View Full Version : Howard Stern

03-16-2004, 04:42 PM
I love listening to howard every morning as i am sure that some of you do to .well this is for those that enjoy his company in the morning or if you feel that clear channel S**** or does like the fact of the censorship.go here and voice your opinion.Like i did..if not please disreguard this post..


03-16-2004, 05:02 PM

03-16-2004, 05:15 PM
So uh...petrograde's opinion is...?:lol:

03-16-2004, 05:19 PM
So uh...petrograde's opinion is...?:lol:

:lol: I guess you're not a listener Woa. I listened to him when I was living in Cleveland,...when I was about your age. I loved his show. I only got to listen to him when I was home on leave from the Army. I miss the show, and it seems I won't be ableto hear him again. :down:


03-16-2004, 05:30 PM
This has to do with the the Federal Communications act of 1934. We are going into a conservite curve. Deal with it. :lol:

03-16-2004, 05:33 PM
I don't think Woa would understand the show. :D Howard is over reacting to the whole censorship issue. He even has Rush basically on his side. Free speech has been censored already by the McCane/Feingold bill on Election reform. Heaven help you if you criticize your opponent 30/60 days before an election.
By the way, I am glad that Stuttering John is gone. What a dumba$$.

03-16-2004, 05:47 PM
Don't tell me Howie drives a Marauder...No way!

03-16-2004, 05:51 PM
He even has Rush basically on his side. QUOTE]

HELL HATH FROZEN OVER!!!!!!!!!! :lol:

03-16-2004, 05:52 PM
Don't tell me Howie drive a Marauder...
If he did I would be the FIRST to sell mine!:uzi:

Sometimes :censor: can be a good thing:D

03-16-2004, 05:59 PM
Censorship sucks. And everyone behind this movement does as well.

Our local radio station had a contest for the best all time rock-n-roll album. Took all week to vote and gather opinions. On friday it was announced that Pink Floyd 'Dark Side of the Moon' was the winner. It was also announced that they could not play the album in it's entirety because the song 'Money' has a word buried in it that is unacceptable after 35 years of air time. The station and the DJ fear massive penalties from our so called government.

Voice your opinions, let the man know, we won't tolerate censorship in America, and we won't tolerate an FCC that creates policies on the fly-on THEIR opinion, and a president that tells the population what is right, and what is wrong for the free America.:down:

Think before you vote this year folks, is this your life, tour America, or his?

Baba Booey.

03-16-2004, 06:05 PM
Censorship sucks. And everyone behind this movement does as well.
Amen Brutha! :rasta:

If you don't like it,.. tune into your $h!tPop station and let me listen to what ever the hell I want to listen to. :bounce:


03-16-2004, 06:07 PM
Hey Now!

I am a sporadic Stern listener......I watch his E show more than anything....because I marvel and some of the stupidity....

Bottom line...if you don't like him or Rush or Hannity or even the upcoming Al Franken (Oy vey!).....turn the dial......

The US is so uptight about broadcasting compared to everywhere else in the world.....

When I have enough of the stupidity...I change the channel....now I will have an alternative for the stupidity....Al Franken.... :shake:

03-16-2004, 06:14 PM
....now I will have an alternative for the stupidity.... :shake:
= British Virgin Islands and a change of citizenship. Sad, but a likely alternative if things continue to go down hill. I'm here to have fun, not be a Bolshevic.

03-16-2004, 06:17 PM
= British Virgin Islands and a change of citizenship. Sad, but a likely alternative if things continue to go down hill. I'm here to have fun, not be a Bolshevic.

wow,... would you have to become a Brit? hmmm..... they have helicopters there to work on,....

baba booey!

