View Full Version : Need an explanation please

Mr. Man
05-30-2013, 07:16 PM
So I'm at my local gas station tonite filling the SB with 93 and in the next lane over from me a flat black Honda Civic sedan pulls up, fart can a blastin'. I glance over and think stupid ricer kids, you know the typical reaction by anyone over 35.

As the SB fills I glace out to look at the gallons thing spinning away like there's no tomorrow and I notice the kids looking over the Marauder. They look away when I glare back at them but the unusual thing I notice about them (and here is where the explanation is needed.) is the driver is wearing the proverbial backwards baseball hat the engulfs his pea-sized head. The other two jabronis are wearing their hooded sweatshirts with the hoods on drawn tight over their heads. Their car didn't seem to be air-conditioned (the windows were down when they pulled in) and tonite it's like 90* with 90% humidity. Oy-vey it's uncomfortably warm so why the sauna get-up? I don't get it.

Anybody? :dunno:

05-30-2013, 07:20 PM
So I'm at my local gas station tonite filling the SB with 93 and in the next lane over from me a flat black Honda Civic sedan pulls up, fart can a blastin'. I glance over and think stupid ricer kids, you know the typical reaction by anyone over 35.

As the SB fills I glace out to look at the gallons thing spinning away like there's no tomorrow and I notice the kids looking over the Marauder. They look away when I glare back at them but the unusual thing I notice about them (and here is where the explanation is needed.) is the driver is wearing the proverbial backwards baseball hat the engulfs his pea-sized head. The other two jabronis are wearing their hooded sweatshirts with the hoods on drawn tight over their heads. Their car didn't seem to be air-conditioned (the windows were down when they pulled in) and tonite it's like 90* with 90% humidity. Oy-vey it's uncomfortably warm so why the sauna get-up? I don't get it.

Anybody? :dunno:

Well now I'm starting to sound my age, but judging by how they were dressed, they probably weren't up to much good.

I hate to think like that, and hoodlums come dressed in many varieties, but wearing sweatshirts on 90 degree weather means one of two things

1) you're incredibly stupid

2) you're up to no good

Either way does not speak well for our youth

The Ice Bucket Approves of this message

05-30-2013, 07:24 PM
I always thought that was part of the rice burner initiation they are required to participate in...... just my $0.02.

Mr. Man
05-30-2013, 07:27 PM
They got 5-10 bucks worth of gas and left off the rev-limiter. I'm not a tuner by heart but it is neat to hear a motor turn 8 or 9 thousand rpms.

I would think if you were up to no good wouldn't you put your hoodie on when you got to your target? Maybe they thought I was a cop or something and changed their minds. They didn't try to hide their faces at all. Just seemed weird like maybe it's a trend teens are into.

cat in the hat
05-30-2013, 07:38 PM
One gets a big block of wood in his ear, they all have to get a big block of wood in their ear.

One gets a tattoo up the side of his neck, they all have to get a tattoo up the side of their neck.

One walks around with his pants down around his knees, they all have to walk around with their pants down around their knees.

Ad infinitum.

Go past a hang-out this weekend, and they will probably all be standing around buttoned up tight in their hoodies, sweating their asses off.

Mr. Man
05-30-2013, 08:03 PM
One gets a big block of wood in his ear, they all have to get a big block of wood in their ear.

One gets a tattoo up the side of his neck, they all have to get a tattoo up the side of their neck.

One walks around with his pants down around his knees, they all have to walk around with their pants down around their knees.

Ad infinitum.

Go past a hang-out this weekend, and they will probably all be standing around buttoned up tight in their hoodies, sweating their asses off.
I'm afraid you might be right :beer: :shake: :lol:

05-30-2013, 08:03 PM
When we were kids older folks prob where thinking the same but not all are bad its just kids adapting to a changing way of society. Juts my thoughts but I could be wrong there are a lot more hood rats these days but its just a sign of the times.

05-30-2013, 08:23 PM
I think the hoodies up is the style now. See it a bunch down here. Kid rode his skate board by today like that.

05-30-2013, 09:34 PM
It's how kids express themselves and make their claim of individualism...by being/doing what everyone else is doing...

05-30-2013, 09:42 PM
When I was younger some of my friends asked why I drove with my windows 'all the way down'? I said, "...cause it's hot outside and I like having my arm out the window." They said that was not the way to cruise...I was like "Really?!?" And I did it my way. The want the attention of being different, but then get defensive when us normal people look and try to understand why...

