View Full Version : Gas Prices out of Control!

1 Bad Merc
06-07-2013, 10:51 AM
I cant believe these current gas prices! I guess Chicago is the poster child for it as I just saw $4.39 for regular unleaded. This stuff is unbelievable!!!!

We have two or three main refineries here (Rex is currently working at one of them -BP Amoco) and we get gas from barges up the Mississippi river so why in the heck are we higher then Hawaii @@!!!!!

Oil is actually down to $93 per barrel so it cant be oil costs. It's remarkable how we always get stuck here and not one of these politicians seems to care about it. Afterall they continue to get their 3-4% cost of living wage increases every year.

Let me just end this post by saying "Thank you" to all the people in the gas industry and political world that are sticking it to me. Thanks and Might I have another :)

06-07-2013, 10:54 AM
I cant believe these current gas prices! I guess Chicago is the poster child for it as I just saw $4.39 for regular unleaded. This stuff is unbelievable!!!!

Let me just end this post by saying "Thank you" to all the people in the gas industry and political world that are sticking it to me. Thanks and Might I have another :)

Too bad cars can't run on Kool-Aid, like Democrats. BAM!

1 Bad Merc
06-07-2013, 11:15 AM
Too bad cars can't run on Kool-Aid, like Democrats. BAM!

You always make me smile Casey!!!!! :beer:

Raleigh Marauder
06-07-2013, 11:19 AM
And it's around 3.25 here in Raleigh... Amazing that it can be over a dollar higher!

06-07-2013, 11:34 AM
San Antonio here with around $3.20-$3.30 for regular. Typically, prices around the coastal/semi-coastal area (like Corpus Christi and to an extent Houston) are marginally cheaper than that.

I don't know what I'd do if I had to pay between an extra 10 and 20 bucks per fillup, that's ridiculous.

1 Bad Merc
06-07-2013, 11:37 AM
And it's around 3.25 here in Raleigh... Amazing that it can be over a dollar higher!

It's unbelievable!!!! It cost me $105 dollars to fill up my basic 96 dodge ram p/u yesterday!

They are basically driving me to get a smaller crapbox car to daily drive as I cant keep up with these gas prices. My wife has not gotten a raise in 4 years and I did not get a raise for 3 years but we both considered ourselves lucky as we had jobs.

We know alot of people that are hanging on by a thread and something has to change soon or else more people are going to go down.

I keep hearing how the recession has ended years ago but I dont really see it.
Just more propaganda bs they keep feeding us so we dont make any trouble or start asking questions.

Sorry for the rant but I am tired of getting it in the shorts!!

06-07-2013, 11:40 AM
I cant believe these current gas prices! I guess Chicago is the poster child for it as I just saw $4.39 for regular unleaded. This stuff is unbelievable!!!!

We have two or three main refineries here (Rex is currently working at one of them -BP Amoco) and we get gas from barges up the Mississippi river so why in the heck are we higher then Hawaii @@!!!!!

Oil is actually down to $93 per barrel so it cant be oil costs. It's remarkable how we always get stuck here and not one of these politicians seems to care about it. Afterall they continue to get their 3-4% cost of living wage increases every year.

Let me just end this post by saying "Thank you" to all the people in the gas industry and political world that are sticking it to me. Thanks and Might I have another :)

Funny we have the Citgo and Mobil refineries with in spitting distance from us yet our Kool Aid giving powers to be don't do anything to help us unless we are standing in a welfare line with our thumbs up our butts.

Sent from The White House on taxpayers dimes.

DTR + 4.10's + Eaton swap = Wreeeeeeeeeeeeeeedom

06-07-2013, 11:44 AM
Cali here, keeps wavering from a tad under to a tad over 4 bucks a gallon... sigh. watching old youtube videos from when gas prices were 2 bucks a gallon makes me sad lol

1 Bad Merc
06-07-2013, 11:47 AM
Funny we have the Citgo and Mobil refineries with in spitting distance from us yet our Kool Aid giving powers to be don't do anything to help us unless we are standing in a welfare line with our thumbs up our butts.

Sent from The White House on taxpayers dimes.

DTR + 4.10's + Eaton swap = Wreeeeeeeeeeeeeeedom

It's crazy Joe -next election I am going to vote against every incumbent on the ticket!

I dont care if they are part of the space alien party they cant be any worse then the clowns we have (both parties) now!!!!!

06-07-2013, 11:49 AM
It's crazy Joe -next election I am going to vote against every incumbent on the ticket!

I dont care if they are part of the space alien party they cant be any worse then the clowns we have in both parties now!!!!!

Word man!!
That is what needs to be done man. Just vote a new ass hole in every election. No more lifers that do not do anything for us.

Sent from The White House on taxpayers dimes.

DTR + 4.10's + Eaton swap = Wreeeeeeeeeeeeeeedom

1 Bad Merc
06-07-2013, 11:55 AM
Word man!!
That is what needs to be done man. Just vote a new ass hole in every election. No more lifers that do not do anything for us.

Sent from The White House on taxpayers dimes.

DTR + 4.10's + Eaton swap = Wreeeeeeeeeeeeeeedom

Hopefully the new guys will actually try to do something to help us out in the beginning before they figure out how easy it is to keep stealing from us!

Would love to have term limits and a flat tax!!!!!! I know it's just a fantasy but it sure would be great!

06-07-2013, 12:12 PM
$3.38 for regular here in SW Florida. Premium gas at a Tier 1 station is approx $3.89. At Racetrack yesterday, their Premium was $3.79 (I don't put that into my car, I just noticed while putting regular in the wife's Impala).

06-07-2013, 12:26 PM
$4.20 for regular in detroit

06-07-2013, 12:40 PM
It's crazy Joe -next election I am going to vote against every incumbent on the ticket!

I dont care if they are part of the space alien party they cant be any worse then the clowns we have (both parties) now!!!!!

At least space aliens bent on world domination usually have the courtesy to tell you they are planning to ruin your life before they actually do it....

06-07-2013, 12:48 PM
It's crazy Joe -next election I am going to vote against every incumbent on the ticket!

I dont care if they are part of the space alien party they cant be any worse then the clowns we have (both parties) now!!!!!

True, true. I've always blamed whatever party the current president is a member of. My honorable discharge certificate was signed by a republican president who i think is such a knucklehead, I'm too embarrassed to ever hang it on a wall in my house.

06-07-2013, 01:19 PM
just got home and can't believe the gas prices....Shell in Oak Forest @ 4.49 for Regular....4.99 for premium...what dafuque??? Couple of stations in Tinley Park also @ 4.49 for regular....When is the revolt going to start? Is this why they're trying to take away our guns?

06-07-2013, 01:20 PM
Mt Washington Ky is from $3.35-$3.89. And remember, no matter who you vote out another for their self a***ole will just step in. Remember what the Pres said last term about the gas prices, ..."deal with it." Riiiight...

1 Bad Merc
06-07-2013, 01:28 PM
True, true. I've always blamed whatever party the current president is a member of. My honorable discharge certificate was signed by a republican president who i think is such a knucklehead, I'm too embarrassed to ever hang it on a wall in my house.

Ha Ha Ha -that's the problem with these idiots -they all make a bunch of promises to get elected, get in office then realize it is more screwed up then they ever thought when they get there!

So instead of doing the one term politically unpopular things that would start to get things straightened out in this country they decide it's too difficult and just hang out and reward their friends. They then point fingers at everyone else and pass the blame around.

It's the worlds biggest ponzi scheme! The jokes on us though because none of them ever get charged or go to jail !!!!

If we did our jobs like that I dont think we would make it past a couple of months!

06-07-2013, 01:35 PM
Yea & now they like to say Americas at the begging of a energy renasaince because all of are new found oil in our nation. Even after they build infrastructure for obtaining the oil are prices will still climb.

1 Bad Merc
06-07-2013, 01:36 PM
just got home and can't believe the gas prices....Shell in Oak Forest @ 4.49 for Regular....4.99 for premium...what dafuque??? Couple of stations in Tinley Park also @ 4.49 for regular....When is the revolt going to start? Is this why they're trying to take away our guns?

I believe the last time (years ago) oil was at $93 a barrel gas was in the $2.90 range. Our gas consumption is lower now then it was 3 years ago so What the heck happened ????????

They keep feeding us a load of BS (refinery maintenance, flood, fires, oil prices, consumption, etc., etc.) but supply and demand does not seem to be working in our favor here because as demand decreases our supplies seem to get reduced magically too. Imagine that :eek:

The governments (both federal and state) are so broke right now they dont want the gas prices to go lower because they have a percentage tax on the per gallon cost. If the price goes lower they lose tax money!!!

I guess when we become a third world country then everyone of these politicians will be happy.

1 Bad Merc
06-07-2013, 01:40 PM
Yea & now they like to say Americas at the begging of a energy renasaince because all of are new found oil in our nation. Even after they build infrastructure for obtaining the oil are prices will still climb.

Well you know we will have to pay for the new infrastructure costs, maintenance on the pipelines, old refineries that cant handle any more oil because they are at capacity - yada, yada, yada!

06-07-2013, 01:47 PM
Exactly yada,yada,yada sums it all up

1 Bad Merc
06-07-2013, 01:49 PM
Of course their is always the more important issues (then oil/gas prices) to keep the politicians busy like Gay and Lesbian marriage, ammo clip bans, how to restrict law abiding citizens from having guns, money for the Islamic brotherhood while they continue to kill people, convention trips to Vegas for millions of dollars, enacting all those meaningfull laws to protect us from ourselves, etc., etc. etc.

You know -the important things!

1 Bad Merc
06-07-2013, 02:00 PM
Hold Up everyone.........News Flash........Buffalo in Custer Park, South Dakota have bad cases of flatulence.

In order to keep the greenhouse gases down we have to add oil to their diets.......because of this expect gas prices to go up a minimum .20 cents a gallon!!!! For Chicago triple AAA is reporting a .40 increase just because they can!!!!!!

SC Cheesehead
06-07-2013, 02:45 PM
I cant believe these current gas prices! I guess Chicago is the poster child for it as I just saw $4.39 for regular unleaded. This stuff is unbelievable!!!!

We have two or three main refineries here (Rex is currently working at one of them -BP Amoco) and we get gas from barges up the Mississippi river so why in the heck are we higher then Hawaii @@!!!!!

Oil is actually down to $93 per barrel so it cant be oil costs. It's remarkable how we always get stuck here and not one of these politicians seems to care about it. Afterall they continue to get their 3-4% cost of living wage increases every year.

Let me just end this post by saying "Thank you" to all the people in the gas industry and political world that are sticking it to me. Thanks and Might I have another :)

Three things impact gas prices. One is the price of crude oil.

The next one is pretty constant: taxes


The other is seasonal and impacts different sections of the country differently; i.e. gas blends:


Depending on refinery capacity at any given point in time, regional spot shortages can occur for specific blends, that in turn generates higher demand, which can impact pricing.

Gas is just over three bucks a gallon in SC right now, definitely not that around here...:(

06-07-2013, 03:10 PM
Back in the old days when the masses had a problem with their kings, government, rulers e.t.c, the politicians would tremble in fear of retaliation from "THE PEOPLE", and fairly often they would be assassinated or forcefully removed from office when approval ratings were in the hole.

Unfortunately this is not the way the world operates anymore. "THE MAN" just kind of do whatever they want. They hide in their unidentified castle "mansion" without any fear of consequence (despite affecting the lives of millions). Any threats made against them and they are quickly put into a protection program where they can continue to pursue their abominations uninterrupted.

I feel like this country (and many others) are at a point now where "THE PEOPLE" need to strike fear back into the governing masses.

Who's down for an old fashion assassination? ;)

06-07-2013, 03:56 PM

I paid $5.10 for 93 today.

06-07-2013, 04:00 PM
We need a march of people pushing cars on empty tanks.


06-07-2013, 04:10 PM
Out here in LA, Premium is down to $4.01 in a lot of places.
With my Shell / Kroger rebate I save an additional $0.20 per gallon.

06-07-2013, 04:32 PM
You always make me smile Casey!!!!! :beer:

That's what she said. :beer:

06-07-2013, 04:34 PM
Back in the old days when the masses had a problem with their kings, government, rulers e.t.c, the politicians would tremble in fear of retaliation from "THE PEOPLE", and fairly often they would be assassinated or forcefully removed from office when approval ratings were in the hole.

Unfortunately this is not the way the world operates anymore. "THE MAN" just kind of do whatever they want. They hide in their unidentified castle "mansion" without any fear of consequence (despite affecting the lives of millions). Any threats made against them and they are quickly put into a protection program where they can continue to pursue their abominations uninterrupted.

I feel like this country (and many others) are at a point now where "THE PEOPLE" need to strike fear back into the governing masses.

Who's down for an old fashion assassination? ;)

I find it telling that these days people seem to only think of elected officials as "politicians" rather than "representatives." Some may see the distinction as being just words, but it is much more indicative of their behavior than it may seem on the surface.

06-07-2013, 05:08 PM
I remember the first time gas shot up to 3.00 a gallon. I thought it would be so we would shut up and be happy when it came back down to 2.25-2.50.......boy was I wrong :(

06-07-2013, 05:29 PM
Rex do something, I paid you twice today.

06-07-2013, 06:01 PM
Yeah Rex. Where's the corporate gas card :D

06-07-2013, 06:11 PM
Too bad cars can't run on Kool-Aid, like Democrats. BAM!

Funny how there are so many Republicans who work in the oil industry ;) actually its not funny, its sad that people cant see the writing on the wall.

06-07-2013, 06:28 PM
Its all BS people and nothing will change. Unless we the people do something about it. But everyone is a candy ass these days and the masses wont do anything against the A.K.A. the corporation... :mad:

06-07-2013, 08:02 PM
Its all BS people and nothing will change. Unless we the people do something about it. But everyone is a candy ass these days and the masses wont do anything against the A.K.A. the corporation... :mad:

No arguments here.

06-07-2013, 08:59 PM
I don't believe we can do anything about it. I think its too late for the people movement with the exception of revolt. Because of certain past events they now have enough control to where they really don't need us...or even care. If you doubt this, just watch the news without the rose colored glasses on. They do whatever they want with virtually no opposition...from anyone...and the media spins it so they look like saving angels at work...:shake:

06-07-2013, 09:38 PM
Wow ... I am so used to California having the expensive gas ... we are only at $3.80.

06-07-2013, 10:58 PM
Exactly why I have just been putting 100 octane in the MM lately. It's only 6.29 IIRC. At only a $2 difference from 87, even much less for 93, WTF would I not?

What I don't get is why it cost $13+ the last time 87 was nearing the $4.50 mark three years ago and half that now??

Hell, I'd still buy 100 over 93 even at $7.

At least Melanie only puts 3500 miles a year on hers. The Escort saw just a hair over 100 miles last year LOL and I average a tank in the MM every week or two (if I isn't sitting on the rack bustercated waiting for parts!! :) ) Other than that I am fortunate to have a company van that I get reimbursed weekly on ranging between $1-200.

Self proclaimed Builder Of Badassery.

Buy it, Break it, Build it BETTER.
"Since 2004"

06-08-2013, 03:30 AM

What a bunch of whiners, you drive around in 8 cylinder cars that get 15mpg and whinge about gas prices, go get a liitle Japanese 4 pot if you are that worried about it.

I pay $8.30 a gallon for gas it costs me $125 to fill my Marauder and $330 to fill my Excursion but do you hear me complaining?



SC Cheesehead
06-08-2013, 04:58 AM

What a bunch of whiners, you drive around in 8 cylinder cars that get 15mpg and whinge about gas prices, go get a liitle Japanese 4 pot if you are that worried about it.

I pay $8.30 a gallon for gas it costs me $125 to fill my Marauder and $330 to fill my Excursion but do you hear me complaining?



Yeah, but that's prolly an Imperial gallon... ;)-----------> :D

You put the issue in perspective very well, Derek, no matter how bad it may seem, somebody else has got it worse.

1 Bad Merc
06-08-2013, 05:35 AM

What a bunch of whiners, you drive around in 8 cylinder cars that get 15mpg and whinge about gas prices, go get a liitle Japanese 4 pot if you are that worried about it.

I pay $8.30 a gallon for gas it costs me $125 to fill my Marauder and $330 to fill my Excursion but do you hear me complaining?



The problem is we dont have "tubes" that can take us everywhere like you do in the UK. Also I believe I could drive across the UK in 6 hours whereas here in the States that only gets me to Louisville, KY!

The brits are used to paying half or more of there salary for taxes along with a large amount of taxes on their gas. We did not vote to pay these large gas taxes so why is our gas so high then?

Our prices tend to go up with each hint of a problem somewhere in the US and never come back down. I mean Hawaii has to have all it's gas shipped in by boat but yet Chicago with two main refineries and the crossroads of America has higher gas prices!!!!! That's what we are whining about!

06-08-2013, 05:50 AM
The government has been ''ROYALLY F#@&%÷G'' us since social security and their pensions and health benefits were set in place. Not to mention the insurance and investment companies who control the ''gas futures''. Hell, I will not stop short of saying they control the government. Question...was this country established by revolution?

06-08-2013, 10:03 AM
It all comes down to printing money to pay our debts. "Monetary easing". When we print so much money, it lessens the value of it. It's a hidden tax. Oil is bought on the world market with the dollar, which is losing value because of our out of control government spending/printing and the sellers of oil are not confident in the dollar as the standard anymore. THAT'S why gas and everything else costs so much, and is going to continue to rise exponentially.

06-08-2013, 11:41 AM

What a bunch of whiners, you drive around in 8 cylinder cars that get 15mpg and whinge about gas prices, go get a liitle Japanese 4 pot if you are that worried about it.

I pay $8.30 a gallon for gas it costs me $125 to fill my Marauder and $330 to fill my Excursion but do you hear me complaining?



You allow your government to charge over $6 per gallon tax by keeping your mouth shut. You also allowed your guns to be taken away. Americans normally don't allow these intrusions without a fight.

06-08-2013, 11:55 AM
You allow your government to charge over $6 per gallon tax by keeping your mouth shut. You also allowed your guns to be taken away. Americans normally don't allow these intrusions without a fight.

06-08-2013, 12:42 PM
Mods, I'm curious as to what bashing the government has to do with cars???

06-08-2013, 12:43 PM

What a bunch of whiners, you drive around in 8 cylinder cars that get 15mpg and whinge about gas prices, go get a liitle Japanese 4 pot if you are that worried about it.

I pay $8.30 a gallon for gas it costs me $125 to fill my Marauder and $330 to fill my Excursion but do you hear me complaining?



Exactly ....well said.

06-08-2013, 01:38 PM
Mods, I'm curious as to what bashing the government has to do with cars???

I think this is a community discussion post, no? :confused:

06-08-2013, 01:46 PM
I don't believe we can do anything about it. I think its too late for the people movement with the exception of revolt. Because of certain past events they now have enough control to where they really don't need us...or even care. If you doubt this, just watch the news without the rose colored glasses on. They do whatever they want with virtually no opposition...from anyone...and the media spins it so they look like saving angels at work...:shake:

+1 My thoughts exactly. :bigcry:

06-08-2013, 02:32 PM
Exactly ....well said.

Plenty of people bought their big cars before gas prices got out of control. Also, plenty of people need a big car or truck for utilitarian purposes.

06-08-2013, 02:46 PM
I have tons of gas, had Taco Bell yesterday

The Ice Bucket Approves of this message

SC Cheesehead
06-08-2013, 02:52 PM
I have tons of gas, had Taco Bell yesterday

The Ice Bucket Approves of this message

Dude, you could start your own methane processing facility and make a boatload of money... :banana:

Baaad GN
06-08-2013, 03:02 PM
Hey don't worry! Have you guy's forgotten I think it was Jimmy Carter that started a new agency to protect us from issues like this, it is the Dept of Energy. I think their budget is in the Billions now with thousends of employee's. Our present admin made no bones about wanting everyone to buy a small car and what better way is there, they never made it a secret in fact they preached it for quit a while. So America wake up and smell the coffee!

06-08-2013, 03:32 PM
Dude, you could start your own methane processing facility and make a boatload of money... :banana:

I've thought about it, now way to control output, and sometimes it's accompanied with things that clog pipes

The Ice Bucket Approves of this message

06-08-2013, 03:44 PM

What a bunch of whiners, you drive around in 8 cylinder cars that get 15mpg and whinge about gas prices, go get a liitle Japanese 4 pot if you are that worried about it.

I pay $8.30 a gallon for gas it costs me $125 to fill my Marauder and $330 to fill my Excursion but do you hear me complaining?



That's the weakest argument ever.

"You could have it worse, so don't complain."

Yeah, the times we had it better were purely by accident, and we should never work to make things better. That's totally the sensible way to go through life. :shake:

I'm happy for you that you are content with paying a lot more money for the same product than others do, but we are not, and we are welcome to feel upset at the proposal of such a thing.

If you want to gripe about something, gripe about the masses of people that complain about something but have no actual designs on even attempting to fix the problem that they are complaining about, THAT is something that's actually annoying...

06-08-2013, 04:29 PM
Dereck is right though, we still have it cheap.

When it slowly rises we are more accepting, but when you notice a difference in less than a month, it'll hit you harder.

06-08-2013, 04:43 PM
Dereck is right though, we still have it cheap.

When it slowly rises we are more accepting, but when you notice a difference in less than a month, it'll hit you harder.

Is it that we have it cheap? Or is it that they just have it that much MORE expensive than it needs to be? There is a huge difference between the two.

At some point they will no longer be able to invent new metrics by which they can measure and say "this is why it's so expensive." By all accounts every one of them that was used before has been proven to be not applicable for this rise, so what's the new excuse?

06-08-2013, 06:01 PM
Is it that we have it cheap? Or is it that they just have it that much MORE expensive than it needs to be? There is a huge difference between the two.

Cheap compared to the rest of the world, but no where near a "fair" price.

Remember in sand land where oil is gold, water is expensive. I would rather have the car go dry than me.

SC Cheesehead
06-08-2013, 06:16 PM

06-08-2013, 06:54 PM

I just shipped my pants....:lol:

06-08-2013, 07:07 PM
Everyone pays about the same just different taxation systems.



1 Bad Merc
06-09-2013, 12:48 AM
I've thought about it, now way to control output, and sometimes it's accompanied with things that clog pipes

The Ice Bucket Approves of this message

Nothing a couple of good ol fashioned Sliders wont cure!!! :eek:

1 Bad Merc
06-09-2013, 01:03 AM
Everyone pays about the same just different taxation systems.



I am not sure what the point is? Europeans pay more taxes on their gas per gallon then we do in the States?

Most Europeans that I know dont even drive to work. They take the trains to work when they can or buses. If they do drive a lot of them have corporate cars with a company credit/gas cards.

European countries are not as dependent on there cars as the distances to travel is a lot less then in the US and their mass transit system is a lot more advanced.

Canada might be a fair comparison but you guys love your taxes up there :D

06-09-2013, 02:29 AM
I am not sure what the point is? Europeans pay more taxes on their gas per gallon then we do in the States?

Most Europeans that I know dont even drive to work. They take the trains to work when they can or buses. If they do drive a lot of them have corporate cars with a company credit/gas cards.

European countries are not as dependent on there cars as the distances to travel is a lot less then in the US and their mass transit system is a lot more advanced.

Canada might be a fair comparison but you guys love your taxes up there :D

A gallon of gas is a gallon of gas. The numbers are a couple of years old but, using the links numbers,
England pays $8.68 - 5.21 in taxes= $3.47
Americans pay $3.96 - .48 in taxes =$3.48

Governments are going to collect a certain amount of taxes to operate, at least with the euro model you can somewhat control what you pay. Other benefits are perhaps better transit systems, better fuel efficiency and less tailpipe emmisions. Less reliance on the middle east and using less of the earths resourses matter too.

The downside is you drive a fiat instead of a MM! :D


06-09-2013, 03:02 AM
A gallon of gas is a gallon of gas. The numbers are a couple of years old but, using the links numbers,
England pays $8.68 - 5.21 in taxes= $3.47
Americans pay $3.96 - .48 in taxes =$3.48

Governments are going to collect a certain amount of taxes to operate, at least with the euro model you can somewhat control what you pay. Other benefits are perhaps better transit systems, better fuel efficiency and less tailpipe emmisions.

The downside is you drive a fiat instead of a MM! :D


That's great, but where did you get these numbers?

06-09-2013, 03:23 AM
That's great, but where did you get these numbers?

From the link a couple of posts ago,



SC Cheesehead
06-09-2013, 04:42 AM

As odd as this seems, I've got to agree with kernie on this one.

Refining costs are relatively constant, refinery profits are typcially around 6%, distribution and marketing comprise 15 - 17%, so what's left? The cost of crude oil is the largest component in the price of gasoline, followed by state and local taxes.

06-09-2013, 06:59 AM
As odd as this seems, I've got to agree with kernie on this one.

Refining costs are relatively constant, refinery profits are typcially around 6%, distribution and marketing comprise 15 - 17%, so what's left? The cost of crude oil is the largest component in the price of gasoline, followed by state and local taxes.

Well when I distribute my gas, the breakdown is a little different

Refinery costs 99% (usually comprised of White Castle, Taco Bell, beer, Mexican food and sometimes Lucky Charms.
I don't advertise, I find my brand is better when it sneaks up on you
The remaing 1% I give back. It's important to give back so I offer 1% of profits to aid the environment, you know, mass production of SARS masks

The Ice Bucket Approves of this message

06-09-2013, 08:39 AM
From the link a couple of posts ago,



Just a bunch of words, no numbers.

Interesting read though.

06-09-2013, 08:53 AM
After waking up and getting ready for my Sunday morning ritual with my old neighbors I walk out the door and pause, after toasting a tank of gas yesterday and its a 20-25 minute drive each way maybe I should take the 4cyl Saturn. Then two steps later I came to my senses:D
Why would I pass on a light traffic Sunday morning drive in a marauder. Now that would have been a dumb move.....

1 Bad Merc
06-09-2013, 11:04 AM
A gallon of gas is a gallon of gas. The numbers are a couple of years old but, using the links numbers,
England pays $8.68 - 5.21 in taxes= $3.47
Americans pay $3.96 - .48 in taxes =$3.48

Governments are going to collect a certain amount of taxes to operate, at least with the euro model you can somewhat control what you pay. Other benefits are perhaps better transit systems, better fuel efficiency and less tailpipe emmisions. Less reliance on the middle east and using less of the earths resourses matter too.

The downside is you drive a fiat instead of a MM! :D


I understand your premise now but here's where I disagree with you. We have a ton of oil reserves here in the United States compared with Europe. They have to pay more costs to import their oil and to refine it due to the higher tax structures they have in Europe. So an apples to apples comparison is not really applicable in this situation.

We allow our oil companies to sell our oil reserves on the open market but we restrict real free market competition through our government with EPA laws. So instead our government actually allows these current oil companies to form their own special cartel. They gained this control by paying lobbyists and government officials to create the laws which limits their competition by making the market entry costs to high for someone to come in here and actually compete with them.

The government and the oil companies then shovel us the free market bs to why the costs have skyrocketed. Its due to this and that, etc., etc., etc.

The real truth is that our demand and usage in the United States has gone down over the past three years as people are not driving as much. Because of this the refineries that we have that operated at full capacity a couple of years ago are now running below that mark and producing less gasoline. So the Oil companies through the use of the US government and markets are controlling the amount and types of gasoline produced and distributed.

If the oil companies were still running their plants at full capacity then we should have an oversupply of product which theorectically according to the law of supply and demand should create a glut of product in the market which should reduce the prices.

Because our government allows them to operate as a cartel I conclude their is collusion going on with these oil companies and they are working together to artificially keep/increase the prices of gasoline.

They now have it down to a science how they can force feed Americans the price increases by reducing it a little then increasing it alot and playing this type of game.

Imagine if we allowed other companies to actually compete in the marketplace with new revised epa rules - Maybe gas prices with real competition would act like the price of TV's in the past 10 years.

