View Full Version : 1-19-2008 to 12-19-2012
Ms. Denmark
12-19-2012, 03:44 AM
The time has come to pick up my marbles and go home. ;) All kidding aside, I have really enjoyed my stay but all good things go south eventually. It's more a matter of principle than anything else, and I see our admins don't share mine. Not surprised just disappointed. Wishing you all the best and I thank you for all the great times. I still love my Marauder and Eric and I will see our friends around at local events. If anyone wants to take over the SBS please PM Eric as the group can be transferred to one of you.
Thanks for the memories,
Ms. D
SC Cheesehead
12-19-2012, 03:52 AM
:confused: Wha????? :dunno:
12-19-2012, 04:22 AM
I'm staring at your message. Shock.
12-19-2012, 05:22 AM
Bye, bye Paula......Please come back. :alone:
12-19-2012, 05:23 AM
The time has come to pick up my marbles and go home. ;)
This is really disappointing; but I suspected that this might be in the works because your postings have fallen off drastically in the past couple of months.
Will miss you chiming in on the various topics around here. :(
Not sure what pushed you over the edge to make this decision. Hope this is not related to the return of the "D". However, I respect your decision --- whatever the reasons were.
Hope to see you around at some of the meets and such. Be well, take care and have fun. :up:
12-19-2012, 05:26 AM
Oh Man, I will miss you. If you need anything in the DEEEEEP SOuth let me know.
12-19-2012, 05:29 AM
Paula don't go on account of a couple people! You and Eric are in the hearts of many many more. Stick around!!!
Didn't you want to see offroadcarter back? If he isn't, then maybe that needs to be addressed..
Seriously, if you go then I'll shall bear hug yer azz from Thurs. till Sun. At the next Louisville! It will be a sight that you don't want!!!
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
12-19-2012, 06:51 AM
This is really disappointing; but I suspected that this might be in the works because your postings have fallen off drastically in the past couple of months.
Will miss you chiming in on the various topics around here. :(
Not sure what pushed you over the edge to make this decision. Hope this is not related to the return of the "D". However, I respect your decision --- whatever the reasons were.
Hope to see you around at some of the meets and such. Be well, take care and have fun. :up:
I seen that in the works too. Gonna miss my favorite marauder lady.
12-19-2012, 07:06 AM
Take care, Paula.
12-19-2012, 07:09 AM
Sorry to see you go... take care.
Granddaddy Marq
12-19-2012, 07:30 AM
Have I missed something? Who's going to spellcheck me, and translate for me when I'm trying to say something I can't spell? Are we going to miss you at Louisville? Will I never have one of your cookies? Of all the people I wanted to meet here, your on the top of the list. Enough about me and my selfishness, I'm sorry your so upset. Please visit us often.
12-19-2012, 07:37 AM
Why are you leaving?
Comin' in Hot
12-19-2012, 07:43 AM
I can't say I'm shocked and I understand your choice. I just wish it didn't end this way, you will be missed.
12-19-2012, 07:43 AM
I hate to hear of anyone leaving...that being said I totally understand not wanting to deal with "politics" involving a club or organization. I hope you stay in touch, I hope you stay around here and give your opinion on topics and chime in on our rants and raves.
Mer and I were involved with our local Model A club, longer standing members did not like our "new blood" being involved with our "new" ideas. It quickly turned into a high school argument every time we tried to have an outing.... we left the club and did not ever go back...we miss many of our "A" friends, now our car just sits and we don't enjoy it.
Drop the organized part and stay around for the friends and fun!
12-19-2012, 07:48 AM
no you cant leave we need cookies
damm the man dont leave fight back
you and eric are the kind of people that we need around here
good people, good friends , fun to be around and are active in events
12-19-2012, 08:01 AM
I am sure Paula is sick and tired of how this site has morphed into a political and social forum rather than a place to discuss a car. As she said, "all good things eventually go South" and when you have a forum dedicated to an 11 year old car that pretty much everything that can be done to it, has been done, topics tend to wander off.
