View Full Version : Don't Understand

06-01-2013, 06:30 PM
Why would a person park they're vehicle in such a way as to make it difficult for a home owner to exit/enter their own driveway? Leave come back and do it even worse. The house next door is vacant and said perps have been on the street often enough to know this. Young and old it makes no difference.

Makes no d*mn sense to me. Some people :mad2:


06-01-2013, 07:55 PM
Some people are just aholes.....

Have same problem with idiot across street from me. He keeps parking his car right across from my driveway. Makes it hard to back out.

Some days I wish I had a tank or a big "D" series Cat.

06-01-2013, 08:00 PM
I hate most people wish they would leave earth.

Sent from The White House on taxpayers dimes.

DTR + 4.10's + Eaton swap = Wreeeeeeeeeeeeeeedom

06-01-2013, 08:54 PM
Some popel are just aholes.....

Have same problem with idiot across street from me. He keeps parking his car right across from my driveway. Makes it hard to back out.

Some days I wish I had a tank or a big "D" series Cat.

Some peoplel are just aholes.....

Have same problem with idiot across street from me. He keeps parking his car right across from my driveway. Makes it hard to back out.

Some days I wish I had a tank or a big "D" series Cat.

Some peoplel are just aholes.....

Have same problem with idiot across street from me. He keeps parking his car right across from my driveway. Makes it hard to back out.

Some days I wish I had a tank or a big "D" series Cat.

Cool off! It's a proven fact that getting upset can lead to memory loss.

06-01-2013, 10:04 PM
Cool off! It's a proven fact that getting upset can lead to memory loss.

What he^^^^^^^said. And a bump :D

06-01-2013, 11:06 PM
Little pebble in the valve stem...just sayin

Sent from my iPhone 5

06-02-2013, 06:18 AM
Little pebble in the valve stem...just sayin

Sent from my iPhone 5

5 gallons of kerosene and a road flare, just sayin':D

06-02-2013, 06:30 AM
Some people are just aholes.....

Have same problem with idiot across street from me. He keeps parking his car right across from my driveway. Makes it hard to back out.

Some days I wish I had a tank or a big "D" series Cat.

Exactly the same deal here! The house across from me was rented to four college kids. None of them park in the driveway it seems, instead they park all four tires on the street X four cars X sometimes friends cars (no curbs, nor lights, unincorporated). Negotiating at night is a real joy, not too mention backing my extended E250 in everyday..

At least they are quiet as I have seen worse.

Self proclaimed Builder Of Badassery.

Buy it, Break it, Build it BETTER.
"Since 2004"

06-02-2013, 07:15 AM
Some people are just aholes.....

Have same problem with idiot across street from me. He keeps parking his car right across from my driveway. Makes it hard to back out.

Some days I wish I had a tank or a big "D" series Cat.

Sad too; but most people just don't think beyond their own needs. If you mention the problem to them, they admit that they "didn't even think" about it. And I DO MENTION it when I see it. :)

Same thing out on the highway, they just are not aware of anything beyond their own little world and are completely clueless of their impact on the free flow of traffic. Dragging in the left lane (which should now be called the "stupid" lane as "fast lane" is no longer appropriate), hanging back 1/8 mile to give more than ample stopping distance due to cellphone/texting distractions, blocking exits, parking in handicapped spots, dinging doors next to them, ....... the list is absolutely endless and is representative of the "ME FIRST" attitude so prevalent in nearly all aspects of life. Driving and parking is just another manifestation of this. :rolleyes:

RF Overlord
06-02-2013, 12:16 PM
parking in handicapped spots....... the list is absolutely endless and is representative of the "ME FIRST" attitude so prevalent in nearly all aspects of life. This is one of my biggest peeves. I'm not handicapped, nor are any of my friends, but this is just wrong. $100 ticket every time and they would learn quick, but the cops have more important things to do. :rolleyes:

I hate most people wish they would leave earth.My feelings exactly, Joe. :up:

06-02-2013, 03:45 PM
Some people are just aholes.....

Have same problem with idiot across street from me. He keeps parking his car right across from my driveway. Makes it hard to back out.

Some days I wish I had a tank or a big "D" series Cat.

I live on a dead end road in the country and my new neighbor down the street has a horse, he has "Nowhere" to ride it but up and down the road. The 3rd time I swerved around flies and Crap I took a shovel and flung it in his driveway. Some people are blind to there own **** till they step in it. Maybe a cowpie in front of the drivers door will make him think.

06-02-2013, 06:29 PM
I live on a dead end road in the country and my new neighbor down the street has a horse, he has "Nowhere" to ride it but up and down the road. The 3rd time I swerved around flies and Crap I took a shovel and flung it in his driveway. Some people are blind to there own **** till they step in it. Maybe a cowpie in front of the drivers door will make him think.


Sent from The White House on taxpayers dimes.

DTR + 4.10's + Eaton swap = Wreeeeeeeeeeeeeeedom

06-02-2013, 06:49 PM
Sad too; but most people just don't think beyond their own needs. If you mention the problem to them, they admit that they "didn't even think" about it. And I DO MENTION it when I see it. :)

I have a neighbor that waits till I do my yard work, clean the patio, wash the cars to do his lawn, be blows grass all over the cars, driveway, sidewalk along the house and patio. I asked him to stop, he says........ "I never thought about it", thought we were good, till 2 weeks ago, fu*&er does it again.

So I go over, nice and neighborly, I ask if he likes his new concrete driveway, he looks at me kinda odd and says yes. I told him I was going to start doing burnouts on it if he keeps blowing ***** all over my cars, sidewalks, driveway and patio.

The bottom line, I know he knows what he's doing, he's just a bitter jealous guy, and this is way of showing me who's boss. Typical dumb*ss.:mad2:

06-03-2013, 04:22 AM
I live on a dead end road in the country and my new neighbor down the street has a horse, he has "Nowhere" to ride it but up and down the road. The 3rd time I swerved around flies and Crap I took a shovel and flung it in his driveway. Some people are blind to there own **** till they step in it. Maybe a cowpie in front of the drivers door will make him think.

...and light it on fire.

06-04-2013, 02:07 PM
I have the guys that come around and cut grass always parking at the end of my driveway in their trucks with their lawncare trailers because then they can get to the multiple houses they cut in the area without moving their truck and there's no driveways on the other side of the street. But they wake me up each morning they're out there (granted I don't start work until 9 at the earliest so I don't wake up super early as it is) and then I have to play around with backing out depending on how far they are blocking my driveway. Luckily the road is kinda wide so its not tooo bad

06-04-2013, 02:23 PM
Take black enamel spray paint. set on passenger side floormat. Tape nozzle down. Close door. Remove all traces of black paint from you and or clothing. Wait for fun... :D

06-04-2013, 05:27 PM
I've lived in my present house since 1980. I have never parked across the street in front of my neighbor's house in 33 years.

I'd rather park in front of my house facing the wrong way (not a busy street; local police are not ball breakers).

But, his kids. and their friends, are another story. Even though there's plenty of room in front of his house, at times, they park in front of mine.

Most of the time, no big deal (my driveway has room for all my cars plus), but there are times when I'm out there the next day sweeping up their ashtray deposits and soda/beer cans.

Annoying, but not worth starting a Hatfield/McCoy feud.