Mr. Man
05-30-2013, 09:44 PM
You guys are probably right its the fad of the day but in this heat, sheez. Stupid is as stupid does I guess.

05-31-2013, 06:25 AM
Eric you do not have to be COOL to be KOOL.
Wasted youth. Pants on the ground, Pants on da the ground, Lookin like a fool with da pants on da ground.

05-31-2013, 06:35 AM
I think the hoodies up is the style now. See it a bunch down here. Kid rode his skate board by today like that.

What Chris said.

It's a style now and standard dress for the ricer crowd.

This is nothing new. I have been seeing this for a few years now in my neck of the woods. Nothing to worry about. They're just trying to be stylish.

05-31-2013, 06:42 AM
Check out the hoodies at this ricer show I was at.




05-31-2013, 06:43 AM
I'd say they are just idiots. Should of punched them just for looking your way.

Sent from The White House on taxpayers dimes.

DTR + 4.10's + Eaton swap = Wreeeeeeeeeeeeeeedom

Ms. Denmark
05-31-2013, 07:09 AM
I'd say they are just idiots. Should of punched them just for looking your way.

Sent from The White House on taxpayers dimes.

DTR + 4.10's + Eaton swap = Wreeeeeeeeeeeeeeedom
Don't enourage him. But I could punch them for looking at MY Marauder while looking like jerks...the nerve.:mad2::cool: :D

05-31-2013, 07:18 AM
Hoodies up - harder to make a positive ID. That's the only reason they do it.
I see plenty of kids who don't wear the hoodies up look and they are just out being normal.
The ones w/hoods-up or big hats all are displaying suspicious behavior. The skateboarders may look innocent enough but when they are waxing-up curbs and steps and sliding down handrails they are breaking the law

05-31-2013, 07:21 AM
Hoodies up at all times is the style here in CA as well. Interesting post as just 24 hours ago it was 85+ and I noted a gangly 6ft kid riding a bike much too small for him in broad daylight... With his hoodie up and TIGHT.

MY THOUGHT WAS HE'd get run over... And he must be hot in there...

05-31-2013, 09:15 AM
Hoodies up - harder to make a positive ID. That's the only reason they do it.

That's ^^^^^ my take on this as well. Every bank or 7-11 robbery has video pics of the culprits and 99.9% are wearing hoodies. It is the uniform of choice for those up to no good. If it walks like a duck .....

Of course there may be a practical explanation too. When the brain is not functioning properly, the lack of neurological activity causes the head to get cold. This is commonly known as "Chillin' Out" ;) The hoods retain what little heat is being generated naturally. :rolleyes: Hoods in 85*F weather ?? ..... gimmee a damn break.

05-31-2013, 09:20 AM
That's ^^^^^ my take on this as well. Every bank or 7-11 robbery has video pics of the culprits and 99.9% are wearing hoodies. It is the uniform of choice for those up to no good. If it walks like a duck .....

Of course there may be a practical explanation too. When the brain is not functioning properly, the lack of neurological activity causes the head to get cold. This is commonly known as "Chillin' Out" ;) The hoods retain what little heat is being generated naturally. :rolleyes: Hoods in 85*F weather ?? ..... gimmee a damn break.


Sent from The White House on taxpayers dimes.

DTR + 4.10's + Eaton swap = Wreeeeeeeeeeeeeeedom

05-31-2013, 09:40 AM
When ever I walk into the Bank, or any retail place, with my Guy Fawkes Mask on I am shown total respect as evident by everyone stepping aside to let me to the head of the line.
It is all about respect, dress and act like a violent criminal and everyone gives you the respect you earned.
No one fairly earned anything so no one owns anything. When I take it from you I earned IT! Just do it!:banana2:

Mr. Man
05-31-2013, 09:43 AM
Based on the above comments and the pics by Doomie I think it's a ricer thing. Other people in his pics were wearing jackets so I assume it was chilly also so it can't be a cool weather fashion statement exclusively..

Should have followed them to their homes and punched their parents in the head for allowing their children out of their homes in sweats when it was above 90*.

So the answer is stupid parents who should be knockin' their kids heads in to instill common sense. :cool:

05-31-2013, 10:57 AM
Call the cops

05-31-2013, 11:00 AM
Call the cops

For what, some kids wearing hoodies?

05-31-2013, 11:22 AM
They are gangs. The hood is to cover their face and the color of hat represents what gang they are in.