I wish you well Paula, and keep smiling while driving! :D :burnout:
12-19-2012, 08:06 AM
I am sure Paula is sick and tired of how this site has morphed into a political and social forum rather than a place to discuss a car. As she said, "all good things eventually go South" and when you have a forum dedicated to an 11 year old car that pretty much everything that can be done to it, has been done, topics tend to wander off.
I wish you well Paula, and keep smiling while driving! :D :burnout:
Not disagreeing with you Bob, just wanted to point out....
That this site is more then about a car, it is about friends staying in contact over distances. Friends that we have made that are now more then friends. Yes, we BS and disagree from time to time, but still this site is about the people that make this site great.
Not disagreeing with you Bob, just wanted to point out....
That this site is more then about a car, it is about friends staying in contact over distances. Friends that we have made that are now more then friends. Yes, we BS and disagree from time to time, but still this site is about the people that make this site great.
Well said Gordon!:)
Ozark Marauder
12-19-2012, 08:13 AM
I never had the pleasure to meet you, but always loved your style....
12-19-2012, 08:15 AM
Not disagreeing with you Bob, just wanted to point out....
That this site is more then about a car, it is about friends staying in contact over distances. Friends that we have made that are now more then friends. Yes, we BS and disagree from time to time, but still this site is about the people that make this site great.
I agree with you Haggis, I am a newbie here. I have found a place that has kept my interest enough that I can't ignore. I can't sit down without checking out what you guys and gals are posting. I really enjoy this site and all of you who are on it. Any loss of a personality on here is a bad one. Yes, some of us are more harsh than others. Yes, I get irritated with some posts...but all in all its a good place for info, shared interests, get togethers, and making new friends over long distances. I personally talk to or e-mail more than a few people on here that I would have NEVER met if it were not for this site and our 11 year old cars.
Cheers to all of you:beer:
Paula, don't go...just sit back and enjoy. Let the responsibility go and stay for the fun. Besides...I NEVER GOT ANY COOKIES YET!!!!!!!!!!!!!
12-19-2012, 08:16 AM
Ms D, will miss reading your post, rethink please but you do what you gotta do. :)
Granddaddy Marq
12-19-2012, 08:19 AM
I never had the pleasure to meet you, but always loved your style....
Ya she did bring a classy style here.
12-19-2012, 08:28 AM
Not disagreeing with you Bob, just wanted to point out....
That this site is more then about a car, it is about friends staying in contact over distances. Friends that we have made that are now more then friends. Yes, we BS and disagree from time to time, but still this site is about the people that make this site great.
I purpose a STRIKE We can just stop posting and just use pm's for contact.
Or just post i have a opinion on this subject but do to the Strike i am not going to reply
If 1 person does it the mods we thing your crazy
if 2 people do it well they will thing there something funny about both of you
but if 3 people do it wow its a conspiracy and they will have to deal with it
now if 1000 people do it well its a movement yes the movement to
12-19-2012, 08:30 AM
I can't strike. I have a car I'm trying to sell as well as parts. wont someone think of the parts!
Sent from my handheld Zack Morris iShoe 4S.
12-19-2012, 08:31 AM
I purpose a STRIKE We can just stop posting and just use pm's for contact.
Or just post i have a opinion on this subject but do to the Strike i am not going to reply
If 1 person does it the mods we thing your crazy
if 2 people do it well they will thing there something funny about both of you
but if 3 people do it wow its a conspiracy and they will have to deal with it
now if 1000 people do it well its a movement yes the movement to
get a grip......
12-19-2012, 08:50 AM
Gordon, well said. The social aspects of this site are very important, as they allow friends with similar interests to be together "virtually". I guess my point was, the vehemence that is shown on a regular basis here when discussing things other than cars and get-togethers, can, and does become rather tiresome.
I know that I can choose not to read or participate in the political/social crap, and often I ignore it. I just think some folks are much more sensitive to the overall "dark cloud" atmosphere that is created when topics like Unions, and "who is in the White House now" threads devolve into personal attacks.
I am no "pie in the sky" person, but it is my opinion that the moderators should establish some concrete ground rules regarding hot button topics. History has shown here that the same folks emerge as leaders for both sides of the arguments. At first the threads are reasonably tame, but then without fail, they go bad very quickly.
This forum is not regulated by the Constitution, thus there should be no expectation of unlimited free speech. It is my opinion that the moderators state that there will be zero political discussions. I know some will cry "foul" initially, but there are hundreds of blogs where those with burning desires to tell everyone else how to fix the world can vent.
I am betting that 99% of the members here would not miss the sandbox antics created by hacked to death political threads.
Not disagreeing with you Bob, just wanted to point out....
That this site is more then about a car, it is about friends staying in contact over distances. Friends that we have made that are now more then friends. Yes, we BS and disagree from time to time, but still this site is about the people that make this site great.
12-19-2012, 08:55 AM
Paula: I understand and support your decision, but I can't help but hope you'll change your mind.
12-19-2012, 09:27 AM
Gordon, well said. The social aspects of this site are very important, as they allow friends with similar interests to be together "virtually". I guess my point was, the vehemence that is shown on a regular basis here when discussing things other than cars and get-togethers, can, and does become rather tiresome.
I know that I can choose not to read or participate in the political/social crap, and often I ignore it. I just think some folks are much more sensitive to the overall "dark cloud" atmosphere that is created when topics like Unions, and "who is in the White House now" threads devolve into personal attacks.
I am no "pie in the sky" person, but it is my opinion that the moderators should establish some concrete ground rules regarding hot button topics. History has shown here that the same folks emerge as leaders for both sides of the arguments. At first the threads are reasonably tame, but then without fail, they go bad very quickly.
This forum is not regulated by the Constitution, thus there should be no expectation of unlimited free speech. It is my opinion that the moderators state that there will be zero political discussions. I know some will cry "foul" initially, but there are hundreds of blogs where those with burning desires to tell everyone else how to fix the world can vent.
I am betting that 99% of the members here would not miss the sandbox antics created by hacked to death political threads.
Well said. I noticed Mrs D's post were all but deleted and saw it coming.
I just dicipline myself to stay away from those threads that totally tick me off. After a run in with ponyup on a subject, that's when I decided to never get involved with those topics or threads. I say to myself, "it's about the car, not (fill in the blank)"
I don't run this site or own it but, I do have some ideas that would keep those that want to discuss topics not welcomed by all. I hate to brag about another forum here but, TCG has separate forums to discuss any and all sorts of topics including, not work safe forums. All members seem to respect the sections and police themselves. The attraction here to discuss such topics and push the envelope is, it is not allowed therfore, " I will push the envelope and piss in someones campfire because it is not allowed" That's the attraction to do so. If there were separate forums, hopefully, I say hopefully, those individuals would stay in their sand box.
Sorry to see it come to this!
Ms. D you will truly be missed! :bigcry:
12-19-2012, 09:33 AM
Yep, politics...religion...they are very touchy subjects and most people feel very powerful behind a keyboard. I agree, none of the above should be on a "car" site. There are plenty of sites to argue on.
Did I mention I love COOKIES???
1 Bad Merc
12-19-2012, 09:42 AM
I am very sorry to see Mrs. D go. Hope she will reconsider.
As for people not liking some of the threads posted on MM.Net then I say dont read them! We are all adults here and if there is a topic or subject you dont like then just dont open it-move on. I know their are certain topics or posts by certain people that I dont like so I just skip them.
I enjoy the comradery and the passion some people have for different topics and love reading the different viewpoints. Do I agree with everyone's ideas and responses to certain subjects -no but I do enjoy the discussions.
I really think the mods do a great job in letting things run their course and I hope does not change.
12-19-2012, 09:49 AM
I don't think that topics, the range of subjects, or politics/religion/soap detergent had anything to do with Ms. Denmark's decision. :rolleyes: It is wrong to make that assumption or even draw that conclusion. She had her reasons and will let us know if it happens to be any of our business.
12-19-2012, 09:52 AM
Happy Maraudering to you and Eric.
I don't think that topics, the range of subjects, or politics/religion/soap detergent had anything to do with Ms. Denmark's decision. :rolleyes: It is wrong to make that assumption or even draw that conclusion. She had her reasons and will let us know if it happens to be any of our business.
If you have been here long enough you already know the reason behind this.
Politics and religion threads have nothing to do with it.
1 Bad Merc
12-19-2012, 09:59 AM
Then I am sorry for the assumption......hope she will change her mind! Enjoyed her discourses on many topics.
12-19-2012, 10:00 AM
I've been on this site more the last two months than the last two years. For me its not even the off topic threads - once you read the title or a few posts I can easily ignore them. Sometimes folks need a break, that's normal to me. I actually get more PO'ed with the immature banter in the old days of who knows more and what method is the best. But every site I am on there are always a few people who take themselves too seriously or have to let you know just how much they know.
Its a car site but it also includes people many of us hang with so other thoughts and issues will always be a part of it. It was probably months and months since I had logged on, found two bumper covers and figured someone on here would want one of them. I went to log on to post my findings and what do you know. The site was shut down for a day - Oh well, too bad, bought one for myself the other one went to who knows where.
I couldn't believe it, same silly site with crazy people and crazy rules. Wasn't going to log on again and then I did because I realized I can ignore all the craziness. Glad I did because I ended up at MMX and had a ball. Most of you nut jobs are great people in person:lol:
Mr. Man
12-19-2012, 12:18 PM
To be clear Ms.D has decided to hang her hat up for a while or perhaps permanently here, her decision. I will continue to participate here. I support her decision to leave and understand her point of view completely. I on the other hand have chosen to use the ignore button, now there are two, my choice.
We both look forward to seeing our local gang at local get togethers and hope to even meet new NJ/PA area Marauder folks.
As for organised events all I can say is time will tell.
That is all carry on. :)
12-19-2012, 02:15 PM
Good enough Eric - I would hate to loose contact w/Paula & you!
12-19-2012, 02:16 PM
Sorry to see you two go ,only met you once but from what i can see great people,you never know may see you out on the road one day,and that would be a great day.
12-19-2012, 02:27 PM
To be clear Ms.D has decided to hang her hat up for a while or perhaps permanently here, her decision. I will continue to participate here. I support her decision to leave and understand her point of view completely. I on the other hand have chosen to use the ignore button, now there are two, my choice.
We both look forward to seeing our local gang at local get togethers and hope to even meet new NJ/PA area Marauder folks.
As for organised events all I can say is time will tell.
That is all carry on. :)
As long as I'm not one of the two, I'd missing shooting football with you Eric
Can Paula FedEx me some cookies from time to time. I'll pay for it
The Ice Bucket Approves of this message
Mr. Man
12-19-2012, 02:37 PM
As long as I'm not one of the two, I'd missing shooting football with you Eric
Can Paula FedEx me some cookies from time to time. I'll pay for it
The Ice Bucket Approves of this message
We are good Brad. On another note did the Giants show up yet? :lol:
12-19-2012, 03:20 PM
We are good Brad. On another note did the Giants show up yet? :lol:
They are hiding in the bushes, I certainly wouldn't count them out.
The Vikes got a tough road to make it, but man AP looks determined
The Ice Bucket Approves of this message
12-19-2012, 06:40 PM
Gonna miss ya Paula, I understand though, Best whishes!
12-19-2012, 06:48 PM
If you have been here long enough you already know the reason behind this.
Politics and religion threads have nothing to do with it.
I've been here for a minute or two and I am clueless why. And if my assumptions were wrong then, I guess I apologize to Mrs. D.
