View Full Version : TOYOTA coughs up 1 BILLION+

Joe Walsh
12-26-2012, 09:01 PM
TerdYOTA is in the news again....


I wonder if their sheep....errrr....buyers will notice all the recalls they have had?
and all the defects, problems and recalls they have tried so hard to ignore and to avoid?

Have I mentioned that I have a mild dislike for Toyotas?

12-26-2012, 09:09 PM
Have I mentioned that I have a mild dislike for Toyotas?

Have barely ^^^^^^ noticed Joe. ;) Your dislike only goes to the make level. I actually dislike them at the model and trim level and have ascribed a specific "stupid driver" category to each one. :o

Mr. Man
12-26-2012, 09:21 PM
I'm not a real fan of the new yota's but I wouldn't mind having one of these in my garage


12-26-2012, 09:38 PM
At least they own up to their problems. Ford couldn't even recall the fiasco of LCM problems they have ignored since at least 1998.. another would be the **** paint jobs we got. I'm sure Toyota paint is much better than Ford's..

12-26-2012, 09:41 PM
After working for toyota id have to say that some of the recall stuff is insane and useless. One recall we had to do was to apply a sticker to the inside of the door. There was another for the spare tire cable being sprayed with undercoating on brand new cars. Im not a toyota fan but the cars arent that bad.

12-27-2012, 05:06 AM
I'm not a toyota fan but the cars arent that bad.

Ha, Ha .... 14 Million Toyotas recalled for the sticking accelerator. $ 1 Billion in restitution. Yeah, they aren't that bad. :rolleyes:

Owning up to a "occasional" problem is a sign of good character. Having to do it every year and sometimes several months in a row is a sign of incompetence. Which one fits Toyota in your opinion??

I still think that Toyota owners are among the dumbest drivers on the road. It appears to be the brand preferred by unlicensed idiots. There must be a "Toyota Stupid Discount" offered to get that many dumb drivers to buy their products. Prove your IQ is under 100 or bring in a Report Card with more than 4 Ds on it and get $1000 cash back. ;)

Joe Walsh
12-27-2012, 05:13 AM
Ha, Ha .... 14 Million Toyotas recalled for the sticking accelerator. $ 1 Billion in restitution. Yeah, they aren't that bad. :rolleyes:

Owning up to a "occasional" problem is a sign of good character. Having to do it every year and sometimes several months in a row is a sign of incompetence. Which one fits Toyota in your opinion??

I still think that Toyota owners are among the dumbest drivers on the road. It appears to be the brand preferred by unlicensed idiots.
There must be a "Toyota Stupid Discount" offered to get that many dumb drivers to buy their products.
Prove your IQ is under 100 or bring in a Report Card with more than 4 Ds on it and get $1000 cash back. ;)


So true Charlie!
But you must take into account the fact that a vast majority of Toyota owners think of driving as "a chore" and they buy a bland road going appliance.
How can you expect them to be in the least bit involved and attentive while piloting said POS mind numbing vehicles???

BTW: I rank Honda drivers just slightly ahead of Toyota drivers.....:rolleyes:

12-27-2012, 05:35 AM
BTW: I rank Honda drivers just slightly ahead of Toyota drivers.....:rolleyes:

+1 But just barely .... not even an R.C.H. difference. ;)

12-27-2012, 07:46 AM
+1 on everything Joe and Charlie said!!

RF Overlord
12-27-2012, 09:23 AM
My biggest problem with Toyota is that their cars are bland and/or ugly. I also think that in their quest to become #1 they've slipped a lot in the quality control and design of their cars of late and I wouldn't consider buying one.

Having said that, I think it's schadenfreude to gloat about their recent misfortunes.

12-27-2012, 09:29 AM
Having said that, I think it's schadenfreude to gloat about their recent misfortunes.

"Pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others". Yeah, it fits. ;) So does "Comeuppance", "What Goes Around Comes Around", "Just Deserts", etc.

12-27-2012, 11:10 AM
Ha, Ha .... 14 Million Toyotas recalled for the sticking accelerator. $ 1 Billion in restitution. Yeah, they aren't that bad. :rolleyes:

Owning up to a "occasional" problem is a sign of good character. Having to do it every year and sometimes several months in a row is a sign of incompetence. Which one fits Toyota in your opinion??

