View Full Version : How to get out of a moving violation.

01-28-2013, 10:58 AM
As some of you know I get pulled over often and haven't gotten a ticket in years. I will tell you how to do it. It is simpler than you may think.

Something you must remember is the officer is more afraid of you than you are of them. They have no idea if you made a simple mistake or if you are a wanted madman. You must keep everything as calm as possible, present yourself as respectful towards authority even if you are strongly against it. Speak to them as a human, because that is what they are. The final step is so simple, but so unused in the outside world it's sickening.

1. When first pulled over, put your window down.

2. Turn the car off when the officer is midway between your car and theirs. Do not turn the car off when first pulled over, do not turn the car off when they are at the side. Officers do not like to see movement, even if it's for the keys. You must shut off your car when the officer is midway between yours and theirs upon their walk to your vehicle.

3. Radio off, no matter what.

4. Turn interior lights on if it's night time.

5. Never ask what you did wrong. By asking you have already proved that you do not know the rules of the road. Giving you a ticket is a given to make you remember what you did wrong. Sometimes you didn't do anything wrong, you could be a car they are looking for... it's happened to me before.

6. Let them search your car if they ask. If you have nothing to hide you will be on your way faster. Being fully cooperative lessens the chance of you actually getting a violation. If you actually have something to hide, this is where my advice ends.

7. Look at them in the eye.

8. Keep your hands on the steering wheel in plain vision of the officer. Usually I keep them at 12 O'clock on the steering wheel close enough to be handcuffed, just for their safety.

9. If asked if you know what you did wrong, admit to it. Admitting to guilt does not mean this guarantees a ticket issued to you. Plus if you know what you did wrong and you say you are sorry the officers need to issue you a ticket declines.

One time an officer wrote me the ticket before I could tell him I knew what I did wrong, he advised me to go to court and he would forget my name. He even told me to say not guilty. I went and he was there too. I said not guilty and was dismissed, even with the officer there. He had bigger fish to fry though. People that he pulled over and found guns and drugs on. An illegal left hand turn was nothing.

10. When asked for your proof of ownership tell the officer where it is. I keep mine in my seat pouch and if they see you reaching what looks like under your seat, you bet they are getting a little paranoid. Simply tell them "My papers are in my seat pouch. I will slowly get them." I always reach for my papers slowly, never quickly, never naturally, slowly.

11. Never argue. Arguing will only make the officer mad and you can easily welcome additional tickets coming your way.

12. If you have on sun glasses take them off.

13. This one is tricky... you can joke around, ONLY if it seems alright. It can break the ice really fast if done properly. EX:

Officer: "How is your driving record?"
Me: "It's dirty."
Officer: "Why were you hauling a** out of every single stop sign?"
Me: "I just like hearing my V8 roar."
Officer: "If I let you go, do you promise to keep it under 80?"
Me: "Yes I do."
Officer: "Alright. I'm getting the *uc* out of here"
Me: "Have a good *uc*ing day officer."
Officer: "You too."

TRUE STORY. This was in my K5 Blazer, not the Marauder.

14. When they ask a question about the car, answer it properly. One time an officer wanted to know why I had gauges on my side pillar, my response was "They are there to monitor the air to fuel to make sure I don't blow up ANOTHER engine." He got a laugh out of it. Another time I was asked what kind of car it was, "Mercury Marauder" is all that had to be said. If I was being a wise guy I would have said "A sedan" or "A black one." Don't be a jerk, that's almost the bottom line.

15. Be honest. That is the bottom line. Officers see horrible things and meet liars often, probably by the hour. If you are honest the truth can set you free. There was even one time I was allowed to drive off on a suspended license... I wasn't aware it was suspended, but because I let them do everything... search the car, answered every question, etc. They let me go.

This advice is not given out so you can do whatever you want and get away with it. It's actually meant for people to have more respect towards police officers and as a result you will earn a little respect of your own. I personally do not think I can get off every time I get pulled over, but being honest is a rare occasion for a LEO from my point of view. Give them the gift of honesty and they will give you the gift of going on your way.

Be careful out there.

NOTE: Some officers are jerks, but keep in mind you will find people like this in every occupation. They might have had a bad day too, or just saved a bunch of lives and had the wife yell at them for the garbage not being taken out. It's a highly stressful job, sometimes you need to calm them down, as strange as this may seem.

By following this advice you will lessen the chances of a ticket issued or have a ticket reduced.

Happy driving out there.

RF Overlord
01-28-2013, 11:11 AM
The REALLY disturbing part, Dom, is that you have such extensive knowledge about getting tickets.... ;)

01-28-2013, 11:51 AM
To me it's a 50/50 shot that the above will work.

I've done everything above, and been sent on my way, and another time, gotten a ticket.

01-28-2013, 11:57 AM
I remember when you got pulled over on Louisville! :lol:

And the cop let you go! :up:

01-28-2013, 12:02 PM
To me it's a 50/50 shot that the above will work.

I've done everything above, and been sent on my way, and another time, gotten a ticket.


Sometimes, the officer decides before he even gets to your door that you're gonna be taking a ticket home that night, minimum.

01-28-2013, 12:11 PM
6. Let them search your car if they ask. If you have nothing to hide you will be on your way faster.... NEGATIVE

Quick story. Every time i get pulled over most of the time they ask to search the vehicle... after they ask if im on probation, parole, or have any warrants and who the car is registered to. The second and last time i ever let an officer search my vehicle they threw all my belongs all over the seat, floor boards, and the ground. now after 2 officers ran sacked my car and of course they didnt find anything u know what they did?.... called the k9 unit. The dog smelled like piss and **** and i swear he had been sitting in his piss because after the stop i could smell dog in the car. This stop last for about 45mins to 1 hour. For some officers its hard to believe that some ppl are actually good citizens.
I will never willingly allow an officer to search my vehicle. i know countless ppl who have if not the same similar stories as mine.
1 out of every 10 times i get pulled over i get a ticket. i get pulled over on average twice a week for B-S (routine stop, car fits the description, i fit the description, tint, because im out driving at 2am, etc)

Didnt mean to rant in your thread Motorhead. ive just had countless run-ins with police for bogus reasons

01-28-2013, 12:12 PM
sometimes u can do everything right... but the officers mind state is wrong

01-28-2013, 12:21 PM
sometimes u can do everything right... but the officers mind state is wrong

I believe it. I've earned a couple tickets over the years, just give it to me, save the lecture, and we'll both be on our merry way.

01-28-2013, 12:23 PM
just give it to me, save the lecture, and we'll both be on our merry way.

That's what she said!!! :lol:

01-28-2013, 12:28 PM
That's what she said!!! :lol:
:( It was a he. :eek:

01-28-2013, 12:36 PM
Take the ticket.

Either get a lawyer and fight it or go to court, talk the prosecutor and most times they will reduce it.

Once got stopped for 80 in a 55.... should have been automatic license suspension since the speed was more than 20 over. Went to court talked to the prosecutor and they dropped it to 9 over the limit... no points, no insurance increase. Only had to pay the fine & court costs.

01-28-2013, 12:41 PM

16. Speak with a British accent, works everytime :D



01-28-2013, 12:47 PM

16. Speak with a British accent, works everytime :D



Nice! You coming to Louisville?!?!

Granddaddy Marq
01-28-2013, 01:18 PM
Mac's right! Never Ever let any body search anything you have with out a warrent.

That brings me to #15. It's against the law to ly to a police officer, but not against the law for them to ly to you. That's way I think all cops are liars. Don't let a liar with some kind of mental problem and "incharge" in your car. I had one officer tell me he didn't like liars or being liad to. And I replied "You must really hate working around cops." I tell'm "I'll take the lecture and no ticket, or the ticket and no lecture but not both. I don't have time for both couldn't you tell?"

