View Full Version : We are all better than this.

07-08-2013, 11:34 AM
Where do I begin.....

It's obvious that you all feel very much at Home here. I'm glad we have such a place to gather on a daily basis. In my personal opinion, some have become too comfortable.

I'm going to get right down to brass tacks here. I was very offended by the "Boost gets you laid" graphic. The fact that I first saw it in Jake's thread doesn't mean that it was acceptable in the prior thread that it appeared in. Once it was brought to my attention that it had appeared elsewhere, I deleted those posts. The graphic was over the line. Period. The phrase is over the line here. Period. You all know its over the line and now we have deleted another thread, which is throwing it right in our faces - deliberately. None of you should be surprised that the threads and posts have been deleted. You shouldn't need this explanation of why they were deleted. This is not a Junior High School playground and you're passing around the underwear section of the Sears catalog. Have you so little respect for the website and for me specifically? Yes, I've taken this very personally and Joe's thread started last night - which I did not read until after it was deleted - is really insulting and a very deliberate aggression to the Owners. We hear apologies after the fact from some of you, and yet you still engage in this juvenile crap.

No means No. Stop means Stop. We are all better than this. Out of respect for me, Bob, Dan, Mike and the Membership at Large, I respectfully request that "Boost gets you laid" dies a quick death. Remove it from your signatures. I don't need this headache. If you don't like it, I can't help that. You all know better and just because some time has passed since it was first posted, it doesn't mean it was acceptable. If anyone doesn't like what I've said here and wants to antagonise the Angry Bunny - you better watch out.
