View Full Version : How many 03 Marauders ?

Larry Vogel
12-17-2002, 06:04 PM
Just heard that only 2,000 have been sold, Ithought I saw somewhere that 5,400 had been sold before they were released. What happened?:eek:

12-17-2002, 06:09 PM
Where you getting your data?

Larry Vogel
12-17-2002, 06:17 PM
The 5,400 figure I think came from BlueOval. The other from IMMC.

12-17-2002, 06:52 PM
Originally- LM initiated the figure of approx. 25K for first year units in last years show for the '03 season--to create the "limited" inpression and hopeful need on the public to purchase for same..and to 'see' how well it truely is accepted....however that has since been lowered to between 18 and 20K......as to actual sold--hard to get facts ....but we are finding out that several dealers are finding themselves with more that they need...reason--initially destributed based on previouse years sales and size of dealerships....thus some with more than they "know how to sell"

Unfortunately, like many have already said on here and are finding out personnally when talking with their dealers--they do not know the car well enough to " know how to sell" it--- caused from alot of reasons we all can come up with -- so either we are gonna end up with a unique bit of machinery worth more in the end or very little from lack of interest from the public due to LM's lack of sell/advertisement

12-18-2002, 12:06 AM
I've never heard that they were going to produce 25,000 of them. it's been stated as 18,000 for the US and 500 for Canada from the beginning.

Ford did announce that over 5,000 had been pre-sold.