View Full Version : Radar Detectors (choices choices!)

03-02-2004, 07:18 PM
Ok, I'm interested in purchasing a Radar detector. I'm looking at the Valentine 1 and the Passport 8500.

I have always wanted and looked towards getting a Valentine, however...the $400 price is a bit much for me. The lowest I've been able to find a good one is $355 and even then...I'd rather do a performance mod, get a nice IPod, a year supply of smoothies or something like that.

Now it disappoints me to not have arrows or counters, but I know the Radar/Laser set-ups in Greenville aren't that shophisticated. Also, I've gone since August driving maybe twice at or below the speed limit for more than 10 minutes, I usually keep 10 above...like everyone else.

Deal is, I've had the mentallity that there are so few cops around the area (this is true) and that so sparingly are they posted to actually catch speeders and that so few have RADAR or LASER units, it would be useless of me to buy a detector. However I've had two close calls lately and I'm starting to venture out onto roads where there are more police. They are relentless with teenagers, I knew a kid who got a ticket for 5 over.

Now I know officers are there for my protection, I agree fully and I respect them completely as I have a friend on the force.
I also understand that slowing down is an option, it's unlikely to happen, but I'm an extremely careful driver. I'm not doing this so I can take more risks and be an ass and a dumbass, I'm always trying not to get in the way of other drivers, annoy them, or upset them in anyway. But even if I were doing the speed limit, I feel kind of lacking without one.

So the point is not to start a debate, but simply get the pro's and con's of each unit and pro's and con's of owning one over the other. Owners are appreciated! (Petrograde?) and no one has to write in essay form!:up:

03-02-2004, 07:23 PM
Anyone who owns a V1 will tell you the same story. They thought exactly like you did that $400 was too much, so they bought cheaper detectors, got tickets and then ended up spending the money on the V1 anyway and are now completely happy.

Similar, though less frequently the same story with Escort 8500 owners.

V1's are worth every single penny. No arrows = waste of money.

03-02-2004, 07:26 PM
Owners are appreciated! (Petrograde?) and no one has to write in essay form!:up:

Thanks for the reprieve on the essay Woa! I hate writing those!

OK,.. Passport 8500:

PROs- accurate, good range, different beeps for different bands of radar and laser.

CONs- No direction finder. :( Costs $300 bucks,... but you might find them cheaper on Ebay.

I like my Passport,.. but if I had to do it over again, I'd spring for the Valentine. Only problem is: I hardwired it to my electrical. :rolleyes:


03-02-2004, 07:29 PM
Buy a Valentine 1 or pay for your
tickets now or later!

Gotta Love It! :banana2:

03-02-2004, 07:29 PM
I figure I'll end up waiting and saving more for a Valentine, that the extra $100 or so is worth it...but I really want to make sure I explore all of my options, and I know a good number of people have the 8500 here...I remember Duhtroll and some others being very happy with theirs.

03-02-2004, 07:30 PM
[QUOTE=Logan]Anyone who owns a V1 will tell you the same story. They thought exactly like you did that $400 was too much,

Is this the same product??


03-02-2004, 07:33 PM
I remember Duhtroll and some others being very happy with theirs.

Happy? well,... let's call it 'satisfied' Lately, my 8500 has been blowin' up on my way to work. I'm not speeding at the time,.. never in much of a hurry to get to work. :rolleyes: It sure would be nice if I knew where he was!


03-02-2004, 07:33 PM
Is this the same product??

http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2464266705&category=38654No, that's the concealed display unit, it takes what the actual detector senses and displays it somewhere else (like under the speedo or so). This way other people or police officers can't see what you have or what signals you're getting, say at night.

03-02-2004, 07:42 PM
No, that's the concealed display unit, it takes what the actual detector senses and displays it somewhere else (like under the speedo or so). This way other people or police officers can't see what you have or what signals you're getting, say at night.

Can you show me what it is or what it looks like .because i dont even know what i am lookin for or where to get info on it or to purchase it at...:help:

03-02-2004, 07:50 PM
That's the unit itself with power cord. As big as it looks, it's quite petite in person. You can find out everything you want to know about it and penguins at www.valentine1.com (http://www.valentine1.com)


03-02-2004, 07:57 PM
That's the unit itself with power cord. As big as it looks, it's quite petite in person. You can find out everything you want to know about it and penguins at www.valentine1.com (http://www.valentine1.com/)


This is it but not much difference in price .more than likley if ur gonna buy one might as well pay the extra $50.00 and get it new..yes?

03-02-2004, 07:59 PM
I have had both detectors. There is no comparision between the V1 and the Passport 8500. The V1 is simply a superior detector. Once you have had the directional arrows you will view all other detectors as in adequate.

They price the V1 at $400.00 because they know what their product is worth. Quality is remembered long after the price is forgotten.

03-02-2004, 08:00 PM
A refurbished unit comes from Valentine, and is often something someone didn't really want. Save the money where you can. Comes with all the needed parts and upgrades and warrenty.

I guess to further this...it was a waste of my finger strength to type that up. I need to impress all my friends with cool lights and gagetry anyways.

03-02-2004, 08:03 PM
Yah, here is that Beltronics guy again, one more time. The best deal for the buck is the Beltonics family of radar/laser detectors (yes, the laser works). Check the latest radar reports and you will see that the V1 does not score much better than the Beltronics. You can get the model 940 for $140 on ebay - a great deal. It has saved my butt MANY times. Guess who bought Beltronics last summer - let me guess: Passport. Now why would Passport buy a stupid company like Beltronics who makes such dump radar detectors. Why, because they work great. If you cannot beat your competition, buy them. The 940/960/980 are all the same expect for some advance features on the 960/980 which are not really needed - like actual frequency read-out of the LEO radar, etc.


03-02-2004, 08:03 PM
Relating to Logan's post, my V1 story happened with I was about 18 - 19.

I had my V1 for about 1.5 years. I never got a ticket because I had advance warning. I needed some cash in a hurry so I sold my V1 and bought a cheap Cobra radar detector to replace it.

One week later I got a $150.00 ticket. My radar detector alerted me of the cop hiding in the dark about the same time I saw him turn on his lights. If I had the V1 I would have known the cop was there over a mile back.

That is what happens when you are young, dumb, and trying to save a buck. It taught me a lesson about buying quality products. It costs too much to buy cheap stuff.

03-02-2004, 08:10 PM
Yah, here is that Beltronics guy again, one more time. The best deal for the buck is the Beltonics family of radar/laser detectors (yes, the laser works). Check the latest radar reports and you will see that the V1 does not score much better than the Beltronics. You can get the 940 for $140 on ebay - a great deal. It has saved my butt MANY times. Guess who bought Beltronics last summer - let me guess: Passport. Now why would Passport buy a stupid company like Beltronics who makes such dump radar detectors. Why, because they work great. If you cannot beat your competition, buy them. The 940/960/980 are all the same expect for some advance features on the 960/980 which are not really needed - like actual frequency read-out of the LEO radar, etc.

GlennEverytime I see something cheaper, I remind myself of previous experiences and the rule for me is "If it's cheap, it's cheap for a reason" My friends dad has one in his Corvette and it drives all three of us up a wall. One reason they might have bought it is to further their profit. Beltronics covers a crowd that Passport doesn't (that price range) or Beltronics might have been failing and Passport was willing to save it for that reason. Passport may very well have plans in for making the 'tronics more with Passport technology.

But I'm willing to look a little at it.

03-02-2004, 08:27 PM
A refurbished unit comes from Valentine, and is often something someone didn't really want. Save the money where you can. Comes with all the needed parts and upgrades and warrenty.

I guess to further this...it was a waste of my finger strength to type that up. I need to impress all my friends with cool lights and gagetry anyways.

i hope it wasn't me that made you raise your finger strength:bows: i remember those days:rolleyes:

03-02-2004, 08:39 PM
Yah, here is that Beltronics guy again, one more time. The best deal for the buck is the Beltonics family of radar/laser detectors (yes, the laser works). Check the latest radar reports and you will see that the V1 does not score much better than the Beltronics. You can get the model 940 for $140 on ebay - a great deal. It has saved my butt MANY times. Guess who bought Beltronics last summer - let me guess: Passport. Now why would Passport buy a stupid company like Beltronics who makes such dump radar detectors. Why, because they work great. If you cannot beat your competition, buy them. The 940/960/980 are all the same expect for some advance features on the 960/980 which are not really needed - like actual frequency read-out of the LEO radar, etc.

Ditto. I had one of the original Cinncinatti Microwave Detectors with the toggle switch. It was stolen and I replaced it with one of the original small 9 volt Passport. After many years Laser came out and I bought the Bel 980, had it for several years and it works very well. Saved me one Laser ticket.

I have never gotten a ticket while using it. In my book it's the Best Buy for the Buck!

03-02-2004, 09:00 PM
i hope it wasn't me that made you raise your finger strength:bows: i remember those days:rolleyes:No, I meant the starting of the thread, first post:D

As for laser, you might get saved from one or two tickets, but it's really lucky. The only way the detector can get it is by reflection or direct contact. Reflection is very rare unless it's night, and direct contact...well, you're screwed. I best unit doesn't do a whole lot of good for laser...I'd just get a Jammer to cover that.

Anyways, no more arguing! All pro's and cons from here on out:)

03-02-2004, 09:05 PM
I've had the Passport and now I have 2 V1's. Remember that the ticket costs you more than the fine. I figure that a ticket (at least the kind I used to get) will cost me over $100 in fines and cost and $400+ in increased insurance premiums.

Like you said, if it's cheap there is a reason.