03-16-2004, 06:25 PM
I've listened to him once or twice...it didn't really float my boat. So yes I understand it:flamer:

As for censorship...it's a tough issue for me (ha, suprise! I'm just not completely sure where I want to go on this one) I think society as a whole should work against it in the sense of not buying into demoralizing crap. A free market censorship if you will. Above 18-21 years of age deals are good too. When it comes to radio and tv, I think we should be a lot more careful as to what goes on there in the sense of who is listening/watching and when. But if it's a purchase thing...let it go to the adults and adults only. Kids need better things to come home to other than MTV (:DSpeedvision! haha). No but really...a book or something...you know, kids need a hobby or four:beer:

03-16-2004, 06:33 PM
OK Woa,...

I can only meet ya half-way here. I'm against censorship. I'll be a Dad in September. I will raise my child,... not the television.

It shouldn't be left to a board of 'suits' what I should watch or listen to.

I'm fully capable of making that decision for myself, and my kids. I don't need or want some so-called 'moral majority' telling ME what's offensive! Personally,.. I find that much more offensive than Janet Jackson's boob.


03-16-2004, 06:45 PM
Free speech, the right to say anything... anytime...any place...to anyone...no boundaries....no rules... no laws....if it feels good do it....live and let live...everything is ok as long as it feels good...nothing is wrong...except for...censorship.

03-16-2004, 07:04 PM
OK Woa,...

I can only meet ya half-way here. I'm against censorship. I'll be a Dad in September. I will raise my child,... not the television.

It shouldn't be left to a board of 'suits' what I should watch or listen to.

I'm fully capable of making that decision for myself, and my kids. I don't need or want some so-called 'moral majority' telling ME what's offensive! Personally,.. I find that much more offensive than Janet Jackson's boob.

That I'm cool with! And I feel the same...either there's something not moral enough, or it's a little too moral, there's often a nice median:D

But honestly, without some sort of moral base (just something...some sort of way to say "that's just not right"), humans are just animals...sick and savage animals:help:

Ok, I just bought my first copy of Muscle Mustangs and Fast Fords...I'm going to go read:rasta: :beatnik:

03-16-2004, 07:07 PM
Howard Stern I can live without. The few times I have listened to him I had to turn him off, too much whining. But, that is my right just as it is your right to listen to that snivling idiot.

Cenorship is wrong, but we can not just let anything be said at anytime. No matter what somebody is going to be offended somewhere. Still eveyone has rights as long as it does not infringe on somone elses rights. Where do you draw the line? That's why we vote the idiot politicans into power, because they are suppose to represent the people. Ok are you laughing yet?

So whether you agree with Howard or not, I for one am glad somebody is finally shutting him up.

03-16-2004, 07:08 PM
wow,... would you have to become a Brit?
Hey Now!

Not a brit man, an Antiguan!:rasta:

03-16-2004, 07:15 PM
..... I for one am glad somebody is finally shutting him up.I don't care what happens to Howard...but....

THEY are not just shutting up Howard, they are slowly shutting ALL of us up.
I realize it's hard to fathom, but so was prohibition. But then again, that was all about the money as well.

03-16-2004, 07:16 PM
howard drives a A8 Audi. and i love robbins Hooters :rock:

03-16-2004, 08:57 PM
Howard Stern I can live without. The few times I have listened to him I had to turn him off, too much whining. But, that is my right just as it is your right to listen to that snivling idiot.

Cenorship is wrong, but we can not just let anything be said at anytime. No matter what somebody is going to be offended somewhere. Still eveyone has rights as long as it does not infringe on somone elses rights. Where do you draw the line? That's why we vote the idiot politicans into power, because they are suppose to represent the people. Ok are you laughing yet?

So whether you agree with Howard or not, I for one am glad somebody is finally shutting him up.

Well put Sir!

:beer: is on me:)

03-16-2004, 09:24 PM
they are slowly shutting ALL of us up.
I realize it's hard to fathom, but so was prohibition. But then again, that was all about the money as well.

Well put barry a smart thinker:up: .it's not just about howard it's all about freedom of speech what is in the constitution that the government are trying to take away from people.did you elect these people to take your right away from you ? if so then you deserve it but why should those who did not have to sit back and have this forced on them.don't be ignorent to to your right as an american.FIGHT:uzi: !!!!or sit back in your own little world and hope it goes away..

Dave Compson
03-17-2004, 03:17 AM
I honestly think we as americans are too uptight. Lets get with the rest of the world and lighten up, take responsibility for own actions and start watching our kids!

03-17-2004, 03:31 AM
Yeah Dave, but that's where the problem lies. You said the magic word. "Responsibility"....because the real problem is that everybody is sooooo quick to talk about what their "rights" are, and what their rights should be, or are supposed to be, but the majority in our society (celebrities as well as plain ole folks ) never cares about nor mentions anything about "Responsibilities" and being "Responsible" while we are exercising our rights.

And the bottom line is, with rights comes responsibility. I'm not in favor of our government being sooooo BIG and powerful like it has become(which is another serious problem wether the government is Republican, Democrat or whatever, it's just too BIG) but aside from that, the fact is that the more that people show a lack of responsibilty while they're exercising their "rights" then the more they actually hurt our cause for having and keeping those rights in the longrun. They ruin it for all of us. And that's what the majority of our society needs to get into their thick skulls and let it sink in. Problem is, they don't.

Paul T. Casey
03-17-2004, 05:17 AM
Pretty much what Haggis and Gman said. You may chuckle at Mr. Stern, but do you want your 13 year old daughter to live his style of life?

03-17-2004, 05:47 AM
Yeah Dave, but that's where the problem lies. You said the magic word. "Responsibility"....because the real problem is that everybody is sooooo quick to talk about what their "rights" are, and what their rights should be, or are supposed to be, but the majority in our society (celebrities as well as plain ole folks ) never cares about nor mentions anything about "Responsibilities" and being "Responsible" while we are exercising our rights...

Right on Billy. The problem is people do not want to be responsible for their actions. And until people start taking responsibilty for their actions the Moral fanatics will do want they can to censor what they do not want us to hear. So, the only way to stop censorship is to make the people more responsible for their actions. One way to do this is to shut up people like Howard Stern and to force them to be more responsible for their actions.

Example: Bertuzzi was suspended and fined for blind siding Moore in the Hockey game. He was made responsible for his actions, he was in all rights censored from playing hockey do to his actions.

03-17-2004, 06:06 AM
Ummmm, Howard Who???

Macon Marauder
03-17-2004, 06:09 AM
Never listened to Howard, but have watched the TV show. Can take it or leave it. IMO this isn't censorship; the government is not shutting him down. The broadcasters are because they're afraid of what the government might do.

03-17-2004, 06:28 AM
Free speech, the right to say anything... anytime...any place...to anyone...no boundaries....no rules... no laws....if it feels good do it....live and let live...everything is ok as long as it feels good...nothing is wrong...except for...censorship.
Totally free speech has never been the case in the USA. There was a reply mentioning the ridiculous and abominable McCain/Feingold act that was dead on also.
As for Howard, I've been a fan for years and I think Artie is a whole lot funnier than Jackie ever was, but the rules are the rules. The public owns the airwaves here in America, I being part of that public am glad they are regulated. You don't have a "right" to hear whoever you want to hear, that is a function of economics. There is no "vast right wing conspiracy" trying to prevent you. There is no censorship on Cable TV or satellite radio because these are pay services, Howard is close to inking a deal with Satellite radio and the problem is solved. I for one like to choose whether or not and when I watch or listen to material of questionable moral value and prefer to keep it that way,That is what freedom of choice is all about. As for JJ's boob, was I offended? no. Do I think it caused irreparable to anyone? no. Do I think that there should be nudity in primetime on network TV? no. There are alot of celebrities I would like to see naked but not when I'm watching a football game with the kids.
just my 2 cents.

