View Full Version : decisions, decisions

12-21-2012, 03:14 PM
I'm a fool. The Mercury Marauder has been my favorite car for years , and lucky for me I had the immense pleasure of owning a mint 300A car earlier this year and totalled it within the year :( - I am buying a new car in comming months and was adamant on getting a nice Marauder. . . But I have been on this strange Buick Grand National kick as of lately, and I say weird because those cars never really appealed to me. But I now need opinions from people who have biased opinions in favor of the Marauder but are educated people and will tell me pros and cons of each and tell me wat they think of these turbo Buicks. I love u all. Thanks:confused

12-21-2012, 03:20 PM
If you came here for answers you know what we're going to say.

Marauder FTMFW!!

burt ragio
12-21-2012, 03:42 PM
In decesion is not the right or wrong decesion. It is just no decesion.
Go with your gut feeling. Ones 1st choice is 83.5% correct.

12-21-2012, 03:50 PM
GN=very fast
MM=pretty fast, nice looking, reliable, comfortable, and you'll pull more tail than a 4 year old at a petting zoo

Do what you want :)

12-21-2012, 03:53 PM
I love grand nationals!!!

A few members here are owners of that beast!

12-21-2012, 04:03 PM
I own both (look at my signature and many members here to testify to it). I've had my MM for almost 3 years and my GN now for about 8 months. In my own opinion, I would still get another MM. My reasons: 1. You will most likely spend more money to find a good condition Gn vs. a MM, 2. Parts are readily available for both, but GN parts like Intercoolers, turbos, MAFs, suspension, brakes may be a bit more pricey based on the age of the vehicle and the rarity of some OEM parts, 3. Since the "newest" GN is 25 years old (1987), finding one that doesn't have much rust, bad paint, torn up interior, leaks, or bad parts is tough. I bought my GN for 11K and it had a bad turbo, injectors, chip, MAF, front markers, tachometer, rear main seal, oil pan gasket, etc. I've put around 6-7k into mine and now it's fantastic. Finally, GNs are theft magnets, if you plan on getting one to drive daily, make sure you keep it locked up at night and maybe a kill witch installed. Go on turbobuicks.com and their are countless stories of them being stolen (mainly in the southeast though), but it happens everywhere overall.

SO what I'm trying to say is if your buying your next ride for a DD I would strongly recommend getting a MM unless you got $$$$ to spend and have a safe area to keep it and can keep it well maintained. Just my .02, but you will have fun with either.

12-21-2012, 04:04 PM
GN= very fast, already boosted, two door
MM=quick to be big, 4 doors, can be boosted for as little as $2,500-$3,000

Both can be reliable depending on condition you buy it in and maintain it. I love the GN if I had it my way I'd own BOTH to get the best of both worlds.

There is no wrong choice WHEN YOU'RE MAKING THE DECISION ON WHAT YOU WANT and not the decisions of others.

Plenty cars are stolen daily. Not just a GN. Plenty Marauders are stolen too.

Get what you want and be happy. Best thing to do.

12-21-2012, 04:12 PM
I own both......
Great perspective. Nice post.:beer::beer:

Joe Walsh
12-21-2012, 04:19 PM
I must admit that I have a soft spot in my automotive heart for the GNs!
My college roommate bought a new '86 GN (The first year with the intercooler and much rarer than the '87 GN)
That crazy V6 would walk anything on the road back in '86!...:bows:
It would destroy my '85 5.0 Mustang by the time I was in 2nd gear.
After a few mods that car was sick!
Only problem was the Jiffy Lube logos stitched into the seat's headrests...:P

12-21-2012, 04:42 PM
Yeah, I'm not trying to downplay buying one as a DD, but even with all the maintenance I've put into mine since I bought it, I still wouldn't trust it driving more than a few states or so. I'm taking a road trip with a friend down to Miami in early March, and the trip will be about 2 weeks. I will be taking the MM, even with the slipping trans. because its more comfortable, more reliable at the moment, holds more luggage, and I wouldn't be as paranoid of people paying too close of attention to my car if I'm i a restaurant or at a hotel. These are just my opinions so don't think Im just spitting out fact after fact in the discussion.

