View Full Version : Well this ain't good.

02-07-2013, 06:23 AM
You should see this carrier sitting pierside with a fully loaded flight deck.

"Plans for the USS Harry S Truman to deploy to the Gulf later this week have been canceled."


Spend trillions on an un-winable war in Afghanistan, fail to maintain Naval presence, collapse of country. That was Russia. Well, we have 2 outta 3 right now.....

02-07-2013, 06:25 AM
...and it starts.

02-07-2013, 07:39 AM

Add this to the mix Casey...... BTW... If you were to search for it at the AJC's website, you can't retrieve it.... Squashed by authorities i'm guessing.....

02-07-2013, 08:05 AM
You should see this carrier sitting pierside with a fully loaded flight deck.

"Plans for the USS Harry S Truman to deploy to the Gulf later this week have been canceled."

This is the equivalent of a "bow shot" across the ship of state. It is intended to demonstrate to Congress that there are very really consequences to the ******** :bs: on the Sequestration and impending budget cuts. There is already talk of 22 days of furlough for Government workers, no renewal of employees classified as "temporary" and other measures starting to be put in place already including delays of new contract awards for development, procurement and services.

"Criticizing members of Congress as irresponsible, Panetta said lawmakers are willing to push the country off a fiscal cliff to damage their political opponents".

02-07-2013, 08:35 AM
Why don't our talking heads in Washington take a pay cut??

02-07-2013, 08:43 AM
Why don't our talking heads in Washington take a pay cut??

Cut their numbers and drop there hugh staff's!

02-07-2013, 08:44 AM
Why don't our talking heads in Washington take a pay cut??

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants alike. It is the tree's natural manure." -Thomas Jefferson

^^^It is in my signature below.

The time is coming Barry for us to make a stand, also below.

02-07-2013, 09:24 AM
This is the equivalent of a "bow shot" across the ship of state. It is intended to demonstrate to Congress that there are very really consequences to the ******** :bs: on the Sequestration and impending budget cuts. There is already talk of 22 days of furlough for Government workers, no renewal of employees classified as "temporary" and other measures starting to be put in place already including delays of new contract awards for development, procurement and services.

"Criticizing members of Congress as irresponsible, Panetta said lawmakers are willing to push the country off a fiscal cliff to damage their political opponents".

Let's see if this loads all 8 pages....


02-07-2013, 09:46 AM
Let's see if this loads all 8 pages....

Thanks Casey. The chart on page 1 tells the whole story IMHO.

The US Navy is spending $4.1 Billion per month. They have been told to spend at normal levels for Jan-Mar and do nothing more than planning. The entire Government is under a Continuing Resolution since they haven't really passed a budget for years. If Congress would have acted earlier, the budget cuts were "doable" in the 10-15% range. Unless a permanent fix is arranged quickly the cuts will be 35% starting in April or 53% by June. By August, it can't be done since the necessary cuts are more than they have.

Shutting down 1/3 of the US Navy starting in April 2013 scares the hell out of me. But Congress seems to be pre-occupied with Gun Control. :rolleyes:

02-07-2013, 09:51 AM
Shutting down 1/3 of the US Navy starting in April 2013 scares the hell out of me. But Congress seems to be pre-occupied with Gun Control. :rolleyes:

Shut it all down, starting at the top.

President salary = $0
Vice President salary =$0
Senators salary =$0
Congressman/woman salary =$0
Supreme Court Justice salary = $0


02-07-2013, 10:03 AM
Oh I am sure most Dems and some Rep have found ways to increase welfare spending along with them finding much time and effort trying to disarm us.

Time has come to fight the fight.

Cant let all those who have given their lives for our freedoms be for nothing. Its time for us to pay up as they did.

Mr. Man
02-07-2013, 10:30 AM
We have another chance for change in a 1 1/2 or so. Tell your friends to remember to exercise their vote!

02-07-2013, 11:22 AM
If Congress won't pass a Budget this is the result. Blame the Congress......

02-07-2013, 12:03 PM

Add this to the mix Casey...... BTW... If you were to search for it at the AJC's website, you can't retrieve it.... Squashed by authorities i'm guessing.....

“I’m sure they’ll have their long guns,” McDonough said. “And we’ll have ours.”

Sounds like a challenge to me, lol.
I've been to Israel several times, people walking around in uniform with all kinds of "assault weapons", I actually felt safer on the streets there than here. Parts of Italy, too. Carribanerri (spellcheck) Police with Uzi's walking around, making traffic stops, wandering into bars just to look around, make sure things were okay. It's all in how you interpret it.