05-31-2013, 11:25 AM
The odds are 41% it is a stupid parent. There is only a 59% chance they are stupid parents.:(

05-31-2013, 11:26 AM
It really sickens me when people say "kids today." Look at how kids always were. There have been bad parents ever since the beginning of nature and teenage gangs are nothing new. It's not like their behavior of the youth is a recent event. People need to look at themselves, who they were, who they knew. Not every kid made the right decision and guess what? More will follow. It doesn't matter if it's in Detroit or Japan. As long and people keep breeding there will always be a few bad apples, hopefully they can help themselves before they throw their lives away.

05-31-2013, 11:42 AM
It is the lack of parents with an illegitimacy rate of 42% and an abortion rate of 22% resulting in kids that are throw away.

Gary Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. As quantified, and explained by Alexander, "the single mom is better off earnings gross income of $29,000 with $57,327 in net income & benefits than to earn gross income of $69,000 with net income and benefits of $57,045."

The Median Income of the family on welfare is 20% higher than the non-welfare median income. For every 1 private sector worker 1.25 either work for the Gov't or are getting welfare. 33.33% of the population is on means tested welfare, (Income based welfare), consisting of 83 Federal programs. Means Tested Welfare is the SINGLE LARGEST BUDGET ITEM totaling $746 Billion. "Congressional Research Service estimates that exclusively federal spending on these federal programs " is greater than "...the annual budget expenditure for Social Security was $725 billion, Medicare was $480 billion.." and 2012 "DOD spending $707.5 billion consisting of the Base budget + "Overseas Contingency Operations",i.e. wars.

They exclude entitlement programs to which people contribute (e.g., Social Security and Medicare)."

"In 2010, according to one analysis, 60 percent of Americans were receiving more in

government benefits than they paid in taxes. That’s according to this analysis from the conservative Tax Foundation.

That year, the report notes, the bottom 10 percent of the population received about $10.44 in benefits for every $1 they paid in taxes. Those in the middle received, on average, $1.15 in benefits for every $1 they paid in taxes. And those in the top 10 percent received about 43 cents in benefits for every $1 they paid in taxes."

"And about 27 percent households benefited from a means-tested poverty program."


05-31-2013, 11:50 AM
When ever I walk into the Bank, or any retail place, with my Guy Fawkes Mask on I am shown total respect as evident by everyone stepping aside to let me to the head of the line.
It is all about respect, dress and act like a violent criminal and everyone gives you the respect you earned.
No one fairly earned anything so no one owns anything. When I take it from you I earned IT! Just do it!:banana2:

The satire in this kind of sums it all up.

It seems these days more than ever no one is supposed to "judge" anyone else, and the result of that is people acting like straight up dumb asses and crying "haters gonna hate" if anyone tells them what they are doing is stupid.

It's a rock-solid way to ensure we go nowhere fast as a society.

The best part is everyone wants respect for having done nothing, but will uniformly fail to show respect to those that do actually earn it.

As for the original post, I would probably put my money on it being young people being stupid rather than young people out to rob somebody.

As they say, "it's lonely at the top," and that rings just as true for intelligence as it does anything else.

05-31-2013, 11:52 AM
As they say, "it's lonely at the top," and that rings just as true for intelligence as it does anything else.

I second that!!!!

Holy crap.

05-31-2013, 12:38 PM
As a Society we have "evolved" to the point that thinking is no longer required it is punished.
We merely "respond" to stimuli, much like coughing to clear our throat.

05-31-2013, 12:47 PM
As years go by the amount of common sense that young adults have becomes less and less each year.

05-31-2013, 01:04 PM
It's all because of technology, but in the end it's from our past decisions.

05-31-2013, 01:36 PM
It's all because of technology, but in the end it's from our past decisions.

OUCH, truth hurts

As years go by the amount of common sense that young adults have becomes less and less each year.

i think it's now called uncommon sense:confused:

05-31-2013, 01:50 PM
It is the lack of parents with an illegitimacy rate of 42% and an abortion rate of 22% resulting in kids that are throw away.

Gary Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. As quantified, and explained by Alexander, "the single mom is better off earnings gross income of $29,000 with $57,327 in net income & benefits than to earn gross income of $69,000 with net income and benefits of $57,045."

The Median Income of the family on welfare is 20% higher than the non-welfare median income. For every 1 private sector worker 1.25 either work for the Gov't or are getting welfare. 33.33% of the population is on means tested welfare, (Income based welfare), consisting of 83 Federal programs. Means Tested Welfare is the SINGLE LARGEST BUDGET ITEM totaling $746 Billion. "Congressional Research Service estimates that exclusively federal spending on these federal programs " is greater than "...the annual budget expenditure for Social Security was $725 billion, Medicare was $480 billion.." and 2012 "DOD spending $707.5 billion consisting of the Base budget + "Overseas Contingency Operations",i.e. wars.

