View Full Version : Almost smoked a Ford Escort

03-27-2004, 09:46 PM
Well guys...I was actually scared by something tonight. My friend and I are just out cruzin' around and a Ford Escort (98 or so) flys by. Well, he sounds really rice and has REALLY dark tints. So...what the hell, we catch up a little bit to his right side. I flash my lights three times, and we both take off. I really quickly left him. I'm doing 65 in a 45 so I let off. Back down to 40, he comes up on me again. Ok, loser flyby...I jam it again, back up to 70 he's toast. Well he still wants to play and I'm thinkin "ok, this guy is just stupid. So he does another loser flyby and is gone. I see his brake lights come on and I think I'll just go past again. Well I start to catch up real quick and he guns it. Before I pass 70 again traffic starts to build up so I slack off and let him go...he's just a retard. I watched this guy almost a mile ahead weaving in and out of traffic. Must have been doing 95 or 100 mph. I was doing 60 (completely acceptable on this road) and he was moving real quick, everyone's brake lights are coming on, and I can hear his can. I turn off and found out he was actually on the same road. Small road this time. Curvy, tight, traffic, it's dark, and the speed limit is 25-35. Again, he's doing at least 80 or 90. He was scarin the poo out of me I didn't want to try to keep up.

Now I figure some Escort forum is going to have all about how V8s suck and how a Crown Vic got it's butt burnt. How sad. :shake:

03-27-2004, 09:52 PM
God I hope you live to see your 17th birthday, PLEASE SLOW DOWN, the life you save may be your own.

03-27-2004, 09:57 PM
I didn't go above 70, I kept my tone down and I was thinking of what ya'll would say. Pace of traffic keeps around 60 during the day, and here it is at 11 when this happened. almost no one was out. Cops do 60-65, I mean, you have to see the road because 45 is retarded. I know I know, no excuses...but don't think I was the one doin 95-100 like that fool. I do apologize, but I can't lie to ya'll about what happens. If I didn't post the stories I wouldn't get the critisism.

03-27-2004, 10:04 PM
Now I figure some Escort forum is going to have all about how V8s suck and how a Crown Vic got it's butt burnt. How . :shake:

Thats ok we now the truth:up:

Donny Carlson
03-27-2004, 10:14 PM
Almost smoked a Ford Escort

Yah, them things are hard to keep lit.:rasta:

03-27-2004, 10:21 PM
Cool James. Glad to see you used good judgement rather than trying to catch this goof.:beer:

03-28-2004, 06:05 AM
Almost smoked a Ford Escort

Almost only counts in Horse shoes and Hand grenades.


03-28-2004, 06:27 AM
Hey Woaface,

If you want to feel better, I'll race you with the Radio Flyer (1992 Escort wagon.)

I'm sure I couldn't out corner you in that old crappy car. If floored it, it would blow up, and if I pushed it into a corner, the tie-rods would break. Glad you kept a level head. You gotta live long enough to buy a MM so you can corner and SPANK idiots like that one.


03-28-2004, 07:09 AM
James, let them go they are not worth it. An Escort please what was that Idiot think. You did the right thing you had fun and back off when it got out of control.

But, it sounds to me like you did smoke him!! Good work.

03-28-2004, 07:21 AM
I tend to stick with smoking 'Romeo & Juliets' Escorts...err is that Ascots?:shake:

Either way, you're too young to smoke! And the chance of cancer is multipied three fold by smoking compact cars!

03-30-2004, 02:41 AM
Hey Jimmy, it's good that you kept your mind steady and didn't flip out and get all macho w/that guy while you were behind the wheel............. Cool.

03-30-2004, 06:56 AM
Forget all the "Truth" stuff guys! It's a lie!!!

I've seen 95 year olds that have been smokin' up their butt (not literally) since they were kids and they're still goin strong (in a hospital bed that is)