View Full Version : Transporting cash on a plane

12-22-2012, 10:20 AM
When buying vehicles that require a plane trip to pick up are there any problems with TSA in getting large sums(20k+)of cash through security?
The best way,and maybe the safest, may be to do a bank to bank wire transfer but I've always wondered about taking large sums through security.

Comin' in Hot
12-22-2012, 10:26 AM
When buying vehicles that require a plane trip to pick up are there any problems with TSA in getting large sums(20k+)of cash through security?
The best way,and maybe the safest, may be to do a bank to bank wire transfer but I've always wondered about taking large sums through security.
I wouldn't do it, you are better off using a national bank like wells fargo, open an account and then making a large withdrawal near where you need it, or get a certified check made out to yourself and cash it.

12-22-2012, 10:29 AM
I had no problems when I went on board with 17k cash. They asked why so much money. I said I'm buying multiple automobiles. I went on my way

Ozark Marauder
12-22-2012, 10:53 AM
I just put it in my inside jacket pockets, and kept my wallet in my back pocket and walked through, nobody said anything..maybe I was just lucky.


Mr. Man
12-22-2012, 10:57 AM
Depends on where your going. If you are going to say Texas expect a visit from the local DEA if your going to Montana it might not be as much of a problem.

I would suggest you buy your ticket with a credit card as it will take some of the suspicion off and have a suitcase. Large sums of cash are going to be suspect to be used in drug buys so if I were you I would make arrangements to get the money when you get to your destination.
You may also need to make arrangements through your back to a local bank in the town you are going as your bank may not have a branch in the town you are going.

If you do decide to carry large sums of money on a plane give yourself lots and lots of time to get through security. You may zip right through but if you get hassled by the man it will take a while to iron things out. Also if you have a felony criminal record I would not try doing it at all.

Listen to the little voice in the back of your head it's telling you something. :)

12-22-2012, 11:02 AM
Depends on where your going. If you are going to say Texas expect a visit from the local DEA if your going to Montana it might not be as much of a problem.

I would suggest you buy your ticket with a credit card as it will take some of the suspicion off and have a suitcase. Large sums of cash are going to be suspect to be used in drug buys so if I were you I would make arrangements to get the money when you get to your destination.
You may also need to make arrangements through your back to a local bank in the town you are going as your bank may not have a branch in the town you are going.

If you do decide to carry large sums of money on a plane give yourself lots and lots of time to get through security. You may zip right through but if you get hassled by the man it will take a while to iron things out. Also if you have a felony criminal record I would not try doing it at all.

Listen to the little voice in the back of your head it's telling you something. :)

Yes. Travel Location may play a huge role in where you can carry your bank roll.

12-22-2012, 11:22 AM
Any local or national LEO can confiscate it and just say it was drug money. No evidence other than the cash itself is required. Their dept gets it and it is very, very difficult to get it back. This has happened to many a person.
Welcome to AmeriKa.

Do a search asset seizure. There was a time when the USCG was doing it on a regular basis to people with no arrest records. They tried to seize my boat, worth ~$15,000, because they had difficulty reading the S/N#. I calmly refuted them and when that didn't work I did something I rarely do, dropped a name of someone I happened to have lunch with a week before and the guy backed off. They were getting rewarded for each seizure. Apparently they messed with one too many of the "wrong people" and changed their policy on boat seizures.
"In the forfeiture context, a “seizure” is when an officer of the law takes possession of an individual’s property. This is typically the first step in the asset forfeiture process. For the police to seize an individual’s property, most jurisdictions require that the officer merely have “probable cause” to believe the property is subject to forfeiture. The laws in some jurisdictions, however, have additional requirements before real property, such as a home, can be seized." http://www.ij.org/part-i-policing-for-profit

12-22-2012, 11:30 AM
I wish they would take my money. They would be paying for their own hit.

RF Overlord
12-22-2012, 11:54 AM
The government is evil!
All cops are corrupt!
No one is safe!

12-22-2012, 12:04 PM
I would put it in a coat pocket with the bank withdraw slip. Walk right thru. Thats just me...

12-22-2012, 12:18 PM
I'd never travel with that much cash! I like the Wells Fargo idea.

12-22-2012, 12:38 PM
I'd take cashiers check(s).

cat in the hat
12-22-2012, 08:45 PM
Any local or national LEO can confiscate it and just say it was drug money. No evidence other than the cash itself is required. Their dept gets it and it is very, very difficult to get it back. This has happened to many a person.
Welcome to AmeriKa.

This is nonsense.

12-22-2012, 08:55 PM
I have traveled with large amounts of money and have never had a problem.

cat in the hat
12-22-2012, 08:56 PM
When buying vehicles that require a plane trip to pick up are there any problems with TSA in getting large sums(20k+)of cash through security?
The best way,and maybe the safest, may be to do a bank to bank wire transfer but I've always wondered about taking large sums through security.

As long as you're not trying to leave the country with it, it shouldn't be a problem. Couriers routinely travel with huge sums of cash, bearer bonds, diamonds, etc. Not getting robbed would be more of a concern.


cat in the hat
12-22-2012, 09:07 PM
The government is evil!
All cops are corrupt!
No one is safe!

Agreed. Soon the UN Troops will go house-to-house, confiscating all the guns and sending everyone to FEMA internment camps. Only a tiny band of high-school kids with hunting rifles can save the day . . .

cat in the hat
12-22-2012, 09:10 PM
I just put it in my inside jacket pockets, and kept my wallet in my back pocket and walked through, nobody said anything..maybe I was just lucky.


Exactly. Unless it's in quarters, it's not going to set off the metal detectors - how would they even know you have it ?

12-22-2012, 09:26 PM
I would not carry that kind of cash!

Let's see...

That would equate to 200 $100.00 bills.

Divide that by 4 (assuming 4 pockets), and you have 50 $100.00 bills in each of the 4 pockets.

Unless you have a huge coat, chances are the pockets will be stuffed drawing attention to yourself.

If you get robbed; you're SOL. Cash cannot be traced.

I would recommend either having your bank draft up a Cashier's check to the seller's name, or...

Setup a wire transfer from your bank account to the seller's bank account.

Most banks will draft a Cashier's check at no charge for their customers, and a wire transfer has a nominal charge.

My bank charges a $25.00 fee for a wire transfer regardless of the amount being moved.

Cheap insurance if you ask me, and the trannsfer takes just a couple hours to go thru.

Just my :twocents:


12-23-2012, 06:16 AM
Agreed. Soon the UN Troops will go house-to-house, confiscating all the guns and sending everyone to FEMA internment camps. Only a tiny band of high-school kids with hunting rifles can save the day . . .

No one believed Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, Stalin or Castro would do what they did. I had dinner recently with someone who fled Cuba in 1967. Her family were early supporters of Castro until they saw all the people he was putting in jail.
There are over 300,000 Federal Laws with 68 new Federal "Regulations" being passed every day. In the past 3 years Federal spending has increased 29% to 24% of GDP.
Total Gov't spending in 42% of GDP and on 1-1-12 States in total passed over 40,000 new laws.
Every Adult in the USA has broken numerous laws carrying in total penalties lengthy jail sentences. We are all "criminals", the Gov't at this time has elected not to prosecute most of us. We are all in jail, we just cannot see the bars.

12-23-2012, 06:55 AM
No one believed Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, Stalin or Castro would do what they did. I had dinner recently with someone who fled Cuba in 1967. Her family were early supporters of Castro until they saw all the people he was putting in jail.
There are over 300,000 Federal Laws with 68 new Federal "Regulations" being passed every day. In the past 3 years Federal spending has increased 29% to 24% of GDP.
Total Gov't spending in 42% of GDP and on 1-1-12 States in total passed over 40,000 new laws.
Every Adult in the USA has broken numerous laws carrying in total penalties lengthy jail sentences. We are all "criminals", the Gov't at this time has elected not to prosecute most of us. We are all in jail, we just cannot see the bars.

W in TF does Hitler, Stalin, Castro, Federal spending and the GDP have to do with a man asking about carrying large sums of cash on a plane??

Good Lord!

Does every thread have to be turned into a political/government conspiracy?



12-23-2012, 07:06 AM
If this keeps up I am joining the paino net site.

12-23-2012, 07:20 AM
I agree that you should not travel with large sums of cash. You do so at your own risk of loss and incarceration. It's simply not worth the risk when there are national banks and/or wire transfers available. I once read of a man, from Tennessee I think, who had his cash confiscated and incurred large legal bills trying to get it back. Also, the law enforcement agency that seized it put a lot of effort into trying to prove he was associated with drug running, impugning his name/reputation (imagine how the media would report the case). Part of the evidence against him was that the cash tested positive for drugs (as all cash will I hear). I believe he had planned on flying to buy a car with it, originally. Is this unjust? Hell yes. Does it happen? Yes. Do you feel lucky?

cat in the hat
12-23-2012, 07:55 AM
I agree that you should not travel with large sums of cash. You do so at your own risk of loss and incarceration. It's simply not worth the risk when there are national banks and/or wire transfers available. I once read of a man, from Tennessee I think, who had his cash confiscated and incurred large legal bills trying to get it back. Also, the law enforcement agency that seized it put a lot of effort into trying to prove he was associated with drug running, impugning his name/reputation (imagine how the media would report the case). Part of the evidence against him was that the cash tested positive for drugs (as all cash will I hear). I believe he had planned on flying to buy a car with it, originally. Is this unjust? Hell yes. Does it happen? Yes. Do you feel lucky?

Agreed. Charges like "Unlawful Possession of Money" and "Interstate Transportation of US Currency" are not to be taken lightly.

RF Overlord
12-23-2012, 08:15 AM
sailsmen, the apocalypse happened 2 days ago...you must have been too busy writing psychotic rants to notice.

12-23-2012, 08:21 AM
Thanks for all the advice my friends. Looks like a bank wire transfer is the way to go. I originally shied away from banks as I recently applied for a mortgage and felt like I was treated as if I was a sleeper cell for the Taliban. Things sure have changed since I applied for previous mortgages, had to show a paper trail of money movements in all my accounts. The lender representative said it was all due to government regulations. So far I've spent close to four hours at the bank and haven't completed jumping through all the hoops.

Merry Christmas everyone. Have a safe and prosperous Marauder New Year.


12-23-2012, 08:26 AM
"Any local or national LEO can confiscate it and just say it was drug money. No evidence other than the cash itself is required. Their dept gets it and it is very, very difficult to get it back." BS. There are the expected risks of robbery, loss or whatever carrying large amounts of cash but as far as any law enforcement "confiscation" worries, baloney. People carry large amounts of cash on aircraft every day. If you get pulled over on the highway and you have dope in your car and all that cash, another story.

12-23-2012, 08:44 AM
sailsmen, the apocalypse happened 2 days ago...you must have been too busy writing psychotic rants to notice.

What if the apocalypse happened and today we are living in the ultimate copy and paste by Sailsmen, what if the apocalypse was actually the world being sucked into google?

The Ice Bucket Approves of this message

12-23-2012, 08:47 AM
What if the apocalypse happened and today we are living in the ultimate copy and paste by Sailsmen, what if the apocalypse was actually the world being sucked into google?

The Ice Bucket Approves of this message

Let me see if i can cut and paste 5 paragraphs to support my rant!:lol:

12-23-2012, 08:53 AM
It's illegal to have less than $5 on you and more than $3,000 on you.

12-23-2012, 09:31 AM
The government is evil!
All cops are corrupt!
No one is safe!


The Government is useless!
Some cops are corrupt!
No one is safe when dealling with either!

cat in the hat
12-23-2012, 09:32 AM
It's illegal to have less than $5 on you and more than $3,000 on you.

hmmm . . . .

12-23-2012, 09:34 AM
cashiers check made payable to yourself is how I paid for my MM. Flew from Atl to TX drove away with the car:)

12-23-2012, 03:01 PM
you are limited to carying 10,000 on a plane undeclared,even if not leaving the country,You can take more if declared they just want to let the IRS know of your cash movements.

12-23-2012, 03:49 PM
you are limited to carying 10,000 on a plane undeclared,even if not leaving the country,You can take more if declared they just want to let the IRS know of your cash movements.

Where did you read this? From what I remember there is no/no legal limit to the amount of cash you can carry on any domestic flight; only when entering the US amounts over $10k have to be declared.

12-23-2012, 04:04 PM
There is no limit but you have to tell TSA if you are carrying more than 10,000,ask for a private screening and tell them you have it, if they find it without knowing about it youwill more likely to cause you to miss your flight while proper paperwork is filled out,I know cause i would be the one here to fill out that paperwork!

12-25-2012, 06:29 AM
I stuff it in my under ware and they don't touch it. Match it with the skid marks in the back.

12-25-2012, 11:12 PM
most cops are not corrupt. citizens trusting newspapers are dumb! The "corrupt cops" in my area did alot more damage against criminals than any other person hands down. yes some are bad but you have no idea where their hearts are unless you talk to them, not fox news. Example is taking crack out of evidence to hand out to snitches for bigger dealers. yes looked down upon and morally wrong. however lots of people are in prison because of this. The government is something else to talk about.

12-26-2012, 09:02 AM
most cops are not corrupt. citizens trusting newspapers are dumb! The "corrupt cops" in my area did alot more damage against criminals than any other person hands down. yes some are bad but you have no idea where their hearts are unless you talk to them, not fox news. Example is taking crack out of evidence to hand out to snitches for bigger dealers. yes looked down upon and morally wrong. however lots of people are in prison because of this. The government is something else to talk about.
There are corrupt Police Depts. New Orleans has had a corrupt Police Dept which is facilitated by a corrupt mayor and a corrupt city. After Katrina NOPD officers looted and several murdered.
Their looting was so prevalent a local Caddillac Dealer put it in their ad only the finest for New Orleans finest.

12-26-2012, 09:26 AM
I agree. That city is a mess.

12-27-2012, 08:41 PM
In the US there is no limit to how much cash you can carry. You do not have to provide the TSA with any info as to having cash, where it came from, or where it's going. It is none of their business or under their control. They can however call local authorities if they were to find it on you and you are deemed to be suspicious to them (in THEIR opinion). So it is best to be honest as to your intentions as they can be a PITA if they want to.

Going out of or into the US the limit is 10K un-declared. Over 10K you must fill out an IRS for.

Went through security with 20K no problem. Never showed it to them. They never asked me anything and I never told them anything.

You can request a private room if they want to search you so you don't slap down a bunch of cash in front of everybody to see BTW.