They exclude entitlement programs to which people contribute (e.g., Social Security and Medicare)."

"In 2010, according to one analysis, 60 percent of Americans were receiving more in

government benefits than they paid in taxes. That’s according to this analysis from the conservative Tax Foundation.

That year, the report notes, the bottom 10 percent of the population received about $10.44 in benefits for every $1 they paid in taxes. Those in the middle received, on average, $1.15 in benefits for every $1 they paid in taxes. And those in the top 10 percent received about 43 cents in benefits for every $1 they paid in taxes."

"And about 27 percent households benefited from a means-tested poverty program."


I'm curious as to what this has to do with hoodies?

05-31-2013, 01:56 PM
Hoodies are just clothes wether it's -90 or 90 degrees people still wear them. The same way some wear suits daily for no reason. Don't make a person out to be dumb or less of income because that's what they wear. It's their clothes. The whole huge fitted hat thing is some what of a up north style thing (NY, NJ, etc)

Everyone here acts like they weren't once young and did weird/dumb stuff. Most of y'all old as dinosaurs and still do weird/dumb stuff. We're humans. Laugh at it and keep going don't misjudge a person though.

Anyway that's my 0.02 no need for anyone to blow up and act a fool. We're all weird in our own way

05-31-2013, 02:25 PM
The satire in this kind of sums it all up.

It seems these days more than ever no one is supposed to "judge" anyone else, and the result of that is people acting like straight up dumb asses and crying "haters gonna hate" if anyone tells them what they are doing is stupid.

It's a rock-solid way to ensure we go nowhere fast as a society.

The best part is everyone wants respect for having done nothing, but will uniformly fail to show respect to those that do actually earn it.

As for the original post, I would probably put my money on it being young people being stupid rather than young people out to rob somebody.

As they say, "it's lonely at the top," and that rings just as true for intelligence as it does anything else.

^^^^^THIS^^^^^ X 1,000,000, I couldn't have said it better myself.

We're all weird in our own way

Speak for yourself.....:P :D

05-31-2013, 02:26 PM
Hoodies are just clothes wether it's -90 or 90 degrees people still wear them. The same way some wear suits daily for no reason. Don't make a person out to be dumb or less of income because that's what they wear. It's their clothes. The whole huge fitted hat thing is some what of a up north style thing (NY, NJ, etc)

Everyone here acts like they weren't once young and did weird/dumb stuff. Most of y'all old as dinosaurs and still do weird/dumb stuff. We're humans. Laugh at it and keep going don't misjudge a person though.

I agree.
So now this is a fashion forum?... Ridiculous. Turned into gangs and welfare talk Smh

05-31-2013, 02:41 PM
I'm curious as to what this has to do with hoodies?

The thread is a social commentary on youth and parent/parents. Read the posts by Mr. Man. My posts are being validated.

05-31-2013, 02:41 PM
I agree.
So now this is a fashion forum?... Ridiculous. Turned into gangs and welfare talk Smh

I must have missed the welfare chat, as far as fashion, hats with flat bills and hoodies are in no way fashion.:D

05-31-2013, 02:50 PM
It's one thing to dismiss fashion as stupid, in most cases beauty is in the eye of the beholder. That said, however, the "everything goes" mentality is a little ridiculous these days. Like it or not, being different just for the sake of being different doesn't actually have any real value, so you shouldn't be surprised when people think you're an idiot for going far outside the norm with no discernible point or gain.

But that brings me to my next point: it's not commenting on fashion if you think it's stupid for someone to use an item outside its intended purpose to no benefit whatsoever. In every way, wearing a hoodie in hot weather flies in the face of sensibility: it does the opposite of keeping you from getting hot, and it serves no benefit to increasing your social appearance (this is in reference to comparing hoodies to full suits), unless the social appearance you're striving for is to PURPOSELY look like you don't give a **** and/or can't afford anything better even if you actually can. In that last case, again, you shouldn't be surprised when most people find you to be a moron.

05-31-2013, 03:07 PM
This right here ^^^^^^

05-31-2013, 03:23 PM
It's one thing to dismiss fashion as stupid, in most cases beauty is in the eye of the beholder. That said, however, the "everything goes" mentality is a little ridiculous these days. Like it or not, being different just for the sake of being different doesn't actually have any real value, so you shouldn't be surprised when people think you're an idiot for going far outside the norm with no discernible point or gain.

But that brings me to my next point: it's not commenting on fashion if you think it's stupid for someone to use an item outside its intended purpose to no benefit whatsoever. In every way, wearing a hoodie in hot weather flies in the face of sensibility: it does the opposite of keeping you from getting hot, and it serves no benefit to increasing your social appearance (this is in reference to comparing hoodies to full suits), unless the social appearance you're striving for is to PURPOSELY look like you don't give a **** and/or can't afford anything better even if you actually can. In that last case, again, you shouldn't be surprised when most people find you to be a moron.

+2 :woohoo: Zacktly !!!

05-31-2013, 07:57 PM
So I'm at my local gas station tonite filling the SB with 93 and in the next lane over from me a flat black Honda Civic sedan pulls up, fart can a blastin'. I glance over and think stupid ricer kids, you know the typical reaction by anyone over 35.

As the SB fills I glace out to look at the gallons thing spinning away like there's no tomorrow and I notice the kids looking over the Marauder. They look away when I glare back at them but the unusual thing I notice about them (and here is where the explanation is needed.) is the driver is wearing the proverbial backwards baseball hat the engulfs his pea-sized head. The other two jabronis are wearing their hooded sweatshirts with the hoods on drawn tight over their heads. Their car didn't seem to be air-conditioned (the windows were down when they pulled in) and tonite it's like 90* with 90% humidity. Oy-vey it's uncomfortably warm so why the sauna get-up? I don't get it.

Anybody? :dunno: They might be crystal meth samplers ??::lol:

Joe Walsh
05-31-2013, 08:29 PM
I've noticed the 'hoodie on in a heat wave' trend also.
The other style trend that I often see is the vapor locked 'tards wearing knit wool caps in 95 degree heat!....:dunno:
They must have cooked their brains out and cannot feel heat and humidity anymore!

05-31-2013, 08:43 PM
Might be throwing myself into the flames here but I wear my hood up kinda often. Even with a hat on. (granted not when its really hot out but when its a moderate temperature I even do it) But that's because for some reason I don't like having the hood hanging on my back. I know it's kinda strange but it just starts bothering me at times. So I put it up to its not touching my back. Kinda like I need to wear a deegotee under all my shirts otherwise it just feels weird to me like the shirts too loose. But that theres no exceptions to for me unlike my thing with the sweatshirts. Sometimes people are just strange like me :D

05-31-2013, 08:44 PM
But I don't wear sweatshirts in 90 degree weather. But 70s at times.

05-31-2013, 09:21 PM
Might be throwing myself into the flames here but I wear my hood up kinda often. Even with a hat on. (granted not when its really hot out but when its a moderate temperature I even do it) But that's because for some reason I don't like having the hood hanging on my back. I know it's kinda strange but it just starts bothering me at times. So I put it up to its not touching my back. Kinda like I need to wear a deegotee under all my shirts otherwise it just feels weird to me like the shirts too loose. But that theres no exceptions to for me unlike my thing with the sweatshirts. Sometimes people are just strange like me :D

I'm actually kinda curious about this, not JUST trying to rib you :P :

If it's uncomfortable to not have the hoodie up, but it's too warm to comfortably wear the hoodie up, why not just wear something else other than a hoodie? Like, a heavier polo or something else that doesn't look silly out of season?

06-01-2013, 04:51 AM
Yeah you can get a long sleeve shirt or a sweater/sweatshirt. All the comfort without the hood.

sent from space

cat in the hat
06-01-2013, 11:12 AM
If it's uncomfortable to not have the hoodie up, but it's too warm to comfortably wear the hoodie up, why not just wear something else other than a hoodie? Like, a heavier polo or something else that doesn't look silly out of season?

Yeah you can get a long sleeve shirt or a sweater/sweatshirt. All the comfort without the hood.

sent from space

You seriously don't get it. It has to be a hoodie. It has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with comfort or functionality.

06-01-2013, 12:07 PM
Hoodies in 90* make you an automatic badass. Or at least someone that provides entertainment for me and my two boys to point out and laugh at.

Regardless, better than the pants down crap. Anyone ever trip one of them guys? HYSTERICAL!!

Self proclaimed Builder Of Badassery.

Buy it, Break it, Build it BETTER.
"Since 2004"

06-01-2013, 02:10 PM
I wear a hoodie when its 90 outside. I need it for work. Its cold inside.