03-17-2004, 06:36 AM
Our local radio station had a contest for the best all time rock-n-roll album. Took all week to vote and gather opinions. On friday it was announced that Pink Floyd 'Dark Side of the Moon' was the winner. It was also announced that they could not play the album in it's entirety because the song 'Money' has a word buried in it that is unacceptable after 35 years of air time. The station and the DJ fear massive penalties from our so called government..
That truly is a crime. I grew UP with Pink FLoyd and cannot believe that it has come to this. I agree there are lines that, OMHO, have been crossed and need fixed. But I firmly believe that the "seven dirty words" is a little outdated and when used in an artistic form such as "Money", that they can be acceptable. Ok, at least a few of them!


03-17-2004, 07:00 AM
Never listened to Howard, but have watched the TV show. Can take it or leave it. IMO this isn't censorship; the government is not shutting him down. The broadcasters are because they're afraid of what the government might do.

Avery good point. I think that you pretty much put it into perspective w/that statement as far as what has happened. The media, DJ,s, show hosts, and announcers want to blow it out of proportion, and try to get the public on their side so that perhaps they can bend things their way so that they do NOT have to ever be responsible NOR accountable for their actions and words. But it's about time that they were accountable.

Each one of us has to be accountable when we're on the job at our places of employment. So why should all of these talking heads be exempt from accountability??? Are they above us simply because they're in the entertainment industry???

03-17-2004, 07:28 AM
Speaking somewhat professionally on this subject --

The best parent in the world cannot watch their child 100% of the time. I would argue that they can't even watch them 50% of the time.

There needs to be a minimum standard of behavior set in public (key words: in public). There needs to be a minimum level of morality governed where kids are concerned. Example - you wouldn't want an adult "bookstore" or strip club down the street from your kids' schools. There are too many potential problems there, which is why most areas have restrictions on this type of thing.

Howard Stern has his place. I would argue it's in the sewer, but it's not up to me. I don't believe it's something I will want my new daughter to listen to until she is of a certain age and can make those decisions for herself.

Kids absorb everything around them. There needs to be a limit on what they are allowed to absorb. Kids are by their very nature stupid and impulsive - it's part of being a kid (name someone here who didn't do something stupid - or many somethings - when they were younger and I will concede but you know it's impossible).

Let Howard Stern thrive somewhere other than the public airwaves. Subscription service is more controlled so that's an idea - and he might even make more money, which is all this is about. I think this is nothing more than a publicity stunt on HS's part, designed to rebolster support for his show.

Placing his whining under the banner of "anti-censorship" is an insult to those of us who understand what censorship is really for.


03-17-2004, 07:50 AM
Speaking somewhat professionally on this subject --

The best parent in the world cannot watch their child 100% of the time. I would argue that they can't even watch them 50% of the time.You can watch a lot more than you can enforce IMO...there's a fine line.;)

There needs to be a minimum standard of behavior set in public (key words: in public). There needs to be a minimum level of morality governed where kids are concerned. Example - you wouldn't want an "bookstore" or down the street from your kids' schools. There are too many potential problems there, which is why most areas have restrictions on this type of thing.

Howard Stern has his place. I would argue it's in the sewer, but it's not up to me. I don't believe it's something I will want my new daughter to listen to until she is of a certain age and can make those decisions for herself.

Kids absorb everything around them. There needs to be a limit on what they are allowed to absorb. This is true, it's not an in the moment this is bad because he's not on the air now issue...there's a future out there that needs to be watched.

Kids are by their very nature stupid and impulsive - it's part of being a kid (name someone here who didn't do something stupid - or many somethings - when they were younger and I will concede but you know it's impossible). I haven't done a d**n thing stupid ever...ya'll need to straighten up and act like me...in church all the time!:D

Let Howard Stern thrive somewhere other than the public airwaves. Subscription service is more controlled so that's an idea - and he might even make more money, which is all this is about. I think this is nothing more than a publicity stunt on HS's part, designed to rebolster support for his show.Placing his whining under the banner of "anti-censorship" is an insult to those of us who understand what censorship is really for.

-AAndrew wrote his piece well (and I'm going to dwell on the gramatics of that all day...)

On a final note, I think many conservatives have the idea that people buy into this stuff, and are so accepting of it, and don't watch their children enough BECAUSE they were educated by it. Without a different background or something else to look for, or look up to, people find this to be the ultimate truth. This is why (IMO) moralists push God over Industry...not a bad idea as far as I'm concerned.

But where do you draw the line? Plenty of people are accepting of this without their lives, or their childrens lives being ruined. Like drinking alcohol, some people know their limits, and some people don't. But government need to becareful and at least set a limit as to how far people can go, and society needs to be way more educated so they can know when their government isn't doing enough, or is pushing things way to hard.

As for responsibility....it's goes...if you eat too many :censor: french fries, it's YOUR fault not McDonalds.

03-17-2004, 08:18 AM
OK Woa - here's one for ya'. :)

Using the McDonald's reference --

Set in front of every child at every meal all the junk food they could possibly ever eat, and then say it's up to parents to keep them from eating it, even when they are not around.

That's what placing Stern's show on the public dial does. There's no limit. Kids aren't mature enough to make good choices for themselves, which is exactly why we need these limitations in place. They aren't for adults, and we need to suck it up and accept some limitations in the name of those who need them.

I would be interested to know how many parents on this board think Howard Stern's show is acceptable for young children to hear (or watch on TV).


Mark McQuaide
03-17-2004, 10:27 AM
I would be interested to know how many parents on this board think Howard Stern's show is acceptable for young children to hear (or watch on TV).


Well I'm a parent and I'm definitely not comfortable with Howard on in the car with my kids. Nor would I be thrilled with my daughter being exploited by Howard for his ratings, which is what he does to so many young women.

Howard has a lot of people whipped up into a "censorship" frenzy and it's all BS. I'll try to keep this simple -- We have standards for what can go out over public airwaves. These standards came about as a result of a democratic process. Howard voilates the standards and has to pay a price. If you don't like it, write your congressman.

And BTW, it's CONGRESS, both Demo and Repub, that are going after Howard and the like - not Bush.

My 2c.

Dave Compson
03-17-2004, 10:58 AM
Responsibility is a thing people apparently have forgotten. Its too bad. I agree with the majority of you all when i say stern is not living a life i would want my 13 year old to, but i should be a responsible parent and try to control what she listens to.

03-17-2004, 11:34 AM
Tru dat, tru dat....:P :D ;)

03-17-2004, 02:40 PM
Well I'm a parent and I'm definitely not comfortable with Howard on in the car with my kids. Nor would I be thrilled with my daughter being exploited by Howard for his ratings, which is what he does to so many young women.

Howard has a lot of people whipped up into a "censorship" frenzy and it's all BS. I'll try to keep this simple -- We have standards for what can go out over public airwaves. These standards came about as a result of a democratic process. Howard voilates the standards and has to pay a price. .

And BTW, it's CONGRESS, both Demo and Repub, that are going after Howard and the like - not Bush..

Yes, good point.

And BTW, I cannot belive that in reference to my "responsibility" statements, someone has brought up eating at McDonalds as being a lack of responsibility. Is that the only thing you can think of when it comes to being a responsible citizen? What food you ingest? You see what I mean about responsibility, and the lack thereof? I rest my case.

03-17-2004, 02:42 PM
Can we all take a whack at Religion when this thread has run its course?


03-17-2004, 02:46 PM
Can we all take a whack at Religion when this thread has run its course?


you trouble maker...........but, wait a minute, maybe some view me as a trouble maker too.......

03-17-2004, 02:51 PM

I was waiting for the 'R' word!

I think we've made great progress here. Perhaps MM.NET as the next libertarian party.

UH,HUH,HUH...he said 'party':rasta:

03-17-2004, 03:21 PM
And BTW, I cannot belive that in reference to my "responsibility" statements, someone has brought up eating at McDonalds as being a lack of responsibility. Is that the only thing you can think of when it comes to being a responsible citizen? What food you ingest? You see what I mean about responsibility, and the lack thereof? I rest my case.
If you've been following the news, you'd know that the House or Reps just passed a bill basically saying that people can't sue fast food places if they have health problems due to their unhealthy diets (when they say it's caused by McDonalds or such).

It was just a small point in refrence to responsibility...I just thought I'd mention it, showing I'm up to date with current events;)

03-17-2004, 03:22 PM
Hey Now!

Not a brit man, an Antiguan!:rasta:
Hence the screen name?:D :rock:

03-17-2004, 03:33 PM
Hence the screen name?:D :rock:
Heck yeah!

It's atough call though...Barbadoan, St. Lucian, Grenadian....so many islands...so little time mon!:rasta:

03-17-2004, 03:38 PM

I've always wanted to go around that way...and all I ever see of it is from the travel channel!:lol:

I swear, of the few things I absolutly have to do before I die, it's see the Carribean and Hawaii...and I'd be a happy little feller:D

Mark McQuaide
03-17-2004, 03:57 PM
Can we all take a whack at Religion when this thread has run its course?


Hey, I can't believe the thread isn't locked yet. And we all know MY religion is the ONE TRUE religion....:D :D :D

03-17-2004, 11:30 PM
I don't care what happens to Howard...but....

THEY are not just shutting up Howard, they are slowly shutting ALL of us up.
I realize it's hard to fathom, but so was prohibition. But then again, that was all about the money as well.:stupid: If people are offended by Howard S. simply switch dials or flip the channel or turn it the :censor: off.

Donny Carlson
03-18-2004, 04:25 PM
Don't tell me Howie drives a Marauder...No way!He bought a new Audi A8 last fall. Second choice was a Caddie. I don't think he's a 2% er ;)

He lives in Manhatten, which means he pays more a month to park his A8 than I pay in car payments. Way more.:help:

03-18-2004, 05:09 PM
I don't think things should be censored but it is there because some people just can't behave responsibly. Like what was said earlier, it's kinda like sitting down to watch the super bowl and someone shows their knockers. My initial thought was "Way to go Janet" but when I really thought about it I would have been really pissed if I had kids watching with me. And I can't rightly change the channel for ex pasto facto acts like that, no choice for me there. Make a channel for that stuff-fine, but don't surprise everyone with it.

The government owns the airwaves, hence the licenses, and the people that apply for the licenses know the rules. Having said that, there has to be some level of standards-but society should set those, and we need to make sure the government enacts and enforces standards acceptable to the people. I for one don't care for Howards brand of humor, but I listen to Rush every chance I get. I know many people don't like Rush or his point of view but because people disagree doesn’t give anyone a right to censor, so I don't want Howard quiet.

Everyone please exercise the right to vote so you have a say in government policy that is either inoffensive or objectionable to you.

Jeez, tonight is preachin' for me.

03-18-2004, 05:42 PM
My initial thought was "Way to go Janet" but when I really thought about it I would have been really pissed if I had kids watching with me.
It just so happens my 3 year old saw that happen. We were at a combination super bowl party / childs b-day party at a very big clear channel owner's mansion in mid Ohio. He is a friend of the family.

Gage just happened to be on my lap at the time and saw the whole thing. He looked at me and said: "...what happened to her cloths?"
I said: "they fell off!".
His reply: "...that's no good...go find 'em!"

Oh yeah, I'm sure he's scarred for life.:stupid:

As far as topic, what children under 6 are tuning into HS between the hours of 05:30 and 10:30 a.m.? The ones without parents???

And what kids age 7-16 are tuning in during those hours? One home from school suspension? Last I knew grade schools don't have radio listening in their curriculum. And those 16 and over...you don't think they see and hear things far worse in their daily affairs?

It all comes down to parental responsibilities...and we don't need the government telling us how to be parents.

03-18-2004, 07:02 PM
I don't mean to offend, but using that argument then alcohol, smokes, etc. should be available to children? If it's up to their parents to govern this stuff then let's put it all together.

There's a reason movies have ratings, why liquor/tobacco vendors are required to ID, etc.. Kids cannot use these things responsibly because they are unable to do so.

Also, most kids I know aren't in school until around 8:00 AM - more than enough time to hear morning radio. Even if you take away their radios, they'll be tuning in to whatever their friends are listening to. If it's so easily accessible it will be accessed.

I would answer Barry's question with a question. *Why* do you think they are hearing those things in their normal daily affairs?

They have to get it from somewhere. If their parents believe that it's OK to talk and act like that then government is not going to stop them or "tell them how to be parents" simply by turning off HS.

Sure, HS is not the sole source of all that is evil, but he sure ain't helpin'.

The important question is "is HS's material appropriate for children?" And following that "should inappropriate material be placed within easy reach of children?"

We do a study of popoular music in my general music class. Kids are supposed to bring in the lyrics to a song they like as part of the project, but I do not allow profanity. When asked why, because "they listen to it all the time anyway," (and so do I) I reply simply that in public domains we have a higher standard to uphold. I even tell them it is not my job to tell them what to listen to when they are at home or with friends, but when a large group of people are involved, there is a more stringent set of rules.

Freedom is doing whatever you like, as long as it does not infringe on the established rights of others.


03-18-2004, 09:32 PM
It just so happens my 3 year old saw that happen. We were at a combination super bowl party / childs b-day party at a very big clear channel owner's mansion in mid Ohio. He is a friend of the family.

Gage just happened to be on my lap at the time and saw the whole thing. He looked at me and said: "...what happened to her cloths?"
I said: "they fell off!".
His reply: "...that's no good...go find 'em!"

Oh yeah, I'm sure he's scarred for life.:stupid:

It all comes down to parental responsibilities...and we don't need the government telling us how to be parents.

Never said you did need the gov't telling you what to do as a parent. Never said any kid would be scarred either. Just like I never said your point of view is wrong, I just don't agree with you. My different point of view is that I would not want any kid of mine seeing anything like that on tv, period. Like I already said and was apparently missed, if people want to show themselves on tv fine but it doesn't belong on live local channel prime time television because I don't have a choice then. Why force me to watch that? Don't I have a right to choose? I would choose not to allow any kid to watch the superbowl halftime show if I knew what was going to happen. And like any parent had a chance to change the channel when Janet and Justin did their thing. :shake: Had Howard Stern been on the street yelling to whomever would listen, I would agree wholeheartedly that he should be left alone. Using a public media outlet for some of the things he does though, that is a different matter.

I like as little government as possible, however I expect a certain amount of standards to be upheld. And for example, I hate driving through your state because for some reason residents of Ohio seem to support or allow what I consider oppressive highway patrol-I know from experience. For some reason one of you local authorties told me how to drive. This LEO attempted to censor my driving. Why did I get pulled over? What I did didn't scar anyone. But apparently I violated some local traffic standard and you you got a pot hole filled on my tab. So, sometimes the standards the gov't sets forth, like for driving and child seat regulations, are beneficial. And if you feel the gov't is encroaching upon your parenting then vote for someone that shares your view since it's election year.

03-19-2004, 06:34 AM
I'm tell'n ya... that Religion thread is right around the corner! Better save up some ammo for that one cause it always brings out the best in everyone!

03-19-2004, 07:20 AM
I'm tell'n ya... that Religion thread is right around the corner! Better save up some ammo for that one cause it always brings out the best in everyone!
Yep, talk of religion and Control Arms always seem to get people fired up! I think I will sit that one out!!

Donny Carlson
03-19-2004, 09:27 AM
That truly is a crime. I grew UP with Pink FLoyd and cannot believe that it has come to this. I agree there are lines that, OMHO, have been crossed and need fixed. But I firmly believe that the "seven dirty words" is a little outdated and when used in an artistic form such as "Money", that they can be acceptable. Ok, at least a few of them!

;}"Don't give me that do goody good *********" - Pink Floyd, "Money"

Kinda ironic, no?