View Full Version : OMG!!! Maker's Mark Shortage

02-10-2013, 05:23 AM
Got this e-mail yesterday and damn near cried!

I think it is the fault of our members

Dear Maker’s Mark® Ambassador,

Lately we’ve been hearing from many of you that you’ve been having difficulty finding Maker’s Mark in your local stores. Fact is, demand for our bourbon is exceeding our ability to make it, which means we’re running very low on supply. We never imagined that the entire bourbon category would explode as it has over the past few years, nor that demand for Maker’s Mark would grow even faster.

We wanted you to be the first to know that, after looking at all possible solutions, we’ve worked carefully to reduce the alcohol by volume (ABV) by just 3%. This will enable us to maintain the same taste profile and increase our limited supply so there is enough Maker’s Mark to go around, while we continue to expand the distillery and increase our production capacity.

We have both tasted it extensively, and it’s completely consistent with the taste profile our founder/dad/grandfather, Bill Samuels, Sr., created nearly 60 years ago. We’ve also done extensive testing with Maker’s Mark drinkers, and they couldn’t tell a difference.

Nothing about how we handcraft Maker’s Mark has changed, from the use of locally sourced soft red winter wheat as the flavor grain, to aging the whisky to taste in air-dried American white oak barrels, to rotating our barrels during maturation, to hand-dipping every bottle in our signature red wax.

In other words, we’ve made sure we didn’t screw up your whisky.

By the way, if you have any comments or questions, as always, we invite you to drop us a line at rob@makersmark.com or bill@makersmark.com. Thanks for your support. And if you’ve got a little time on your hands, come down and see us at the distillery.


Rob Samuels
Chief Operating Officer

Bill Samuels, Jr.
Chairman Emeritus

02-10-2013, 05:55 AM
Got this e-mail yesterday and damn near cried!

I think it is the fault of our members

Sounds like a "bean counters" solution to a supply problem. This means that they are cutting their product from 90 Proof to 84 Proof. That will increase supply by 7% by offering a diluted product. Of course, you won't notice a difference in taste. ;) By this measure, they should also cut the price of a 750 ml bottle by $2.00 but I don't see it happening. This supply shortage turns out to be a boom for Maker's Mark and a loss for its loyal customers. When they increase capacity, I am sure that they will return to 90 Proof ....... Don't count on it.

I guess Maker's Mark 46 will be renamed 43. :P

Using a similar logic .... Gas Stations could start giving you 87 Octane while telling you it was the same and letting you pay the 93 Octane price. The percentages are EXACTLY the same. Hmmmmmmmmmm ! Would you pay 93 prices for 87?? Of course not. You would buy gas somewhere else. Nuff said.

Dear Maker’s Mark® Ambassador,

In other words, we’ve made sure we didn’t screw up your whisky.

^^^^^^ Instead we decided to screw with YOU, the loyal customer.

02-10-2013, 07:43 AM
I thought the same thing about reducing the price. Interesting way to handle it since you can't just crank up the production line or add a third shift to immediately increase Bourbon inventory. I suppose they could have left well enough alone and increased the price.

SC Cheesehead
02-10-2013, 08:05 AM
Sounds like a "bean counters" solution to a supply problem. This means that they are cutting their product from 90 Proof to 84 Proof. That will increase supply by 7% by offering a diluted product. Of course, you won't notice a difference in taste. ;) By this measure, they should also cut the price of a 750 ml bottle by $2.00 but I don't see it happening. This supply shortage turns out to be a boom for Maker's Mark and a loss for its loyal customers. When they increase capacity, I am sure that they will return to 90 Proof ....... Don't count on it.

I guess Maker's Mark 46 will be renamed 43. :P

Using a similar logic .... Gas Stations could start giving you 87 Octane while telling you it was the same and letting you pay the 93 Octane price. The percentages are EXACTLY the same. Hmmmmmmmmmm ! Would you pay 93 prices for 87?? Of course not. You would buy gas somewhere else. Nuff said.

^^^^^^ Instead we decided to screw with YOU, the loyal customer.


02-10-2013, 08:12 AM
Another one on my do not buy list.

Ozark Marauder
02-10-2013, 08:24 AM
It's the typical product life cycle.



02-10-2013, 09:24 AM
Better save an original bottle or 2 of the stuff!

02-10-2013, 09:30 AM
Vote with your wallet, don't buy it and see how fast they change their tune when stock starts getting dusty in the warehouse.

02-10-2013, 09:51 AM
I'm torn...not happy with decision but it is a damn good bourbon and -3% would still be better than most products on the shelf. and they did just come out and honestly say what they did...I think I'd buy a bottle and see if they hold true to their word on the next batch.

Sent from my iPhone 5

02-10-2013, 09:55 AM
When will they start making the change Dan?

Or is the -3% already on store shelves?

Ms. Denmark
02-10-2013, 11:33 AM

02-10-2013, 11:58 AM
Surprised they even acknowledged their decision. I notice this shrinking package deal every time I go to the grocery store. It's a sneaky way to keep profits consistent without a price increase. Most people don't note the weight of the product. Coffee, chips, cat food etc have all done this in recent years.

I'm with BDJ buy another brand that has not chosen to rip off the customer in the name of keeping profits steady.
Mr. Man

Your correct! Can't buy 16 ounces of anything prepackaged anymore.

New & improved often means less product for more $$'s.

02-10-2013, 02:10 PM
Anyone see the Makers Mark commercial during the Super Bowl? Kind of neat to say "I've been there."

Joe Walsh
02-10-2013, 02:20 PM
I thought the same thing about reducing the price.
Interesting way to handle it since you can't just crank up the production line or add a third shift to immediately increase Bourbon inventory.
I suppose they could have left well enough alone and increased the price.

That's what I'm thinking....good ole' Economics 101.

Shortage of supply -> drives up prices -> reduction in demand due to higher prices and everything eventually equals out.

Adding water to a Bourbon that has made its' name on quality and taste just to increase supply......is just plain stupid!

BTW: I'm not a bourbon drinker...I stick mostly to beer, but recently I have been sampling a few different bottles of the "honey infused bourbons".....:drool:

02-10-2013, 02:40 PM
They should not be able to lable it the same way.... Change the red wax to say.... Tinfoil with a rubber band?:rolleyes:

02-10-2013, 02:45 PM
They should not be able to lable it the same way.... Change the red wax to say.... Tinfoil with a rubber band?:rolleyes:

LOLZ! :lol:

Baaad GN
02-10-2013, 05:54 PM
All this means is I'm gonna have to increase my drinking by 3-6%. as you can see I left a little leaway in that percentage in case of change in temperment!

02-11-2013, 05:41 AM
All this means is I'm gonna have to increase my drinking by 3-6%. as you can see I left a little leaway in that percentage in case of change in temperment!

I like the way you think Ed.

02-11-2013, 07:27 AM
I have enjoyed Maker's and rec it to all my friends and professional colleagues over the years...now THIS?!
Will have to try it to see if I want to cont with it or .................

02-11-2013, 07:55 AM
I don;t care about the bourbon, i just want to know if they will still send out cool Maker Mark gifts around Christmas? I have the little sweater and boxes from last year. Plus all the cool ambassadorship kits.

When my barrel is done it better have the full % of alcohol. I think I only have a year left on my batch