View Full Version : I almost traded my marauder this morning when I saw this:

Comin' in Hot
09-08-2013, 07:15 PM
I was a Cars and Coffee Lehigh Valley this morning and I saw this

http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b335/Witman40/28EF863D-0955-46EB-9AA4-02AB0F7AB693-638-000000707CB0ED32_zps9773deac.j pg

http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b335/Witman40/E6A54AE7-773B-42D5-80BD-D1709F54B36D-638-00000070865032F0_zps2d237867.j pg

http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b335/Witman40/C848563C-428B-427F-9528-2738C0D02869-638-000000708F609FD8_zps583fef76.j pg

This tucker is a replica, it's fiberglass and has a front mounted 350, but it's still beyond awesome.

It was just at bonneville in August and still has salt on time from running there.

It was also just rented and will be seen in Sin City 2.

09-08-2013, 07:19 PM
I'd own that in a minute!!!!!!!!!!

09-08-2013, 07:42 PM
I'd trade my marauder for that.

09-08-2013, 08:12 PM
Real Tuckers go for a million.

09-08-2013, 08:17 PM
Real Tuckers go for a million.

Bring yours to atlanta:banana2:

09-08-2013, 08:32 PM
Replica??? It's not one from the movie is it??? I think they made several for the stunts. Replica or not chrome, trim and trinkets, are they authentic??? Glad it's not on 22's. AWESOME!!! I've seen one in person, had to touch it(without the owner seeing ofcourse...) Incredible automobile!!!! I'd own this one with pride too!!!

09-08-2013, 10:12 PM
In 1949 I was working for a Pontiac dealer in Louisville as a " pick- up" driver. Special orders were shipped to Cincinnati where we drivers picked them up and drove them to Louisville for final detailing--- special logo paint jobs, etc. I had flown to Cincy to pick up a hearse and it was damaged during unloading, so I cashed in my return airline ticket and decided to keep the money and hitch- hike home. I got a ride across the river into Kentucky and was trying for a ride non- stop home. Pontiac supplied us with special IDs identifying us as company drivers and a folding cardboard sign with the Pontiac logo on it. I was about to give up hope when I saw a 3 headlight grill coming at me--- it was a Tucker !!!!! The driver stopped a d asked how far I was going and I told him. He checked my ID and asked me if was experienced driving fast cars--- I told him yes ( I' be had 1948 Pontiacs well over 100 on some of my drives. He said he had been driving all nite and needed to get some sleep and asked if I would drive the Tucker to Louisville while he slept. You bet !!! After I got in the driver's seat and got checked out on the controls, he asked if I saw a string hanging down from the mirror and disappearing towards the back of the car. He told me to pull down on it--- to my surprise, a white roller shade slid down the rear window-- lemblazoned on it in bright red was " SO LONG SUCKER , YOU HAVE BEEN PASSED BY A TUCKER" then he told me to pull it down every time I passed a Caddie, Chrysler or Lincoln---- and to pass every one I saw at whatever it took. Well, he got his sleep and I had a ball--- the Tucker was so far ahead.of it's time it was like stepping into a rocket ship. My top speed for the trip was about 110 mph and I passed a lot of big cars. When we got to Luoisville, he gave me $ 10 and thanked me and drove off. No body believed me til I showed them his business card with a written invitation to visit the plant---- Oh , how I wish I hadn't lost that card :-(. And that is how a teenager got to drive the hottest car around. Just another of an old man's stories to be told to his great grandchildren. Thanks for listening. Maury

09-09-2013, 04:40 AM
Thanks for sharing Maury!