12-19-2012, 07:11 PM
I agree with whoever said they'd never met her but always liked her style. I remember several specific threads, as well as a few PMs back and forth, when I was pissed off and took a break from this site. She was a voice of reason and positivity. I hope she comes back eventually; otherwise I'll just have a reason to go to Louisville (as if I needed one anyway).
If this is about the return of someone, well...I guess I have to ask the mods if they had to pick between two people, would they want someone to contribute positively, or someone to polarize? The answer seems clear to me, but I've been left scratching my head about this place plenty o' times.
12-19-2012, 07:48 PM
I will miss Paula. Never met her but she was one of the first to reach out to me and invite me to the SBS. It felt great! She is level headed ... And I really respect he decision.
I don't agree with many things at this site, but 'ignore' is my friend. This site is about a car, I can ignore the other stuff ...
Mrs. D, I hope someday we meet and I can enjoy those cookies everyone is talking about.
12-19-2012, 07:51 PM
Reallyy sorry to hear you're leaving the site Paula, i understand. It gets hard sometimes and you have always been a voice of reason. Do what you feel in your heart you have to do.
Please, take care of yourself and Eric.
12-19-2012, 08:12 PM
Paula you will be missed. I too had to leave for a while, so I understand.
12-19-2012, 08:20 PM
If you have been here long enough you already know the reason behind this.
Politics and religion threads have nothing to do with it.
Needs repeating.
I also hope you have a change of heart.
12-19-2012, 09:59 PM
I agree with whoever said they'd never met her but always liked her style. I remember several specific threads, as well as a few PMs back and forth, when I was pissed off and took a break from this site. She was a voice of reason and positivity. I hope she comes back eventually; otherwise I'll just have a reason to go to Louisville (as if I needed one anyway).
If this is about the return of someone, well...I guess I have to ask the mods if they had to pick between two people, would they want someone to contribute positively, or someone to polarize? The answer seems clear to me, but I've been left scratching my head about this place plenty o' times.
SOOOOO... you think she left because of someone coming back on the scene?????
(mouth open) Your kidding right????
12-19-2012, 10:57 PM
SOOOOO... you think she left because of someone coming back on the scene?????
(mouth open) Your kidding right????
We do not know why she chose to leave; however this is one possible (maybe even reasonable) explanation. If I recall correctly, she was a strong supporter of removing Dom from this site because of his 'antics'. Now he is back and she is gone. Maybe she felt like it was a slap in the face to allow him back.
She could also have chosen to leave because of ...
In short, I do not know so I can only make an assumption of why she left based on what I see ...
Just my two cents.
12-19-2012, 11:47 PM
More good than bad I always say... Hope you change your mind, you'll be missed!
Baaad GN
12-19-2012, 11:48 PM
Interesting, I see all these senior members here all expressing a opinion about people coming and going and what should be happening to them, I also note they have for years had many posts yet not one Flag after their name, should they say anything about member ship while they are on a free ride! I think NOT!
12-19-2012, 11:54 PM
More good than bad I always say... Hope you change your mind, you'll be missed!
Hi Drew. Miss ya bud.
Sent from my iPhone 4S
DTR + 4.10's + Eaton swap = Wreeeeeeeeeeeeeeedom
12-19-2012, 11:59 PM
^^^ Miss you too Love!
12-20-2012, 01:56 AM
You will be missed Paula. I hate to see good people leave and you are one of the best.
12-20-2012, 09:18 AM
Eric, I am glad you are staying but sorry that it is with a bitter taste....
Paula, I am sorry to see you go.....I love your banter and witty comments and very helpful threads....
I have been here for a long while and have seen the good, bad, and ugly, fortunately it is mostly good.....I too have had issues with certain post and posters but have never expressed my feelings....I am glad to have been accepted into the SBS and sorry to have never met either of you.....and it doesnt look as if that will ever happen as my interest in this site is....well not as interesting as it once was.
You will be missed by several of us here.
Thanks for your support over the years!!
12-20-2012, 12:07 PM
I will echo Gordon and Bob. I think we all go through the "I"VE HAD ENOUGH" phase! I have a few times. When DR left, I came back - more. The good people of CAM are were what brought me back - and keep me.
Til next time - Be safe out there.
12-20-2012, 02:18 PM
SOOOOO... you think she left because of someone coming back on the scene?????
(mouth open) You're kidding right???? gdsqdcr ( echoed what I was thinking, plus it'd already been suggested once in this thread. I made a point to carefully start my paragraph with a big "If" for a reason.
12-20-2012, 02:48 PM
gdsqdcr ( echoed what I was thinking, plus it'd already been suggested once in this thread. I made a point to carefully start my paragraph with a big "If" for a reason.
Gotcha... I knew what your intentions were. Hope you understood mine ;)
12-20-2012, 03:40 PM
This place turned into Facebook 4 years ago.
12-20-2012, 08:59 PM
Sorry to hear you are leaving! I do not know why but you have your reasons. I wish you the best and hope to see you both at a get together soon.
12-21-2012, 08:22 AM
Not sure if we ever met at past Maraudervilles but I do remember your comments on my SB that were very complimentary. Ive been a member here since maybe 2005 and I get tired head myself of the some of the "cut and paste" political stuff but even though I sold my MM a few years ago I like to hang around and keep up with my friends here. Hopefully you will change your mind and stick around, I liked reading your posts.
12-21-2012, 08:46 AM
Not sure if we ever met at past Maraudervilles but I do remember your comments on my SB that were very complimentary. Ive been a member here since maybe 2005 and I get tired head myself of the some of the "cut and paste" political stuff but even though I sold my MM a few years ago I like to hang around and keep up with my friends here. Hopefully you will change your mind and stick around, I liked reading your posts.
I believe you have, it was at a German restaurant at MVVII or MVIII?
Mr. Man
12-21-2012, 10:38 AM
Not sure if we ever met at past Maraudervilles but I do remember your comments on my SB that were very complimentary. Ive been a member here since maybe 2005 and I get tired head myself of the some of the "cut and paste" political stuff but even though I sold my MM a few years ago I like to hang around and keep up with my friends here. Hopefully you will change your mind and stick around, I liked reading your posts.
I know we met you at MV8. You were holding us up on the Charlotte Speedway ;):P:)
12-21-2012, 04:12 PM
I know we met you at MV8. You were holding us up on the Charlotte Speedway ;):P:)
I love it when our MVVIII is referenced --regardless of the subject--for it has always been a rush on any subject it was referred too.........the speedway for instance here is an example---the standard by which all need to follow/use...........carry on!!
Joe Walsh
12-21-2012, 04:49 PM
Don't leave us Paula!!
Eric is now going to run amok without your guidance and supervision.
12-21-2012, 06:45 PM
Eric is now going to run amok without your guidance and supervision.
What makes you think he hasn't been running Amok already??? ;)
12-21-2012, 06:49 PM
Mr. Man, unleashed. :eek:
12-21-2012, 06:51 PM
I don't know what Happen but I do know good people when I meet them Best to you both and God Bless
Steve and Trezi Luty
99 river run blvd
ponte vedra fl 32081
12-21-2012, 08:27 PM
I know we met you at MV8. You were holding us up on the Charlotte Speedway ;):P:)
ha ha ha... :) I seem to recall winning that race and have a pic to prove it!
(Oh, the German place was great by the way.)
12-21-2012, 09:04 PM
I too have no idea why you are leaving, but you have been nothing but nice to me and I will truly miss you.
beantown mm
12-21-2012, 09:12 PM
What the Fred!!!!!!!!!! This is not good, I know you have to stick to what you think is right Paula, so for that, you will be missed... You and Eric are what got me to my first event at NHIS, I hope that goes off next year, you guys started something real cool.
I hope you will be back...........
and bye the bye, I only pick my spots as to what I read here.., but can someone confirm in code if it is supposed to be a taboo topic I don't know.. Is the individual mentioned in this thread back? I have seen no Rambling, run on blab about topics and details so ridiculous that reading them is similar to rubbing sandpaper on your forehead? Just curious is all...
12-21-2012, 11:29 PM
To all with STARS ... trade them in for FLAGS!
Hope to see both Mr. Man and Ms. Denmark in ATL. We enjoyed the Hershey area with you during MV-IX.
Baaad GN
12-22-2012, 10:33 PM
I agree 100%, there are people on here who act as if it's there site! Posting 2,000 or more times and have not supported the site other then using up space or going to meets! I know what is supposed to have brought this on and I feel sorry for Paula, and I see no flags for her Eric and many others. My issue is for these people who have gotten so much out of this site but have not supported it should have nothing to say!
12-22-2012, 11:10 PM
I agree 100%, there are people on here who act as if it's there site! Posting 2,000 or more times and have not supported the site other then using up space or going to meets! I know what is supposed to have brought this on and I feel sorry for Paula, and I see no flags for her Eric and many others. My issue is for these people who have gotten so much out of this site but have not supported it should have nothing to say!
And how did Paula's choosing to leave get to about flags?
I used to have flags; however I let them lapse and I still attend my local meets.
You are right, some folks do not agree with all the politics that go on with this site, as such we choose to not support it financially. Everyone makes choices in our lives. And since we choose to not have flags, we are not suppose to express our opinions? :bs:
Just my two cents worth.
Mr. Man
12-22-2012, 11:25 PM
I agree 100%, there are people on here who act as if it's there site! Posting 2,000 or more times and have not supported the site other then using up space or going to meets! I know what is supposed to have brought this on and I feel sorry for Paula, and I see no flags for her Eric and many others. My issue is for these people who have gotten so much out of this site but have not supported it should have nothing to say!You actually have no idea why Paula left this site and for this particular instance I invite you to keep you speculative opinions to yourself and for your information
both Paula and I supported this site for many years financially. :)
12-23-2012, 08:33 AM
I agree 100%, there are people on here who act as if it's there site! Posting 2,000 or more times and have not supported the site other then using up space or going to meets! I know what is supposed to have brought this on and I feel sorry for Paula, and I see no flags for her Eric and many others. My issue is for these people who have gotten so much out of this site but have not supported it should have nothing to say!
Support involves a lot more than money for a site like this.
Positive comments and helping people who come here in need of it is what this site was founded on.
Just because you donate cash doesn't make you an owner or better than the people who have put a lot of time and effort into this site - that counts for something too!!
Support involves a lot more than money for a site like this.
Positive comments and helping people who come here in need of it is what this site was founded on.
Just because you donate cash doesn't make you an owner or better than the people who have put a lot of time and effort into this site - that counts for something too!!
+1 on that
12-23-2012, 03:10 PM
I agree 100%, there are people on here who act as if it's there site! Posting 2,000 or more times and have not supported the site other then using up space or going to meets! I know what is supposed to have brought this on and I feel sorry for Paula, and I see no flags for her Eric and many others. My issue is for these people who have gotten so much out of this site but have not supported it should have nothing to say!
You sir are standing on extremely thin ice! You have NO idea how much Paula has put into this MM organization.
Denise and I are extremely sorry to see you depart the sight, but we understand. Hope to see you at Carlisle in June or on either the ABS or Red Brick Station meet in the new year.
Comin' in Hot
12-23-2012, 04:38 PM
You sir are standing on extremely thin ice! You have NO idea how much Paula has put into this MM organization.
Denise and I are extremely sorry to see you depart the sight, but we understand. Hope to see you at Carlisle in June or on either the ABS or Red Brick Station meet in the new year.
I agree 100%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Baaad GN
12-24-2012, 01:31 PM
Thin Ice :-0 what ever, but it costs money to keep this site going and putting together meets, if you enjoy the meets and info than quit being so cheap and support it with flags, just my opinion and if you don't agree fine but thats how I feel!
12-24-2012, 03:11 PM
Please Don't Go!
Comin' in Hot
12-24-2012, 04:13 PM
Thin Ice :-0 what ever, but it costs money to keep this site going and putting together meets, if you enjoy the meets and info than quit being so cheap and support it with flags, just my opinion and if you don't agree fine but thats how I feel!
I'm sure the following statement will get me a little vacation:
You need to stop being a douche bag, you have no frame of reference to how much time and money they donated to this site over the years. So you before you go calling them cheap, maybe you should ask what they've done for this site
12-24-2012, 04:20 PM
I'm crushed. This is like finding out that Santa will not be coming to my house tonight.
Paula... you will be missed, and Joanne and I really mean it.
Peace, Love, and Happiness.
12-24-2012, 04:20 PM
I'm sure the following statement will get me a little vacation:
You need to stop being a douche bag, you have no frame of reference to how much time and money they donated to this site over the years. So you before you go calling them cheap, maybe you should ask what they've done for this site
+1. Though this should not get you a vacation of any sort.
This thread will be closed before santa comes to town! :shake:
12-24-2012, 05:05 PM
This thread will be closed before santa comes to town! :shake:
Santa's coming????? I just saw another thread and it appeared he was hitting all the booby bars...
Paula, you will be missed, thanks for all your kind words to me over the years....:beer:
12-24-2012, 05:06 PM
Play nice everyone.
Mr. Man
12-24-2012, 05:22 PM
Thin Ice :-0 what ever, but it costs money to keep this site going and putting together meets, if you enjoy the meets and info than quit being so cheap and support it with flags, just my opinion and if you don't agree fine but that's how I feel!
You are entitled to your opinion and that's fine.
Paula and I have supported this site for many years both financially and with our time. We have been involved in the planning of a Marauderville, sole organisers of 3 NH meets, many regional meets and even more local get togethers. All take time and some take money to organise which does not re-compensate for. Flags or not we have both been active members in creating what we hope are fun activities for members to enjoy.
So if you feel your donation is all you need to do to help the MM community that's just great, you get to enjoy the events that others who may or may not have flags have created for you to enjoy. :)
12-24-2012, 07:50 PM
I'm sure the following statement will get me a little vacation:
You need to stop being a douche bag, you have no frame of reference to how much time and money they donated to this site over the years. So you before you go calling them cheap, maybe you should ask what they've done for this site
Or better yet what YOU'VE done for this site?
12-24-2012, 08:26 PM
The time has come to pick up my marbles and go home. ;) All kidding aside, I have really enjoyed my stay but all good things go south eventually. It's more a matter of principle than anything else, and I see our admins don't share mine. Not surprised just disappointed. Wishing you all the best and I thank you for all the great times. I still love my Marauder and Eric and I will see our friends around at local events. If anyone wants to take over the SBS please PM Eric as the group can be transferred to one of you.
Thanks for the memories,
Ms. D
Seems like every time I pop in here on occasion something bad happens!
Comin' in Hot
12-24-2012, 09:01 PM
Or better yet what YOU'VE done for this site?
FBM, Sometimes I find it hard to tell how something is said, were you asking me this question?
Mr. Man
12-24-2012, 09:07 PM
FBM, Sometimes I find it hard to tell how something is said, were you asking me this question?
I think he was substituting You've for they've in your post. :)
Comin' in Hot
12-24-2012, 09:20 PM
Oh, Siri doesn't always translate correctly. :lol:
Comin' in Hot
12-24-2012, 09:21 PM
I really shouldn't be driving firetrucks while reading the forum
12-24-2012, 10:27 PM
I am choosing to close this thread. Paula made a statement and more than enough opinions and conjectures have been made.
Paula - we are here for you if and when you want to come back.
Merry Christmas to you and Eric.
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