06-09-2013, 11:17 AM
I understand your premise now but here's where I disagree with you. We have a ton of oil reserves here in the United States compared with Europe. They have to pay more costs to import their oil and to refine it due to the higher tax structures they have in Europe. So an apples to apples comparison is not really applicable in this situation.

We allow our oil companies to sell our oil reserves on the open market but we restrict real free market competition through our government with EPA laws. So instead our government actually allows these current oil companies to form their own special cartel. They gained this control by paying lobbyists and government officials to create the laws which limits their competition by making the market entry costs to high for someone to come in here and actually compete with them.

The government and the oil companies then shovel us the free market bs to why the costs have skyrocketed. Its due to this and that, etc., etc., etc.

The real truth is that our demand and usage in the United States has gone down over the past three years as people are not driving as much. Because of this the refineries that we have that operated at full capacity a couple of years ago are now running below that mark and producing less gasoline. So the Oil companies through the use of the US government and markets are controlling the amount and types of gasoline produced and distributed.

If the oil companies were still running their plants at full capacity then we should have an oversupply of product which theorectically according to the law of supply and demand should create a glut of product in the market which should reduce the prices.

Because our government allows them to operate as a cartel I conclude their is collusion going on with these oil companies and they are working together to artificially keep/increase the prices of gasoline.

They now have it down to a science how they can force feed Americans the price increases by reducing it a little then increasing it alot and playing this type of game.

Imagine if we allowed other companies to actually compete in the marketplace with new revised epa rules - Maybe gas prices with real competition would act like the price of TV's in the past 10 years.

Really, I don't think we disagree at all, and Canada and the USA are in the same boat on this issue.

Well said.


06-09-2013, 08:35 PM
The prices have spiked in the midwest for a reason, folks:

Attempts to refit the BP refinery in Whiting, Ind., to process a different type of crude oil from Canada have reduced the 460,000-barrel per day facility to about half capacity. At the same time, a 250,000-barrel per day ExxonMobil refinery in Joliet is completely offline for maintenance work.


Like the Brit said, if you don't like it, buy a more fuel-efficient car.

1 Bad Merc
06-10-2013, 11:29 AM
I just found this interesting tidbit on Yahoo Finance and wanted to present it for everyone's view- (see we are not crazy :) )

In order to see which rose the most, we looked at a variety of sub-indexes in the CPI and calculated their change from the beginning of 2003 until April 2013. Here are the top 10, along with some perspective on what’s behind their increases.

1. Fuel oil and other fuels (for home): 145%

2. Gasoline (all types) for cars: 108%

In 2003 you paid about $1.58 (the same as $2 today) for a gallon of gas, according to GasBuddy.com. Earlier this year it was $3.70. The past few years have been volatile for oil prices, with record highs set in 2008. The price of crude is by far the most important factor in what consumers pay for gas and fuel oil, says James D. Hamilton, economics professor at University of California, San Diego. Since 2005 there have been only modest increases in the amount of crude produced worldwide.

The price of Gasoline has more then doubled in 10 years!

06-10-2013, 11:52 AM
I just found this interesting tidbit on Yahoo Finance and wanted to present it for everyone's view- (see we are not crazy :) )

In order to see which rose the most, we looked at a variety of sub-indexes in the CPI and calculated their change from the beginning of 2003 until April 2013. Here are the top 10, along with some perspective on what’s behind their increases.

1. Fuel oil and other fuels (for home): 145%

2. Gasoline (all types) for cars: 108%

In 2003 you paid about $1.58 (the same as $2 today) for a gallon of gas, according to GasBuddy.com. Earlier this year it was $3.70. The past few years have been volatile for oil prices, with record highs set in 2008. The price of crude is by far the most important factor in what consumers pay for gas and fuel oil, says James D. Hamilton, economics professor at University of California, San Diego. Since 2005 there have been only modest increases in the amount of crude produced worldwide.

The price of Gasoline has more then doubled in 10 years!

not getting an argument here, only problem is there isn't much we can do about it......is there?

06-10-2013, 12:58 PM
not getting an argument here, only problem is there isn't much we can do about it......is there?

That's the truth! ^^^

You hear about these "don't buy gas on monday's" type movements, i bet the gas exec's get a good laugh!


1 Bad Merc
06-10-2013, 09:19 PM
not getting an argument here, only problem is there isn't much we can do about it......is there?

Yes their is-vote all the incumbents out of office. Until then call them up and complain about the gas prices and how they have increased 100%.

We need to start holding the politicians accountable and ask them when will we get some fair market competition? When are we going to get some regulatory relief from the EPA restricitons? What are they personally doing about it?

Hopeful your guy is a Rand Paul renegade :D and will stand up and make a speech about it and get some extra news coverage. Then maybe some things could change.

The squeeky wheel gets the oil -no pun intended :beer:

SC Cheesehead
06-11-2013, 03:16 AM
Yes their is-vote all the incumbents out of office. Until then call them up and complain about the gas prices and how they have increased 100%.

We need to start holding the politicians accountable and ask them when will we get some fair market competition? When are we going to get some regulatory relief from the EPA restricitons? What are they personally doing about it?

Hopeful your guy is a Rand Paul renegade :D and will stand up and make a speech about it and get some extra news coverage. Then maybe some things could change.

The squeeky wheel gets the oil -no pun intended :beer:

Won't happen under the current administration.


06-11-2013, 09:45 AM
We could boycott a particular company and put them under, then threaten another. We'll of course only screw ourselves when down to a couple suppliers....so much for that idea.

That's the truth! ^^^

You hear about these "don't buy gas on monday's" type movements, i bet the gas exec's get a good laugh!


06-11-2013, 07:35 PM
The way i look at it is to get a set of floating center caps.....that should help increase the mpg............

06-13-2013, 12:51 PM
Last year I downtuned the Marauder to run happily on 87 (and she's still fast!)

This year my wife bought an Elantra and we're selling the jeep.

Every year it gets worse, and with the rash of electric vehicles and better MPG cars on the market, the gas station owners will just get less business.

06-13-2013, 01:09 PM
$3.89 for 93 octane straight up 100% gasoline in Arkansas.....no 10% ethanol blend, no E85. Regular is $3.54

I cannot complain - all things considered, seems like everyone else is getting drilled.

06-13-2013, 02:48 PM
Won't happen under the current administration.


Agreed. Current Adminastration WANTS to run us into the dirt...seems there may be a certain chip on a certain persons shoulder...

06-13-2013, 03:14 PM
Thank you Mr. President for pushing your green clean energy crap by driving our gas prices through the roof. Ridiculous. And why is Chicago so much higher than the rest of the country???? What makes this **** hole so special?

06-13-2013, 03:31 PM
Thank you Mr. President for pushing your green clean energy crap by driving our gas prices through the roof. Ridiculous. And why is Chicago so much higher than the rest of the country???? What makes this **** hole so special?

The number of marauder drivers there are increasing the demand in your area, the result is higher prices :(

Mustang man
06-13-2013, 04:12 PM
Stopped on the way home to fill the Marauder.
93 octane premium $4.78
80 bucks to fill my car

06-13-2013, 08:06 PM
Found premium for 4.09 so filled thing 1 then went home and ran back with thing 2.
Noticed diesel was 3.66, who wants to drive the work truck instead of a marauder:shake:

06-13-2013, 08:36 PM
Jumping in here late for the original post, but I wholeheartedly agree. I left last Thursday from Houston and went through Chicago up to Racine and Milwaukee. We were towing a Uhaul trailer with my wife's Expedition EL for a friend that moved up there. The friend told us to fill up before we got to Chicago. I filled up in Houston for 3.22. The highest we paid was 4.39, but I saw it higher than that. All of Illinois was high.

I did notice a HUGE number of windmills that I don't remember being there the last time I was in Illinois. Must be Obama's green money going to his homies.

Weird thing was gasoline was quite a bit higher than diesel in Illinois.

06-13-2013, 08:37 PM
Well if it makes all of you feel better, up here in Alberta we're at 1.27 a liter. There's 3.785 of those in 1 US gallon.

It could always be worse :)

06-13-2013, 08:44 PM
Well if it makes all of you feel better, up here in Alberta we're at 1.27 a liter. There's 3.785 of those in 1 US gallon.

It could always be worse :)

But u get FREE health care :lol:
Do cops hang out in donut shops up there too?

SC Cheesehead
06-14-2013, 04:42 AM
But u get FREE health care :lol:
Do cops hang out in donut shops up there too?

They're not just cops, they're RCMP...

06-14-2013, 06:51 AM
I love how we keep having threads critiquing the government and how they are the root of all evil

But one dude starts a thread that simply says boost gets you laid and it gets nuked

Beginning to see this site more and more is about drama instead of about fun

The Ice Bucket Approves of this message

06-14-2013, 06:54 AM
Well, boost uses more gas. So in a way you get layed at the pumps.

1 Bad Merc
06-14-2013, 07:25 AM
I love how we keep having threads critiquing the government and how they are the root of all evil

But one dude starts a thread that simply says boost gets you laid and it gets nuked

Beginning to see this site more and more is about drama instead of about fun

The Ice Bucket Approves of this message

I did criticise the whole government and oil companies so it should be fun for all ....sounds like you need to get boosted errr ........nevermind :D

Sorry -couldnt resist :)

06-14-2013, 07:34 AM
I did criticise the whole government and oil companies so it should be fun for all ....sounds like you need to get boosted errr ........nevermind :D

Sorry -couldnt resist :)

It should but it never turns out that way, majority rules and it just turns into more Obamabashing, the politics never get fully under control here

And that would be fine, if the fun still existed. But when a boost gets you laid thread gets nuked, but the Obama bashing persists, I'd say the priorities on a car site are out of whack

Once a week there is a "drama" thread started. Either somebody is whining, complaining or just starts with a volatile topic, all of this is permitted

A thread comes along that could be a lot of fun, encourages a member to get boost which could benefit a vendor and something that could be fun

It gets erased. And that's my point, Drama reigns and we aren't allowed to bring the funny to offset it

The Ice Bucket Approves of this message

06-14-2013, 07:38 AM
I love how we keep having threads critiquing the government and how they are the root of all evil

But one dude starts a thread that simply says boost gets you laid and it gets nuked

Beginning to see this site more and more is about drama instead of about fun

The Ice Bucket Approves of this message

Where's the like button

06-14-2013, 07:48 AM
Last time I checked gas prices were high BEFORE OBAMA GOT IN OFFICE.
Were you crabs complaining then? I bet you weren't.

Don't like the government? MOVE TO THE MOON
Don't like gas prices? RIDE THE DAMN BUS

Damn shame wana be grown ass men sit round here and complain like some track whores bout gas prices for a week straight on a "CAR FOURM" but boost gets you laid, racing and car related stuff isn't permitted.

Will this forum site ever be what's its suppose to be?

It's funny how some, maybe even most marauder owners here talk down about CV owners and how they are low income owners etc but they don't cry bout had its the wana be high class "better then all" marauder owners.

06-14-2013, 08:27 AM
Last time I checked gas prices were high BEFORE OBAMA GOT IN OFFICE.
Were you crabs complaining then? I bet you weren't.

BS. Everyone was complaining about the spike in gas going way back to the Bush years, especially libs blaming Bush the oil man profiteering somehow. Now they say nothing. :shake:

By the way, gas was under $2.00 a gallon when Bush left office. Look it up.

06-14-2013, 08:33 AM
Damn shame wana be grown ass men sit round here and complain like some track whores bout gas prices for a week straight on a "CAR FOURM" but boost gets you laid, racing and car related stuff isn't permitted.

Will this forum site ever be what's its suppose to be?

Complaining about complainers. Classic! :beer:

1 Bad Merc
06-14-2013, 09:27 AM
Last time I checked gas prices were high BEFORE OBAMA GOT IN OFFICE.
Were you crabs complaining then? I bet you weren't.

Don't like the government? MOVE TO THE MOON
Don't like gas prices? RIDE THE DAMN BUS

Damn shame wana be grown ass men sit round here and complain like some track whores bout gas prices for a week straight on a "CAR FOURM" but boost gets you laid, racing and car related stuff isn't permitted.

Will this forum site ever be what's its suppose to be?

It's funny how some, maybe even most marauder owners here talk down about CV owners and how they are low income owners etc but they don't cry bout had its the wana be high class "better then all" marauder owners.

Wow -this is the lounge area -car related topics to be talked about here-cars do run on gasoline.

Dont like this thread -easy fix -dont read it! :eek:

Problem with other threads deleted -contact the moderators and ask them why.

Complainers who are not paying site members = Priceless :beer:

Solved the problems and left CV/GM owners alone! :burnout:

06-14-2013, 09:39 AM
Damn shame wana be grown ass men sit round here and complain like some track whores bout gas prices for a week straight on a "CAR FOURM" but boost gets you laid, racing and car related stuff isn't permitted.

Complaining about complainers. Classic! :beer:

He's got me pegged all wrong anyways:

I'm more of a boobs-man than an ass-man. :lol:

06-14-2013, 10:33 AM
Wow -this is the lounge area -car related topics to be talked about here-cars do run on gasoline.

Dont like this thread -easy fix -dont read it! :eek:

Problem with other threads deleted -contact the moderators and ask them why.

Complainers who are not paying site members = Priceless :beer:

Solved the problems and left CV/GM owners alone! :burnout:

Lounge area means nthn stuff still gets nuked I've been seen its Pay to play here nthn new. Enjoy gas prices!

1 Bad Merc
06-14-2013, 10:37 AM
Lounge area means nthn stuff still gets nuked I've been seen its Pay to play here nthn new. Enjoy gas prices!

God bless my friend!

Now where were we-gas prices suck, government has left us hanging out to dry and I still love my Marauder! Carry on my friends!

06-14-2013, 10:44 AM
God bless my friend!

I think your missing my point Brad, complaining about gas prices is appropriate, but it always devolves into Obama bashing, which is fine, I've been able to stay out of that ********

But when you can't counteract one of the numerous drama threads, political threads, or whining threads with a fun one like Boost gets you laid, then what's the point?
If we eliminate the fun threads all we are left with is Drama, I can get that on TV

The Ice Bucket Approves of this message

1 Bad Merc
06-14-2013, 11:07 AM
I think your missing my point Brad, complaining about gas prices is appropriate, but it always devolves into Obama bashing, which is fine, I've been able to stay out of that ********

But when you can't counteract one of the numerous drama threads, political threads, or whining threads with a fun one like Boost gets you laid, then what's the point?
If we eliminate the fun threads all we are left with is Drama, I can get that on TV

The Ice Bucket Approves of this message

I understood exactly where you are coming from -I just did not want to get into an argument that no one is going to feel good about.

If some members take my gas prices/government rants thread and turn it into an Anti-Obama bashing thread I am sorry but I really cant help that.

The presidency of this country in the last 20 years has become a very polarizing topic with people and with the rise of the internet it seems every one can and will express their opinions both good and bad.

I am currently not a fan of anybody in government at this time -I think they all suck!

I am sorry the threads you thought were fun and lighthearted where deleted. Not sure why that happened but if it is really bothering you then maybe it is something you should bring up directly with the owners of this site? The only thing I can think of is maybe the thread titles where a little too risque'?

I do really appreciate every members' contributions to this site and enjoy the majority of topics listed here.

These are some very tough economic times and people are frustrated. I was letting some of my frustration out about the gas prices (after paying $120 to fill up my truck) and trying to have some fun at the same time with this thread. It was not meant to tick people off on this site.

Be well my friend and I hope to see you in Hotlanta!

06-14-2013, 11:10 AM

Group hug is in order, everyone on the count of three wrap your arms around yourself and pretend its the member you like the most so you'll smile while doing it. Sorry darrin looks like your alone on this one :D

Hey who makes those pedal gear thingys??

06-14-2013, 11:17 AM

Group hug is in order, everyone on the count of three wrap your arms around yourself and pretend its the member you like the most so you'll smile while doing it. Sorry darrin looks like your alone on this one :D

Hey who makes those pedal gear thingys??

Sorry. Haven't seen a sexy woman owner here to like and want to hug

1 Bad Merc
06-14-2013, 11:21 AM
Sorry. Haven't seen a sexy woman owner here to like and want to hug

Oh Snap - That's what she SAID!!!!! :banana2:

1 Bad Merc
06-14-2013, 11:26 AM

Group hug is in order, everyone on the count of three wrap your arms around yourself and pretend its the member you like the most so you'll smile while doing it. Sorry darrin looks like your alone on this one :D

Hey who makes those pedal gear thingys??

Dammit Jerry (got to use my Seinfeld reference) you know Joe is going to get jealous again !!!!! :coolman:

06-14-2013, 11:51 AM
Joes on vacation, I know I saw him 34756

The Ice Bucket Approves of this message

1 Bad Merc
06-14-2013, 11:58 AM
Joes on vacation, I know I saw him 34756

The Ice Bucket Approves of this message

Now that is some funny Shite! :beer:

06-17-2013, 10:45 AM
I've been wanting to reply to this thread but it wasn't worth it via phone.

I've been tracking the cost of gas in Southern NJ since Feb 2012.

As you can see from the graph: The gas companies have us where they want us...

They jack up the price to $4, scare us that it's gonna stay that way and drop it to $3.50 and keep it at $3.70/gal (where they want us).

Understood that NJ is cheaper than other states but I wonder if the trend matches what members in other states are seeing.

I do shop around and buy what's the best price (always 93 octane) from Sunoco, Citgo, Shell, etc.


06-17-2013, 05:02 PM
It should but it never turns out that way, majority rules and it just turns into more Obamabashing, the politics never get fully under control here

And that would be fine, if the fun still existed. But when a boost gets you laid thread gets nuked, but the Obama bashing persists, I'd say the priorities on a car site are out of whack

Once a week there is a "drama" thread started. Either somebody is whining, complaining or just starts with a volatile topic, all of this is permitted

A thread comes along that could be a lot of fun, encourages a member to get boost which could benefit a vendor and something that could be fun

It gets erased. And that's my point, Drama reigns and we aren't allowed to bring the funny to offset it

The Ice Bucket Approves of this message

Very well said..

Self proclaimed Builder Of Badassery.

Buy it, Break it, Build it BETTER.
"Since 2004"

06-17-2013, 05:05 PM
Last time I checked gas prices were high BEFORE OBAMA GOT IN OFFICE.
Were you crabs complaining then? I bet you weren't.

Don't like the government? MOVE TO THE MOON
Don't like gas prices? RIDE THE DAMN BUS

Damn shame wana be grown ass men sit round here and complain like some track whores bout gas prices for a week straight on a "CAR FOURM" but boost gets you laid, racing and car related stuff isn't permitted.

Will this forum site ever be what's its suppose to be?

It's funny how some, maybe even most marauder owners here talk down about CV owners and how they are low income owners etc but they don't cry bout had its the wana be high class "better then all" marauder owners.

Agree on most everything you said except the CV guys. Yes they do give attitude that we are holier than thou. Many many times I have personally witnessed.

Self proclaimed Builder Of Badassery.

Buy it, Break it, Build it BETTER.
"Since 2004"

06-17-2013, 05:18 PM
I think your missing my point Brad, complaining about gas prices is appropriate, but it always devolves into Obama bashing, which is fine, I've been able to stay out of that ********

But when you can't counteract one of the numerous drama threads, political threads, or whining threads with a fun one like Boost gets you laid, then what's the point?
If we eliminate the fun threads all we are left with is Drama, I can get that on TV

The Ice Bucket Approves of this message

Oh, this is a car site? Most wouldn't have a clue. I thought it was a family site for all ages, geared toward politics, birthdays, oil viscosity, and 5,000 4.10's threads? Or was that 5,000 how to burp the cooling system threads?

I'm gonna go drive my car that I hand built, maybe kill some Chevy's, then go home and get laid. Er. NORMAL things we. all. do...

That thread was for fun. I thought It wasn't possible to piss off Jake? Congrats.


Self proclaimed Builder Of Badassery.

Buy it, Break it, Build it BETTER.
"Since 2004"

06-17-2013, 05:21 PM
Oh, this is a car site? Most wouldn't have a clue. I thought it was a family site for all ages, geared toward politics, birthdays, oil viscosity, and 5,000 4.10's threads? Or was that 5,000 how to burp the cooling system threads?

I'm gonna go drive my car that I hand built, maybe kill some Chevy's, then go home and get laid. Er. NORMAL things we. all. do...

That thread was for fun. I thought It wasn't possible to piss off Jake? Congrats.


Self proclaimed Builder Of Badassery.

Buy it, Break it, Build it BETTER.
"Since 2004"

Trudat, a dude that rolled with all punches and has been a staple, is now gone and more to follow behind him

The Ice Bucket Approves of this message

06-17-2013, 05:45 PM
Michael Douglas sparked a firestorm Sunday claiming that he caught throat cancer by giving oral sex to his wife.

It begs two obvious questions.

Is this a sound medical diagnosis or is Michael Douglas just the latest Democrat to blame everything on Bush?

Just trying to have fun with -0- drama.........:D

SC Cheesehead
06-17-2013, 06:19 PM
Oh, this is a car site? Most wouldn't have a clue. I thought it was a family site for all ages, geared toward politics, birthdays, oil viscosity, and 5,000 4.10's threads? Or was that 5,000 how to burp the cooling system threads?