Baaad GN
02-07-2013, 12:18 PM
I don't know what all the fuss is about, the Amercan People voted for change twice now and they are getting it! The city I live in Insurance has almost doubled in the last couple of months, of course they are strong Democrats (IL) so they are going with the flow.
Be happy!

02-07-2013, 02:26 PM
“I’m sure they’ll have their long guns,” McDonough said. “And we’ll have ours.”

Sounds like a challenge to me, lol.
I've been to Israel several times, people walking around in uniform with all kinds of "assault weapons", I actually felt safer on the streets there than here. Parts of Italy, too. Carribanerri (spellcheck) Police with Uzi's walking around, making traffic stops, wandering into bars just to look around, make sure things were okay. It's all in how you interpret it.

I agree Casey..... How I interpert it is that the Federal Govt. is growing fearful of citizens.....

They have an abomination of a foreign policy that is frustrating to segments of our citizens.... Combine these policies with the consistent process of selling programs/situations to the American people one way, only to find out later that its not what it was originally sold as.... Sure all adminstrations have done this, but it is a standard operating philosiphy with this adminstration....

A couple weeks back there was an article about county and city police departments in GA aggressively purchasing surplus military equipment such as assault vehicles and military grade weapons. Training is also being more focused on urban warfare and crowd control vs. enforceable laws.......

Law enforcement in some instances (such as this AJC article indicates) is slowly evolving what it means to "Protect & Serve"

Once this starts, where does it end..... Are we going to see all LEO's walking around in Camaflouge & web gear???

02-07-2013, 04:22 PM
hey would you look at that, im sitting on that floating prison as we speak. Maybe i can hand deliver my car to marty now, lol. Thanks navy not only do you **** yourselves, you **** us marines in the process also

02-07-2013, 04:44 PM
Why is a NUCLEAR aircraft carrier so much cheaper to keep in port? Do not the Sailors and Marines not still get paid? Do they not get fed and birthed? It is all grandstanding.

It is not congresses job to present a budget, it's the presidents. We haven't had one in four years. The man is a jackass and I am being as polite as I can.

02-07-2013, 05:39 PM
Why is a NUCLEAR aircraft carrier so much cheaper to keep in port? Do not the Sailors and Marines not still get paid? Do they not get fed and bErthed? It is all grandstanding.

I don't think so. It isn't just the aircraft carrier; but includes the entire Carrier Strike Group (CSG) that require fuel, food, and operations & maintenance costs for increase optempo PLUS continuous fighter air cover. In addition, sailors at sea collect up to $730 per month in sea pay depending on their grade and number of years of sea duty. It adds up to a big chunk of change that is NOT spent when it is in port.

A U.S. Navy carrier strike group typically includes:

A supercarrier, which is the centerpiece of the strike group and also serves as the flagship for the CSG Commander and his/her staff. The carrier is commanded by aviation community captain.

A carrier air wing (CVW) typically consisting of up to nine squadrons. Carrier air wings are commanded by an aviation community captain (or occasionally a Marine colonel).

One to two Aegis guided missile cruisers (CG), of the Ticonderoga class—a multi-mission surface combatant, equipped with BGM-109 Tomahawk missiles for long-range strike capability, each commanded by a surface community captain.

A destroyer squadron (DESRON) commanded by a surface community captain (O-6) who commands the escort destroyers, with two to three guided missile destroyers (DDG), of the Arleigh Burke class—a multi-mission surface combatant, used primarily for anti-aircraft (AAW) and anti-submarine (ASW) warfare, but which also carries Tomahawk missiles for long-range strike capability. A destroyer is commanded by a surface community commander.

Up to two attack submarines, usually of the Los Angeles-class used to screen the strike group against hostile surface ships and submarines, but which also carry Tomahawk missiles for long-range strike capability.

A combined ammunition, oiler and supply ship (AOE/AOR), usually Supply-class (T-AOE); provides logistic support.[6]

02-07-2013, 05:43 PM
I believe the BOILING POINT is getting very close!

02-07-2013, 06:01 PM
The Senate is the only group who has not presented budgets in the last few years. The White House has, defeated soundly in the Senate. The House has passed budgets but the Senate(Harry Reid) refuses to present them to the floor for consideration.

02-07-2013, 07:03 PM
“To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family tradition, national patriotism, and religious dogmas.” —George Brock Chisholm, in a Speech given at the, Conference on Education, Asilomar, California, September 11, 1954

02-07-2013, 07:51 PM
Here's Sen. Johnson's address:

Hi, I'm Ron Johnson, from the great state of Wisconsin. Sixteen months ago, with no previous political experience, I began serving in Senator Harry Reid's do-nothing Senate.
It is hard to convey how frustrating it has been.
My background is in accounting and manufacturing in the private sector. Like most Americans, I'm used to getting things done ... producing results.
The American people understand that we are facing enormous economic challenges. And they're looking for solutions, not political games.
They have every right to expect their elected officials to be responsible and accountable. We should be making the tough decisions, taking the hard votes, and developing real solutions to our nation's urgent problems.
But that's not what's happening in the United States Senate.
It has been over three years since the Senate passed a budget. Think about that. Even though families and most businesses produce budgets to help control their finances, the largest financial entity in the world is operating without one.
Why? Because Democrats in the Senate refuse to be held accountable. They either don't have a plan, or they simply do not want their fingerprints on one. Maybe that's because their plans generally rely on taking more money out of the pockets of hardworking American families.
Republicans have proven that we are willing to be held accountable. Since regaining a majority in the House, Republicans have fulfilled our responsibility every year by passing a budget. But so far, those good faith efforts have died in the Democrat-led Senate.
For his part, President Obama has done nothing to encourage the Senate to pass a budget. Just this week in the Senate, the President's budget lost by a vote of 0-99. Last month, it failed in the House by a vote of 0-414. And last year, his budget lost 0-97 in the Senate.
This is a stunning repudiation of his leadership. At a time when America requires sober financial management, President Obama's fiscal plans have been so unserious, that not a single member of his own party supported them with their vote.
Without a budget, is it any wonder that America's fiscal house is in total disarray?
President Obama has submitted four budgets, but none of them ever included a plan to save Social Security or Medicare. These are important programs that millions of Americans rely on. Without reform, they will not survive. And yet President Obama offers no solutions.
And because of the exploding debt caused by his failed policies, Americans are suffering every day from a faltering economy, and the prospects for our children and grandchildren are being diminished.
If you're concerned about the financial future of America, these are not encouraging results.
We all want to see America prosper. We all want every American to have an equal opportunity to build a good life for themselves and their family.
And we are all disappointed by the failure of President Obama's economic policies.
President Obama promised far more. If we had only known that at this point during his term in office:

Average gas prices would more than double,
Our nation's debt would increase by $5.3 trillion,
And unemployment would never fall below 8%.
Instead of concentrating on job creation, President Obama has concentrated on growing government and increasing its control over our lives.
His budget-busting stimulus plan grew government, grew our debt, but failed to grow our economy.
President Obama then turned his attention to taking over 1/6 of our economy. He promised his healthcare plan would lower family premiums by $2,500 per year, but instead, they have increased by $2,300.
The President and members of his Administration are true believers in big government. They point to the 46 million Americans now on food stamps as a metric of success. It is not. It is a metric of failure that highlights how his policies have not put Americans back to work.
Because of his policies, dependence on government has increased, and individual opportunity has declined.
The social welfare economic model of Europe is collapsing. Countries like Greece have made promises to their citizens that they simply cannot afford. President Obama has put this country on the exact same path.
We can do better than this. America should do better.
It is time to return to the values and principles that made this country great. I grew up in an America that valued hard work and celebrated success. America became the economic engine of the world, not because of government, but because millions of Americans had the freedom to pursue their dreams.
We can reclaim this heritage once again and build a society where hard work is rewarded and every American has the opportunity to succeed.
Republicans are ready, willing, and able to lead this noble effort.
Thank you

02-07-2013, 08:01 PM
Why don't our talking heads in Washington take a pay cut??

maybe cut their heads and keep their pay!!!

sorry, i've been watching game of thrones

02-07-2013, 08:01 PM
Here's Sen. Johnson's address:

Hi, I'm Ron Johnson, from the great state of Wisconsin. Sixteen months ago, with no previous political experience, I began serving in Senator Harry Reid's do-nothing Senate.
It is hard to convey how frustrating it has been.
My background is in accounting and manufacturing in the private sector. Like most Americans, I'm used to getting things done ... producing results.
The American people understand that we are facing enormous economic challenges. And they're looking for solutions, not political games.
They have every right to expect their elected officials to be responsible and accountable. We should be making the tough decisions, taking the hard votes, and developing real solutions to our nation's urgent problems.
But that's not what's happening in the United States Senate.
It has been over three years since the Senate passed a budget. Think about that. Even though families and most businesses produce budgets to help control their finances, the largest financial entity in the world is operating without one.
Why? Because Democrats in the Senate refuse to be held accountable. They either don't have a plan, or they simply do not want their fingerprints on one. Maybe that's because their plans generally rely on taking more money out of the pockets of hardworking American families.
Republicans have proven that we are willing to be held accountable. Since regaining a majority in the House, Republicans have fulfilled our responsibility every year by passing a budget. But so far, those good faith efforts have died in the Democrat-led Senate.
For his part, President Obama has done nothing to encourage the Senate to pass a budget. Just this week in the Senate, the President's budget lost by a vote of 0-99. Last month, it failed in the House by a vote of 0-414. And last year, his budget lost 0-97 in the Senate.
This is a stunning repudiation of his leadership. At a time when America requires sober financial management, President Obama's fiscal plans have been so unserious, that not a single member of his own party supported them with their vote.
Without a budget, is it any wonder that America's fiscal house is in total disarray?
President Obama has submitted four budgets, but none of them ever included a plan to save Social Security or Medicare. These are important programs that millions of Americans rely on. Without reform, they will not survive. And yet President Obama offers no solutions.
And because of the exploding debt caused by his failed policies, Americans are suffering every day from a faltering economy, and the prospects for our children and grandchildren are being diminished.
If you're concerned about the financial future of America, these are not encouraging results.
We all want to see America prosper. We all want every American to have an equal opportunity to build a good life for themselves and their family.
And we are all disappointed by the failure of President Obama's economic policies.
President Obama promised far more. If we had only known that at this point during his term in office:

Average gas prices would more than double,
Our nation's debt would increase by $5.3 trillion,
And unemployment would never fall below 8%.
Instead of concentrating on job creation, President Obama has concentrated on growing government and increasing its control over our lives.
His budget-busting stimulus plan grew government, grew our debt, but failed to grow our economy.
President Obama then turned his attention to taking over 1/6 of our economy. He promised his healthcare plan would lower family premiums by $2,500 per year, but instead, they have increased by $2,300.
The President and members of his Administration are true believers in big government. They point to the 46 million Americans now on food stamps as a metric of success. It is not. It is a metric of failure that highlights how his policies have not put Americans back to work.
Because of his policies, dependence on government has increased, and individual opportunity has declined.
The social welfare economic model of Europe is collapsing. Countries like Greece have made promises to their citizens that they simply cannot afford. President Obama has put this country on the exact same path.
We can do better than this. America should do better.
It is time to return to the values and principles that made this country great. I grew up in an America that valued hard work and celebrated success. America became the economic engine of the world, not because of government, but because millions of Americans had the freedom to pursue their dreams.
We can reclaim this heritage once again and build a society where hard work is rewarded and every American has the opportunity to succeed.
Republicans are ready, willing, and able to lead this noble effort.
Thank you

That's a good read indeed.

Sent from my iPhone 4S

DTR + 4.10's + Eaton swap = Wreeeeeeeeeeeeeeedom

02-07-2013, 08:09 PM
Reid won't pass a budget because as soon as he does it will become public knowledge that the interest on the current debt is exceeding all incoming tax revenue. As soon as this was public info there would be a political meltdown.

Obama insisted sequestration remain even when the Republicans wanted to remove it. King O thought he could use it to force the Republicans to raise the debt ceiling. They called his bluff & now he is scrambling with damage control. We are going to lose this battle (painful as it is for the military) to win the war. It is an excellant political move & I like it. Hopefully they keep their balls in place & don't blink...

02-07-2013, 09:07 PM
Haggis I found the land, lets start out country.

02-08-2013, 06:06 AM
Haggis I found the land, lets start out country.

See you in Louisville to discuss, seceding.

02-08-2013, 10:00 AM
I don't think so. It isn't just the aircraft carrier; but includes the entire Carrier Strike Group (CSG) that require fuel, food, and operations & maintenance costs for increase optempo PLUS continuous fighter air cover. In addition, sailors at sea collect up to $730 per month in sea pay depending on their grade and number of years of sea duty. It adds up to a big chunk of change that is NOT spent when it is in port.

A U.S. Navy carrier strike group typically includes:

A supercarrier, which is the centerpiece of the strike group and also serves as the flagship for the CSG Commander and his/her staff. The carrier is commanded by aviation community captain.

A carrier air wing (CVW) typically consisting of up to nine squadrons. Carrier air wings are commanded by an aviation community captain (or occasionally a Marine colonel).

One to two Aegis guided missile cruisers (CG), of the Ticonderoga class—a multi-mission surface combatant, equipped with BGM-109 Tomahawk missiles for long-range strike capability, each commanded by a surface community captain.

A destroyer squadron (DESRON) commanded by a surface community captain (O-6) who commands the escort destroyers, with two to three guided missile destroyers (DDG), of the Arleigh Burke class—a multi-mission surface combatant, used primarily for anti-aircraft (AAW) and anti-submarine (ASW) warfare, but which also carries Tomahawk missiles for long-range strike capability. A destroyer is commanded by a surface community commander.

Up to two attack submarines, usually of the Los Angeles-class used to screen the strike group against hostile surface ships and submarines, but which also carry Tomahawk missiles for long-range strike capability.

A combined ammunition, oiler and supply ship (AOE/AOR), usually Supply-class (T-AOE); provides logistic support.[6]

True, true. The cost of fuel for aircraft alone is staggering. Not to mention anytime something breaks it has to be fixed/replaced, and if it isn't onboard it gets flown out. People, too.

02-10-2013, 04:28 PM
Took some pics yesterday after going by the exchange and buying a DVD player. It's uncommon to see an aircraft carrier sitting in port with aircraft onboard, because that would be the ideal time to blow it up. At some point, they'll either get back underway and fly them all off, or offload them by crane one at a time and pull them aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllll the way over to the runways. But what is more uncommon than seeing a bird farm with all it's birds on it is seeing 5 carriers in port at the same time.
Want to take out half our carriers in one convenient location?
It makes me sick.






02-12-2013, 01:34 AM
The third one down is the Enterprise. She's in port because she has been decommisioned, sadly. There has always been an Enterprise serving in the fleet. Those are some awesomely dangerous pics...

02-12-2013, 04:08 AM
Sweet pics man!! Sweet pics.

Sent from my iPhone 4S

DTR + 4.10's + Eaton swap = Wreeeeeeeeeeeeeeedom

02-12-2013, 05:22 AM
Hey Casey, too bad you can not get an aerial photo of them sitting in port.

02-12-2013, 09:30 AM
The third one down is the Enterprise. She's in port because she has been decommisioned, sadly. There has always been an Enterprise serving in the fleet. Those are some awesomely dangerous pics...

Yep, the 'prise is sitting there, supposed to come right across the bay to where I work and get scrapped. Guess what? That's on hold, no budget. Truman sitting there, loaded down, deployment cancelled, no budget. Linclon sitting there, supposed to be over here, no budget. This disrupts everything.

02-12-2013, 10:20 AM
This disrupts everything.

Wait until 2 Million more folks hit the unemployment lines. :(

I don't know what all the fuss is about, the American People voted for change twice now and they are getting it!

Yep, the Gravy Train is about to wreck in 16 more days. :P I wonder how that is gonna get spun in tonight's "State of the Union" address. Oh, I forgot. They ain't done blaming Bush for all the problems. :rolleyes:

02-12-2013, 12:23 PM
Wait until 2 Million more folks hit the unemployment lines. :(

Yep, the Gravy Train is about to wreck in 16 more days. :P I wonder how that is gonna get spun in tonight's "State of the Union" address. Oh, I forgot. They ain't done blaming Bush for all the problems. :rolleyes:

Yeah I remember that guy landing on an aircraft carrier and standing under a banner that said "Mission Accomplished!". That was the USS Abraham Lincoln CVN-72. If he handn't landed on it and made that statement, the Lincoln wouldn't be delayed in getting into the 'yard for repairs. :D

02-12-2013, 02:24 PM
Kinda looks like our back door is unlocked...wander for what:(

02-12-2013, 08:47 PM
Took some pics yesterday after going by the exchange and buying a DVD player. It's uncommon to see an aircraft carrier sitting in port with aircraft onboard, because that would be the ideal time to blow it up. At some point, they'll either get back underway and fly them all off, or offload them by crane one at a time and pull them aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllll the way over to the runways. But what is more uncommon than seeing a bird farm with all it's birds on it is seeing 5 carriers in port at the same time.
Want to take out half our carriers in one convenient location?
It makes me sick.






Man, I havent seen that place since the mid-70's (though I was down at the D&S piers). You are right, never seen four carriers in one place and never ever with aircraft onboard in port. Re Johnson, ask him what he thinks about dairy price supports and see what he says. We all know there is a huge budget problem and we vote for representatives to make deals and get stuff done. All this "standing by your principals" party line stuff (on both sides) is what has caused stagnation. The radicals on both sides are idiots.

02-13-2013, 05:45 AM
Waiting for them to close down the government on 1 March.