I still think that Toyota owners are among the dumbest drivers on the road. It appears to be the brand preferred by unlicensed idiots. There must be a "Toyota Stupid Discount" offered to get that many dumb drivers to buy their products. Prove your IQ is under 100 or bring in a Report Card with more than 4 Ds on it and get $1000 cash back. ;)

So now its toyotas fault that the people who buy them are just barely above a 6th grade level? Cant blame that on them but youre not wrong that they are stupid. Honda drivers are idiots too.

My point though was that the recalls they put out arent always so severe. Ford has plenty that shouldve been recalls and so has gm. Friend of mine bought a brand new camaro ss and his front right wheel fell off while driving down the road after just getting it and totaled it. They blamed it on a fault lug nut. ONE fault lug nut. What was the real issue?

The accelerator issue is always going to be widely known because people were faking it and just slamming the pedal and destroying stuff. Some people did really get hurt but not everyone was seriously effected. My favorite is when people blamed the floor mat which was completely Incorrect and they were just crashing their cars and putting the floor mats there. Kia motors has car fires because of the turd design in their kia souls for the light up speakers. Ford eco boost just got recalled like 6 million trucks. Cant point the finger at toyota and just say they are the worst. There are some stupid marauder drivers out there but those wrrent brought up.

I am in no way shape or form a toyota enthusiast and would never buy onr except a supra or a tundra but they arent as bad as the public makes them out to be. Also that billion is them owning up to their mistakes unlike kia who probably didnt pay shat.

Mr. Man
12-27-2012, 11:18 AM
Not a fan of modern Honda's either but I would buy one of these and park it next to the Toyota above.
http://www.7autoblog.info/var/albums/Honda-S2000-sports-car/Honda%20S2000%20sports%20car%2 0picture%20(5).jpg?m=129828965 6

12-27-2012, 11:35 AM
Ummm, not quite sure your Mr. Manly frame would fit in this beauty...:D But I agree, it would make a nice bookend for the nifty auto pictured in your first post!
Not a fan of modern Honda's either but I would buy one of these and park it next to the Toyota above.
http://www.7autoblog.info/var/albums/Honda-S2000-sports-car/Honda%20S2000%20sports%20car%2 0picture%20(5).jpg?m=129828965 6

12-27-2012, 11:36 AM
Had a Cilica Supra once. Was a bonus from a company I was running. Great car and fast.

Mr. Man
12-27-2012, 12:01 PM
Ummm, not quite sure your Mr. Manly frame would fit in this beauty...:D But I agree, it would make a nice bookend for the nifty auto pictured in your first post!
Where there's a will there's a large shoehorn.:lol:

All the youngin's are going "Shoehorn"? :dunno:

12-27-2012, 12:44 PM
http://sassysweetbren.files.wordpress .com/2011/04/crisco-shortening.jpg
Where there's a will there's a large shoehorn.:lol:

12-27-2012, 01:41 PM
Here's my "POS'' Toyota Best truck i've ever owned.


12-27-2012, 01:43 PM
So now its toyotas fault that the people who buy them are just barely above a 6th grade level? 6th Grade would be a definite improvement. ;)

Ford eco boost just got recalled like 6 million trucks. Are you talking about the 89,153 EcoBoosted 1.6L in Escapes and Fusions. I am not aware of any 3.5L Ecoboost recalls for the SHO or the F-150. 89K is a far cry from 14 Million or even the 6 Million you claim. :rolleyes: .

There are some stupid marauder drivers out there but those were not brought up. Not that I have ever seen at Marauder events. Must just be the non-members who thought they bought the fancy new Grand Marquis Super Sport model. The only stupid Marauder owner I have witnessed was the SB in Philly stealing UPS packages just before Christmas. Stupid and a Scumbag. But his parking job looked fine to me. Did you have someone specific in mind?? :dunno:

Comments ^^^^^ in Red.

The accelerator issue is always going to be widely known because people were faking it and just slamming the pedal and destroying stuff. Some people did really get hurt but not everyone was seriously effected. My favorite is when people blamed the floor mat which was completely Incorrect and they were just crashing their cars and putting the floor mats there.

