View Full Version : Movie Thread

05-09-2013, 07:23 PM
With all the movies coming out, post opinions of the ones you've seen. Please do it without spoilers please. I'll start.

Ironman III

I liked it. There were things you didn't see in the first or second movie, and some nods to the comics. Was better than the second one but not the first. It was more character based.

Next up: Star Trek into Darkness...

05-10-2013, 08:21 AM
When it comes to watching films in theater, I am really bad. I am so behind. I finally saw The Avengers for the first time a couple weeks ago. I also watched Thor just before that and I think Thor has been out for a couple years. :(

I usually wait for it to come out on DVD and I'll get movies on Netflix. But some films I'm looking forward to this summer include :

World War Z
Now You See Me
The Kings of Summer
Dirty Wars
Shadow Dancer
This Is the end (simply becuase the trailer made me actually LOL. I tend to stay away from Seth Rogen/Judd Apatow flicks, but this does look pretty funny)
Much Ado About Nothing (Joss Whedon is directing!!!)
White House down ( i didn't see Olympus has Fallen, but white house down is being directed by roland emmerich who brought us Independence Day, Day After Tomorrow, and 2012 so I expect great visual effects and lots of apocalyptic images
Pacific Rim - I'm interested to see how Guillermo del Toro does with a big-budget action flick. You may remember him from Pans Labyrinth
Elysium - directed by Neill Blomkamp the guy who brought us District 9

Once I see these films I'll come back and post my review :)

05-10-2013, 10:04 AM
With all the movies coming out, post opinions of the ones you've seen. Please do it without spoilers please. I'll start...

"42". If you are a baseball fan, you shouldn't miss this one. It is a very good movie with a balance of historical storyline and actual baseball action. I usually get a little antsy at about the 90 minute point in a movie. "42" flows so well that 132 minutes + that it didn't happen this time. Harrison Ford does a great job as Branch Rickey and Chadwick Boseman was a terrific pick for Jackie Robinson. He did as well (or better) as Jackie did in the 1950 original movie.

05-10-2013, 11:03 AM
Nailin' Palin 2

05-10-2013, 12:26 PM
"42". If you are a baseball fan, you shouldn't miss this one. It is a very good movie with a balance of historical storyline and actual baseball action. I usually get a little antsy at about the 90 minute point in a movie. "42" flows so well that 132 minutes + that it didn't happen this time. Harrison Ford does a great job as Branch Rickey and Chadwick Boseman was a terrific pick for Jackie Robinson. He did as well (or better) as Jackie did in the 1950 original movie.

My Wife wants to see this, thanks for the review. Guess I'll hafta take her...

05-10-2013, 12:27 PM
P.S. Doesn't have to be new movies, write about the ones that are older you seen fo rthe first time.

SC Cheesehead
05-17-2013, 07:50 AM
Excellent movie, and IMO, will not disappoint either veterans or newbie "prequil" fans.

A couple minor things that veteran Trekkies would dispute (i.e. Christopher Pike's demise, Spock "senior's" comments about Kahn [he was an Ambassador, not a "field guy", so doubtful they would have crossed paths]), but other than that, definitely good stuff and an excellent story line.

The Bones, Scotty, and Cheov characters are outstanding in their roles. Gotta say, Bones is my favorite with his grouchy demenor and drawl. Scotty's great, too. I really like the Spock character as well, but ain't warming up to the deal with Uhura (must be the Trekkiepurist in me...:o).

Loved the music during the closing credits, definitely brought me back to the day.

Special effects were awesome! Saw it in IMAX 3D with Zack, this was his first 3D movie ad he was blown away.

05-17-2013, 09:09 AM
Last trip to the theater for me with the wifey, we saw Titanic. I won't comment, don't need anyone checking my man card if they don't need to.

05-17-2013, 03:27 PM
Loved Titanic, but I went and saw it(3 times) for the ship. Big Titanic fan. I was actually married on April 14th. The 100th annivesary of the sinking.

Going to see Trek saturday. Gotta say, love the new universe. Am a Trek fan back to TOS and I like the new one ALOT!!!

Mike M
05-17-2013, 04:22 PM
Just seen Star Trek 3D today, it sucked the big weener like the other JJ Abrams Star Trek movie.
If your a real Star Trek fan...look away. If you just want to see a special effects space movie that just happens to use the Star Trek name then go right a head.

Ricardo Montalban must be crying after this one. He was the real Khan!

05-17-2013, 04:29 PM
The new Star Trek stuff is OK but the original stuff and shows were better.

Last movie I saw at the theater was the remake of the Evil Dead. Hated it. Loved the original.

Go to the movies rarely as I protest ridicoulus ticket prices. I love my netflix and DVDs and I can watch in the conveience of my own home.

And these days its not long before its on DVD because hollywood is already working on the next movie like party mix.

05-17-2013, 04:31 PM
~ I saw Hitchcock recently and wasn't as impressed as I thought I might be....
A film about another film left me wanting more.....Stillborn.

~ Saw Life of Pi and absolutely loved it...
The religious undertones were eye opening and spectacular.....Great film.

~ Saw Argo too. The comedy between the old guys was the best part of the whole movie. Another story about an event we've already had had isn't as impressive as best movie of the year honor should be. I think it was over rated and Pi should have won but, oh well, that's just me...


05-17-2013, 06:59 PM
Just seen Star Trek 3D today, it sucked the big weener like the other JJ Abrams Star Trek movie.
If your a real Star Trek fan...look away. If you just want to see a special effects space movie that just happens to use the Star Trek name then go right a head.

Ricardo Montalban must be crying after this one. He was the real Khan!

I gree 100%. You will NEVER better the original. The intensity between Kirk and Khan was awesome. And they never appeared together which was even better. Ricardo rules!!!

cat in the hat
05-17-2013, 07:30 PM
Liked Iron Man 3 a lot. Still don't know why Gwyneth Paltrow always has to wear so many clothes.

The Great Gatsby was pretty good, it could have waited for the aftermarket tho.

I liked Oz the Great and Powerful, but my father saw it with my sister and said it was the worst movie ever made. So there's two different opinions for you, lol.

Mr. Man
05-17-2013, 07:37 PM
Nailin' Palin 2:lol::lol: No comment:D

Haven't seen a movie in a theater since 1993. I saw the Avengers recently and anything with the Hulk is good for me.

Can't remember anything I've seen on Netflix recently that was worth remembering. Maybe Ms. D can shed some lite.

05-17-2013, 07:44 PM
~ I saw Hitchcock recently and wasn't as impressed as I thought I might be....
A film about another film left me wanting more.....Stillborn.

~ Saw Life of Pi and absolutely loved it...
The religious undertones were eye opening and spectacular.....Great film.

~ Saw Argo too. The comedy between the old guys was the best part of the whole movie. Another story about an event we've already had had isn't as impressive as best movie of the year honor should be. I think it was over rated and Pi should have won but, oh well, that's just me...


Agree on Hitchcock. Kinda a let down.

Lif of Pi just doesn't look good to me, but if I can find in Red Box I'll pay $1 to see it.

05-18-2013, 11:24 PM
Went to see ST Into Darkness, and about 50 minutes in the fire alarm went off and we had to evacuate.:mad2: They said they didn't know why it went off but it would take @ 2hrs to get the movies restarted.:shake: They will honor the tickets for up to 7 days, so, we'll try it again tomorrow. But what I saw was really good...:D

05-18-2013, 11:33 PM
Just came back after seeing Ironman 3 in 3D with my son. Not to shabby.

05-19-2013, 07:12 AM
"42". If you are a baseball fan, you shouldn't miss this one. It is a very good movie with a balance of historical storyline and actual baseball action. I usually get a little antsy at about the 90 minute point in a movie. "42" flows so well that 132 minutes + that it didn't happen this time. Harrison Ford does a great job as Branch Rickey and Chadwick Boseman was a terrific pick for Jackie Robinson. He did as well (or better) as Jackie did in the 1950 original movie.Two thumbs up, even though I am not necessarily a baseball fan. It was still an interesting movie.

We've got three old big screen movie theaters in the downtowns of local towns, that have been refurbished, Still $3. I'll spring for that. Surprisingly, only one of them sells out regularly.

05-19-2013, 07:19 AM
Two thumbs up, even though I am not necessarily a baseball fan. It was still an interesting movie.

We've got three old big screen movie theaters in the downtowns of local towns, that have been refurbished, Still $3. I'll spring for that. Surprisingly, only one of them sells out regularly.

Still $3.00 !!! :eek: Its been a long time since I've seen 3 dollar tickets.

When my son and I went to see "42", I bought the tickets @ $19.50 for both of us. He bought the popcorn, drinks and candy. Ha, Ha, Ha ... I made out better than he did.

05-19-2013, 08:50 AM
Still $3.00 !!! :eek: Its been a long time since I've seen 3 dollar tickets.

When my son and I went to see "42", I bought the tickets @ $19.50 for both of us. He bought the popcorn, drinks and candy. Ha, Ha, Ha ... I made out better than he did.It was about another $6 for a huge popcorn and a large drink or two. If we get lucky, sometimes the local newspaper throws in a small popcorn.

Any wonder that we rarely get to the multiplex, don't feel as bad if we doze off duirng the movie. ;)

That used to happen often when I would take my girls to family oriented movies that these theaters are known for. They used to be second run movie houses, but since the refurbishing, have been showing first run movies.

05-19-2013, 09:04 AM
Finally saw Goon last night.

Pretty funny movie.

Sent from my iPhone 4S

DTR + 4.10's + Eaton swap = Wreeeeeeeeeeeeeeedom

05-19-2013, 09:26 PM
Finished Trek...It was a fun movie. I see where the Trekkers could throw eggs. I kinda like the mix up...The puns were good and the nods to the original. I was pleased on Abrams take on this take of an TOS episode that was responsible for the second movie in the original run. Trying not to give anything away...:rolleyes:

05-20-2013, 02:43 AM
Saw the fast 6 promo :) wow that's all I got to say but I will tell you this there is no Marauders in it :(

05-20-2013, 05:25 AM
I gree 100%. You will NEVER better the original. The intensity between Kirk and Khan was awesome. And they never appeared together which was even better. Ricardo rules!!!

WHAT!!!! You must be talking about the movie; 'Wrath of Khan'?

In ST TOS Kirk and Khan were filmed together often. And so far to date all the TOS and NG Star Trek movies were cheesy.

05-20-2013, 11:47 AM
Fast 6

Mad Max Fury Road.

05-20-2013, 03:10 PM
WHAT!!!! You must be talking about the movie; 'Wrath of Khan'?

In ST TOS Kirk and Khan were filmed together often. And so far to date all the TOS and NG Star Trek movies were cheesy.

Yes the movie. They were unique...I enjoyed most of them and own all of them. I just like movies that entertain.

Mad Max Fury Road.
Haven't heard anything about this. When's it coming out???

05-20-2013, 03:36 PM
Christmas or spring next year.

05-20-2013, 03:59 PM
I am a ST fan. I saw both iron man & St in IMAX 3d. I was surprised to find Iron Man more fun.

Also just have to say there is an old movie, Just Visiting. It has no redeeming qualities whatsoever but the middle 50% of the movie had me laughing at the coarse humor more than anything I can remember. = to stooges at some points.

Screen it if you can.

05-20-2013, 06:51 PM
Saw the fast 6 promo :) wow that's all I got to say but I will tell you this there is no Marauders in it :(

with the track record of the FF series I'm surprised you would want them in there. you know they would end up destroying at least like 5 of them. and if they were used in any action scenes driven fast it would have had a LS3 transplanted into the engine bay.

05-21-2013, 07:19 AM
I saw "Oblivion" last week (it was ok). It was $8.25 to get in, then $11.50 for a large plain popcorn and a medium soda. Thats why I quit going to the movies.

05-21-2013, 12:27 PM
Can you say matinee...Theres a new Keystone theater by us that is cheaperacross the board...and they have FRESHLY MADE POPCORN all the time. And you butter it yourself, so that's why my movie going has picked up. The ticket prices are getting outragous. WHich is why I don't do 3D...not worth it.

