View Full Version : Got pulled over today, funny stuff!

02-17-2013, 12:17 PM
Got me for 83 in a 75, pulled over for him and the car in front of me pulled over too. We sat there forever, thought they'd take off but never did. The hi-po said they must have a guilty conscious. I asked the cop if he had a sense of humor...yes sir...well then tap on their window and ask if they are transporting narcotics and firearms..he said very seriously"that would be comical." He gave me a warning and I took this pic as I took off!!!!!

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02-17-2013, 12:31 PM
Lucky for u.. I almost always get the ticket in town.

02-18-2013, 07:48 AM
Where you got a ticket for 8 over? I don't want to go to there.

02-18-2013, 08:38 AM
My last ticket was for 7 (SEVEN!) mph over on I-10 just out of Columbus, Texas...and I was in my wife's new (at the time) white Toyota Solara SLE convert.
That was a couple of years ago...
I was in a line of cars all doing that speed...the hi po got me...oh well.

02-18-2013, 08:49 AM
Where you got a ticket for 8 over? I don't want to go to there.

Turnpike here in OK, and I got a warning so it's all good.
When I went to NASCAR several years ago I got stopped for 60 in a 55 by a Texas hi-PO...his first words were "sir is there an emergency I can assist you with?" Like I was hauling ass...what a prick. $300 ticket on that one.

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02-18-2013, 08:58 AM
My last ticket was for 7 (SEVEN!) mph over on I-10 just out of Columbus, Texas...and I was in my wife's new (at the time) white Toyota Solara SLE convert.
That was a couple of years ago...
I was in a line of cars all doing that speed...the hi po got me...oh well.

Turnpike here in OK, and I got a warning so it's all good.
When I went to NASCAR several years ago I got stopped for 60 in a 55 by a Texas hi-PO...his first words were "sir is there an emergency I can assist you with?" Like I was hauling ass...what a prick. $300 ticket on that one.

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Maybe you two are so damn good looking, they can't help but pull you over, lol. 'Cause 5 over is, to me, a waste of a stop. Granted speeding is speeding but come on.

02-18-2013, 09:16 AM
Things are tight and towns need all the bucks they can get. 5-8 over is a stupid ticket. They stopped me doing 117 MPH and I did not get a ticket. That was in a 60 MPH zone on I-10. It must be my handsome face.

02-18-2013, 09:25 AM
Things are tight and towns need all the bucks they can get. 5-8 over is a stupid ticket. They stopped me doing 117 MPH and I did not get a ticket. That was in a 60 MPH zone on I-10. It must be my handsome face.

Yeah baby! :beer:

02-18-2013, 09:59 AM
Yeah baby! :beer:

Whatever gets me out of a ticket😝

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02-18-2013, 12:45 PM
Things are tight and towns need all the bucks they can get. 5-8 over is a stupid ticket. They stopped me doing 117 MPH and I did not get a ticket. That was in a 60 MPH zone on I-10. It must be my handsome face.

My last 2 stops, 86 in a 65, verbal warning

82 in a 45 construction zone, not even a warning, just told me to have a good day, hmmmmmmmmmmm. :confused: :D

02-18-2013, 12:59 PM
My last 2 stops, 86 in a 65, verbal warning

82 in a 45 construction zone, not even a warning, just told me to have a good day, hmmmmmmmmmmm. :confused: :D

Friggin' cops, lol.

That brings up a good point, why do 45 (or whatever is posted) in a construction zone if there is no construction? If I don't actually see some people busting ass on a project, I ignore those annoying signs, yet the threatening "Fines will be doubled, blah blah blah" will be all over the place. WHAT IS THE ACTUAL CONSTRUCTION GOING ON, PUTTING UP "FINES WILL BE DOUBLED" SIGNS?!?! Off of soapbox.

02-18-2013, 02:33 PM
Turnpike here in OK, and I got a warning so it's all good.
When I went to NASCAR several years ago I got stopped for 60 in a 55 by a Texas hi-PO...his first words were "sir is there an emergency I can assist you with?" Like I was hauling ass...what a prick. $300 ticket on that one.

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My assisting Texas State Trooper clocked me at 70 in a 65 zone for a few miles and then pulled me over. He said you were going a little fast, I replied I was doing the speed limit of 70, he said that's only during daylight hours. Ops! He said I'll bet you had cruise control on, I said yep. Thought so since your speed stayed constant. Just a warning.
Thank you, Trooper.

Rocky, you can't keep calling LEO's pricks. :lol:

02-18-2013, 02:38 PM
My last 2 stops, 86 in a 65, verbal warning

82 in a 45 construction zone, not even a warning, just told me to have a good day, hmmmmmmmmmmm. :confused: :D

Gotta love it! Life has it's perks! ;)

02-18-2013, 03:40 PM
My assisting Texas State Trooper clocked me at 70 in a 65 zone for a few miles and then pulled me over. He said you were going a little fast, I replied I was doing the speed limit of 70, he said that's only during daylight hours. Ops! He said I'll bet you had cruise control on, I said yep. Thought so since your speed stayed constant. Just a warning.
Thank you, Trooper.

Rocky, you can't keep calling LEO's pricks. :lol:

99% of LEOs are awesome...this guy not so much lol...

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02-18-2013, 03:59 PM
Go v1 radar or stay home

02-18-2013, 04:24 PM
Go v1 radar or stay home

Got a BadgeAmerica pass............. and a V1. :beer:

02-18-2013, 06:03 PM
Go v1 radar or stay home

If you DO get pulled over and they see a radar you are getting a ticket fo sho

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02-18-2013, 06:25 PM
If you DO get pulled over and they see a radar you are getting a ticket fo sho

Sent from my iPhone 5

Only in the state of va or dc where radar is illegal. If I was in those states I would have a bel sti the only rd that's non detectable by rdd radar detector detector. For visual hardwired and visor mount or some kind of upper mount that's vary hard to see from Leo and thieves

02-19-2013, 07:39 AM
Agreed...my V1 was in the other car when I got my last ticket. RATS!

02-19-2013, 05:01 PM
I don't even start to write unless it's 15 over, then the attitude plays into it after that. If I get a pleasant attitude, I generally let them go. Enough people are barely making ends meet in this economy that they dont need a hit in the wallet unless they demonstrate they have no regard for others on the road

cat in the hat
02-19-2013, 05:07 PM
If you DO get pulled over and they see a radar you are getting a ticket fo sho

Sent from my iPhone 5

If you have radar and still get pulled over, you deserve a ticket ! :lol:

02-19-2013, 05:12 PM
BS. I've been pulled over for having a RD and no other reason, other than driving a Marauder.

Ever since I got a RD that was undetectable, no further issues. Funny, that.

02-19-2013, 05:18 PM
If you have radar and still get pulled over, you deserve a ticket ! :lol:
Muhahahahahaaaaa!! Good point.

02-19-2013, 05:33 PM
I don't even start to write unless it's 15 over, then the attitude plays into it after that. If I get a pleasant attitude, I generally let them go. Enough people are barely making ends meet in this economy that they dont need a hit in the wallet unless they demonstrate they have no regard for others on the road

15 over, yeah that's asking for it. There are a couple of known "traps" like Emporia, VA where it goes from 55 to I think 30 as you top an overpass and drop down into the first major intersection of town. TFB might know better, he lives closer to it than me. If you are not paying close attention, boom, no time to react. Everytime I go through there, someone is pulled over. The last speeding ticket I got, probably 8 years ago, was because I could see the sign up ahead that changed it from 45 to 60 and I started doing it before I got to the sign, and was doing about 65 when I crossed it. But I also crossed the path of a hidden State Trooper, zoiks. I think it was exiting the Nashville city limits. No point arguing that one, 65 in a 45 is 20 over, but he dropped it to 6 or 7 over so I could just mail in the ticket. Got a reduced ticket and a warning to wait until I pass a sign before accelerating. Was I mad? Not a damn bit, lol. I think I got the better end of the deal on that one.

02-19-2013, 05:35 PM
Things are tight and towns need all the bucks they can get. 5-8 over is a stupid ticket. They stopped me doing 117 MPH and I did not get a ticket. That was in a 60 MPH zone on I-10. It must be my handsome face.

Fooooooo Realzzzzzzzzzz!!:coolman:

02-19-2013, 05:36 PM
15 over, yeah that's asking for it. There are a couple of known "traps" like Emporia, VA where it goes from 55 to I think 30 as you top an overpass and drop down into the first major intersection of town. TFB might know better, he lives closer to it than me. If you are not paying close attention, boom, no time to react. Everytime I go through there, someone is pulled over. The last speeding ticket I got, probably 8 years ago, was because I could see the sign up ahead that changed it from 45 to 60 and I started doing it before I got to the sign, and was doing about 65 when I crossed it. But I also crossed the path of a hidden State Trooper, zoiks. I think it was exiting the Nashville city limits. No point arguing that one, 65 in a 45 is 20 over, but he dropped it to 6 or 7 over so I could just mail in the ticket. Got a reduced ticket and a warning to wait until I pass a sign before accelerating. Was I mad? Not a damn bit, lol. I think I got the better end of the deal on that one.

And that's a good point Casey.

We all hate tickets, but....

You play. You pay.



02-19-2013, 05:37 PM
After catching ********s of flak about speeding in the past, I absolutely don't speed unless I'm running someone, which only happens on flat-out open road that's got a good surface.

I don't get how people can criticize seasoned street racers for bursts of focused speed, and then drive every time, every day, flippantly disregarding basic rules and courtesy of the road, in traffic that's actually there no less!

02-19-2013, 05:47 PM
I got caught in Illinois back in November. I thought I was in a 70 and was rolling at 77. I saw the plain white rapper on the bridge shooting laser but figured I was ok. When I go under the bridge I see a Trooper rolling out and sure nuff he got me. He came up and was super nice! He asked if I knew how fast I was going and I told him I was doing 77 when I looked up but I thought I was going to be ok. He said yep you're right but you are actually in a 65 zone. :eek: Then he said "the big dog on the bridge so I have to write you." Oh well! It is what it is. Hey, if I'm in the wrong, I'm in the wrong. I mailed them a 140.00 in December. :(

cat in the hat
02-19-2013, 05:50 PM
15 over, yeah that's asking for it. There are a couple of known "traps" like Emporia, VA where it goes from 55 to I think 30 as you top an overpass and drop down into the first major intersection of town. TFB might know better, he lives closer to it than me. If you are not paying close attention, boom, no time to react. Everytime I go through there, someone is pulled over. The last speeding ticket I got, probably 8 years ago, was because I could see the sign up ahead that changed it from 45 to 60 and I started doing it before I got to the sign, and was doing about 65 when I crossed it. But I also crossed the path of a hidden State Trooper, zoiks. I think it was exiting the Nashville city limits. No point arguing that one, 65 in a 45 is 20 over, but he dropped it to 6 or 7 over so I could just mail in the ticket. Got a reduced ticket and a warning to wait until I pass a sign before accelerating. Was I mad? Not a damn bit, lol. I think I got the better end of the deal on that one.

Tennessee is a known ticket-trap.

These guys always want to spin it like they gave you some kind of a great deal, so you're less likely to act up, and / or they feel like less of a ****.

02-19-2013, 05:51 PM
I got caught in Illinois back in November. I thought I was in a 70 and was rolling at 77. I saw the plain white rapper on the bridge shooting laser but figured I was ok. When I go under the bridge I see a Trooper rolling out and sure nuff he got me. He came up and was super nice! He asked if I knew how fast I was going and I told him I was doing 77 when I looked up but I thought I was going to be ok. He said yep you're right but you are actually in a 65 zone. :eek: Then he said "the big dog on the bridge so I have to write you." Oh well! It is what it is. Hey, if I'm in the wrong, I'm in the wrong. I mailed them a 140.00 in December. :(

140, ouch! Man I have some funny ticket stories, maybe we should make a ticket thread, lol.

02-19-2013, 05:52 PM
140, ouch! Man I have some funny ticket stories, maybe we should make a ticket thread, lol.

Cut into my mod money! :depress:

02-19-2013, 05:54 PM
I was pulled over on my way to Louisville two years ago. I did not see the 65 to 55 zone change. He let me off with a warning. Must be my charming personality or he just thought I am total hotness and undressed me with his eyes.

02-19-2013, 05:56 PM
I was pulled over on my way to Louisville two years ago. I did not see the 65 to 55 zone change. He let me off with a warning. Must be my charming personality or he just thought I am total hotness and undressed me with his eyes.

I'll buy that, why not. :beer:

02-19-2013, 05:58 PM
Cut into my mod money! :depress:

Pffft! I don't think 140 would make a dent in any part of what you have done to your Marauder, lol.
Except maybe filling your gas tank, which probably doesn't last very long. :beer:

02-19-2013, 06:00 PM
I was pulled over on my way to Louisville two years ago. I did not see the 65 to 55 zone change. He let me off with a warning. Must be my charming personality or he just thought I am total hotness and undressed me with his eyes.
Yeah, he picked the only DTR that was in the pack.....because you couldn't keep up with the Blues and Blacks. It was DTR fail day.:(

02-19-2013, 06:03 PM
Yeah, he picked the only DTR that was in the pack.....because you couldn't keep up with the Blues and Blacks. It was DTR fail day.:(

:alone:Soooooooooo true.:alone:

But now I have a boosted DTR. Which is equivalent to V-Tech in a Honda.:lol:

:banana::banana:Nice to see you posting again bubs:banana:

02-19-2013, 06:06 PM
Pffft! I don't think 140 would make a dent in any part of what you have done to your Marauder, lol.
Except maybe filling your gas tank, which probably doesn't last very long. :beer:

You calling me an "ELITIST"? :P

02-19-2013, 06:07 PM
:banana::banana:Nice to see you posting again bubs:banana:
It would be easier on my eyes if I didn't have to see all those pics in your sig ;)

02-19-2013, 06:12 PM
You calling me an "ELITIST"? :P

I'm just sayin' I saw your Marauder when it was bad-ass. Since then, the bad-assery has went up a notch or 6, lol.

It would be easier on my eyes if I didn't have to see all those pics in your sig ;)

I need to update my avatar pic!

02-19-2013, 06:14 PM
[QUOTE=CBT;1268174]I'm just sayin' I saw your Marauder when it was bad-ass. Since then, the bad-assery has went up a notch or 6, lol.

Thanks bro! I can't wait till Louisville! :beer: :burn:

02-19-2013, 06:18 PM
I need to update my avatar pic!
Um, I like that one. It is the only decent pic of that guy that i've seen ;)

02-19-2013, 07:26 PM
I got a ticket for 55 right before the 55 zone:mad2: next day I got a v1 6 years later not one ticket and I do 20 over all day. But then again I understand the art of radar you can't just hook it up and go

02-20-2013, 08:36 AM
I got a ticket for 55 right before the 55 zone:mad2: next day I got a v1 6 years later not one ticket and I do 20 over all day. But then again I understand the art of radar you can't just hook it up and go

Do you recommend the v1? Lol.if so...explain the art?? :o :D:rolleyes:

02-20-2013, 08:55 AM
I could explain it in 2 days if you want to come down here. And yes v1 unless urn in va or dc then it would be bel sti. Bel escort or v1 everything else is fail. If you want to know where the radar is coming from which is common sense then v1 is your only option

02-20-2013, 06:22 PM
I don't even start to write unless it's 15 over, then the attitude plays into it after that. If I get a pleasant attitude, I generally let them go. Enough people are barely making ends meet in this economy that they dont need a hit in the wallet unless they demonstrate they have no regard for others on the road

That's a great attitude! I'm always nice...no reason not to be. I will admit I've had my DL taken 3 times! No DUI or wrecks, just speeding and racing. I now am proud to have a clean record in my old age and even have a safe driver discount, but if no ones looking...:)

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02-21-2013, 06:06 PM
Bell Escort is a great RD. I have one behind the RV mirror and wired into the OH console. It is on with the ignition - but for full proof protection you really need a Lazer Jammer. I have had one for several years and it has saved me many times. The LEO look at their Laser readings and back up at me every time.


02-21-2013, 07:09 PM
Bell Escort is a great RD. I have one behind the RV mirror and wired into the OH console. It is on with the ignition - but for full proof protection you really need a Lazer Jammer. I have had one for several years and it has saved me many times. The LEO look at their Laser readings and back up at me every time.


And that's one of many things if you don't turn off your jammer in time I'm sure defeating law traffic equipment is very illegal.

02-21-2013, 10:39 PM
And that's one of many things if you don't turn off your jammer in time I'm sure defeating law traffic equipment is very illegal.

So is going 61 in a 60 mph zone, but everyone does it. Yes, you must turn off the Lazer Jammer after you reduce your speed to a legal limit - not a big deal to do after your hit.

02-22-2013, 01:29 PM
They are only illegal in certain states. Most states, leaving a laser jammer on is OK, but I wouldn't recommending JTG (jamming all the way to the gun) as it attracts unneeded attention.

02-23-2013, 06:22 PM
Passed 2 hidden LEOs in the brush doing 8 over...the chargers gave me a nod and stayed in the brush:)

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