View Full Version : Unnerving a bit

03-12-2004, 06:42 AM
Found this on anouther site.


Chernobyl (http://unbolted.llarian.net/chern/)

2003 MIB
03-12-2004, 07:53 AM
Found this on anouther site.


Chernobyl (http://unbolted.llarian.net/chern/)
Hmm- Marauderville III, Phil?

03-12-2004, 08:11 AM
I don't think it would work for MVIII. Note this sentance on page 4:

"... also their mission was to stop marauders"

Looks like those crazy Rooskies recognize a threat when they see one. :baaa:

03-12-2004, 10:15 AM
That is spooky, MAD-3R.

Makes me think about and feel sorry for all those innocent people who lived (and died) under communism.

I wonder if Putin or anyone else cares or does anything for the survivors.

Dave Compson
03-12-2004, 10:37 AM
wow, kinda reminds me of that tv movie "the day after"

03-12-2004, 01:46 PM
I don't think she or anyone else she knows will be suprized when they tell her she has the Big C....... :lol: :help: :puke: :help:

03-12-2004, 01:53 PM
Chernobyl was the nuke plant gone bad right?

I guess no one should ask her "What's cookin' good lookin'?":help: :D

03-12-2004, 02:00 PM
A site with the history of what happened.


03-12-2004, 02:22 PM
Oh yes yes...I remember watching the tail-end of a show on discovery. Awful sad.

03-12-2004, 03:29 PM
Chernobyl was the nuke plant gone bad right?

I guess no one should ask her "What's cookin' good lookin'?":help: :D

You sir have a way with words :lol::banana2:

03-12-2004, 07:17 PM
In a perfect world, these images would shame anyone who ever admired the Soviet Union in particular or communism in general. I thought the saddest pictures were the ones showing kids' toys and amusement park rides, evidence of lives cut short. :depress:

Not to get too political here, but seeing these images (that are by-products of communism), I am reminded that the hardest thing for liberals to do is to let go of the romantic notion of a state-planned society as the ideal for mankind.

The USSR, Soviet Union, Mother Russia, et cetera, was held up by liberals around the world for YEARS as God's gift to good government, yet has delivered more misery than benefit.

Apologies to all OT's*

*Offence Takers

Thanks again MAD-3R for reminding us.


03-12-2004, 08:12 PM
The USSR, Soviet Union, Mother Russia, et cetera, was held up by liberals around the world for YEARS as God's gift to good government, yet has delivered more misery than benefit.

I think there's an easy answer to this one... honestly!

Here it is:

Human nature.

Think about it, we're programmed to survive, like every other living organism. And many organisms fight to survive by accumulating as much power and/or resources as possible. In our case, that can be taken one step further and called greed. And, unique to our species, let's throw in a dash of laziness to boot.

So let's say someone honestly does have a vision where everyone can live life easier knowing they can 100% count on everyone else to give them a hand in everything they may do. This person envisions a community where activities are shared equally, harvests are shared equally, wealth is shared equally... essentially, one never again has to worry about dealing with a bout of bad luck, because they'll always have that buffer of a 100% supportive community to help them through the rough times, just as they will help support those in need. Nice idea, no?

Now, let's apply this to the human being...

There will be disputes over how the community is run. Eventually, a leader is chosen. That leader, in a position of power, will by human nature want to reap the benefits of his position of power. Eventually, with enough power, the temptation will be there to keep a little something exclusively for himself. If he doesn't do it, someone else will, right?

And there you have it... can we really see the people in power wanting to give up those perks? Of course, they'll do ANYTHING to hang on to that cushy way of life. And when the will of the people is suppressed in order to maintain that status quo, a dictatorship becomes reality. Those wanting to remain in the favour of the rulers will play the game along with them, and reap benefits proportional to their ranking vis à vis the ruling class. After all, it's their way of survival.

So, by definition, communism does not equal dictatorship. Communism PLUS human nature eventually equals dictatorship. No way around it.

03-12-2004, 08:15 PM
I guess no one should ask her "What's cookin' good lookin'?":help: :D

Would it be considered bad taste if I said I thought she was 'hot'? ;)

03-12-2004, 08:19 PM
The USSR, Soviet Union, Mother Russia, et cetera, was held up by liberals around the world for YEARS as God's gift to good government, yet has delivered more misery than benefit

Using that logic, then would it also be true that Three Mile Island is an example of the failure of capitalism? :shake:

Communism as a political system had little to do with Chernobyl. Inferior technology and the domino effect of an inadequate safety plan would be closer to the mark. It could just as easily happen here or in The Great White North.

03-12-2004, 08:30 PM
It could just as easily happen here or in The Great White North.

I would LOVE to see a hydro-electric dam burn down... oh the irony! :lol:

03-12-2004, 10:02 PM
The USSR, Soviet Union, Mother Russia, et cetera, was held up by liberals around the world for YEARS as God's gift to good government, yet has delivered more misery than benefit

Using that logic, then would it also be true that Three Mile Island is an example of the failure of capitalism? :shake:

Communism as a political system had little to do with Chernobyl. Inferior technology and the domino effect of an inadequate safety plan would be closer to the mark. It could just as easily happen here or in The Great White North.

Respectfully Brute I disagree, the Soviet system had hideous problems with its nuclear technology due to appalling workmanship. While workmanship might not always be perfect in non-communist countries market forces will not support vendors and suppliers of services who consistently offer up a complete lack of quality. The Soviet system was totally rife with corruption and bribery. If you dont agree with me read the non-fiction book about the K-19 nuc sub - the first one the soviets built which caused the death of a number of brave young men. The captain of that boat describes the catalogue of disasters in the nuc submarine fleet - all due to botched workmanship - which existed because of the political system there.

03-12-2004, 10:28 PM
And if we thought it was bad then...

Consider that these folks living in either oppressive submission OR being the oppressor are now in the situation where they are free to make or break their own fortunes. So what do they do?

Crime, baby! It's a free-for-all! Woohoo!

It happens in many countries that see decades of oppression followed by sudden blossoming of civil liberty.

Some co-workers of mine spent some time in some of our Russian offices in the mid and late 90s, one of them in Siberia. All came back prematurely, before their contracts were up, unable to endure the backstabbing and anti-social atmosphere that was prevalent. I'm sure it was simply a backlash due to the decades of oppression, but indicative nonetheless of human nature.

03-13-2004, 12:20 AM
Would it be considered bad taste if I said I thought she was 'hot'? ;)
Well she's a little old for me, but whatever lights your fire!:lol:

03-13-2004, 12:23 AM
I would LOVE to see a hydro-electric dam burn down... oh the irony! :lol:
Stuff blowing up in general is awesome! That's why I paid more for good surround sound than some people pay for a car:banned: ;)

Dr Caleb
03-13-2004, 09:36 AM
Respectfully Brute I disagree, the Soviet system had hideous problems with its nuclear technology due to appalling workmanship.

I gotta agree here. Poor workmanship. The Chernyobl design was known that if the cooling system failed, only a catastophic event would be the outcome. As for the Great White North - it can't happen. Candu reactors are designed so that the heavy water is critical to the reaction. If the system fails, the water disappears and the reaction stops. Under the main reactor, there is an explosive charge that if triggered will quickly evacuate the main reactor of water, and cause an instant shutdown.

As for Communism, like all political forms there is an old addage: Under Capitalism, man does unto his fellow man. Under Communism, it's the other way around. :)

03-13-2004, 10:58 AM
As for Communism, like all political forms there is an old addage: Under Capitalism, man does unto his fellow man. Under Communism, it's the other way around. :)
That's a keeper! ;)

03-13-2004, 01:28 PM
Well she's a little old for me, but whatever lights your fire!:lol:

it is the experence you need! :lol: