View Full Version : Back from Louisville

03-15-2004, 11:08 AM
Hey y'all! I drove back from Louisville yesterday in just over 6 hours, including a leisurely lunch. It was a good trip. I was able to see some people that I normally see just once per year.

Anyway, a couple observations:

I passed a couple Marauders heading the opposite way on I-75 but I didn't any in Louisville. However, I saw more Panther cars down there. I never expected to see so many big Fords.

We all love our cars from the drivers seat but seeing it from the outside gives you a thrill too. When we left the restaurant the dozen people we ate with were waiting with me for the valet to bring our cars. Just before I saw my car I knew it was coming because I heard the burble of the exhaust echoing off of the concrete walls of the garage. When the big black car slowly turned the corner I heard someone from another party comment about the "mafioso car". I grinned and tipped the valet. When I buckled in I couldn't resist squeaking the tires a bit.

Give the locals a thrill. :coolman:

03-15-2004, 11:44 AM
I was in Louisville in March of 2002. Nice town, stayed up in the north east sector. What stayed with me through all these years was how waiting in line for up to 2 hours to be seated at a restaurant on a Friday or Saturday evening seemed to be the local pastime.

03-15-2004, 09:57 PM
Hey guys,
Next time you're down this way, give me a holler. I work in Louisville and would be glad to take ya on a $.02 tour.