Actually, what we should be asking back to you SMF, what purpose will the vehicle serve? Because if it's just going to be a fun car/sunday drive, hell get a GN. Problem solved!

12-21-2012, 05:02 PM
I must admit that I have a soft spot in my automotive heart for the GNs!
My college roommate bought a new '86 GN (The first year with the intercooler and much rarer than the '87 GN)
That crazy V6 would walk anything on the road back in '86!...:bows:
It would destroy my '85 5.0 Mustang by the time I was in 2nd gear.
After a few mods that car was sick!
Only problem was the Jiffy Lube logos stitched into the seat's headrests...:P

lol yeah that logo is a little uhhhhh

Yeah, I'm not trying to downplay buying one as a DD, but even with all the maintenance I've put into mine since I bought it, I still wouldn't trust it driving more than a few states or so. I'm taking a road trip with a friend down to Miami in early March, and the trip will be about 2 weeks. I will be taking the MM, even with the slipping trans. because its more comfortable, more reliable at the moment, holds more luggage, and I wouldn't be as paranoid of people paying too close of attention to my car if I'm i a restaurant or at a hotel. These are just my opinions so don't think Im just spitting out fact after fact in the discussion.

Actually, what we should be asking back to you SMF, what purpose will the vehicle serve? Because if it's just going to be a fun car/sunday drive, hell get a GN. Problem solved!

^^+1 that!

DD a GN might be a little much being that is smaller & older you would't want the daily issues directed at the GN (shopping carts, rock chips, the non-drivers, the door dings, weather etc...). So by far the MM in my opinion is more suitable for a DD, long hauls etc...

Chi Stallion
12-21-2012, 06:23 PM
The MM is not fast at all and if you wanna make it fast your gona spend a ton of money. Look at it like this, these cars break down fast and you better get your wallet ready. Especially since almost every part has been discontinued. This car was short on muscle from the factory and the engineers put a crappy 4.6 DOHC engine that will get spanked alota cars on the street.

I wouldn't get the Grand National either because that car is too rare and nice to be a DD. If you really wanna get back in a MM I'd buy one that's already modified to your taste from a member on this site.

12-21-2012, 06:32 PM
Just get/buy both of them!!!!!!

Then you'll be a happy camper all around.

But of course, everyone has a budget.

Like previous stated in one of the beginning post......

MERCURY MARAUDER no doubt or question!!!! Nuff said


12-21-2012, 06:37 PM
Only live once.
Hell if i had a GN i'd drive it everyday. i dont grasp the concept of just letting something sit and watching it. its a car.. its purpose is to be driven.

both cars are good in my head, u will get compliments on either one

12-21-2012, 06:38 PM
Yeah daily driver. . . But fun to drive ;)

12-21-2012, 06:40 PM
The MM is not fast at all and if you wanna make it fast your gona spend a ton of money. Look at it like this, these cars break down fast and you better get your wallet ready. Especially since almost every part has been discontinued. This car was short on muscle from the factory and the engineers put a crappy 4.6 DOHC engine that will get spanked alota cars on the street.

I wouldn't get the Grand National either because that car is too rare and nice to be a DD. If you really wanna get back in a MM I'd buy one that's already modified to your taste from a member on this site.

The 4.6 dohc engine is durable set up. I like them, and marauders aren't all that slow. I would put 4.10s and tune my next one!!

12-21-2012, 06:52 PM
Why make a decision?? Get one of each. ;) But buy the Marauder first. :D

12-21-2012, 07:07 PM
I grew up with the GN's...for me there is no question...GN. That being said it would never be a DD. NEVER.

If its a DD, Marauder all the way...they are not fast, if you run into a GN, he's stock and you have CAI, Gears, Exhaust, Tune...you will still get beat!

12-21-2012, 07:14 PM
Yeah some parts on the GN are ridiculous as well. The front orange markers on mine were cracked from rocks over the years and decided to buy a new set. First off, very hard to find because they had clear ones all day, but I wanted orange ones. Found a set for $175 I believe, and bought them because I was looking for weeks and couldn't any others. It's the little things like that that are annoying.

Mike M
12-21-2012, 07:47 PM
I have not driven my Buick in about 8 months, after reading this thread I think I'll wake it up and drive it to work tomorrow.

12-21-2012, 08:26 PM
I have not driven my Buick in about 8 months, after reading this thread I think I'll wake it up and drive it to work tomorrow.

I'm glad I caused u to do that. Have fun!

12-21-2012, 09:30 PM
Ahh, interesting question. But I think you truly know the answer. I have owned my GN for going on 13 years. I have owned 2 other turbo buicks in the past 10 years that where used for daily driving. Each car was very different, but ran just the same............ WELL. Never stranded me, reasonable fuel mileage and unbelievable power. Turbo Regals are a blast to drive especially with a few bolt ons and methanol injection. Now, lets face it, they dont stop well, creature comforts are pretty basic and not super comfy, but not bad for 80's technology. They are truly pretty finicky unless you know a lot about them. (Tough to dial in/tune). But when they are dialed in, its incredible power............... and nobody knows what they are........ STILL.

Marauder................. not as fast, but has the potential to be as fast with some bolt ons, 4 doors, cool, and superior brakes, suspension, creature comforts, etc.

(remember I have been a Marauder owner for a month):beer:

Take it for what its worth. Either one is a cool, unique, fun to drive vehicle.

12-21-2012, 11:00 PM
Im trying to see if I can post a pic of the MM and GN together. Never did this before.

12-21-2012, 11:06 PM
Here we go

Mike M
12-21-2012, 11:39 PM
Me likey.........here are some pics of mine from my annual charity car show at my shop.

First pic is my detail guy prepping car before the show.

12-22-2012, 12:02 AM
Here we go

Me likey.........here are some pics of mine from my annual charity car show at my shop.

First pic is my detail guy prepping car before the show.

Nice pics. Make me want to step up the process of actually owning what I call "the limited collection" which includes the GN, MM, TBSS and the 95-96 Chevy Impala. One day I shall house all of them. (Sorry to go off topic)

12-22-2012, 12:04 AM
Very nice Mike. Kinda wish sometimes mine was a t-ytpe instead so it could look like a sleeper. I need a new passenger door (rust on the bottom), and door hinges on both sides.

Mike M
12-22-2012, 12:08 AM
I ordered my Buick in 1987 and I am happy I kept it all these years. The Camaro I have had for 36 years and the Marauder I am the original owner.

12-22-2012, 12:16 AM
Here's some more pics (to throw this thread even more off center). Fun fact: I got two of my friends from a local car club to help me bring the cars over to the beach area. Each time we moved the cars we rotated so, that they could get a chance to drive each. Both said hands down the MM was their favorite to drive. I wish I could say i'm the original owner of all my vehicles.

Mike M
12-22-2012, 12:18 AM
I'm originally from NJ. I use to have QQ plates on my Camaro that said "QQ"UICKER.

12-22-2012, 03:33 AM
Ahhh the GN i had an 87 GN and an 87 Turbo T Regal great cars plenty of power! i built a Stage ll on center Buick V6 for the Turbo T made 1072 RWHP Kenny Duttwieler built the motor i could never keep that car under 50mph! just crazy power!
It ran low 9sec ETs

My GN was a pristine cruiser to this day i regret selling both! at some point i may buy another one, but i would never think of driving it daily as it would end up stolen, or someone would attempt to carjack it.

12-22-2012, 07:36 AM
Well the pictures do us alot of justice because Imho the Marauder takes the cake in Looks! It is a sexy sedan. The impala SS dosnt excite me because of its drab appearance, LT1 is a great setup, and I own a 96 cadillac Fleetwood Brougham with the LT1, but the caddi is more comfortable and much nicer looking with the same power. And finally the GN. . . It is very cool, and very fast, and I wish I could have both the marauder and GN, but I have to take out a loan for just one of the two so that can't happen :( But What I would like more then any of these cars is the 87 buick GNX! Now thats a kooky ride. . .

