View Full Version : Any Detroit Lions fans out there?

05-14-2013, 04:17 PM
Here's an additional reason to like the Lions. They just signed Freddie Bishop from WMU, and he drives a Marauder!

05-14-2013, 06:14 PM
Here's an additional reason to like the Lions. They just signed Freddie Bishop from WMU, and he drives a Marauder!

He might drive a Marauder, but if I recall, most Lions drives stalled

The Minnesota Vikings

The Ice Bucket Approves of this message

05-14-2013, 06:32 PM
didn't know the lions had any fans since barry sanders retired. i think peope just go there to see the other teams :D

beantown mm
05-14-2013, 06:43 PM
Found some ,,,,,,

http://cdn0.sbnation.com/imported_assets/257394/medium_lions_20fan_medium.jpg (http://cdn1.sbnation.com/imported_assets/257394/medium_lions_20fan.jpg)http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSsqCpTFDFyU 4Lk7Q9m7f64uaaqm0xkQuQq6hu3LSg UpDr0R8fxEw

05-14-2013, 06:58 PM
Found some ,,,,,,

http://cdn0.sbnation.com/imported_assets/257394/medium_lions_20fan_medium.jpg (http://cdn1.sbnation.com/imported_assets/257394/medium_lions_20fan.jpg)http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSsqCpTFDFyU 4Lk7Q9m7f64uaaqm0xkQuQq6hu3LSg UpDr0R8fxEw

Takes gutts to be a Lions fan.

Mr. Man
05-14-2013, 07:21 PM
http://sports-memes.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/733845_511942405519119_1351485 591_n.jpg (http://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&frm=1&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&docid=hskGz0mRIEfo0M&tbnid=f9Y3WuCs_plXuM:&ved=0CAUQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fsports-memes.com%2Ftag%2Fdetroit-lions-suck-memes%2F&ei=2vCSUbTQBOnD0AGX8IHwBg&bvm=bv.46471029,d.dmQ&psig=AFQjCNG6_91dJQ9d2PmXxBhh3 YvcAYqp-A&ust=1368670729747691)


SC Cheesehead
05-14-2013, 07:36 PM
kirk, I'm a BIG Lions fan.

Anytime they play the Bears or the Vikings... ;)

05-14-2013, 07:43 PM
Here's an additional reason to like the Lions. They just signed Freddie Bishop from WMU, and he drives a Marauder!

That's pretty awesome, still not a fan of the team

didn't know the lions had any fans since barry sanders retired. i think peope just go there to see the other teams :D


P.S. Go Cowboys!

05-14-2013, 07:45 PM
didn't know the lions had any fans since barry sanders retired. i think peope just go there to see the other teams :D

They didn't have any Lions fans when he was playing, they had Sanders fans. Much more loyal crowd and they were rewarded more often because Barry was the man

The Ice Bucket Approves of this message

05-14-2013, 07:51 PM
this was an old video clip but seems to hold true year after year

detroit lions mentoring program:


watch it^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

SC Cheesehead
05-15-2013, 03:10 AM
Takes gutts to be a Lions fan.

Yup, only one thing tougher than being a Lions fan, and that's being a Vikings fan, enso, Brad? ;)

http://www.rottenecards.com/ecards/rottenecard_24101144_sz7vfdh2z 3.png

05-15-2013, 03:55 AM
Yup, only one thing tougher than being a Lions fan, and that's being a Vikings fan, enso, Brad? ;)

http://www.rottenecards.com/ecards/rottenecard_24101144_sz7vfdh2z 3.png

:lol: that was funny! :lol::bows:

05-15-2013, 04:34 AM
didn't know the lions had any fans since barry sanders retired. i think peope just go there to see the other teams :D

Calvin Johnson, nicknamed Megatron, :beer:

05-15-2013, 04:44 AM
Yup, only one thing tougher than being a Lions fan, and that's being a Vikings fan, enso, Brad? ;)

http://www.rottenecards.com/ecards/rottenecard_24101144_sz7vfdh2z 3.png

:rofl: Jocularity :rofl:

05-15-2013, 06:24 AM
Calvin Johnson, nicknamed Megatron, :beer:

oh yeah, i've heard of that guy. something about being on the cover of said xbox game:beer:

sorry, i have lost all hope on the lions since the barry days. until the ford's sell that team the lions fate seems to be etched in stone. it takes a team to win and that they are not willing to pay for.

that youtube video is closer to the truth than anything i can come up with;)

05-15-2013, 07:32 AM
I root for Titas Young, my pool says he has 5 more arrests within the next week

The Ice Bucket Approves of this message

05-15-2013, 11:06 AM
Not sure if this still goes on, but during the season if you got pulled over by the DPD they would give you tickets to the Lions games. Any subsequent offenses and the actually made you go to the game. :lol:

Trevor M
05-15-2013, 11:19 AM
I go to Western Michigan and ive had a couple nice talks with Freddie and his car!!!! Hes taken me for a couple rides. Its a real clean car and he's a great guy!

SC Cheesehead
05-15-2013, 12:02 PM
Not sure if this still goes on, but during the season if you got pulled over by the DPD they would give you tickets to the Lions games. Any subsequent offenses and the actually made you go to the game. :lol:

:rofl: JOCULARITY! :rofl:

05-15-2013, 02:16 PM
Not sure if this still goes on, but during the season if you got pulled over by the DPD they would give you tickets to the Lions games. Any subsequent offenses and the actually made you go to the game. :lol:

that good stuff :lol:
i'll be on my best behavior come football season;)

SC Cheesehead
05-16-2013, 08:19 AM
The three bears had been having some trouble recently and ended up in family court. Mama and Papa Bear were splitting up, and Baby Bear had to decide who he was going to live with. So, the judge wanted to talk to Baby Bear to see what he thought about living with either of his parents.

When he asked Baby Bear about living with his father, Baby Bear said, "No, I can't live with Papa Bear. He beats me terribly."

"OK," said the judge, "then you want to live with your mother, right?"

"No way!" replied Baby Bear. "She beats me worse than Papa Bear does."

The judge was a bit confused by this and didn't quite know what to do. "Well, you have to live with someone, so is there another relative you would like to stay with?" asked the judge.

"Yes," answered Baby Bear, "my aunt Bertha Bear, who lives in Chicago."

"You're sure she will treat you well and won't beat you?" asked the judge.

"Oh, definitely," said Baby Bear. "The Chicago Bears don't beat anybody."