View Full Version : Effective Today -- New Cellphone/Texting Law in Virginia

07-01-2013, 11:06 AM
In Virginia, cellphone and texting is a Primary Offense as of 1 July 2013

Fine is $10,000 for the first offense. ;)

2nd Offense gets "Death by Hanging" in a public place. ;)

They wanted to bring back the Guillotine until it was pointed out that most of the violators were dead above the neck anyway so the intended effect would be minimized and there was a chance that some could actually survive and be elected to Congress.

Of course, I am exaggerating just a little bit on this. :jk: But some folks need just a little more incentive to stop playing with their electronic pacifiers on the highway.

The real 1st offense is $125. More subsequently. Not high enough IMHO.

Mr. Man
07-01-2013, 11:14 AM
In Virginia, cellphone and texting is a Primary Offense as of 1 July 2013

Fine is $10,000 for the first offense. ;)

2nd Offense gets "Death by Hanging" in a public place. ;)

They wanted to bring back the Guillotine until it was pointed out that most of the violators were dead above the neck anyway so the intended effect would be minimized and there was a chance that some could actually survive and be elected to Congress.

Of course, I am exaggerating just a little bit on this. :jk: But some folks need just a little more incentive to stop playing with their electronic pacifiers on the highway.

The real 1st offense is $125. More subsequently. Not high enough IMHO.

This message was sent to you via Tapatalk while I'm driving to work in rush hour traffic.

07-01-2013, 11:16 AM
Not very likely .... :P

07-01-2013, 11:18 AM
In Virginia, cellphone and texting is a Primary Offense as of 1 July 2013

Fine is $10,000 for the first offense. ;)

2nd Offense gets "Death by Hanging" in a public place. ;)

They wanted to bring back the Guillotine until it was pointed out that most of the violators were dead above the neck anyway so the intended effect would be minimized and there was a chance that some could actually survive and be elected to Congress.

Of course, I am exaggerating just a little bit on this. :jk: But some folks need just a little more incentive to stop playing with their electronic pacifiers on the highway.

The real 1st offense is $125. More subsequently. Not high enough IMHO.

This message was sent to you via Tapatalk while I'm driving to work in rush hour traffic and also shaving and reading the paper.

Updated the update.

RF Overlord
07-01-2013, 11:38 AM
I realise studies show talking on the phone while driving is a distraction, but at least your eyes are on the road so you have a chance of seeing something before you hit it. Texting while driving should be loss of privileges for a month for the 1st offense, and revocation of license for the second.

SC Cheesehead
07-01-2013, 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by Bluerauder http://www.mercurymarauder.net/forums/images/buttons/viewpost.gif (http://www.mercurymarauder.net/forums/showthread.php?p=1310123#post1 310123)
In Virginia, cellphone and texting is a Primary Offense as of 1 July 2013

Fine is $10,000 for the first offense. ;)

2nd Offense gets "Death by Hanging" in a public place. ;)

They wanted to bring back the Guillotine until it was pointed out that most of the violators were dead above the neck anyway so the intended effect would be minimized and there was a chance that some could actually survive and be elected to Congress.

Of course, I am exaggerating just a little bit on this. :jk: But some folks need just a little more incentive to stop playing with their electronic pacifiers on the highway.

The real 1st offense is $125. More subsequently. Not high enough IMHO.

This message was sent to you via Tapatalk while I'm driving to work in rush hour traffic, shaving, reading the paper and taking pics for the "Cell Phone Picture Thread"....

Updated the update..

Updated the updated update..

07-01-2013, 12:03 PM
I think they should make it a big fine. Loss of driving lic for 1 year. Or they should have to eat the phone.
I am on the road allot and see these idiots texting while driving all the time.
When I worked we had a rule (policy) that stated NO Phones in the front area of the vehicle you are driving. Firing was the punishment. It worked.

cat in the hat
07-01-2013, 12:14 PM
They should address EATING while driving. I saw a guy driving while eating out of a container of chinese food with chopsticks recently - I'm pretty sure that's more distracting than talking :bop:

07-01-2013, 12:15 PM
As soon as the ban here in MD went into effect even MORE people are doing it.

07-01-2013, 01:31 PM
As soon as the ban here in MD went into effect even MORE people are doing it.

Most of the violators that I see here in Virginia are wearing Maryland license plates ..... commuters from PG County and vicinity.

I think that you are right ... unless there is enforcement most will just "dare" the police to stop them. That's why I think $125 fine is chicken feed for a 1st offense. The $10,000 would definitely get their attention. Can't pay that fine. Lose license until you can come up with the cash. 2nd offense .... permanent revocation of driver's license.... although I still think hanging and guillotine are acceptable options and will have the added benefit of thinning the gene pool, slowing population growth, and decreasing the volume on the highways. Its a Win-Win situation. Except for the Losers. :P

07-01-2013, 01:38 PM
Bring back flogging!!!

07-01-2013, 01:51 PM
$125 is not enough, $10,000 is too much. I would say $500 the first time and $1,000 for each time after.

07-01-2013, 02:00 PM
$125 is not enough, $10,000 is too much. I would say $500 the first time and $1,000 for each time after.

You are way too easy Chris. How about:

1. 1st offense -- Flogging 20 lashes (pirate style)
2. 2nd offense -- $1000
3. 3rd offense -- Permanent Loss of Driver's License in all states and territories.
4. 4th offense -- Public Hanging on "The Biggest Loser" on Prime Time TV every Friday night. ;)

07-01-2013, 02:06 PM
I see cops down here texting and LIVING on a damn cell phone!!:mad2::argue:

SCHP car texting at stop light just sat there 15-20 seconds before horns started blowing....what's up with that??:rolleyes:

07-01-2013, 02:15 PM
You are way too easy Chris. How about:

1. 1st offense -- Flogging 20 lashes (pirate style)
2. 2nd offense -- $1000
3. 3rd offense -- Permanent Loss of Driver's License in all states and territories.
4. 4th offense -- Public Hanging on "The Biggest Loser" on Prime Time TV every Friday night. ;)
I am thinking realistically.

Taking someone's license away doesn't do jack anymore, people will still drive without it. I deal with some of those idiots for work.

The only way to make the whole thing effective is to hit people where it hurts, their wallet. If Maryland had just enforced what laws they already had in place with the talk/text ban and capitalized on the funds it would bring in OWE-Malley wouldn't of had to raise tolls or hike up the gas tax.

07-01-2013, 02:19 PM
I am thinking realistically.

OK ... I agree; but double it each time.

It goes like this $500, $1000, $2000, $4000 ..... then the serious **** for the slow to catch on !!

07-01-2013, 02:25 PM
Doubling the fine cost would be fine with me, as I don't do it and maybe that will make some people wake up that distracted driving is just as bad as drunk driving.

07-01-2013, 02:27 PM
Doubling the fine cost would be fine with me, as I don't do it and maybe that will make some people wake up that distracted driving is just as bad as drunk driving.

Its worse than drunk driving .....at least the drunks are trying and have a chemical explanation for F'd up thinking !!! :P