View Full Version : Our travellog of our trip to australia

05-28-2013, 07:38 PM
#1 Hope you enjoy

Our first day here we slept most of the day..after pulling an all night-er on the plane.

Yesterday, after working out we visited the Dubai Mall: it is overwhelming with hundreds of high end stores of every kind (Tiffany's, Bvlgari, Eve St. Laurent, Gucci, Armani etc) all on three levels. When we arrived at the mall there was a valet parking: it was lined up with Lamborghini's', Ferrari's, Porche's etc.

The mall even had an ice skating rink ..... it was stunning to see all of these children ice skating at the mall where they have an average temperature of 85 degrees all year long: then they have a stunning water fall as well.

The mall is extremely touristy oriented: we observed one memorable moment .... four Arabic men (dressed in their sparkly white Keffiyeh and thawb) drinking their coffee sitting ..... at the Starbuck's outside patio. What a comical scene...... to bad we didn't have our camera.

Afterwards we had a private tour of Dubai in a BMW. Come to find out our driver Sebastian Babu's wife is BFing http://mail.yimg.com/ok/u/assets/img/emoticons/emo69.gif.....so we are going to have a consult upon our return visit the end of the month. http://mail.yimg.com/ok/u/assets/img/emoticons/emo69.gifhttp://mail.yimg.com/ok/u/assets/img/emoticons/emo69.gifhttp://mail.yimg.com/ok/u/assets/img/emoticons/emo69.gif Hurrah...Thank you Jesus....http://mail.yimg.com/ok/u/assets/img/emoticons/emo5.gif

We learned all about Dubai on our tour: 80% of the monies that is generated is from tourism. The vibrant city is rich in financial investment (fortune 500 companies), business banking, trading and retail. It has a high scale quality of life with a passion for service in excellence. The opportunities for new businesses is open to everyone.

The flexible infra-structure of finance is mirror image to its unique beauty in the architecture like no where else in the world. The five American and the five Russian Architects are responsible for have creating and developing the cutting edge of it's sky line. It is breath taking and the building is still going on.

We visited the Dubai Museum:The first settlers were the Arab Bedouins who cultivated this land, protected their their city, did pearl fishing/diving and brought their specialty trades to build up the vibrant city ..... before the discovery of oil. I would like to mention that petrol or fuel is only $2/gallon here. The museum certainly makes on appreciate the culture here.

The Jumeira Marina is one of the magnificent regions where most of the Americans reside who are extremely wealthy. There are a variety of river boats to cruise for the evening for dinner. It is a landmark to see.

It is known for it's wealth of sports and vacation for everyone in the family.... if one can afford it.

We have no idea what we will do today before we zip off to Perth and Steve has come down with a sore throat.

Until later. God bless.

Hello Everyone,

After four days of still recuperating and just hanging out with

Christine and Ken: Steve is very gingerly returning back to his charming smiley self.
......... So slowly we are inching our way into experiencing what we came for..... we just need more patience.

http://mail.yimg.com/ok/u/assets/img/emoticons/emo69.gif Even though Steve is still under-the-weather, he was able to frequent two Harley Davidson Stores ...... to purchase T-shirts and to check out their bikes and of course visit a Ford Dealership. I am so delighted that Ken & Steve get along so well....especially when it comes to Men's toy. http://mail.yimg.com/ok/u/assets/img/emoticons/emo69.gif

Ken actually built a 1953 Daimler for Christine back in the day .... So Christine and I drove it when we went food shopping the other day. We surely received some raising eye brow looks. I loved it.

Perth is the sunniest Capital of Western Australia and is known for its magnificent sunshine, picnics and magnificent cultural landscapes.

We are actually staying in Trigg with Christine and Ken (Christine and I went to Jr. College together in Bryn Mawr, Pa. and have remained the best of friends for the past 46 years). Trigg is an exclusive little town NW of Perth (about 20 minutes away) full of small valleys and hills and it has the best beaches in Australia with a Mediterranean climate. It is a beautiful little town and yet the population is flourishing since they arrived here over 3 decades ago.