I'm gonna go drive my car that I hand built, maybe kill some Chevy's, then go home and get laid. Er. NORMAL things we. all. do...

That thread was for fun. I thought It wasn't possible to piss off Jake? Congrats.


Self proclaimed Builder Of Badassery.

Buy it, Break it, Build it BETTER.
"Since 2004"

What did I miss? :dunno:

06-17-2013, 06:28 PM
What did I miss? :dunno:

He's checked out! :toss:

SC Cheesehead
06-17-2013, 06:38 PM
He's checked out! :toss:

Jake, as in DOOM???

06-17-2013, 06:43 PM
Jake, as in DOOM???

Yes sir!:alone:

SC Cheesehead
06-17-2013, 06:44 PM


06-17-2013, 06:50 PM
What did I miss? :dunno:

That's what I just said to myself?


Where are you?????

06-17-2013, 06:53 PM
What!!:eek: checked out of the site??? :eek::eek: For good???:eek::eek::eek: Wow, I missed it too. Someome pm me and fill me in please...:shake:

cat in the hat
06-17-2013, 07:33 PM
Paid $3.27 for regular in NJ on Saturday (not Devil Girl), and they paid a guy to pump it for me.
That's .30 /gal. cheaper than pumping it myself 10 miles away in PA.

The whole thing, nationally, is just packed with thick, creamy WTF.

06-17-2013, 07:47 PM
That's what I just said to myself?


Where are you?????

It was brief, quick and disappointing, but for many reasons including those sighted in this thread, Some have decided the boiling point has been reached.
Again as sighted before when we have threads that are allowed to call for armed overthrow of the government, calling our President every name in the book and preach a select point of view that not all agree with, but we can't start a thread with a clean picture (meaning very work safe) that says boosts gets you laid, well priorities are out of whack. I've felt that for a long time, and as evident by a departure, I'm not the only one.

Somewhere along the line we forgot to have fun, and got more into to drama.

How many times in the last year have we had "look at me threads" complaining about one thing or another. I'm guilty of it as well.
There are pot stirrers that post things just to get a rise, and people take the bait.

More times than not the sins of the few have caused punishment for the many.

As such, in a classy move, with no ceremony, with no complaining, and with no look at me thread started, a staple of this site has bid farewell.

The Ice Bucket Approves of this message

06-17-2013, 07:48 PM
Man i wish the prices were that low here... I just filled my Marauder for 95 dollars at 1.50 per Litre... (5.66 Per Gallon)

cat in the hat
06-17-2013, 07:52 PM
Man i wish the prices were that low here... I just filled my Marauder for 95 dollars at 1.50 per Litre... (5.66 Per Gallon)

South Jersey is cheap, no joke. I fill up any time I'm over there.

06-17-2013, 08:37 PM
I'm lost and confused............

06-17-2013, 08:57 PM

AS one of the few who have actually gotten paid to write... (Admittedly not very much $--but published book, 28 monthly articles, book jackets, etc), I can honestly say that you never know what will spark the red pen of site managers or editors... And it can't be taken as a personal affront to the writer.

Jokes, fun, mirth etc... Sometimes strike the wrong cord in the receiver, which has little to do with the sender... But does not diminish the editor either.

Don't sweat the petty stuff...while it stings to get edited, deleted, audited, etc... most of the time it is simply procedural, not a personal thing. Many threads take a hard right down a one way dirt road... Someone is charged with bringing us back.

From my limited perspective, only a year as a viewer, you are an integral part of the community. Your voice is far too important to hear, to be silenced so easily. Don't hung it up on us simply because of basic editing etc...

We need the community to thrive and prosper.

06-17-2013, 08:59 PM
PS on thread... From Tennessee to Ca the most expensive shocker of a fill up was just one tank from Nevada to Ca down by Lake Havesu.... Jumped $20 per tank. I almost ***** myself!

SC Cheesehead
06-18-2013, 03:22 AM
It was brief, quick and disappointing, but for many reasons including those sighted in this thread, Some have decided the boiling point has been reached.
Again as sighted before when we have threads that are allowed to call for armed overthrow of the government, calling our President every name in the book and preach a select point of view that not all agree with, but we can't start a thread with a clean picture (meaning very work safe) that says boosts gets you laid, well priorities are out of whack. I've felt that for a long time, and as evident by a departure, I'm not the only one.

Somewhere along the line we forgot to have fun, and got more into to drama.

How many times in the last year have we had "look at me threads" complaining about one thing or another. I'm guilty of it as well.
There are pot stirrers that post things just to get a rise, and people take the bait.

More times than not the sins of the few have caused punishment for the many.

As such, in a classy move, with no ceremony, with no complaining, and with no look at me thread started, a staple of this site has bid farewell.

The Ice Bucket Approves of this message

Not true, Brad. More drama, yes, but still fun. The site continues to evolve, maybe not always in the way we'd each like, but there's still much more good than "bad"; if not, nobody would be hanging around and posting up. BTW, if you wanted to see drama should have been around in the "Darkside" days...:shake:

What punishment? I've had posts and threads closed/deleted, some rightly so, others, :dunno:. It's a moderated site and the owners can do as they wish; their game, their rules, nothing new here.

I really hope Jake comes back, he's a great guy and a lot of fun.

Ms. Denmark
06-22-2013, 10:05 AM
With no Doom..... who's gonna wish us Happy Birthday? :dunno: :alone:

I know I've hijacked this thread but FWIW Mods, I saw the picture (drawing) and was not at all offended or even concerned. I personally would not have thought it warranted deletion on those grounds....unless perhaps there were numerous complaints? As a woman, I've read and seen MUCH more offensive stuff posted here by other members but even then I am rarely overly bothered....and apparently neither is anyone else....because those posts aren't deleted.

I do understand that it is the prerogative of the Mods to determine what is not appropriate and it is a thankless job at times, I'm sure. (I appreciate that the general tone of this site is "female friendly." ) For the most part our members (male or female) are "class acts" and follow basic rules of decorum while interacting on a public forum. Doom is always a Class Act....with a wicked sense of humor maybe...but a great personality and someone who adds a lot to this community, on-line and in person. Just wanted to say his deleted post did not offend me.

06-22-2013, 10:27 AM
Doom I think will be back. Give him some time to collect his thoughts

sent from a Samsung Galaxy far far away...

06-22-2013, 10:41 AM
doom ...high five brotha!

06-22-2013, 12:40 PM
I have many friends on this site and a few that I'd consider close friends. Jake falls in the close friend category. I'm not going to get into the reasons because it's not my place. Hopefully we will see him back before long.

Sorry for hijacking this thread.

06-22-2013, 01:30 PM
He will get over it.

As for now I saved a ton of money on gas by not driving the Marauder. :(

1 Bad Merc
06-22-2013, 02:19 PM
He will get over it.

As for now I saved a ton of money on gas by not driving the Marauder. :(

That stinks......you must be saving your money for some drag radials/slicks for the outlaw shootout.

Good luck.

06-22-2013, 02:39 PM
Nope. Its broken. I will fix it on monday.