View Full Version : "From One Second To The Next" Documentary - It Can Wait

08-13-2013, 06:01 AM

08-13-2013, 11:39 AM
Very compelling and eye-opening. We're going to start seeing these vignettes come up in student driving education classes.

Truly heartbreaking and the message is clear. Don't text and drive! It can wait

sent from a Samsung Galaxy far far away..

08-13-2013, 01:07 PM
I believe it is common sense not to divert your eyes away from the road when in control of a two ton hunk of metal ,but all to often I see people(especially around my age) with their eyes to the floor. Videos like this save lives.

mike P71
08-13-2013, 01:41 PM
I was hit broadside two and a half years ago by a woman texting .My two year old son at the time was in the rear in a child seat .i sustained two fractured vertebra and my son fortunately was unhurt other than a split lip .My GMC Truck was totaled .My life changed as a result and I went from being athletically active to being fairly inactive but I still feel very fortunate that my injuries were not worse . I really hope this,film creates an awareness in people how truly dangerous texting can be

08-13-2013, 02:03 PM
I believe it is common sense not to divert your eyes away from the road when in control of a two ton hunk of metal ,but all to often I see people(especially around my age) with their eyes to the floor. Videos like this save lives.
Videos like this I believe will only impact the lives of maybe 10% of those young in age. The rest of them don't care outside of their own reach and are stuck in social media mode.

I was hit broadside two and a half years ago by a woman texting .My two year old son at the time was in the rear in a child seat .i sustained two fractured vertebra and my son fortunately was unhurt other than a split lip .My GMC Truck was totaled .My life changed as a result and I went from being athletically active to being fairly inactive but I still feel very fortunate that my injuries were not worse . I really hope this,film creates an awareness in people how truly dangerous texting can be
Very thankful to hear your son was unhurt in the accident.

I was hit by a drunk driver almost 8 years ago and I still feel the pain everyday. One careless mistake can cause a lifetime pain.

08-13-2013, 02:47 PM
In my opinion if your found to be texting in a car when you have an accident, no matter how serious, it should be attemped murder. Not vehicular Homicide, murder! Same if you do any high speed pursuit from the police, it should be Attempted Murder. For however many people you pass, each person is one count...non-negotiable!!!

08-13-2013, 03:07 PM
Videos like this I believe will only impact the lives of maybe 10% of those young in age. The rest of them don't care outside of their own reach and are stuck in social media mode.

I agree with you 100%, however 10% informed is better than nothing at all. It would be cool to see facebook, and other social media sites promote the "it can wait" campaign.

mike P71
08-13-2013, 10:07 PM
Videos like this I believe will only impact the lives of maybe 10% of those young in age. The rest of them don't care outside of their own reach and are stuck in social media mode.

Very thankful to hear your son was unhurt in the accident.

I was hit by a drunk driver almost 8 years ago and I still feel the pain everyday. One careless mistake can cause a lifetime pain.

Thank you I appreciate what your saying. I also feel the effects of the hit every day

08-14-2013, 04:17 AM
In my opinion if your found to be texting in a car when you have an accident, no matter how serious, it should be attemped murder. Not vehicular Homicide, murder! Same if you do any high speed pursuit from the police, it should be Attempted Murder. For however many people you pass, each person is one count...non-negotiable!!!

Then how about speeding say 10 over?

08-14-2013, 05:33 AM
More and more I see all age groups texting or checking phone at red lights. Very alarming! Some days I am happy and thankful to make it back to the garage in alive!

08-14-2013, 06:18 AM
Videos like this I believe will only impact the lives of maybe 10% of those young in age. The rest of them don't care outside of their own reach and are stuck in social media mode.

I agree that it will likely have a minimal impact. Cellphones and iPhones have become the electronic pacifier for more than 50% of the population. It is the equivalent of digital thumb sucking. These people are so insecure that they must be in constant touch even about the most inane and insignificant topics at 70 MPH on the highways.

Virginia's recently enacted law (1 July 2013) on cellphones and texting while driving has had NO discernible impact. There is just no enforcement that I can see. The $125.00 fine just doesn't go far enough.