12-22-2012, 10:10 AM
Well the pictures do us alot of justice because Imho the Marauder takes the cake in Looks! It is a sexy sedan. The impala SS dosnt excite me because of its drab appearance, LT1 is a great setup, and I own a 96 cadillac Fleetwood Brougham with the LT1, but the caddi is more comfortable and much nicer looking with the same power. And finally the GN. . . It is very cool, and very fast, and I wish I could have both the marauder and GN, but I have to take out a loan for just one of the two so that can't happen :( But What I would like more then any of these cars is the 87 buick GNX! Now thats a kooky ride. . .

Yes, that is my Eleanor, my Cobra, my 67 427 Tri power vette.....oh to have one of the 547....oh yes, it will be mine....someday, it will be mine!!!!!!!:bows:

12-22-2012, 12:31 PM
Well the pictures do us alot of justice because Imho the Marauder takes the cake in Looks! It is a sexy sedan. The impala SS dosnt excite me because of its drab appearance, LT1 is a great setup, and I own a 96 cadillac Fleetwood Brougham with the LT1, but the caddi is more comfortable and much nicer looking with the same power. And finally the GN. . . It is very cool, and very fast, and I wish I could have both the marauder and GN, but I have to take out a loan for just one of the two so that can't happen :( But What I would like more then any of these cars is the 87 buick GNX! Now thats a kooky ride. . .
so what are you leaning towards, mm or gn? sorry to hear about your mm being wrecked. I may be in the market for another toy soon as my old house should be selling soon and will have some cash freed up! maybe another black or sb marauder or a late model mustang...shelby or gt....who knows!!!

12-22-2012, 01:25 PM
I'm originally from NJ. I use to have QQ plates on my Camaro that said "QQ"UICKER.

I want to do something like that with the QQ plates. I wanted to do something like "KNDA FST" or "SPOOLER" or "GRIM GN"

Joe Walsh
12-22-2012, 01:46 PM
Me likey.........here are some pics of mine from my annual charity car show at my shop.

First pic is my detail guy prepping car before the show.

Love the white T-Type sleeper!

I ran into one of those back in '86 before I knew that the T-Types were plain wrapper Grand Nationals!
It was a white T-Type too!
That guy must've been laughing his butt off when he waxed my azz.
I could only see tail lights....:o

Baaad GN
12-22-2012, 02:53 PM
Hmmmm okay let me put my 2 cents in here, I ordered mine new with every option including T Tops and was one of the last ones built, My IL plate is guess!!!!!!!!! BAAAD GN, Had that plate for years, if your want a daily driver go with the Marauder, My Son 1 Bad Merc's car even boasted is probably the best for everyday use, You can not Hide a GN no matter where you go. Think about that!!
To me there is no comparison for Fun or having a BAD TO THE BONE CAR, but you can see from my name what I love them, Not cheap, hard to find one not beaten to hell but they are there, my car, opps I'm gonna get in trouble here if I'm not careful, MY WIFE'S GN, as I bought for her is a nice car, she put 52,000 miles on it before we took it off the road as a daily drive, so it was never beat on and never will be, if I sold it she'd SHOOT me! Here we go no guns stuff now you guy's! LOL

12-22-2012, 05:00 PM
I'm completley torn. . .

12-23-2012, 02:31 AM
It would help us if maybe you had your eyes set on either one already. Like maybe a Craigslist ad or cars.com ad. At least we can tell you then if it's a good deal or not.

12-23-2012, 07:21 AM
I've had both as well. Didn't have the Marauder as long as my GN. Neither was a DD for me they were are just occasional fun drivers. I could not see driving a GN for DD. The Marauder I could not either but would be more inclined too. As stated earlier the GN are very fast with just a few mods. You NEED to be good at tuning! But they don't stop the best IMO (had Big brake kit on GN) The ride is OK, I like the ride feel in the Marauder better. I was always more worried about having the GN out and about then the Marauder. Keep the GN under wraps other wise it will be stolen in no time! I have a few friends in the Buick GN community and a few of them have had one stolen at one point or another. Just some thoughts. Good luck both very cool cars.