01-28-2013, 01:22 PM
One time I did all the above and got a ticket for doing 55 right before the 55 sign:mad2: I took care of him;)

Granddaddy Marq
01-28-2013, 01:51 PM

16. Speak with a British accent, works everytime :D



Your not getting stopped for driving on the left side of the road, are you?

01-28-2013, 02:11 PM
Mac's right! Never Ever let any body search anything you have with out a warrent.

That brings me to #15. It's against the law to ly to a police officer, but not against the law for them to ly to you. That's way I think all cops are liars. Don't let a liar with some kind of mental problem and "incharge" in your car. I had one officer tell me he didn't like liars or being liad to. And I replied "You must really hate working around cops." I tell'm "I'll take the lecture and no ticket, or the ticket and no lecture but not both. I don't have time for both couldn't you tell?"

You cannot be serious? :confused:

This statement could not be further from the truth. And comments like this is what gets many, many people upset that ultimately causes thread closures.


01-28-2013, 02:17 PM

Nice! You coming to Louisville?!?!

I am affraid not but I will be at Carlisle in June.

Your not getting stopped for driving on the left side of the road, are you?

Not yet, I've got away with that up till now.

The last time I was stopped it was for doing 75 - 80 in a 50 limit, I thought it was a boy scout coming to the window as he sure did have a funny hat on.



01-28-2013, 02:32 PM
Take the ticket.

I never get the ticket. ;)

[/B]i get pulled over on average twice a week for B-S (routine stop, car fits the description, i fit the description, tint, because im out driving at 2am, etc)

Didnt mean to rant in your thread Motorhead. ive just had countless run-ins with police for bogus reasons

Sorry man. I would that too with my K5. It's a gangbanger vehicle in bad areas and I have been pulled over for fitting the description of a "hit and run" vehicle. It's common for people to steal these trucks and just ram everything until they quit running. :( The Marauder is a drug dealers car usually. :mad2:

You guys can deny permission to searches all you want and I am sorry some of you had it so bad, but I am not responsible. I am not a police officer for those that do not know.

I once got caught doing 90 in a 30. I should have gone to jail for that. Told him I was just screwing around blowing off steam after recording music for hours. His reply was "Oh that's all?" "Yeah." "Alright have a good night." Not even a warning, didn't even tell me to take it easy, NOTHING. It was a bad area, so I guess when the officer saw I was just being a dummy he was fine with it.

The bottom line is to be respectful and honest. That's really all it takes.

I was only passing off the advice to help those on this board that get a ticket every time they are pulled over, I know some of you are on here.

You cannot be serious? :confused:

This statement could not be further from the truth. And comments like this is what gets many, many people upset that ultimately causes thread closures.


Don't let one guy ruin everything, but I see your point and sense your frustration with this person.

01-28-2013, 03:02 PM
I am as curtious as possible to police officers and I still get tickets all but one time of being pulled over. That one time was the most critical ticket that I would've ever had. Police do lie alot and I know because I have gone home and looked up my violations before because the cop said he could do this to me when in fact he could not. Some people mistake kindness for weakness and they take advantage of you, i.e. some cops.

01-28-2013, 03:03 PM
Wow! :eek: This should become a sticky.

01-28-2013, 03:04 PM
I was nice to the LEO after Hershey, ID myself as a retired LEO and he was a smart azz and gave me the ticket anyway. I did tell him to give me the ticket and not the bull shirt. I would NEVER let them search my cars. Take me to jail and get a court order.

01-28-2013, 03:16 PM
As a retired LEO myself I will just let you know never let anyone search anything without a warrant.

01-28-2013, 03:48 PM
I allways thought if you shut off then engine then the cop has the ability to search your car since it wasn't being "operated" at the time and more often then not you are on public roads or public grounds...??

01-28-2013, 03:48 PM
As a retired LEO myself I will just let you know never let anyone search anything without a warrant.

Wouldn't this increase the chance of getting a ticket if I deny them permission? Say I was already caught doing a 70 in a 55. From your view point I am very curious.

cat in the hat
01-28-2013, 03:50 PM
It seems like courteous, cooperative people are getting breaks, and confrontational people who say "just give me the ticket and piss off" are getting tickets.

Imagine that.

01-28-2013, 03:58 PM
It seems like courteous, cooperative people are getting breaks, and confrontational people who say "just give me the ticket and piss off" are getting tickets.

Imagine that.

You are incorrect sometimes.

mike P71
01-28-2013, 04:02 PM
I'm an ex LEO (not retired.I quit after 5years because the job wa not for me). I was stopped for speeding last summer and basically did what Dom is recommending.I was respectful and admitted I was speeding and didn't deny it. I showed the officer signed PBA cards from family members and also explained that I was once on the job. I was most respectful . The officer told me to wait in the car and went back to his patrol unit After more than 15min I became impatient and made the clear mistake of walking back to his car. When he saw me he blew up swearing at me saying he didn't know who I was and ordered me back in the car. He then came back to the car and threw the ticket in my window . Now this was at 11 AM on a sun and I was returning from a cars and coffee meet wearing bermuda shorts and a tee shirt . I then told him that His computer should have told him that I was a 60 year old ex Cop with a clean record and no arrests. If he was afraid of me he shouldn't be a cop. Needless to say he threw a fit but I already had the ticket It was my one and only ticket ever

cat in the hat
01-28-2013, 04:03 PM
It seems like courteous, cooperative people are a lot less likely to get a ticket than confrontational people who say "just give me the ticket and piss off."

Imagine that.

Better ?

Agent M79
01-28-2013, 04:05 PM
I don't get pulled over often. Maybe 6 times. I've done everything right and I think I am batting 50%.

Son and wife, probably have been pulled over a total of 6 times between them and they've gotten 0 tickets.

None of us have even been asked if the vehicle could be searched.

01-28-2013, 04:17 PM
If they have to ask, they need a warrant.

01-28-2013, 04:39 PM
If they have to ask, they need a warrant.

You didn't quite answer the question. That's okay. ;)

01-28-2013, 05:09 PM
If they have to ask, they need a warrant.

Thank you for being honest and telling the truth.

01-28-2013, 07:04 PM
I must be lucky, the only times I have been stopped, I seem to never receive a citation, must be my award winning personality...........:rolleye s: :D

01-28-2013, 07:17 PM
I must be lucky, the only times I have been stopped, I seem to never receive a citation, must be my award winning personality...........:rolleye s: :D

As I recall we have the same birthday. ;)

01-28-2013, 07:26 PM
As I recall we have the same birthday. ;)

Maybe the police know that, and that's why I always get cut loose....:beer:

01-28-2013, 08:23 PM
Maybe the police know that, and that's why I always get cut loose....:beer:

Maybe so. It is an interesting date. :)

01-29-2013, 04:48 AM
Nobody is searching sht unless they have a warrant.

Fk that.

Go find a real criminal.

Sent from my iPhone 4S

DTR + 4.10's + Eaton swap = Wreeeeeeeeeeeeeeedom

RF Overlord
01-29-2013, 05:58 AM
I've been stopped twice in the last 20 years. Both times I did all the correct things...hands on the wheel, told the officer where the paperwork was before reaching for it, etc. Both times I got off with a written warning, no lecture, no search.

Did the fact that I'm driving a Grandpa-mobile and I look the part have anything to do with it? If I was a 20-something driving a Fast-and-Furious ricer would I have been so lucky?

01-29-2013, 10:08 AM
If I was a 20-something driving a Fast-and-Furious ricer would I have been so lucky?

I am 20 something and was driving around with open headers on my K5... I got let off. Someone give me an Acura TL and I will tell you what happens. :)

Now I heard differently about searching the car. I warrant is not needed, probable cause is needed.

I've also come to the conclusion people that will not all officers to search the car (not just on this board) probably have weapons or herb in the car... even with permits it can still be a hassle, even with a Foid card.

The closest thing to a weapon I have in the car is a Mag light. They can search all they want.

01-29-2013, 10:41 AM
Wow the first chapter in your Dom novel !! Congrats!
whats it called? Life with no pay roll? or Road Rager 101?
Chapter 1
Get out of ticket
Chapter 2
Parking tickets The begginers guide.Just reassign the title right?
Chapter 3
Hit and Run
When you do something and dont get caught keep driving.
Chapter 4
OPM (other peoples money)
Grand ma and Daddy and wifey
Chapter 5
How to Destroy parking lots and get your friends to make him sorry for being mad that his 4000 dollar resurfacing is REALLY yours to do as you please.
Chapter 6
Getting others to repaint your car for free and then complain about the work.
Chapter 7
super charging
How to get others to do all the work.
Chapter 8 (my favorite)
How to get your car stolen eyes wide open
Chapter 9
Gas or diesel that is the question

Try obeying the laws....They are there for a reason.

01-29-2013, 10:44 AM
Wow the first chapter in your Dom novel !! Congrats!
whats it called? Life with no pay roll? or Road Rager 101?
Chapter 1
Get out of ticket
Chapter 2
Parking tickets The begginers guide.Just reassign the title right?
Chapter 3
Hit and Run
When you do something and dont get caught keep driving.
Chapter 4
OPM (other peoples money)
Grand ma and Daddy and wifey
Chapter 5
How to Destroy parking lots and get your friends to make him sorry for being mad that his 4000 dollar resurfacing is REALLY yours to do as you please.
Chapter 6
Getting others to repaint your car for free and then complain about the work.
Chapter 7
super charging
How to get others to do all the work.
Chapter 8 (my favorite)
How to get your car stolen eyes wide open
Chapter 9
Gas or diesel that is the question

Try obeying the laws....They are there for a reason.

What in tarnations are you talking about Captain? Did you lose your compass?

01-29-2013, 10:57 AM
No matter if u let them search your car or not the outcome will be the same and with probable cause even if made up no search warrant is required. So I would let them if it was me. Unless u are hiding something.

01-29-2013, 11:02 AM
And for the most part they are allowed to search the area you can reach for officer safety.

01-29-2013, 11:33 AM
I'm an ex LEO (not retired.I quit after 5years because the job wa not for me). I was stopped for speeding last summer and basically did what Dom is recommending.I was respectful and admitted I was speeding and didn't deny it. I showed the officer signed PBA cards from family members and also explained that I was once on the job. I was most respectful . The officer told me to wait in the car and went back to his patrol unit After more than 15min I became impatient and made the clear mistake of walking back to his car. When he saw me he blew up swearing at me saying he didn't know who I was and ordered me back in the car. He then came back to the car and threw the ticket in my window . Now this was at 11 AM on a sun and I was returning from a cars and coffee meet wearing bermuda shorts and a tee shirt . I then told him that His computer should have told him that I was a 60 year old ex Cop with a clean record and no arrests. If he was afraid of me he shouldn't be a cop. Needless to say he threw a fit but I already had the ticket It was my one and only ticket ever

YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Must be nice to be w.... sometimes. I would have been dead! getting out the car, and walking towards theirs?!?!... lol. Where they do that at? lol

01-29-2013, 12:02 PM
really Dom???
Denial? Plead ignorance??
Try using your own words and rules....
Say....numbers..9, 11, 13, 15....
Cant remember smoking your tires at the auto parts store? newly repaved..busted?
Cant remember a long thread on how to get out of all those parking tickets?
screw you. your advice column is mis guided at best, no one wants to be like you cept you. This entire thread should be locked in memory of Marauder boi....

01-29-2013, 12:07 PM
really Dom???
Denial? Plead ignorance??
Try using your own words and rules....
Say....numbers..9, 11, 13, 15....
Cant remember smoking your tires at the auto parts store? newly repaved..busted?
Cant remember a long thread on how to get out of all those parking tickets?
screw you. your advice column is mis guided at best, no one wants to be like you cept you. This entire thread should be locked in memory of Marauder boi....

I love you.

Come here and let me give you lots of kisses.

01-29-2013, 12:10 PM
Knock it off.

