View Full Version : Before I go and do something stupid...

03-16-2004, 09:00 PM
Someone tell me, can I do a 1-2 chirp with a 1-2 shift on the shifter?

You see...it doesn't do it in D right. So I want to do a 1-2 shift by going from first to second BUT I want to ask, do I let of the gas in between, and when?

I figure the answer is yes, but I tried it once and I was a little nervous so I didn't try it hard and when I started to let off the gas I hear "WHAAAAUUURRRRR" the transmission letting out the excess...so I quite right there.

Any suggestions or is this a futile attempt?


01 Interceptor
03-16-2004, 11:15 PM
I think the car will automatically shift into 2nd, but don't quote me on that. Then after the shift, you would of course need to shift it into D.

Go Mifuni
03-17-2004, 08:27 AM
Someone tell me, can I do a 1-2 chirp with a 1-2 shift on the shifter?

You see...it doesn't do it in D right. So I want to do a 1-2 shift by going from first to second BUT I want to ask, do I let of the gas in between, and when?

I figure the answer is yes, but I tried it once and I was a little nervous so I didn't try it hard and when I started to let off the gas I hear "WHAAAAUUURRRRR" the transmission letting out the excess...so I quite right there.

Any suggestions or is this a futile attempt?

Stay on the gas! :rock: I'm not sure if GM's have tachs but watch it close. When it gets close to red line, bump it up into second and enjoy. I do it all the time. I can't wait to see what it will do when I get my chip and gears installed.

03-17-2004, 03:26 PM
Whoo! "GAS GAS GAS!" was what my driver's ed teacher would scream in my ear...that's what I wanted to know!

No tach here, that's only on the digital gauges...but I know it shifts at 50mph if I'm flooring it and 40mph if I've got just under 3/4 the way down


03-17-2004, 03:31 PM
Be carefull James...that Marquis wasn't designed to do that.

01 Interceptor
03-17-2004, 04:06 PM
Be carefull James...that Marquis wasn't designed to do that.

That's true, but being as the engine and trans is the same as a CVPI...the only thing he's really lacking is the PCM and handling upgrades. I would imagine the SuperChipsTuner takes care of the PCM lacking in that respect.

Take care of the car, and don't beat on her too hard. :burnout:

03-17-2004, 04:10 PM
Be carefull James...that Marquis wasn't designed to do that.
Yeah, I really want to do this but I'm moreinclined to believe this.

I shall be very careful.

Hey what's a PCM? I just realized that's probably nothing to do with my EEC?

I'm so used to seeing PCM on my stereo that I quickly associated it with computers and well...there you go!

Paul T. Casey
03-17-2004, 04:10 PM
Are you shifting from first to second at 50 mph? If so, do this trick near where you keep your junk!

03-17-2004, 04:36 PM
? Not followin' ya...

Um, the car shifts itself at 50 if I floor it, but I haven't tried this myself no.

If your suggesting this is dangerous, 50 or more is the pace of traffic on (pick one) any road with more than 2 lanes around here. I'll be try this on an on ramp where I can build up to 70 (in a 70 of course) where no one will look twice.

It's cool man:up:

Paul T. Casey
03-17-2004, 04:43 PM
I believe your car shifts from second to third at 50, not first to second. The big danger is getting hit by flying metallic chuncks of cast and forged steel if you run your car to 50 in first gear.

03-17-2004, 04:49 PM

Nope, first to second @ 50 when it's a WOT.
I'll thank the SCT for that....

But if you put it that way, I'll be asking my friend if I can experiment with his Lexus SC430:D

01 Interceptor
03-17-2004, 06:25 PM
PCM = Powertrain Control Module, in other words: your car's computer.

03-17-2004, 07:18 PM
One of the salesmen at my dealership showed me what he does in his MM and it spins the tires going into 2nd everytime. Turn off the overdrive and shift into first gear, power brake to 2k rpm, release the brake and floor the accelerator, manually shift to 2nd @ 4k rpm - wheel spin/chirp - watch out for fishtale! Worked every time - but I won't try it in mine.

03-17-2004, 07:35 PM
Well, I tried it, and I'm guessing because there's a lack of torque somewhere in there (ha...haha) it didn't do a :censor: thing.

I started out easy, pushed it harder...did it four times...twice with overdrive off.

So it shifted more smoothly than it does when it's in D...I tried doing this quick, but by the time i had pulled the shifter up it was right there with me. It's usually slow to think...but every time.

I pull the shifter up, gear unlocks, i move it over set it down to 2nd and it just glides on in. Never took my foot from the gas!

Oh well...someone can show me this in a Marauder someday and teach me when I get one:D :rasta: