View Full Version : Kill Story: Me vs Probe.

03-11-2004, 07:22 PM
Well, a friend's brother said he might race me sometime, and tonight we were both free.

As many of you know, I was a retard and put 87 octane fuel in the car. I was down just past half a tank so I went and put some 93 in even though I didn't think it was enough. So it goes like this.

Pro: 270+lb feet of torque and a V8
Con: half a tank of 87...a full tank of gas, 500-1000 lbs more weight.
Pro: 5-speed tranny, less weight
Con: No where's near the torque I have...and a good bit less horsepower, 3 people altogether in the car and 50 lbs worth of stereo equitment.

On a first run before we raced, my dentonation was gone so I told him I could do it after I tied my shoes.:D

First thing we do is loose eachother in traffic. That took out 10 minutes of our 30 minute time period. I call them on the cell and tell them to follow me down a 4 lane road.

We drive for about 2 or 3 miles until we find a red light. We both stop very quickly behind the line so it doesn't turn green before we're ready. I press down the gas slightly for 1 or 2 seconds and the signal comes. We both jam on some gas and I quickly pull ahead to where he's just along side of my trunk.

I hear his car shift to second, and I've got 10 mph to go till mine does. He slacks for a fleeting milisecond (going to second gear) and I pull ahead a few more inches.

I'm at 50mph when perks it up one gear and I'm really starting to pull away now. I watch him quickly disappear as I hit 85mph (in a 45) and I now know it's over.

Boy that was fun. But he gets a cold air intake this weekend so I don't know how much he'll have on me. We probably won't do this again for more than a month or two.

Well I know where my lawn mowing money is going:D :banana2: :beatnik:

It was satisfying but by this weekend he'll have a cold air intake and I have the feeling I'll be toasted by a few inches.

03-11-2004, 07:31 PM
UH! What does your Dad think your doing while this is going on--oh yeah going to the store for some stuff huh!!

03-11-2004, 07:50 PM
Just stay away from those Sables :lol:

03-11-2004, 07:54 PM
Just stay away from those Sables :lol:God forbid I ever come up against one of them!

UH! What does your Dad think your doing while this is going on--oh yeah going to the store for some stuff huh!!He thought I was "just chillin" at their house...and their parents thought they were "just going to the store for some stuff":D

03-11-2004, 09:08 PM
Woaface chill out. Not saying you're a bad driver but at your age you can get into trouble very fast. Racing on a public road no matter how deserted is a big :shake: no-no. Consider if a sedan full of kids pulled out in front of you. The results could be catastrophic. I'd say if you and only you were injured or even killed well too bad. But if you do harm to the family you're going to be in a world of hurt should you survive. Don't expose yourself and your family like that. Take it to the track and be safe.

03-11-2004, 09:33 PM
Woaface chill out. Not saying you're a bad driver but at your age you can get into trouble very fast. Racing on a public road no matter how deserted is a big :shake: no-no. Consider if a sedan full of kids pulled out in front of you. The results could be catastrophic. I'd say if you and only you were injured or even killed well too bad. But if you do harm to the family you're going to be in a world of hurt should you survive. Don't expose yourself and your family like that. Take it to the track and be safe.Well, you know...I can't argue with that a bit. The road was closed from all sides, only things entering by north or south could get on that stretch and we could be seen from quite a distance, and could see for just the same amount. That's all I have to say, everything you say is so true otherwise, and I promise you I don't take this with a grain of salt.

Everytime I get in the car (and I've told BillyGMan this) I see pictures of bodies from horrific s in my mind from drivers ed. Statistics are on my side in this county by a long shot, but I know that means nothing when something does happen...it doesn't have to be a car pulling out in front of me...it could simply be a nail or a traffic cone.

What I did was stupid yes, and I promise I don't do this often. I'm not really sure what to say other than that, because it's completely true. But I honestly don't take any of this lightly. It wasn't a rushed event, it was planned out a little and once we went so fast and figured out who beat who, it was over.

I really appreciate your thinking of me (in a sense) so thanks.


03-11-2004, 09:59 PM
Of course I'm thinking of you Woaface. You sound like a fine young man with a bright future ahead of you. The only reason I give you grief is because I was once your age and did the same. Looking back I'm glad I didn't cause any serious harm to myself or others. Took one to many chances and think how reckless of me. My older brother would tell me the same line about being in a world of hurt and it certainly stuck. Be safe and take care yourself Woaface.

03-12-2004, 05:47 AM
It's what I call stupid Human tricks. We all do them from time to time. THe trick, is to minimize the stupidity level of the trick, witch you did by finding the streach of road you did. IT was still stupid, but not as dumb as it could be.

Like my last escapade... :nono:

03-12-2004, 06:14 AM
James, I am not going to lecture you. We all did stupid things in our past and still do and I am no exception. You had a rush and it felt good, just be carefull and be ready for the consequence. Have fun and be safe.

03-12-2004, 06:56 AM
By god it was fun, but bit by bit I get a little more aware and a little less agressive. It's the same thing I think about when I buy something, or do something to someone that effects them...I should really start applying this to driving...I ask myself:

"If I do this, can I take it back or take it back if it goes horribly wrong, because I know if I don't do a thing, I can always make it happen later"

Or something like that...

After thinking about what Lgetz said last night I'll stick with a few handling mods and I'll get some go quicker stuff when I go to college, have a driving class or two and a little more experience under my belt. Then I'll either have this Marquis or a Marauder (if I go to a smaller place where I don't have to worry as much).

03-12-2004, 07:13 AM
It sounded like a good story.racing on public streets was done at one time or another by everyone on here.i think about it as well (i cant help it).Like when going fast on a small street some little kid runs out between two cars to get a ball or dog or whatever which now i will not do because of these thoughts in my head.so keep up the racing faith and save your $$$for supercharger.yea!!

03-12-2004, 10:43 AM
It sounded like a good story.racing on public streets was done at one time or another by everyone on here.i think about it as well (i cant help it).Like when going fast on a small street some little kid runs out between two cars to get a ball or dog or whatever which now i will not do because of these thoughts in my head.so keep up the racing faith and save your $$$for supercharger.yea!!
As much as the ball and kid thing is repeated, it happens all the time in my neighborhood....

03-12-2004, 04:54 PM
As much as the ball and kid thing is repeated, it happens all the time in my neighborhood....
Yep! When I was a kid we were so poor that we took turns being the ball. I almost got hit twice that way! :lol: