View Full Version : Elvis Presley is NOT the king of Rock N' Roll

08-16-2013, 02:07 PM
Normally, I do not care about the headlines at all, but today is the day Elvis died and he is being called The King Of Rock N' Roll. Elvis is not the King, Chuck Berry is. So here, enjoy this. Some of us know what Chuck sounds like, but watch him argue with Keith Richards, it's still funny year after year.

The King Of Rock N' Roll is alive and well!


08-16-2013, 08:09 PM
Chuck is unbelievable but what about T-Bone Walker and Bill Haley & his Comets they were even before him.

08-16-2013, 08:19 PM
FINALLY someone agrees. CHUCK FTMFW!!

08-16-2013, 08:41 PM
Let me here some of the Rock n Roll music...

1 Bad Merc
08-16-2013, 11:05 PM
I totally disagree with you -Elvis is the King!

No one sang as many songs as he did plus he was singing different types of music from rock n roll to the blues to gospel!!! He then went on to do movies, etc.

He could do it all and frequently did.

08-16-2013, 11:34 PM
Chuck is unbelievable but what about T-Bone Walker and Bill Haley & his Comets they were even before him.

They are great, but they aren't the kings.

FINALLY someone agrees. CHUCK FTMFW!!


Let me here some of the Rock n Roll music...

I lesser known song, but one of my favorites.... because of the content.


I totally disagree with you -Elvis is the King!

No one sang as many songs as he did plus he was singing different types of music from rock n roll to the blues to gospel!!! He then went on to do movies, etc.

He could do it all and frequently did.

Disagree, Elvis was great, but he was not the King. To me he was the first "Pop Star" but some say Frank Sinatra was. Chuck played NOTHING, but Rock n' Roll, wrote all of his own songs... Elvis was a performer, he never wrote a single song. He chose what songs he wanted to do, never wrote anything. pretty much like Britney Spears. Image sold. Elvis performed Rock N' Roll songs especially the Sun era before he went with RCA in 1956.

I don't know how many times I have to explain this... Rock N' Roll is musically simplistic and has pretty strict rules. 12 bar blue, 1-4-5 or 1-6-4-5 chord structures with 1-1-2-1 lyrics. That's pretty much it. Elvis was all over the board with chord structures, thus NOT ROCK N' ROLL.

The second man in line for Rock N' Roll is Jerry Lee Lewis, but that's my opinion. Chuck is the King, fact. :P

08-16-2013, 11:58 PM
You are allowed to post your opinion even if it goes against the grain.

08-17-2013, 01:07 AM
Jimmie hendrix and Ernie isley are My Favorite.

08-17-2013, 04:03 AM
Elvis was labeled the King in his generation for various reasons.....

Yes he was a showman and was bigger than life with his Vegas act and earlier movie career. It's a package deal....

And in his day, Elvis was indeed the king.....

cat in the hat
08-17-2013, 04:36 AM
History has already made it's judgement on this ;)

Ozark Marauder
08-17-2013, 06:18 AM
It's probably a generational thing.....

1940's http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=diCdzy14kds

1950's http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzYRKJvQqpU

No mention of Little Richard?


08-17-2013, 07:10 AM
Elvis was the complete package. (Of course, he didn't have the talent of Justin Beiber. JOKE.)

But, for pure r/r era male singers, I still vote for Roy Orbison (my favorite Roy song, "In Dreams") with Jackie Wilson (favorite, Danny Boy) as a close second.

This is a video of Roy doing In Dreams later on in his carrer. Voice went downhill a bit, but he's still The Man.

Check out the backround musicians, including Jackson Browne, T Bone Burnett, Elvis Costello, k.d.Lang, Bonnie Raitt, J.D. Souther, Bruce Springsteen, Tom Waits and Jennifer Warnes.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpag e&v=Q-Rprvb4IeY

Roy sings with Springsteen


SC Cheesehead
08-17-2013, 07:21 AM
Elvis was the complete package. (Of course, he didn't have the talent of Justin Beiber. JOKE.)

But, for pure r/r era male singers, I still vote for Roy Orbison (my favorite Roy song, "In Dreams") with Jackie Wilson (favorite, Danny Boy) as a close second.

This is a video of Roy doing In Dreams later on in his carrer. Voice went downhill a bit, but he's still The Man.

Check out the backround musicians, including Jackson Browne, T Bone Burnett, Elvis Costello, k.d.Lang, Bonnie Raitt, J.D. Souther, Bruce Springsteen, Tom Waits and Jennifer Warnes.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpag e&v=Q-Rprvb4IeY

Roy sings with Springsteen


+1 on Roy O. "In Dreams" is my all-time favorite of his stuff.

08-17-2013, 07:24 AM
that's awesome ^^

08-17-2013, 09:30 AM
Hi Motorhead350

Elvis is not the King, Chuck Berry is.

Chuck Berry would have been nothing if it wasn't for Marty McFly.



08-17-2013, 09:35 AM
Hahahaha!!!!! ^^^^^^^

08-17-2013, 09:49 AM
Chuck was a r/r pioneer, no doubt.

But, this guy could also be considered a r/r originator.

Bo Diddley.

(I'll bet you can't keep your foot from moving listening to this song.)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpag e&v=BKYSAfbOCPc

In 1957, I borrowed a friend's Bo Diddley album, and recorded it on my reel/reel tape player using a microphone as an input device.

I was 15.

My mom played "DJ" and announced some of the songs, and my dad could be heard in the background yelling "that music stinks".

That's the only voice recording I have of them.

08-17-2013, 10:06 AM
Here's a 6 minute "Pretty Woman" with Roy, Bruce, etc.

(Goes into a 3-4 minute instrumental at the 2:30 mark.)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpag e&v=_PLq0_7k1jk&list=PL6D1A48F81A6644B9

I have this DVD "Black and White Night". If you like Roy's music, I highly recommend it.

08-17-2013, 10:46 AM
This Guy Changed Barry's and Diddleys Diapers ; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eM3PuXDpKiA

08-17-2013, 10:46 AM
Chuck is a musician and the king of rock n roll. Elvis was a very popular performer. Two very different things in my mind.

08-17-2013, 10:52 AM
Normally, I do not care about the headlines at all, but today is the day Elvis died and he is being called The King Of Rock N' Roll. Elvis is not the King, Chuck Berry is. So here, enjoy this. Some of us know what Chuck sounds like, but watch him argue with Keith Richards, it's still funny year after year.

The King Of Rock N' Roll is alive and well!


Just watched hail hail again last night lol

08-17-2013, 11:04 AM
Normally, I do not care about the headlines at all, but today is the day Elvis died and he is being called The King Of Rock N' Roll. Elvis is not the King, Chuck Berry is. So here, enjoy this. Some of us know what Chuck sounds like, but watch him argue with Keith Richards, it's still funny year after year.

The King Of Rock N' Roll is alive and well!


Great clip! Thanks for sharing. Enjoyed listening & made me smile.

1 Bad Merc
08-17-2013, 11:28 AM
They are great, but they aren't the kings.


I lesser known song, but one of my favorites.... because of the content.


Disagree, Elvis was great, but he was not the King. To me he was the first "Pop Star" but some say Frank Sinatra was. Chuck played NOTHING, but Rock n' Roll, wrote all of his own songs... Elvis was a performer, he never wrote a single song. He chose what songs he wanted to do, never wrote anything. pretty much like Britney Spears. Image sold. Elvis performed Rock N' Roll songs especially the Sun era before he went with RCA in 1956.

I don't know how many times I have to explain this... Rock N' Roll is musically simplistic and has pretty strict rules. 12 bar blue, 1-4-5 or 1-6-4-5 chord structures with 1-1-2-1 lyrics. That's pretty much it. Elvis was all over the board with chord structures, thus NOT ROCK N' ROLL.

The second man in line for Rock N' Roll is Jerry Lee Lewis, but that's my opinion. Chuck is the King, fact. :P

You are kidding me right? Elvis = Brittney Spears???????? No frickin way......Elvis had more talent in his' pinkie then Britney has in her whole body. Do you believe Elvis ever lipped synced a song?

Elvis glamorized rock n roll and helped to mainstream it. Without Elvis you would never have the popularity that helped the growth of rock n roll. He pushed the performance boundaries and got in trouble for his' antics. This allowed other people to come in after him and create the entertainment experience -not just a guy standing behind a microphone singing some lyrics.

Just because you are a purist does not allow you to condem all other aspects of rock n roll. Just my .02!

Also Buddy Holly was better then Jerry Lee Lewis!!!! :P

08-17-2013, 10:01 PM
Buddy Holly over Jerry Lee??? Thems fightin works jack! Buddy was great, but he was no rocker. He made nice Pop music.

I saw Bo Diddely on his last tour, sad, but I saw him before he went out. He was great too. Little Richard had the best voice and every in Rock n roll of all time.

Cool thread this turned out to be. Roy Orbison has the best voice in Pop... to me.

Chuck is and will always be the king. NO ONE ever mixed Country, Blues and Hillbilly before him.

08-17-2013, 10:02 PM
http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4PAXDHd9gkY&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D4PA XDHd9gkY

Here is who Little Richard ripped off. I wish more knew this cat.

08-18-2013, 12:24 AM
Elvis glamorized rock n roll and helped to mainstream it. Without Elvis you would never have the popularity that helped the growth of rock n roll.


~ “Before Elvis there was nothing.” — John Lennon

08-18-2013, 12:31 AM
That's because he was.... well I cannot say.

If you know your history, you will know why Elvis was on radio and TV a lot more often than Chuck.

1 Bad Merc
08-18-2013, 12:37 AM
That's because he was.... well I cannot say.

If you know your history, you will know why Elvis was on radio and TV a lot more often than Chuck.

Well I can say it -"Because he was Good Looking" :eek:

And how do you know there were not people better then Chuck because of the history of the time????

It all becomes just a game of semantics -doesnt it?????

Elvis is and will always be the KING !!!!!

08-18-2013, 01:03 AM
Yes it had to do with looks, lets leave it at that or we can go full detail at the bbq.

Chuck is King. Where is your dad? He should back me up. If it was not for Chuck, Elvis would have still been driving a truck.

08-18-2013, 06:26 AM
If Roy had been good looking and had a few "moves", who knows what might have been?

08-18-2013, 09:09 AM
Since there is no actual "crown" everyone is left with nothing but an opinion.

Say what you want Elvis is second behind the Beatles for all time gross sales.



"Describe Elvis Presley? He was the greatest who ever was, is or ever will be."
Chuck Berry


08-18-2013, 09:47 AM
Since there is no actual "crown" everyone is left with nothing but an opinion.

Say what you want Elvis is second behind the Beatles for all time gross sales.



"Describe Elvis Presley? He was the greatest who ever was, is or ever will be."
Chuck Berry


The right look at the right time with the proper level of talent.

Could say the same thing for Elvis and The Beatles, but I choose E first.

cat in the hat
08-18-2013, 11:13 AM
Chuck is and will always be the king. NO ONE ever mixed Country, Blues and Hillbilly before him.

Actually, dozens of guys were jumping on that sound before Chuck Berry. It was already a huge fad by the late 40's. Nobody "originates" these things, they evolve over time from the contributions of many.



Yes it had to do with looks, lets leave it at that or we can go full detail at the bbq.

Probably had at least as much to do with his juvenile felony convictions for armed robbery and carjacking.

Guys who "looked like" Chuck Berry were getting a lot of play for years before he put out "Maybelline" in '55, while other guys who "looked like" Gene Krupa and Robert Mitchum took huge hits to their careers for bullcrap arrests for possession of weed.

I know it's hard to believe now, while murderers and rapists are making millions from an adoring, mainstream public, but people took that stuff seriously in those days.

08-19-2013, 04:41 AM
You can fight over who was or isn't the 'King' all you want.

But, do not forget that....

Lemmie is GOD!!!

08-19-2013, 03:23 PM
Actually, dozens of guys were jumping on that sound before Chuck Berry. It was already a huge fad by the late 40's. Nobody "originates" these things, they evolve over time from the contributions of many.



Probably had at least as much to do with his juvenile felony convictions for armed robbery and carjacking.

Guys who "looked like" Chuck Berry were getting a lot of play for years before he put out "Maybelline" in '55, while other guys who "looked like" Gene Krupa and Robert Mitchum took huge hits to their careers for bullcrap arrests for possession of weed.

I know it's hard to believe now, while murderers and rapists are making millions from an adoring, mainstream public, but people took that stuff seriously in those days.

AWESOME STUFF! Finally, someone knows what I am talking about.

I like the videos you posted, but that's more the roots of Rock N' Roll. That's still Southern Swing, but Rocket 88 was the first rock n' roll song. The song was done by ike Turner though and Jackie Brenston sang it... a lotta times Jackies name is on the record, but it's Ike's band.

You can fight over who was or isn't the 'King' all you want.

But, do not forget that....

Lemmie is GOD!!!

This is true.


Lemmy uses the Rock n' Roll formula with 12 bar blues!