View Full Version : Dodge magnum sighting

03-22-2004, 10:03 AM
I was getting off the freeway on my way to work this morning and going up the on ramp was a Dodge Magnum in silver paint. Looked like Michigan plates. I just got done reading a write up on this car in Autoweek...pretty impressive.

I am not a fan of Dodge in the slightest bit but I must say that is a good looking wagon.

03-22-2004, 01:51 PM
I just got done reading a write up on this car in Autoweek...pretty impressive.

I am not a fan of Dodge in the slightest bit but I must say that is a good looking wagon.

Is it a car? Is it a wagon? It's a truck! :rock: :rock: According to Dodge, it's a truck. :bounce:

http://www.dodge.com/bridge/full_vehicle_picker.html?app=p riceequip&family=brand&model=