditto to 99% of what everyone else has said.

However, there are times when I have no choice but to park in a crowd, i.e., on campus...even the 'far-away' lots are 75+% full. I have been pleasantly surprised, though...a full year of parking on campus and have not suffered a ding...yet.

12-18-2012, 10:40 AM
I allways park so I can just pull out...much easier that way. Im usually driving my older daily driver so I dont have to worry about parking farther out, as with a nice car. If I need to go to the mall, I use the beater!

Joe Walsh
12-18-2012, 10:50 AM
WAAAAAAAAYYYYY OUT THERE. And, up against an island.

To stay away from the crazies/non-thinkers and carts....and yet some numbnut in a beat-to-piss P.O.S. will find me, then park REALLY close to my Marauder....:mad2:
like his car will be lonely way out there if it wasn't so close to mine.....:shake:

There....fixed it for ya!

BTW: I always look for an island wayyyy out there to park the Marauder.
I can never get the covered alcoves like DOOMie does!

12-19-2012, 06:41 AM
Mostly back in and always double park on the outer most edge of a parking lot. Way too many ignorant inconsiderate people who will ding your door and could care less :mad2:

12-19-2012, 07:13 AM
I think you'll find Charlie, because most of us MM owners fit into one or more than one of these catagories, that we will naturally back in so we can egress quickly. Here are the catagories:

1. LEO
2. EX- LEO
3. Military
4. EX- Military

To futher break it down, I wonder of those who voted "back in" currently 31% the majority, who are in the above criteria ?

12-19-2012, 07:29 AM
Not LEO or Ex-Military.

cat in the hat
12-19-2012, 08:16 AM
Parking facing out of a spot was a ticketable violation here, and as far as I know it still is, but apparently it is never enforced anymore (like so many things). It is definitely getting more common. I am just starting to get used to seeing it.

12-19-2012, 08:23 AM
I just pull straight in most places i park, driveway,parking lots, garage.

12-22-2012, 04:11 AM
At the far end of the parking lot near the street! double parked!!!!

12-22-2012, 11:13 AM
I think you'll find Charlie, because most of us MM owners fit into one or more than one of these catagories, that we will naturally back in so we can egress quickly. Here are the catagories:

1. LEO
2. EX- LEO
3. Military
4. EX- Military

To futher break it down, I wonder of those who voted "back in" currently 31% the majority, who are in the above criteria ?

Does enlisted count ? Haha waiting for bootcamp