View Full Version : New baby girl!

01-11-2013, 07:27 PM
3 month old yellow lab! She is awesome and is my oldest sons 9th birthday present. Not the best pic but you try to make a puppy sit still for a marauder forum pic! 32608
And she is super calm, walked her around the block and every dog in my small town barked and yelled at her and she just walked by my side without a yelp :)
Tips on house potty training would be appreciated lol

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01-11-2013, 07:37 PM
She's so cute! What's her name?

01-11-2013, 07:40 PM
She's beautiful! Had a lab when I was little.... They are SUCH great dogs.

01-11-2013, 07:50 PM
She's so cute! What's her name?

Samantha is what my son said he would name a dog if it was a girl...striker if a boy. My boys are at their moms until tomorrow so ill update when he sees her and decides a name.
Told my kids for years no pets because of our allergies...he is going to be super surprised!

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01-11-2013, 08:37 PM
A great b-day present--beautiful doggy--update us on the name!!!!!

01-11-2013, 08:51 PM
What a great surprise!

Our Savannah cat's name is Samantha. Hope he stays with that name. :up:

01-12-2013, 05:36 AM

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Ozark Marauder
01-12-2013, 11:32 AM
3 month old yellow lab! She is awesome and is my oldest sons 9th birthday present. Not the best pic but you try to make a puppy sit still for a marauder forum pic! 32608
And she is super calm, walked her around the block and every dog in my small town barked and yelled at her and she just walked by my side without a yelp :)
Tips on house potty training would be appreciated lol

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My female chocolate lab is the same way, The dogs bark at her all the time and she just looks at them, but let someone come in the yard or ring the doorbell and all H*LL breaks loose....:D

I used this method for potty training

They need to go out right after naps or sleep, after exercise, and after eating and drinking. For good measure I also let mine out about every 2 hours (unless they are asleep) and take them to the same place each time. go outside with them to monitor their success. Quietly praise them when they potty outside and provide a treat afterward.

Once you have a handle on your puppy’s potty schedule and he is learning that outside is the place to relieve himself, it is time to teach him how to tell you he has to go out! http://www.thedogtrainingsecret.com/TINKLE%20BELL%201.jpgI utilize a bell or two on a string. You can get bells almost anywhere. I tie one ribbon of bells on the door knob, so that each time my pup goes out he hears and associates the sound with going outside, and I teach him to ring the other string of bells with his nose.
Most pups are inquisitive and if a bell is held about nose level, he is liable to poke, prod or jiggle it in some way. Once he rings the bell, click and treat or praise and treat. This lets him know that ringing the bell is what you want. When he understands that you want him to ring the bell and is doing it when you bring the bells out, you may begin to stop treating him with food for ringing the bell, but continue to praise him and go outside.
Each time he rings the bell praise and let him outside. At first, he will ring the bell often but soon he will realize the bell ringing is his way of telling you he needs to go outside.

Don’t over react when he has an accident. Never, ever yell or rub his nose in it! This hostility is the reason dogs “sneak” around, go behind couches, and in other rooms to have an accident. You want your puppy to relieve himself in front of you outside, so yelling at him is counterproductive! Your puppy doesn’t understand why you yell sometimes and not others! TEACH him where you want him to potty by being patient, taking him to the same place outside, staying with him and praising him for a job well done!

Worked for me. She just rings the bells whenever she wants out.

01-12-2013, 12:09 PM
You are truly the dog whisperer, excellent advice thank you!!!!

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01-13-2013, 10:37 AM
Dogs are awesome ,man best friend for sure .Unconditional love only a pet can give you.They are always happy to see you,lol.

01-13-2013, 01:03 PM

01-13-2013, 01:08 PM
What a cutie ! A great addition to a Family with Children too ! :)

B.C. Bake
01-13-2013, 01:21 PM
Way to go!!! My lab goes everywhere with us, a real loyal companion ya got there....:)

01-13-2013, 08:48 PM
They are going to be best friends! He almost cried today when I gave her to him! And the name Sammy has stuck:)

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