Comin' in Hot
09-09-2013, 07:33 AM
here is an article about the builders


09-09-2013, 07:46 AM
In 1949 I was working for a Pontiac dealer in Louisville as a " pick- up" driver. Special orders were shipped to Cincinnati where we drivers picked them up and drove them to Louisville for final detailing--- special logo paint jobs, etc. I had flown to Cincy to pick up a hearse and it was damaged during unloading, so I cashed in my return airline ticket and decided to keep the money and hitch- hike home. I got a ride across the river into Kentucky and was trying for a ride non- stop home. Pontiac supplied us with special IDs identifying us as company drivers and a folding cardboard sign with the Pontiac logo on it. I was about to give up hope when I saw a 3 headlight grill coming at me--- it was a Tucker !!!!! The driver stopped a d asked how far I was going and I told him. He checked my ID and asked me if was experienced driving fast cars--- I told him yes ( I' be had 1948 Pontiacs well over 100 on some of my drives. He said he had been driving all nite and needed to get some sleep and asked if I would drive the Tucker to Louisville while he slept. You bet !!! After I got in the driver's seat and got checked out on the controls, he asked if I saw a string hanging down from the mirror and disappearing towards the back of the car. He told me to pull down on it--- to my surprise, a white roller shade slid down the rear window-- lemblazoned on it in bright red was " SO LONG SUCKER , YOU HAVE BEEN PASSED BY A TUCKER" then he told me to pull it down every time I passed a Caddie, Chrysler or Lincoln---- and to pass every one I saw at whatever it took. Well, he got his sleep and I had a ball--- the Tucker was so far ahead.of it's time it was like stepping into a rocket ship. My top speed for the trip was about 110 mph and I passed a lot of big cars. When we got to Luoisville, he gave me $ 10 and thanked me and drove off. No body believed me til I showed them his business card with a written invitation to visit the plant---- Oh , how I wish I hadn't lost that card :-(. And that is how a teenager got to drive the hottest car around. Just another of an old man's stories to be told to his great grandchildren. Thanks for listening. Maury

That is an amazing story. Thanks for sharing!

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09-09-2013, 09:23 AM
Great story,
Got to be one of those once in a lifetime events that just dont happen to everyone

QUOTE=cruzer;1329662]In 1949 I was working for a Pontiac dealer in Louisville as a " pick- up" driver. Special orders were shipped to Cincinnati where we drivers picked them up and drove them to Louisville for final detailing--- special logo paint jobs, etc. I had flown to Cincy to pick up a hearse and it was damaged during unloading, so I cashed in my return airline ticket and decided to keep the money and hitch- hike home. I got a ride across the river into Kentucky and was trying for a ride non- stop home. Pontiac supplied us with special IDs identifying us as company drivers and a folding cardboard sign with the Pontiac logo on it. I was about to give up hope when I saw a 3 headlight grill coming at me--- it was a Tucker !!!!! The driver stopped a d asked how far I was going and I told him. He checked my ID and asked me if was experienced driving fast cars--- I told him yes ( I' be had 1948 Pontiacs well over 100 on some of my drives. He said he had been driving all nite and needed to get some sleep and asked if I would drive the Tucker to Louisville while he slept. You bet !!! After I got in the driver's seat and got checked out on the controls, he asked if I saw a string hanging down from the mirror and disappearing towards the back of the car. He told me to pull down on it--- to my surprise, a white roller shade slid down the rear window-- lemblazoned on it in bright red was " SO LONG SUCKER , YOU HAVE BEEN PASSED BY A TUCKER" then he told me to pull it down every time I passed a Caddie, Chrysler or Lincoln---- and to pass every one I saw at whatever it took. Well, he got his sleep and I had a ball--- the Tucker was so far ahead.of it's time it was like stepping into a rocket ship. My top speed for the trip was about 110 mph and I passed a lot of big cars. When we got to Luoisville, he gave me $ 10 and thanked me and drove off. No body believed me til I showed them his business card with a written invitation to visit the plant---- Oh , how I wish I hadn't lost that card :-(. And that is how a teenager got to drive the hottest car around. Just another of an old man's stories to be told to his great grandchildren. Thanks for listening. Maury[/QUOTE]

09-09-2013, 02:45 PM
Thanks for sharing that story Maury.
Jerry I will bring my Tucker to ATL but I think a lot of people will be mad. It is a DTR.
It is not a Marauder.
For $5,000.00 I will let you drive it.
ON the ATL track if you want.

09-09-2013, 05:19 PM
Absolutely amazing Maury. Thank you for sharing:beer:

Any chance of posting a copy of that card, I am a sucker for nostalgia.
Are you coming to MVXI and taking me up on my offer of me being in the passenger seat??:bows:

09-09-2013, 06:34 PM
Great story, Maury. Thank you for posting it.

09-09-2013, 06:46 PM
Wow, Maury!!

I vote that you get your own forum in Marauder Community.

09-18-2013, 08:44 AM
Great story, Maury. Thank you for posting it.

Wow, Maury!!

I vote that you get your own forum in Marauder Community.

Absolutely amazing Maury. Thank you for sharing:beer:

Plus one, wow! :beer:

Comin' in Hot
09-18-2013, 11:21 AM
Wow, that's a great story Maury!!!