SC Cheesehead
05-21-2013, 01:05 PM
P.S. Doesn't have to be new movies, write about the ones that are older you seen fo rthe first time.

Any Jack Reacher fans out there?

If so, thoughts on Tom Cruise in the starring role?

05-21-2013, 01:52 PM
Love the Jack Ryan character, but cant' get past Alec Balwin from Red October...like him the best. Definitely not Cruise. Too close to his Mission Imposible character...IMO

SC Cheesehead
05-21-2013, 02:02 PM
Love the Jack Ryan character, but cant' get past Alec Balwin from Red October...like him the best. Definitely not Cruise. Too close to his Mission Imposible character...IMO

I'm thinking Steve Austin, the Rock, or maybe John Cena would make a great Reacher.

05-21-2013, 02:15 PM
WOW, mind playing tricks...I would have bet money the post said Jack Ryan...wheres my pills...:shake:

SC Cheesehead
05-21-2013, 02:36 PM
WOW, mind playing tricks...I would have bet money the post said Jack Ryan...wheres my pills...:shake:

LOL! Harrison Ford makes a great Jack Ryan (or at least he did before he became an O.F.)

05-21-2013, 02:46 PM
Yes, yes...

05-21-2013, 04:48 PM
Any Jack Reacher fans out there?

If so, thoughts on Tom Cruise in the starring role?

Really fun film.

BEST getaway to a car chase ever!

05-28-2013, 03:02 PM
Saw this over the weekend and I liked it. Also saw Last Man Standing with Arnie. I really liked this one. Seen some stuff I've never seen in a movie gun fight. And best of all Arnie doesn't act like ole Sly. He "acts" his age.

06-12-2013, 02:51 PM

Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug

06-27-2013, 07:27 AM
I just finished watching Undefeated (2011). It won the Academy Award for best documentary feature last year and it's pretty clear why.

This is one of the best documentary features I have seen since Marley. The cinema verite is rife with drama and emotion. Think "Friday Night Lights" meets "The Blind Side"

Truly extraordinary piece of filmmaking. I definitely recommend Undefeated!

07-07-2013, 03:16 PM
Went and saw World War Z. Not to spoil anything, but all the good Zombie action is in the trailers. Not a bad movie if they make three more. But not what the trailers make it out to be either.

cat in the hat
07-07-2013, 08:20 PM
Anybody see the "The Lone Ranger" ?

07-07-2013, 09:55 PM
Haven't seen it, but it didn't even make the top 5. Think it made close to $40 million. Did not do well. I'm a fan of The Lone Ranger back when it was black n white and then went to color. May be a Red Box rental...hope this helps...

07-08-2013, 04:48 AM
Haven't seen it, but it didn't even make the top 5. Think it made close to $40 million. Did not do well. I'm a fan of The Lone Ranger back when it was black n white and then went to color. May be a Red Box rental...hope this helps...

You where alive back then.....WOW!!!!

07-08-2013, 02:35 PM
No, but I did watch em on the weekends...:D

07-12-2013, 03:02 PM
Pacific Rim Weekend baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:banana::b anana::banana:

07-12-2013, 04:14 PM
My rant on Star Trek -

I really really wanted to like this. I wanted to like the first one too - and I must admit I don't hate the first one now as much as I did when I first saw it. Maybe this one will grow on me too, but I doubt it will ever come close to the originals.

And to answer your question - yes, in the original WoK, (not the TV show) Kirk and Khan never had a scene in the same room - they were always over video or audio only. And when they filmed it, Shatner and Montalban were always talking to some blank screen with an assistant reading the lines - they didn't record together, either. It added to the brilliance that they could create that much tension between them when the two adversaries never got to appear together.

As far as cheesy goes, there might be a handful of movies out there that, taken out of the decades in which they were written, would hold up anywhere at anytime. Butch and Sundance comes to mind (rewriting the ending to the story included).

Cheesy? Can anyone say "screen flares?" Maybe you can tune them out - they are really annoying to me in both ST movies Abrams made.

Cheesy - the young Kirk scene with the Mustang? (not sure what car it was) in the first film was both totally unnecessary and ridiculous. Same thing with the aliens in the first part of the 2nd movie. Stupid plot that never would have happened and doesn't even make sense from a storyline point of view. I can't say more without spoilers.

Abrams plot couldn't be farther from true ST lore (except the parts he stole from the original WoK and reversed them - how, uh, clever? M.Knight wants his twist back.) Star Trek is not supposed to be Star Wars and yet that is all Abrams apparently can write. Star Trek episodes were almost always a thinking man's game, not a slugfest.

Abrams wanted more action to attract younger viewers - he pretty much said so in interviews. Thing is, ST was never about being an action genre.

The character development really shows when you take them away from the ship, torpedoes and phasers. I'll take any of the previous series/movies (even that crappy Enterprise series) over this one because they didn't/couldn't rely on SPFX and explosions all the time. Yes, even Star Trek 5. [retching] Even "Insurrection."

Are the new movies bad? No. But they aren't real ST either.

Iron Man III on the other hand was very well done up until the ending ("yeah I don't need armor anymore - pfft. Whatever." - no real spoiler there). They took time to develop the character away from the suit - something a comic book story would have done. Very nice.

Saw IM3 and ST on the same day and felt that IM3 was the much better of the two.

WHAT!!!! You must be talking about the movie; 'Wrath of Khan'?

In ST TOS Kirk and Khan were filmed together often. And so far to date all the TOS and NG Star Trek movies were cheesy.

07-12-2013, 04:15 PM
I want to see this one too. Not expecting a plot, but it isn't trying to persuade us they have one, either. ;)

Pacific Rim Weekend baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:banana::b anana::banana:

07-12-2013, 05:53 PM
I'll agree with the flares in the second movie were over done. But the first go around was ok. They have dumbed down the franchise unfortunately. But they kind of had to. The original way of doing trek was bringing it to an end. But that was only part. The other part was the people in charge were doing everything over an over again. You talk about character development, Next Gen had it for the main three but not really the rest. DS9 had the most development of all series but usually is the most ignored. Remember, ST got it's rebirth because of the Star Wars. I was a fan of all the old, but even I got tired of all the technobabble. They NEED to stcik with the fomula that ST:II had. Solid characters, nice solid vilian, suspense, anticipation and action mixed in. Sometimes less is more. THe whole thing about the aliens at the beginning was to establish Kirk's flaw. This one was a worthy follow up to the first, but they do need to ground it alittle bit more. It's like they're trying too hard to make it waht everybody wants...Plus the mases don't seem to want to think, they just want to be shown...

07-12-2013, 05:54 PM
I want to see this one too. Not expecting a plot, but it isn't trying to persuade us they have one, either. ;)
Reviews have been pretty good on this movie...surprisingly...

cat in the hat
07-12-2013, 05:55 PM
Pacific Rim Weekend baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:banana::b anana::banana:

Want to see this !

Saw "Lone Ranger," meh. :down:

07-12-2013, 09:19 PM
I kind figured the Lone Ranger would tank...

cat in the hat
07-12-2013, 09:27 PM
I kind figured the Lone Ranger would tank...

Depp was pretty good, but the rest of it was an absolute mess.

07-13-2013, 10:11 PM
Went and saw Pacific Rim. Very entertaining. Wasn't really based in reality like most movies now. It was the way I saw Godzilla as a kid, and how I wish it was when I rewatch those movies...(Big Godzilla fan, only missing 2-3 of his movies). My only complain is there should have been more destruction...:rolleyes:...:D

07-14-2013, 07:11 AM
Went and saw Pacific Rim. Very entertaining. Wasn't really based in reality like most movies now. It was the way I saw Godzilla as a kid, and how I wish it was when I rewatch those movies...(Big Godzilla fan, only missing 2-3 of his movies). My only complain is there should have been more destruction...:rolleyes:...:D

Original Godzilla or the new version?

07-14-2013, 10:55 AM
What newer version???;) Original for me. Wasn't a big fan of the Jurassic Park Godzilla remake...

SC Cheesehead
07-14-2013, 03:11 PM
Gonna go see Pacific Rim this evening, will report back in a couple hours.

07-14-2013, 06:17 PM
Your gonna have fun watching it...

SC Cheesehead
07-14-2013, 07:20 PM
Gonna go see Pacific Rim this evening, will report back in a couple hours.

Your gonna have fun watching it...

Went and saw Pacific Rim. Very entertaining. Wasn't really based in reality like most movies now. It was the way I saw Godzilla as a kid, and how I wish it was when I rewatch those movies...(Big Godzilla fan, only missing 2-3 of his movies). My only complain is there should have been more destruction...:rolleyes:...:D

Yeah, not enough havoc with screaming mobs running in terror, and no obligatory scenes with of innocent victims being wantonly crushed as the creature(s) crash unimpeded through large metropolitan areas...;)

Light on plot, but lots of action; like you said, brought back memories of the old Godzilla movies.

07-15-2013, 04:20 AM
What newer version???;) Original for me. Wasn't a big fan of the Jurassic Park Godzilla remake...

Was Raymond Burr in it or Mathew Broderick in it?

And it is the original or unimproved version.

07-15-2013, 01:09 PM
I have the original one both unmodified and with Raymond Burr. Not a big fan of that one or the King Kong vs G either. I like the first series that went from 69-75. Then there are late ones that started back up with Godzilla 1985 and went thru to 96. Then started back up, when the american Godzilla failed, in 2000 and went till 2005, Godzilla: Final Wars which was his 50th Annivesary film. The later ones have the "best" special effects. There is still a guy in a suit but a full CG Godzilla was used a couple of times. If your a fan, like me, they are worth checking out. Plus, Toho is gearing up to start up the series again. Sorry for the rant...

07-15-2013, 08:13 PM
Saw DESPICABLE ME2 tonight. Well worth the $4 tix. Especially enjoyed the little kids giggling to the movie too.

07-15-2013, 09:11 PM
I like the little yellow guys...

07-20-2013, 09:55 PM
Rented Identity Thief with Jason Bateman. Pretty good.

Need help. Also rented Cloud Atlas with Tom Hanks and Halle Berry...can someone explain to me what it was about...I have no clue....

07-20-2013, 10:10 PM
Need help. Also rented Cloud Atlas with Tom Hanks and Halle Berry...can someone explain to me what it was about...I have no clue....

Good luck with that. Cloud Atlas is like Dune. If you haven't read the book you won't understand it
sent from a Samsung Galaxy far far away...

07-20-2013, 10:23 PM
That explains it...had the same problem with Dune too...

cat in the hat
07-21-2013, 12:54 PM
I heard that Paramount was in production on a new Dune two years ago, but so far nothing . . . after that crappy David Lynch version, I'd be psyched for something good.

07-22-2013, 12:38 AM
The originals had potential...lot of cool stuff on screen...just difficult to follow...or maybe it was just me since I was just a weeee lad when I first seant them...:lol:

07-22-2013, 05:22 AM
I heard that Paramount was in production on a new Dune two years ago, but so far nothing . . . after that crappy David Lynch version, I'd be psyched for something good.

Wasn't there a Dune mini-series about 10 yrs ago? I never saw it

sent from a Samsung Galaxy far far away...

07-22-2013, 07:10 AM
Wasn't there a Dune mini-series about 10 yrs ago? I never saw it

sent from a Samsung Galaxy far far away...

Yes, the last time was in 2003, it was 3 episodes long. Or short.

This review comes for the first part of the Children of Dune miniseries, which is actually the adaptation of Dune Messiah. And after viewing this hour-and-a-half rendition, I must say I'm immensely pleased and impressed. It's every bit as compelling as the Dune miniseries was, and from a technical viewpoint, is actually far superior. The production design, the special effects, the cinematography are all a distinct improvement over both the original miniseries and the David Lynch disaster. <----some nerd wrote that on IMDb, I copied it for your viewing pleasure.

12-10-2013, 05:30 PM

2014 is Godzilla's 60th Anniversary...and we get this!!!:D:banana: