View Full Version : Post Wreck Insurance Question

03-10-2004, 11:25 AM
Since my girlfriend wrecked my MM, my insurance went from $60/mo. to $200/mo. even though no one was at fault nor ticketed. Anyway, my question is this. If I change insurance companies, is there a way to hide the wreck from the new company???

If this is illegal, nevermind!!


01True BlueGT
03-10-2004, 11:29 AM
Since my girlfriend wrecked my MM, my insurance went from $60/mo. to $200/mo. even though no one was at fault nor ticketed. Anyway, my question is this. If I change insurance companies, is there a way to hide the wreck from the new company???

If this is illegal, nevermind!!


Yes and no. Some companies run the vin, to check on claims and some don't. If no one was ticketed, they at least can't charge you with an at fault accident.

03-10-2004, 11:37 AM
So then, it's probably worth a try?

01True BlueGT
03-10-2004, 11:43 AM
So then, it's probably worth a try?
I would... Quotes are normally free. In all my years of selling insurance, only one company every ran the vin to see if it was wrecked.

03-10-2004, 11:56 AM
I'm an insurance agent and if ANY money was payed out it stays on what is called a CLUE report. It's logged by the drivers social#.

03-10-2004, 12:29 PM
I'll try through the Geicos, Progressives, etc.

It really sucks that this is my first accident in 19 years with State Farm and they jack me up. All the extra money they are going to charge me for the next three years will more than pay for the repairs to my car. So, exactly what does insurance do?? Hell, I'd be cheaper to have just basic liability and get a loan from a bank to make repairs should I have an accident.

Oh well, just venting!! :mad2: :fire:

03-10-2004, 12:38 PM
I'll try through the Geicos, Progressives, etc.

It really sucks that this is my first accident in 19 years with State Farm and they jack me up. All the extra money they are going to charge me for the next three years will more than pay for the repairs to my car. So, exactly what does insurance do?? Hell, I'd be cheaper to have just basic liability and get a loan from a bank to make repairs should I have an accident.

Oh well, just venting!! :mad2: :fire:
I hear ya' Brian!! Don't hold back....VENT!!
I wrecked my Dad's car when I was 17 and STATE FARM cancelled ALL of his insurance (boat, trailer, house, other vehicles....EVERYTHING!!!) So, I know how you feel! It really sucks!!:fire:
Good luck insurance hunting....hope you find a good deal!


03-10-2004, 12:54 PM
Since my girlfriend wrecked my MM, my insurance went from $60/mo. to $200/mo. even though no one was at fault nor ticketed. Anyway, my question is this. If I change insurance companies, is there a way to hide the wreck from the new company???

If this is illegal, nevermind!!

I find being honest about it is the best way--Years ago had the same happen to me---so I left a company I was with for 17 years--went hunting with other insurance companies, telling them the truth of what had happen and asked if they could do better.... and sooner or later ..one will...I found this the best so if it shoul d come out about the accident...it was all told up front in the begining....no hidden facts....ended up getting new coverage , new company and lower cost.....so yes,,, go hunting,,but let your conscious be your guide...........Tom

03-10-2004, 12:59 PM
I'll try through the Geicos, Progressives, etc.

It really sucks that this is my first accident in 19 years with State Farm and they jack me up. All the extra money they are going to charge me for the next three years will more than pay for the repairs to my car. So, exactly what does insurance do?? Hell, I'd be cheaper to have just basic liability and get a loan from a bank to make repairs should I have an accident.

Oh well, just venting!! :mad2: :fire:

Insurance is for catastrophic losses nowadays. IMHO, you're not far off the mark as far as borrowing to make repairs yourself. Several years ago our broker (new to us at the time) surprised me by saying that the insurance company would rather hear about one total loss than several small claims, whether it be auto, home or business insurance. I don't really understand why, I just accept it. And watch out for those cracked windshield repair guys too! They pay your deductible and then put in a claim on your policy.

Dr Caleb
03-10-2004, 02:51 PM
Insurance is for catastrophic losses nowadays.

Since Alberta 'froze' premiums, they're getting nasty too! They will 'pause' your insurance if you're payment is a few days late, then when you go to renew, they raise rates because of 'non-continuous coverage' makes you 'an insurance risk'.

Ask me how I know. No wonder the Premier is investigating these hoodlums.

03-10-2004, 05:39 PM
Since my girlfriend wrecked my MM, my insurance went from $60/mo. to $200/mo. even though no one was at fault nor ticketed. Anyway, my question is this. If I change insurance companies, is there a way to hide the wreck from the new company???

If this is illegal, nevermind!!


brian - In NY the insurance companies will have access to that info. I would stick with your current ins company. The first question the new company will ask were there any moving violation or accidents within the past 3yrs. Don't pay to lie. They will definitely find out. When the do you are dumped. The bottom line is if the Ins. Company pays out the get their money back two fold. It's BS but that is the way it is.

UAW 588
03-10-2004, 05:59 PM
Since my girlfriend wrecked my MM, my insurance went from $60/mo. to $200/mo. even though no one was at fault nor ticketed. Anyway, my question is this. If I change insurance companies, is there a way to hide the wreck from the new company???

If this is illegal, nevermind!!


I would also consider changing the girlfriend. :lol:

03-10-2004, 06:44 PM
I would look for quotes from other companys.

Can any tell me the last Insurance to go broke?

03-10-2004, 06:58 PM
I would look for quotes from other companys.

Can any tell me the last Insurance to go broke?
Sorry BigDogJim....that list is too long. Stae Farm is a great carrier...if you never file a claim. I've had USAA for 34 years and have never had a problem with them.

03-10-2004, 07:22 PM
Insurance companies make their profits by investing your premiums in the stock market - not from dodging claims. Notice what the stock market has been doing for the last few years? When the insurance companies started losing money in the market they started raising premiums as well as taking a hard line approach to all claims and they are always looking to shed customers who have claims. MapleLeafMerc is right. These days insurance is only to be used for catastrophic events - not the small stuff (even if your policy clearly covers the small stuff). If you file small claims (broken windshield, ding in the door, tree limb fell on roof and caused a leak, refrigerator ice maker leaked and damaged hardwood floor, etc.) they will pay - they have to if it's covered. But when renewal time comes around be prepared for a shock. They will either raise your rates or they will choose not to renew your coverage - their choice, not yours.

03-10-2004, 07:29 PM
I've had nothing but problems dealing with State Farm-even when one of their insured changed lanes into me. USAA RULES!

03-11-2004, 03:53 AM
My gal is an agent and told me that your premiums are figured with many factors in mind.....the worst is CREDIT RATING......Poor credit reflects a high risk!!! :argue: Also, any involvement in a claim from damages.....If you are "Not Charged" and "Not Guilty" you are a risk and a surcharge is added for three years!!! Go figure!!

My inclination is to shop for insurance constantly....especially HEALTH INSURANCE...The biggest ripoff of all!!! :bigcry:

BTW.....I'm self employed!! :mad:

Marauderjack :cool:

03-11-2004, 05:46 AM
What is USAA??

03-11-2004, 12:10 PM
What is USAA??

I've never heard of them before either. :confused:
I do know that nothing is a secret anymore with the information highway, so forget trying to hide anything. :shake:

03-11-2004, 06:31 PM
USAA is the military's insurance company. I am also an insurance agent and one thing to look at is a companies surcharge disclosure form. This form outlines exactly what the company can and cannot raise rates to. My former company and a lot of companies don't charge for accidents that occured on private property (driveways, parking lots like Target, Cub Foods, whatever) so that may be a way out for some folks. If you have a good relationship with your agent that can make all the difference.