If not, this thread is what's gonna' get screwed.


01-29-2013, 12:14 PM
Please be mad at Captain. He is the one rockin the boat, not the thread itself.

01-29-2013, 12:16 PM
Please be mad at Captain. He is the one rockin the boat, not the thread itself.

It isn't just him.

And I guarantee, my screw is bigger.



01-29-2013, 12:33 PM
It isn't just him.

And I guarantee, my screw is bigger.



Yes master splinter.


01-29-2013, 12:36 PM
It isn't just him.

And I guarantee, my screw is bigger.




mike P71
01-29-2013, 12:40 PM
YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Must be nice to be w.... sometimes. I would have been dead! getting out the car, and walking towards theirs?!?!... lol. Where they do that at? lol

Yea that may be right. But I'm not YOU!

01-29-2013, 02:06 PM
Just an FYI. With all the new technology and linked, instant access databases, I found that here in NH (as of this past Summer) that if you get pulled over, all your previous warnings are in the system. The nice officer (he was nice too) literally told me "I was going to give you a break, but, seeing how many breaks you've been given in the last two years, I really have to cite you." Oops! Since that ticket, I have been driving more respectably on the street. I have a minor indiscretion here or there, but, I'll take it to the track for the real fun. :beer:

01-29-2013, 03:55 PM
YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Must be nice to be w.... sometimes. I would have been dead! getting out the car, and walking towards theirs?!?!... lol. Where they do that at? lol

That has squat to do with anything, I've never based a citation on "color" of the violator. Nor are an arrests made on the same basis, if those are the responses that YOU get, then it is based on YOUR attitude.

01-29-2013, 05:09 PM
ya what he said..

01-29-2013, 05:38 PM
6. Let them search your car if they ask. If you have nothing to hide you will be on your way faster.... NEGATIVE

Quick story. Every time i get pulled over most of the time they ask to search the vehicle... after they ask if im on probation, parole, or have any warrants and who the car is registered to. The second and last time i ever let an officer search my vehicle they threw all my belongs all over the seat, floor boards, and the ground. now after 2 officers ran sacked my car and of course they didnt find anything u know what they did?.... called the k9 unit. The dog smelled like piss and **** and i swear he had been sitting in his piss because after the stop i could smell dog in the car. This stop last for about 45mins to 1 hour. For some officers its hard to believe that some ppl are actually good citizens.
I will never willingly allow an officer to search my vehicle. i know countless ppl who have if not the same similar stories as mine.
1 out of every 10 times i get pulled over i get a ticket. i get pulled over on average twice a week for B-S (routine stop, car fits the description, i fit the description, tint, because im out driving at 2am, etc)

Didnt mean to rant in your thread Motorhead. ive just had countless run-ins with police for bogus reasons:D LMAO!! I never laffed so hard in my life, it's funny me and you alot in common when it comes to getting pulled over....

01-29-2013, 06:02 PM
I've been pulled over 9 times in the past 3 years in the marauder. All of which were for no front license plate (have to have one in TX) except for 1 that I got a ticket for speeding. 45 in a 30 right in front of the police station. Cop have me the ticket quickly but I deserved it so I can't complain.
I have one ticket for no front license plate and it was after the third warning. All by state troopers and all but the one who ticketed me asked multiple questions about the marauder and seemed to be very interested in a what makes it different. I follow doms guidelines for the most part, except for searching. The last trooper who issued me the seventh warning laughed when he came back to my car and mentioned all the warnings and said he wouldn't put a plate on the front of this car either.
Oh and state troopers are "troopers" not officers and they like when you refer to them as trooper instead of sir or officer.

Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2

01-29-2013, 06:26 PM
I got stopped in the early 1980` s for having the feathers with the roach clip on it clipped to rear view mirror ,he wanted to know where the pot was ,funny thing was I didn't smoke pot or cigarettes for that matter just liked the look of it.Anyway had to explain for ten minutes there was none in the car ,so think he got pissed for finding no dope and gave me a ticket for obstruction of view for the feathers blocking visibility.

01-29-2013, 10:34 PM
I got stopped in the early 1980` s for having the feathers with the roach clip on it clipped to rear view mirror ,he wanted to know where the pot was ,funny thing was I didn't smoke pot or cigarettes for that matter just liked the look of it.Anyway had to explain for ten minutes there was none in the car ,so think he got pissed for finding no dope and gave me a ticket for obstruction of view for the feathers blocking visibility.

Technically it is illegal to have anything hanging from your rear view mirror unless it's a handicapped parking permit and that's only when the vehicle is in park.

Still, that wasn't cool in my book on the officers part, but the law is the law.

mike P71
01-29-2013, 10:58 PM
YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Must be nice to be w.... sometimes. I would have been dead! getting out the car, and walking towards theirs?!?!... lol. Where they do that at? lol

That has squat to do with anything, I've never based a citation on "color" of the violator. Nor are an arrests made on the same basis, if those are the responses that YOU get, then it is based on YOUR attitude.

What he said!

01-30-2013, 03:09 AM

01-30-2013, 12:41 PM
Some of u can say what u want... u will never walk the line i have walked, will never experience what i have experienced. there are things that go on in the streets, cities, states that ppl close a blind eye to. some ppl are set in their ways and have believed the same thing for their last 20,30,40 years... so its pointless to try and change someones beliefs/thoughts.
It's sad.... so my attitude is wrong?... maybe the officer/trooper doesnt think my attitude is wrong, maybe they dislike or are trained to look for something else.

One of the mods believe that my previous post is "racial".. if i offended u mike P71 i apologize. and u are correct Mike... i am not u, nor would not want to be.
And Spectragod... smh. im assuming that u were/are an officer/trooper or something of the sort. if u assume that every leo/trooper walks the same line as u... u are delusional. Please pm me your number so we can talk on another level, i would rather voice my opinion than type. if your uncertain about it... i will understand.

I have officially derailed Dom's thread and i apologize to him. I've said my peace, good day

01-30-2013, 07:22 PM
Now we comparing screws?
OK I will tell you how I got out of a ticket. True story.
Made a not so legal u turn. Cop screams at me. I was having a bad, bad day. Been stopped twice and let off, my managers were fzzking up all day. I took a ride to cool off.
Well he stops me and get out of his unit and ranting ane cussing at me. I got out of my truck and looked at him. He stopped cold and shut up. I screamed at him that if he wanted his day fzzked up keep screaming at me. He got back in his unit and left.
I guess I had one of those mad man looks. Postal look.
He was wearing collar clips that desk guys wear. Proberly never had a real traffic stop.

cat in the hat
01-31-2013, 08:47 AM
Now we comparing screws?
OK I will tell you how I got out of a ticket. True story.
Made a not so legal u turn. Cop screams at me. I was having a bad, bad day. Been stopped twice and let off, my managers were fzzking up all day. I took a ride to cool off.
Well he stops me and get out of his unit and ranting ane cussing at me. I got out of my truck and looked at him. He stopped cold and shut up. I screamed at him that if he wanted his day fzzked up keep screaming at me. He got back in his unit and left.
I guess I had one of those mad man looks. Postal look.
He was wearing collar clips that desk guys wear. Proberly never had a real traffic stop.

I've never heard of a cop that would put up with that.

01-31-2013, 09:02 AM
I've never heard of a cop that would put up with that.

It depends on if you outrank them or not.......:D

01-31-2013, 04:33 PM
Nobody is searching sht unless they have a warrant.

Fk that.

Go find a real criminal.

Sent from my iPhone 4S

DTR + 4.10's + Eaton swap = Wreeeeeeeeeeeeeeedom
:eek: it's criminal that your car wears a bra....LOL

01-31-2013, 07:10 PM
A cop citing you for breaking the law....it's just TERRIBLE that he's doing his job, isn't it?

Instead of trying to 'get out of it', why not just own up to it?

It amazes me the double-standard some people insist pushing on LEOs...you want them to catch the 'bad guys', unless of course it's you....

Yes, there are some bad apples in that profession, but there's always some in every profession.

LEOs are charged with upholding the law....hate the law, not the LEO...

(This comment is not directed at any particular person)

01-31-2013, 07:11 PM
A cop citing you for breaking the law....it's just TERRIBLE that he's doing his job, isn't it?

Instead of trying to 'get out of it', why not just own up to it?

It amazes me the double-standard some people insist pushing on LEOs...you want them to catch the 'bad guys', unless of course it's you....

Yes, there are some bad apples in that profession, but there's always some in every profession.

LEOs are charged with upholding the law....hate the law, not the LEO...

(This comment is not directed at any particular person)

Spot on bud! spot on:bows:

01-31-2013, 08:02 PM
:eek: it's criminal that your car wears a bra....LOL



Sent from my iPhone 4S

DTR + 4.10's + Eaton swap = Wreeeeeeeeeeeeeeedom

02-22-2013, 12:09 AM
Technically it is illegal to have anything hanging from your rear view mirror unless it's a handicapped parking permit and that's only when the vehicle is in park.

Still, that wasn't cool in my book on the officers part, but the law is the law.

Just because it's the law doesn't make it right. All it is a way to get money for the state.

I'm sick of all these nickle and dime BS laws. You're going to give me a ticket for no front plate after I just told you I put a different bumper on and forgot to chnage it? IMO useless cops. Go find a real issue and take care of it. Giving me a ticket for something that doesn't even matter is BS.

I've been stopped for tings that are completely stupid and have had cops that had NO CLUE on laws try to give me tickets. Of course I'm going to argue, I don't deserve the ticket they are 100% wrong.

These steps to follow are a load of crap. Never tell them more than you have to because they will usually find something to blame you for.

I had a cop tell me I was drunk after giving me sobriety test. Funny thing, I don't drink. I got all his info and he seemed to get a bit nevous. Never got anything in the mail for tresspassing. What a turd...:argue:

I have had good experiences. I forgot to put the rear plate back on my F350 and put the reg back in it and I was stopped by a state tropper. He just said to throw the front plate on the back for now and said have a nice day. :beer: That was an RI state trooper believe it or not.
Like everything else, you have good apples and rotten ones. Just wish there was a way to pick out the rotten ones. In the end I think it's just going to come down to the officer and what kind of day he or she is having.

02-22-2013, 06:29 AM
Me I just refuse the search.. HELL NO U CAN'T SEARCH MY CAR.. U pulled me over for a dam traffic ticket and u want to search my car, go get a search warrant... Now upon getting pulled over I just dial 211 or 911 and ask if they would stay on the phone and listen in...

65percent of cop are dirty.. In STL we had a big issue with police here. Where the head of the force to to other officer to pull over any black person around south county mall area..Wow.. This was going on for 2 years are so.. WTF... Just because of a person skin color u are getting pulled over .. That's BS... Man I can go on and on with this but I no it's a lot on police on this board and I don't want to upset them.. But they no how some of there co worker are.... That's why when I go in south county I put on my Michael Jackson look :)33056


02-22-2013, 07:47 AM
For those still interested, here is a very good link on police stops and your rights; I encourage anyone not familiar with LEO procedures to give it a quick read.


02-22-2013, 09:14 AM
For those still interested, here is a very good link on police stops and your rights; I encourage anyone not familiar with LEO procedures to give it a quick read.


Good link right there!
I usually stay out of Dom's threads but this link should get posted up as a sticky all by itself!

02-22-2013, 09:38 AM
It's against the law to lie to a police officer, but not against the law for them to lie to you.


I almost got into a world of **** because a LEO with nothing better to do was beating around the bush and being totally shady about what he was asking me. If he had just been direct and honest with me, he would have received the info he was looking for and everything would have been fine.
But he kept being a dick about it and trying to confuse me. And then he is surprised when he gets confusing information in return?
That officer was a total dick and a dishonest, a-hole liar.
I should have filed a complaint.