More proof ^^^^^^ that the typical Toyota owner is dumber than a box of hammers and just a tad "crookish" and unethical too. :P

Here's my "POS'' Toyota Best truck i've ever owned.

Cue music ------ "Have you Driven a FORD .......... Lately??" Show action shot of F-150 work truck. Fade to Black. :rofl:

12-27-2012, 01:44 PM
Ha, Ha .... 14 Million Toyotas recalled for the sticking accelerator. $ 1 Billion in restitution. Yeah, they aren't that bad. :rolleyes:

Owning up to a "occasional" problem is a sign of good character. Having to do it every year and sometimes several months in a row is a sign of incompetence. Which one fits Toyota in your opinion??

I still think that Toyota owners are among the dumbest drivers on the road. It appears to be the brand preferred by unlicensed idiots. There must be a "Toyota Stupid Discount" offered to get that many dumb drivers to buy their products. Prove your IQ is under 100 or bring in a Report Card with more than 4 Ds on it and get $1000 cash back. ;)


Too funny.

Sent from my iPhone 4S

DTR + 4.10's + Eaton swap = Wreeeeeeeeeeeeeeedom

Joe Walsh
12-27-2012, 02:07 PM
Having said that, I think it's schadenfreude to gloat about their recent misfortunes.

After drinking wayyy too much beer and wolfing down too much Bratwurt I think that I have made a schadenfreude in my whitey tighties!

So now its toyotas fault that the people who buy them are just barely above a 6th grade level? Cant blame that on them but youre not wrong that they are stupid. Honda drivers are idiots too.

My point though was that the recalls they put out arent always so severe. Ford has plenty that shouldve been recalls and so has gm. Friend of mine bought a brand new camaro ss and his front right wheel fell off while driving down the road after just getting it and totaled it. They blamed it on a fault lug nut. ONE fault lug nut. What was the real issue?

The accelerator issue is always going to be widely known because people were faking it and just slamming the pedal and destroying stuff. Some people did really get hurt but not everyone was seriously effected. My favorite is when people blamed the floor mat which was completely Incorrect and they were just crashing their cars and putting the floor mats there. Kia motors has car fires because of the turd design in their kia souls for the light up speakers. Ford eco boost just got recalled like 6 million trucks. Cant point the finger at toyota and just say they are the worst. There are some stupid marauder drivers out there but those wrrent brought up.

I am in no way shape or form a toyota enthusiast and would never buy onr except a supra or a tundra but they arent as bad as the public makes them out to be. Also that billion is them owning up to their mistakes unlike kia who probably didnt pay shat.

No, but it is nice to see the media jump on Toyota, concerning their multiple recalls, with as much vigor as they have Ford and GM in the past.
It seemed like ONLY FORD and GM had recalls based on previous media coverage of auto recalls.

Not a fan of modern Honda's either but I would buy one of these and park it next to the Toyota above.
http://www.7autoblog.info/var/albums/Honda-S2000-sports-car/Honda%20S2000%20sports%20car%2 0picture%20(5).jpg?m=129828965 6

I'm not a fan of any street car making peak torque at 7200 RPM and peak horsepower at 9200 RPM....:eek:

Ummm, not quite sure your Mr. Manly frame would fit in this beauty...:D But I agree, it would make a nice bookend for the nifty auto pictured in your first post!

C'mon Eric could snap on a pair of suspenders and wear that Honda S2000......:D

12-27-2012, 02:22 PM

Isn't this Eric at MVX?

C'mon Eric could snap on a pair of suspenders and wear that Honda S2000......:D

Joe Walsh
12-27-2012, 02:23 PM
...........:laugh:.....:laugh: ......:laugh:


Isn't this Eric at MVX?

12-27-2012, 03:50 PM
Isn't this Eric at MVX?

Eric didn't make it to Marauderville X so it must be MV 8 or MV 9. Maybe the Carlisle "Burnout Contest".

Mr. Man
12-27-2012, 07:13 PM
Ha you guys are funny, athough the pic of Crisco has me a bit worried about your intensions Bob.http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_Q-3_PaJrcLs/SbJTy2K9fBI/AAAAAAAAAbM/_HYNNKZLJq0/s400/worried+emoticon.gif

As for the RPM's at F1 levels that's where 4 bangers are supposed to be. I used to run the crap out of the Escorts down 11th ave in NYC. You need 8000 rpms to keep the torque curve in it's sweet spot for darting around crazy cab drivers. Besides Joe Walsh where does the Subie develop its power? You know the 8000 rpm car that is sitting in your driveway.:P:D

Joe Walsh
12-27-2012, 08:10 PM
Ha you guys are funny, athough the pic of Crisco has me a bit worried about your intensions Bob.http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_Q-3_PaJrcLs/SbJTy2K9fBI/AAAAAAAAAbM/_HYNNKZLJq0/s400/worried+emoticon.gif


As for the RPM's at F1 levels that's where 4 bangers are supposed to be. I used to run the crap out of the Escorts down 11th ave in NYC. You need 8000 rpms to keep the torque curve in it's sweet spot for darting around crazy cab drivers. Besides Joe Walsh where does the Subie develop its power? You know the 8000 rpm car that is sitting in your driveway.:P:D

The Legacy GT is a turbo 4...so when Marianne mashes the 'go' pedal its got LOTS of midrange torque...no need to wring it out past 6500 rpm.
If I'm going to run an engine to 7,000 rpm...I just warm up the 468 FE in the Cobra...heh heh heh.
That thing has LOTS and LOTS of torque........ at ANY RPM....and it weighs less than that Honda S2000....:D

BTW: I've been looking at a FORD Focus ST as a replacement for the Subie....it's most likely the last Japanese car I will buy.

Mr. Man
12-27-2012, 08:26 PM
The Legacy GT is a turbo 4...so when Marianne mashes the 'go' pedal its got LOTS of midrange torque...no need to wring it out past 6500 rpm. But it can and you should :burnout:
If I'm going to run an engine to 7,000 rpm:eek:...I just warm up the 468 FE in the Cobra...heh heh heh. Yes Joe Walsh that was a push rod that hit the space station
That thing has LOTS and LOTS of torque........ at ANY RPM....and it weighs less than that Honda S2000....:D Bet it pushes like a dump truck in the twistys.:( the S2000 doesn't:P

BTW: I've been looking at a FORD Focus ST as a replacement for the Subie....it's most likely the last Japanese car I will buy.
I'd let the ST cycle a year so they can get the bugs out. Then 8000 here we come:banana:

12-28-2012, 10:55 AM
how about the late model tundra's with the "bed bounce" issues. talk about a rubber band frame. ive seen a couple pics of these "trucks" bent into a v shape when over loaded. some amount of frame flex is a good thing...too ridgid and they crack, but toyota's is way too extreme.

Joe Walsh
03-19-2014, 02:00 PM
http://sassysweetbren.files.wordpress .com/2011/04/crisco-shortening.jpg



I think that GM might need some of that Crisco to help with a possible government fine......:eek:

TuRDYota gets an expensive 'beatch slap' from the government:



03-19-2014, 05:13 PM
Ha, Ha .... 14 Million Toyotas recalled for the sticking accelerator. $ 1 Billion in restitution. Yeah, they aren't that bad. :rolleyes:

Take in mind the # of car Toyota make/sells worldwide.

My wife has an '01 highlander and has 1/2 the repairs of my marauder.

If I toss in warranty work it's a real bust:P Ford lost money on mine;)

Mind you I would never buy one or drive them:eek:

03-19-2014, 05:16 PM
Ha, Ha .... 14 Million Toyotas recalled for the sticking accelerator. $ 1 Billion in restitution. Yeah, they aren't that bad. :rolleyes:

Owning up to a "occasional" problem is a sign of good character. Kinda like Ford and they way the reacted to the Firestone tire issue? Having to do it every year and sometimes several months in a row is a sign of incompetence. Which one fits Toyota in your opinion??

I still think that Toyota owners are among the dumbest drivers on the road. It appears to be the brand preferred by unlicensed idiots. There must be a "Toyota Stupid Discount" offered to get that many dumb drivers to buy their products. Prove your IQ is under 100 or bring in a Report Card with more than 4 Ds on it and get $1000 cash back. ;)

Plenty of mud to toss about:help:

03-19-2014, 08:34 PM
I think the 1.2B is pure US Government shakedown.

The media simply attacks whatever organization is currently viewed as the biggest or best because that's what sells news.

Almost 20 years ago lazy drivers didn't check air pressures and under inflated tires failed. It was the driver's fault but now we all have to contend with TPMS if we want to swap wheels. Great.

If you're too stupid to keep your floor mat away from the accelerator then you are too stupid to drive. $1.2B ain't curing that.

Toyotas, just like Explorers in the 1990s, are popular so the numbers are widespread and the news story seems juicy, but it's driver error.

I don't like Toyotas. They aren't perfect. But they've been superior to many alternatives for a long time.

03-20-2014, 06:15 AM
I had a Toyota solara, wrecked it into a tree, now i have the marauder. Bought the solara used, 2003 seV6 model, leaked tranny fluid since the day i bought it, interior was falling apart, and all in all it was junk. I would never buy another Toyota again.

Fast forward, my wifes 2010 f150, 4.6l 3v, 6 speed auto tranny, ~35k miles. Owned it since my dad passed away in October, first week of owning, heat stopped working, blend door actuator went bad. Transmission bulk head connector started leaking, original orings crapped out, new ford part has different material orings. Heard stories of the spark plugs breaking off in the heads when it comes time to replace them. 13mpg mixed driving, mostly city. Quite dissapointed in the truck all together, but i still like it.

Joe Walsh
03-20-2014, 06:21 AM
Take in mind the # of car Toyota make/sells worldwide.

My wife has an '01 highlander and has 1/2 the repairs of my marauder.

If I toss in warranty work it's a real bust:P Ford lost money on mine;)

Mind you I would never buy one or drive them:eek:

Jim, They don't make one that fits you!

I think the 1.2B is pure US Government shakedown.

The media simply attacks whatever organization is currently viewed as the biggest or best because that's what sells news.

Almost 20 years ago lazy drivers didn't check air pressures and under inflated tires failed. It was the driver's fault but now we all have to contend with TPMS if we want to swap wheels. Great.

If you're too stupid to keep your floor mat away from the accelerator then you are too stupid to drive. $1.2B ain't curing that.

Toyotas, just like Explorers in the 1990s, are popular so the numbers are widespread and the news story seems juicy, but it's driver error.
I don't like Toyotas. They aren't perfect. But they've been superior to many alternatives for a long time.

My issue with Toyotas and Hondas is threefold:

1: Until recently, both companies got a 'PASS' from the media's scrutiny when it came to 'quality issues'.....(while Ford, Chevy & Dodge had PROBLEMS, DEFECTS and RECALLS!)

2: There are MILLIONS of them clogging the roadways.

3: A disproportionately high percentage of them are driven by totally unconscious, dawdling, distracted, incompetent idiots.....errrrr.....I mean appliance autopilots!

RF Overlord
03-20-2014, 06:24 AM
Almost 20 years ago lazy drivers didn't check air pressures and under inflated tires failed. It was the driver's fault but now we all have to contend with TPMS if we want to swap wheels. Great.

If you're too stupid to keep your floor mat away from the accelerator then you are too stupid to drive. $1.2B ain't curing that.

Amen, brother. There are a LOT of people out there who should not even be allowed to RIDE in a car, nevermind drive one. Every time a stupid person does something dumb, the government thinks they need to step in and save humanity from itself. Just makes things more inconvenient for the rest of us with half a clue... :shake:

Joe Walsh
03-20-2014, 06:31 AM
Amen, brother. There are a LOT of people out there who should not even be allowed to RIDE in a car, nevermind drive one. Every time a stupid person does something dumb, the government thinks they need to step in and save humanity from itself. Just makes things more inconvenient for the rest of us with half a clue... :shake:

It was nice in the old days of no seat belts and steel dashboards ....these people would eliminate themselves from the gene pool.

03-20-2014, 07:07 AM
04 and older yotas are great. Any timing chain 4runner Dont quit

03-20-2014, 03:08 PM
It was nice in the old days of no seat belts and steel dashboards ....these people would eliminate themselves from the gene pool.


03-20-2014, 04:01 PM
Jim, They don't make one that fits you!

Yes now you know why you will never see me driving one :lol: