View Full Version : A "thoughts" thread

03-29-2004, 08:22 PM
-Taco Bell (toxic hell), Chick fa la and Jack in the Box are places that aren't exactly good for my health, I should never eat it as often as I do.
-I saw this REALLY dumb ad the other week. Who else is sick of just plain stupid ads? Ok, this lady, is gardening...with a LOAD of flowers around her, female voice comes on and says "isn't it strange how allergies just pop up on you at any time? Now introducing cryptocalgetrushus (may cause bloating, nausia, headache, cramps and stuffy nose)"

I didn't know whether to laugh really hard or throw a rock at my TV
:argue: :lol:
-I hope my car dies soon.
-Am I obsessed with Marauders? I mean...Marauder net is my home page on internet explorer, and the god's head is my icon. I skipped the background because a friend insisted I use something he made. At least I'll be healthier.
-For my birthday, I need to make a choice, and it's becoming difficult. I'm interested in a number of things, and I don't think my mom will let it be something for the car:shot: So! That leaves me with:
A.Dell DJ/Apple Ipod, MP3 Hard Drive...for all that illegal downloading (no, I do not seceretly grab Janet songs)

B. A $300 course at BMW for "new drivers" (15-18 with permit or license) teaches how to control a car, blah blah...all the good stuff and I get to speed around cones and through water in a 3 series BMW that's no more than a year or two old.

I'm leaning towards BMW but my mom thinks it'll only make me want to drive fast, where-as my dad has taken the course for older people, some business management thign (adds some cool stuff) and thinks it's a good idea.
-That's about it for now, I'll let you know when more comes to mind:cool:

03-29-2004, 11:15 PM
C'mon man, not your pet rock, eh? Tell me you threw another garden variety rock, please?

IMHO...Go to the BMW school if you can. Forget the car, remember your schooling. Driving is driving, eh? Down your road, it won't matter what your drove in school.

03-29-2004, 11:17 PM
I thought I taw a putty tat

03-29-2004, 11:34 PM
So, how many kilts are coming to MV2?

03-30-2004, 12:23 AM
Yabba Dabba Doo!

03-30-2004, 12:25 AM
Take the driving school:)

Make mistakes car you have no $$ in:)

03-30-2004, 06:46 AM
Yes! :D

03-30-2004, 06:46 AM
Ok, another two:

-I found the "delete" thing at the top. It was there ONCE yesterday. I haven't seen it since. It's kind of hard to miss...I know it's not where I'm looking right now! Grrrrr

-I am obessed....I use the smilies in my Lit papers for reviews...my teach doesn't mind though

Paul T. Casey
03-30-2004, 07:35 AM
1) Fast food isn't really bad for you.
2) TV remote does have an off button
3) To hasten it's death try some 7000 rpm hole shots
4) There is no such thing as Marauder obsession
5) Do both
6) What do you want to delete.
There, all your thoughts are answered, by a responsible adult.

03-30-2004, 07:45 AM
There, all your thoughts are answered, by a responsible adult.


03-30-2004, 09:10 AM
Take the driving school:)

Make mistakes car you have no $$ in:)
Bob Bondurant also offers a driving school that has a graduated program and price schedule. Top of the line is about a $2500.00 course for 3-4 days in high speed and pursuit driving. Might as well add that to the list for consideration -- if you don't ask, you'll never know.

03-30-2004, 11:37 AM
speaking of dumb ads...

Radio ad from a local car dealership:

"We know there's a lot of soldiers in the Killeen/Fort Hood area."

wow! really? you mean there's a lot of soldiers at one of the world's largest military posts? :uzi:

What a dumb a$$!

03-30-2004, 11:46 AM
speaking of dumb ads...

Radio ad from a local car dealership:

"We know there's a lot of soldiers in the Killeen/Fort Hood area."

wow! really? you mean there's a lot of soldiers at one of the world's largest military posts? :uzi:

What a dumb a$$!
But there are probably a whole lot less now than there was on 1 March with the departures of 1st Cavalry Division and until the rest of 4th ID (Mech) comes home. Such a large flux in population must be driving the local economy crazy.

03-30-2004, 11:56 AM
But there are probably a whole lot less now than there was on 1 March with the departures of 1st Cavalry Division and until the rest of 4th ID (Mech) comes home. Such a large flux in population must be driving the local economy crazy.

Ya know,.. I just moved here last Nov. I was never stationed here when i was in, but,.. you wouldn't know a whole Division is gone! I-190 is always packed with cars, Home Depot, Wally World, and the Mall parking lots have stayed full.

hmm,.. it appears that I have successfully derailed this thread. :shake:

Sorry Woa! :(

03-30-2004, 12:07 PM
Same thing happened here in Fayetteville,NC on Ft Bragg. About 15-20 thousand 82nd Airborne soldiers were gone to Afghanistan back after 9-11. They were gone for 8 months to a year.

Things were so quiet while they were gone. No more long lines, no more traffic, etc. But after they got back, Everything was busy again.

Silly Army. :)

03-30-2004, 12:45 PM
Ya know,.. I just moved here last Nov. I was never stationed here when i was in, but,.. you wouldn't know a whole Division is gone! I-190 is always packed with cars, Home Depot, Wally World, and the Mall parking lots have stayed full.

hmm,.. it appears that I have successfully derailed this thread. :shake:

Sorry Woa! :(
If you just got there in November .... you probably have not seen it crowded yet. The "Green Book" lists the population as 42,000 military and 3.500 civilians and you can probably add another 100,000 in wives and children for a total of about 150,000. Therefore, deployment of a division would only drop it to 135,000 or 130,000 give or take. So, you might not notice a huge drop.

I know for a fact that there is one less 1999 Mustang on the Central Texas Expressway. My son flew out 3 weeks ago.

Derailed this thread?? Absolutely. But I think Woaface got his input.

03-30-2004, 02:38 PM
1) Fast food isn't really bad for you.
2) TV remote does have an off button
3) To hasten it's try some 7000 rpm hole shots
4) There is no such thing as Marauder obsession
5) Do both
6) What do you want to delete.
There, all your thoughts are answered, by a responsible .1)I'll tell myself that, but it's :bs:I eat it often anyways:)
2)But the shows are so much better:lol:
3)As long as the tech can't say "um...someone did something really stupid to this car, that's why it's " I'll do it:D
5)I can only pick one...
6)A post

Thanks for the help, I'm mostly responsible...;)

I can't take a course at Bob Bondurant because it's too far away. BMW's track is 20 minutes from here.

Some of you got it, sorry I didn't specify...this is a thoughts thread for EVERYbody!:up:

Paul T. Casey
03-30-2004, 02:42 PM
You don't really want my thoughts, do you?

03-30-2004, 02:50 PM
well, number 3 anyways. I was being sarcastic number 2...number one is just number one, number 4 i'm thanking you, number 5 just letting you know and number 6 i'm answering your question:D

Paul T. Casey
03-30-2004, 03:11 PM
I meant my "other" thoughts. You know, the ones that creep into the back of your mind, especially when you're 1200 miles from home, and your wife left last week for another job. Brings me to spending too much time thinking about how to fabricate a cold ram air induction for the Marauder. I have ideas, a big plastic snorkel. I'm supposed to be working though. :o

03-30-2004, 03:29 PM
Derailed this thread?? Absolutely. But I think Woaface got his input.
Wasn't just a thread for me...but ok:shake:

03-30-2004, 04:12 PM
Well, I suppose we have come full circle now, perhaps made history in some way.

We have derailed a thread by making sense.

06-11-2004, 02:04 PM
*Drivers who sit at green lights even after a horn has been beeped twice and blasted once and then the light turns yellow and they still do nothing...do not deserve a license.:mad2:

*MM.Net is the coolest website on the www.!:up:

06-11-2004, 02:21 PM
1) Speaking of stupid ads, I almost puked last night (again) when I saw Ford's latest installment, also to the tune of "The Farmer in the Dell."

F***ing morons.

2) It's not really how hard you are beating the goat, but whether or not the goat you are beating is on fire.

I read that quote on the onion.com (it was one of the horoscopes) and it has been my email tagline ever since.


06-11-2004, 03:06 PM
The gadgets are obsolete almost the day you take them out of the static-wrap. Excellent driving habits and skills will last as long as you have a driver's license, and whomever you might help learn how to drive in the future (kids, girlfriends...)