The USD is just about equal to the AUD (Australian Dollar)... for the first time in decades.

Since everything is imported, the prices of food and dining out (actually everything) is astronomical. They have no concept of a real pizza here...... They think that they are pulling wool over our eyes ... when they served us a pizza ... using a small thin white flour burrito tortilla topped with cheese and veggies or meat for $24.00. Can't wait to return to Napoli's for a decent pizza. It is amazing how spoiled we are in the US. They surely need to take a few Italian cooking classes to up-grade their culinary skills.

We also found a Bagel Shop much to Christine's surprise: she had no idea it was here. The bagels were actually pretty good .... even though the Bagel Shop had never heard of pumpernickel bagels. It was $16 for a half a dozen ... just to let you know the cost of things here.

We are still going at snails pace for Steve. Yesterday we attended the Veteran's Car Club in Perth. The various vintage cars were all lined up along the Esplanade (a spectacular park along the Swan River) over looking the Southern part of Perth. What a magnificent sight. k
Ken & Steve were in their glory.Then we took a jaunt up north to the Yanchep National Park and had a wonderful picnic there. Yanchep National Park has a natural environment of walking trails, spectacular scenery, limestone cave systems, gorges, coastal wetlands and beautiful lakes: we experienced a true Aussie environment of the Aboriginals (spears, boomerangs, tent and fire) and flora/fauna including kangaroos and koalas. All of the koala's were fast asleep in the trees from ODing on the eucalyptus leaves and yet the grey Kangaroo's were most welcome to the picture taking.

Today we took a tour of the stunning beauty of St. Mary's Cathedral which is the Mother church of the Catholic Archdiocese of Perth. It is the largest church building and an icon of the City of Perth having architectural and artistic developments spanning for centuries from 1865.

We also visited Australia's oldest operating Mint which was founded in 1899. It has some of the most commemorative coin programs ever seen. It handles over $700,000 worth of pure gold bullion. Each of us tried to lift 400 ounce pure gold bar with one hand (since it was enclosed .... only one hand was able to reach for it in the opening) and yet we were unsuccessful. http://mail.yimg.com/ok/u/assets/img/emoticons/emo16.gif We witnessed 200 ounces of pure molten gold being poured into a gleaming solid gold bar and saw the largest gold coin in the world weighing 1 ton. What a marvelous golden memory.

Oh... and everyone drives on the wrong side of the street here.....

God bless...until later.

more to come

05-28-2013, 07:39 PM
Hi Again,

We hope all is well.

Steve has bounced back and we are enjoying the beaches of Trigg:
the surfers and the paddle boarding are like the energizer bunnies, non-stop.The Indian Ocean looks like the Caribbean: with the turquoise crystal clear surf. What a beautiful sight.

The past few days we have been visiting Fremantle: about 20 miles N of Trigg. Fremantal is a historic city with spectacular architecture virtually unchanged since the mid-19th century. It is the chief and thriving coastal harbor as the ships are lined up for their turn to unload their cargo. Amazing. Fremantle is situated at the mouth of the Swan River and has been easy access since the arrival of the gold rush.

This vibrant town is also noted for it's historic pubs and for one of it's stylish micro breweries which has an incredible range of tasty amber ales. Of course we had to visit Little Creatures to sample their variety of ales.http://mail.yimg.com/ok/u/assets/img/emoticons/emo69.gif There are shops galore and we did visit St.Patrick's Catholic church which is one of the five Minor Basilica's in Australia. We may attend a symphony there on Sunday.

Fremantle is also known for the famous Annual Portuguese celebration of The Blessing of the Fleet with Our Lady of Fatima. http://mail.yimg.com/ok/u/assets/img/emoticons/emo69.gif .... which is celebrated in many Portuguese towns (i.e. Boston, P-town, etc).

We also visited the Maritime Museum which is perched on the Indian Ocean: a great symbol as Fremantle's past, present and future. The museum is the home to the winning America's Cup yacht, other iconic vessels, Australia 11, and the Oberon class submarine (Cold War Era Vessel - HMAS Ovens). We also had a fascinating tour on the Ovens Submarine which was especially enjoyed by us all.

The Fremantle's Prison is one of the most significant attractions...even though we did not visit it. It was used as a place of incarceration for at least 140 years: in 1991 it was decommissioned as a Maximum Security.

Today, we immersed ourselves into the natural,scenic and gourmet wonders of the Swan Valley. Our mission was to stop off at as many Micro-Breweries as possible http://mail.yimg.com/ok/u/assets/img/emoticons/emo69.gif.... and yet we narrowed it down to only three (The Duckstein, The Mash and The Feral). I think we loved the Feral Brewery best of all. Christine also took us out for a lovely lunch at the Sitella Vineyards. Along the trail to the micro-breweries there are wineries galore and chocolate factories just about every mile. Another day we will enjoy the wine tastings of the Swan Valley.

We are loving it here. God bless.


Hi Again,

We hope all is well.

We had a fun weekend entertaining Christine's friends: they are Aussie's and Kiwi's (from New Zealand). Then after mass on Sunday we returned back to Fremantle for a musical journey to listen to the Fremantle Symphony Orchestra at the Basilica of St. Patrick's. The musical Director David Pye has a history of successful projects, collaborations with local artists and we were able to enjoy his current vibrant music making while visiting WA.

Yesterday we had a fantastic Koala experience at the Caversham Wildlife Park http://mail.yimg.com/ok/u/assets/img/emoticons/emo69.gif where they showcased many of Australia's unique native animals: koalas, wallabies, Cockatoos, kookaburras, kangaroos, wombats, etc. We were just thrilled to be there and to have the animal encounters.

Today, after doing some shopping, having some Tapas in Subiaco, we visited Kings Park and Botanical Gardens in Perth.It is simply a remarkable park: being the largest park in the world having over 400 acres and looking over the Swan River, Darling Range and showcases an outstanding collection of WA flora. It was originally named after King Edward VII.

Just to share a few nuggets with you. Gas is just about $5/Gallon here and the traffic/congestion is overwhelming on the secondary streets. As mentioned previously the prices of everything is astronomical: they have taxes galore ...federal tax, state tax, GS (Goods & Services) tax which is up to 10% now ..... other than fresh foods and groceries. Going out to dinner is very expensive so we try to eat when they have specials and Praise-The-Lord there is no tipping here....what a savings.

WA has a population of 3 million and 8% of the population is unemployed and about 15% is on a pension disability. So there is only about 75% in the working force....paying for everything and for everyone: and yet the baby boomers will be retiring shortly and leaving the work force.....

The WA government has no problem doling out $ for anyone (sounds familiar) which of course reduces anyone's incentive to return to work. And as more people are unemployed the taxes keep elevating (truly sounds familiar).

As immigrants continue to float a shore.... more and more public assistance is available to them (sounds like a broken recording) which of course elevates taxes.

There was an advertisement on TV the other evening ....if one has more children they will receive a paid Baby Bonus Incentive and a paid parental leave for both men and women.

An average house in Trigg is about $500,000 which may be about 1400-1500 sq ft with 3 or 4 bedrooms (not including the land) ..... really tiny rooms (i.e like on a cruise ship). Also the houses are built so close together (i.e. a foot a part) and the block of land is the same size of the house with hardly any yard. I think I forgot to mention that Trigg is on the Indian Ocean.

We only have a few more days left before we head to Dubai.

We are having the Life of Reilly on Charles Riley Road and are loving our time together with Christine & Ken: Steve went to see the Dr. yesterday and is presently on an antibiotic for his chest cold. By the time we get home....he should be his merry self again.

God bless....until we arrive home.


05-28-2013, 08:20 PM
Sounds like a great time.
Great write up for a really good reading.

Any pics?

Sent from The White House on taxpayers dimes.

DTR + 4.10's + Eaton swap = Wreeeeeeeeeeeeeeedom

Mr. Man
05-28-2013, 09:54 PM
What he ^^^ said but pics or it didn't happen. ;)

05-28-2013, 11:22 PM
Pictures to follow when we get home and sort them out

05-29-2013, 08:01 AM
Have a VB for me!